Friday, August 7, 2015


Working doesn't equal an office job.

Anyone care to suggest outdoor jobs to our dear Jenna who must be blissfully unaware they exist?

1. Landscaping


  1. Dear Jenna,

    Did Ginger strike a nerve? Did you see a glimmer of the truth in her statement and have to shut it down with unnecessary vitriol? You know your illusion is running out of time. Your followers are almost as nasty as you are. What's the matter with all of you?

    1. What's the matter with all of them is what's the matter with a lot of younger people nowadays. A sense of entitlement.

    2. Her reply to Ginger was over the top and definitely said more about her than Ginger (using her logic). She's has such insecurities about her appearance but she fails to notice it's her inner self that's truly gruesome.

  2. Dear Ginger and Karen,


  3. 1. Surveyor
    2. Archaeologist
    3. Environmental scientists
    4. Mason
    5. Recreation worker
    6. Range Managers
    7. Conservationist
    8. Geographers
    9. Construction Manager
    10. Oceanographer
    11. Nature Photographer
    12. Forester
    13. National Park Interpreter
    14. Life Guard
    15. Botanist

    I'm stopping here, cause there are so many to chose from.

    BTW Jenna, if you are a graphic designer/writer/blogger/ad salesperson you DO have a desk job, which makes you no better than the cubical worker, so stop pointing fingers.

  4. Yeah, I thought this too. She has clearly noticed that her logo design work is her best path to regular cash income, since book advances and workshops are irregular sources. She's clearly written off producing farm products as a significant source of either income or savings; that wasn't enough chickens to make a dent in her own freezer or in sales income, and she cheerfully neglects her garden. When her goat's milk soap sold out quickly on Facebook earlier this season I thought she was on to something -- that she would seize the opportunity, further monetize her relationship with her many followers, and go get a whole bunch of third party milk if that's what it took and get into larger-scale production. But the profit margin on it must have been too low for her taste. Discounting logos that will be done in a couple months and pre-selling a year's worth of workshops to raise fast cash is such a foreboding sign -- she's just utterly spent in the areas in which she generates real cash income.

    I remember Jenna once getting feisty when a commenter suggested she might qualify for welfare or similar household assistance. Jenna responded that she wasn't poor, she was broke. Making the distinction that she generates plenty of cash flow, but she spends it just as fast. Everyone likes to dog her for her dumb small purchases, of which there are many. But she's probably just got too big of a mortgage to handle with the income she's willing to produce. She's proud of the 5 years she's held onto it, and I have to say that I'm impressed too; she's got spunk and nerve aplenty. I just don't see how this ongoing aversion to making money will ever end with a paid-off mortgage and a cushion for a rainy day. Jenna would claim that I must be an awfully miserable person to have put this much thought into her life situation. But farm economics and personal finance are just interesting to me, and I'm saying this without malice or judgment ... and all the confidence in the world that this cannot end well.

    (not the Karen who posted the comment on her blog, though rock on to that Karen too)

    1. I also thought she might develop the goat's milk soap into something more. At least she would have a legitimate product. That's something she could have sold in local shops/farmer's markets as well. But honestly, that's all a little too much work for her, I think. The logo business comes across as being half-hearted-- she only ever promotes them on FB/blog-- a limited audience. If she put an ad somewhere, magazine or online, she might get more customers.

  5. Here is a question: Why is JW suddenly letting negative comments through her blog again? This one was something she woul dhave deleted in the past:

    happytobe said...

    I agree with ginger and you should be embarrassed begging for money which is what you are doing no matter what funding vehicle you call it...earn it yourself...which you also say you are?

    There must be something in it for her; otherwise, she wouldn't do it.

    1. Because it gets her a ton of positive feedback and support from her loyal followers.

      Look how she turned Ginger's comment into a circus for her own benefit--- everyone tells Jenna she's just and wonderful and then Jenna feels vindicated. It also serves as a warning to all the Ginger's out there: don't tell Jenna to get a job, she'll publicly humiliate you and sick her rabid fans on you to finish you off.

  6. Thanks for your well thought out comment, Karen. I think that your analysis of the flaws in her business model is correct. I'm also shocked at the deterioration of her moral character. When I began reading her blog I thought that she was an honorable, hardworking homesteader who wanted to live closer to the land because of a love for nature. However, she's become a parody of her original vision of herself. Now, instead of being self-sufficient or at least pretending to be, she openly rips off other people and crows about it publicly. She buys makeup, hair coloring, expensive glasses and take out pizza with the proceeds of her truck fund raiser. Obviously she NEVER needed a root canal or had trouble paying the electric bill. How is she a homesteader or a farmer? She's not even bothering to create a good story anymore - she's just a beggar, like a street panhandler I saw recently with a sign that said, "I need a beer". I am amazed that her followers don't see the manipulation, greed and contradictions. She's also mean spirited and rude, and her new group of followers are appalling, deranged and somewhat violent.

  7. She could make good money cleaning houses. My cleaning lady gets $25/hour. Yes, I am a Poodle. I got that way by working hard and paying my own way.

  8. When Jenna first quit her job, she wrote a post about her business plan. She wrote that if she conducted X number of workshops per year, at X number of dollars a person and a projected number of participants, that she could make as much as she did at Orvis.

    Either her projections failed, or her expenses far exceeded her income.

    I wonder if workshop attendance has dropped? Maybe the novelty has worn off. I live a good 10-12 hour drive from her, but considered attending a workshop, not to learn a skill, but to meet one of my then favorite authors. I thought it would be a fun experience.

    Since she wasn't posting the costs at the time, instead asking to email her for more information, I did. Never heard back from her. That is when I first got an inkling that she wasn't what she claimed to be.

    Also, I wondered why a web designer wouldn't have a professional looking business website, with online workshop signup and payment. Just that stupid 'donate' button.

    The rest is history. She has no business sense at all. I just wonder how long the beg-fest can go on.

  9. JW: "Holly, you are dead right. I shouldn't (respond to people like Ginger). My response to Ginger was a build up of years of hearing from people leave similar comments. Thank you for your sweet message."

    Gee, you'd think if people of all walks were telling you the same thing for years, maybe you'd listen to their advice.

  10. Why doesn't she go get a job at another farm that does real farming? Certainly in her area there are plenty of jobs available, even if only seasonal. Or pick up shifts at all the places she claims to love to go and gab with friends...the feed store, the bookstore, the ice cream place. Hell, if she got a job at the feed store, I'm sure she'd get an employee discount. Making money AND saving money. ~AM

    1. She won't get a job like that because it wouldn't pay enough. She likes to get her money in large chunks. She told me as much in a private email. Like when she sells a pig share or a workshop or gets a book deal. Or when she cries poor and donations come flooding in.
