Monday, August 17, 2015


I always practice archery...and when I do it's in the direction of the majority of my animals.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously though, Forbes magazine and other sources detail how to exploit blogging to make money. She is very smart by using multi-media, I think in some ways the negative press of this blog may actually be helping her as it pits the sane (us) vs. the insane (JW enablers and sycophants). JW will occasionally write about this blog and that too will drive revenue into her budget. JW has already built a brand, so dancing in an expensive kilt and buying items while drunk and not able to meet adult expectations is a part of the brand, like coke, you are getting what is in the CAF can. What to do? Her model is UN-sustainable, as this blog (and others) archive her malfeasance eventually anyone who feels in the slightest way burned by her (namely everyone except major enablers) will dig a little and find the sordid back story. That said, continue to post reality checks to reviews etc. but know that once she has reached critical mass (and her quick success at funding her fake book and the old truck in record time show that she has) she may be going on momentum. And frankly, even the detractors and pissed are still watching her life because it is so crazy and entertaining on a really weird level. Call me Ginger!
