Monday, August 17, 2015

Sheep escapes and selfie sticks


Jenna your live is one big selfie stick.

Have you watched any of your blogs recently?

Are you being serious or kidding.

I really can't grasp how completely ignorant and blind you must be of your own existence to make that statement.

People have given you how much over the years? $50,000? $100,000? ...and you still can't build or have built a fence that safely contains your sheep?

You need to drive that new gifted truck to a fence workshop. Stop hosting garbage and start learning and applying yourself. What a waste.


  1. The shortage of selfie sticks hasn't been an impediment to her blitzing all her social media sites in an effort to pump her audience for compliments. Jenna's new less-bloated physique from all angles updated daily. She's absolutely in love with herself and addicted to hearing people tell her how hot she is now....even if they're nasty old goats OD'd on Viagra.

  2. I think JW is looking for a husband. That's behind the new professional photos, the exercise/weight loss, etc. I believe JW is lonely, and at age 33, doesn't want to turn age 43 and still be alone, which will turn into being age 53 alone, age 63 alone, etc.

    JW has zero capacity for solitude, so being age 33 (and let's face it, homely looking if not unattractive) single and alone must be especially difficult for her. We all know bodies and looks decline after age 30, with few exceptions.

    A husband with farm/life experience would also be a great asset to JW's life and farm. JW has no apparent farming skills, just trial and error, with heavy on the error. JW has no mechanical ability to fix things on the farm, like making truck repairs.

    And now it seems like JW has a drinking problem.

    So JW needs some compassion. Keep that in mind. I can't imagine any man could put up with her personality, even getting past her looks. So JW is facing a lifetime alone. Once the fans go away, and the donations stop, JW will have a serious crisis.
