Monday, August 24, 2015

60% of the pigs calories

60% of 4 pigs calories?

I call bs...that or the pigs aren't eating enough of the right calories.


  1. From her chicken dinner post:

    "A brooder handmade by the Daughton Family as a gift to Cold Antler years before when I first moved to this home in Jackson. And when rats chewed through the worn plywood years later it was the ladies at Windwomen Farm who delivered hardware cloth and supplies to make it critter proof for this years batch!"

    Good lord, she cannot even patch the hole in the brooder by herself?!!!

    1. Plus I recall a blog post about her buying that brooder.

      She's been drinking her own kool-aid for far too long

  2. Hey, if she's so broke like she claims, what is she doing with contact lenses? Contacts are expensive. I had to give up contacts and go back to glasses because of the cost. But then again, I don't have other people paying my bills.

  3. Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "60% of the pigs calories":

    She isn't broke...claimed elsewhere to make $50-$75K/year. What I want to know is, if she's getting all of her fans to buy everything for her, fix everything for her, pay all of her bills, & she's obviously not making any improvements to her property...what on earth IS she doing with her money? Spending it all on ham sandwiches, new puppies, and hair dye??

  4. Isn't it interesting that she's trying to show how self sufficient she is all the sudden when she's gone through thousands of dollars the last thirty days. Truck, repairs, dog, vets, new glasses, shirts, makeup, hair dying, and so on. Yeah right, ooh, look at frugal gal go! She fixed a cord and is feeding her pigs crap. She is practically Joel Salatins twin sister now!

  5. I would imagine the goats don't produce much. They've been in milk since late May, I believe, and she reduces production further by milking once a day. Apples and cooking scraps? Probably not the most energy dense feed and high in water content. 60% seems highly unlikely-- but hey! it gives her something to brag about and swell with undeserved pride.

    1. Exactly Anon 12:12...where's the protein, where's the nutrients, where's all the stuff that helps meat animals gain weight. Apples and kitchen crap scraps ain't gonna cut it.

      I'm a single woman and cook at home a lot more than she does and my kitchen scraps are barely enough of a treat for my hens let a lone multiple growing pigs.

      Plus, a meat animal needs about 3% of their body weight per feeding to grow. If her pigs weigh 125 pounds that's 7-1/2 pounds of feed per animal per day.

      If your not giving them what they need to grow it's just bulk to fill their stomachs. No wonder it takes her so long to get those pigs to a butcherable weight.

      Can't imagine what any meat tastes like coming from her place.

      The best compliment I ever got was I sure know how to raise a lamb, chicken, pig worth eating. Raising quality meat is not an accident, it's a well thought out and executed plan. Something JW doesn't do.

  6. She does enjoy swelling with pride, and standing taller.

  7. So what's with the poodle-ization of JW? Contact lenses? Makeup? Hair dye? We never hear her refer to herself as feral anymore.

    And why does the "confirmed bachelorette" have a account?

    And why does someone who lists their income at 50-75k always complain about being broke?

  8. Well...the monthly workshop hawk has been posted. This time she included the prices and boy are they high.

    Our local Grainge has an all day cheese making workshop and it was only $45 and we got to take home 3 different kinds of cheese. Now that's what I call value.

    Can't imagine what JW will present that is worth $100 - $250.

    1. Yet there are loonies who will come there from Michigan, these people are PATHETIC, all juts a bunch of internet communal hipster wannabees

  9. Yeah, I took a cheese making class a couple months ago and it was $55, which included a huge lunch spread and taking home a nice amount of cheese.

    1. Even the Grainge Bow Making workshop was 2 days, making a bow from a branch and learning basic archery. The guy teaching it has competitive archery experience so his expertise is far above JW, which would make it worth the cost.

      They also had a canning workshop for $55 that included jars, supplies and produce for whatever they were making, then you got to take home a dozen jars of different canned goods.

      i call that a good value also.

  10. This is a great blog: www. These people are real farmers, not beggars.

    1. Her book is great btw! The Dirty Life. I didn't always love the way she talked about her and her husband's relationship in the book but that's a personal preference and clearly they got through it and have a truly incredible local farming model. If I lived anywhere near there I'd want a membership.

  11. speaking of scams, in that vlog in which she has red hair, so its filmed recently, Gibson is running fast around normally on all paws as if she doesn't have stitches. I don't even see any legs/paws shaved. How do her fans not get this....... the shot of her with erd hair hugging Gibson up close shows no shaved paws. Whomever paid that vet bill should be FURIOUS. I hope it was a family member and not a fan. I would feel better if it was her family supporting her not people she is scamming.

  12. Gibson is a he, I meant!

  13. What a trip she is, man. Gibson sure made a full and speedy recovery from his "surgery". She carried him out the vets office on Friday and by Monday he's co-starring in the new CAF music video.

    His master, reeling from the dual unexpected financial blows of bringing Gibson back from the brink of death and getting her new crap-tastic beater street legal, has spent the day jogging, shooting videos and, inexplicably, taking selfies made up as Inigo Montoya.

    Far from being curious as to why Jenna seems to have so much leisure time for a person working so hard to hold their scrappy life together, her fans are simply in awe of her beauty. A poodle must not only fund her life, they are expected to worship her as well.

    1. I thought she was scared that Gibby was about to go to doggie heaven, to join all the other CAF animal victims, WTF, maybe it was about the money???$$$!!!

  14. Some psych researchers need to start tuning in to the JennaShow. It's gotta be a goldmine of mind control info.

    Kevin Messinger Dam. Self sufficient and a knock out. You should lead a revolution please! We defiantly need more!

  15. Oh goodness. That goat pen has a solid 2' of shit to be mucked out. I can't believe they don't hop right over that gate.

  16. You got it.. 2 feet of shit. That's pretty much her byline in her writing and her farming...

  17. I think if she really had a bad scratch on her eye, she'd show it-that would be JW's manipulative marketing scheme and history. If she was fibbing about it, or exaggerating, she'd wear the glasses, which she is. So let's see if she takes the glasses off.

  18. Hi poddle guys, listen, I just hit the lottery and want to give some of it to JW to make all of you really, REALLY upset. Can we please vote on what I can give her:
    1) full health insurance, a date with a hot intern and a new Kubota tractor to clean up all the shit
    2) a full time shrink, a date with a hot vet and someone to weed her garden
    3) a gift certificate for wood from Stewart's, a date with a hot mechanic and a new roast chicken recipe
    4) some time with Peter the hairdresser, a date with his hot straight brother and then another date with Peter's opthamologist.
    Vote poodles or else I give her a cool million

    1. As a poodle, I am highly offended. I mean, if you know a hot vet, please have him contact me.

  19. Design farm, word farm, workshop farm?

    When does she actually farm? Like grow or raise enough of a commodity to make a living. Cause without crops JW is just a designer that lives in the country on a few acres and dabbles with potted peas, a few chickens, a couple of goats and a trail horse.

  20. I see she is finally starting to see that she is nothing but a poodle.. the hair dye, sun glasses, the dancing to the camera... it's all a manic depressive skit. She is realizing that she needs to attract a different demographic...

    1. Or a husband. Guess the feral, not taking a shower for a week thing didn't pan out.

    2. Yes, it seems she's looking for a guy. The hair, makeup, contacts and account. Even the cleavage baring photo she posted. She seemed to enjoy the lascivious comments from the male readers but was very unhappy about the comments here.

      I did not see her post, but someone said she listed her income at 50-75k. If this is true, then she is deliberately misleading her readers into thinking she is broke.

      If it is not true, then she is deliberately trying to deceive a man into thinking she has a substantial income, to make herself more desirable.

      Either way, it is dishonest.

      So which is it? Broke or comfortable?

  21. Finally, someone who reviewed the One Woman Farm book called her out on some of her "business" practices. And she lives in her area. Maybe more people will see that considering the exposure of Amazon. Unfortunately the comments are not in the reader's original review, but are in the comments section. She has the review listed as the most helpful though, so it is the first one that comes up.
    I'm not sure if the link will come through to go right to that page but if not, just look at the first "helpful" one.

  22. It's a very long review, but here's the last paragraph:

    "The "By Brigid's Fire, what a grand life! My rabbits escaped and ate all of my crops because they're jerks, and my pigs keep escaping because they too are jerks! I design logos now, and they're on sale! Please pay in full up front, and I'll get back to you in 6-8 weeks with a design! I don't work at an office anymore - only poodles do that, and I'm a wolf! Please send me some money, or failing that, something from my Amazon Wishlist!" Jenna is intolerable. She's also a little dangerous. It's one thing to write a memoir about one's life. It's something else to increasingly sell oneself as a lifestyle EXPERT - to give advice and demand compensation, when none of your advice is sensible or reasonable. I'm all for allowing newbies to make mistakes, because that's how we learn, but I've also literally seen people give up their jobs to grow kale and fiddle, then wonder why the bills are all marked "Past Due." Jenna does it, right? Jenna makes a living? What am I doing wrong?! By the time they stop drinking the kool aid, it's too late."

  23. It's a great review and well worth reading. I wonder if she actually does know people who've quit their jobs to live the "jenna lifestyle?" Scary to think that might be the case.

  24. I just read through Jenna's AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit from last summer. I got to the end and thought it was appropriate for the current conversation.

    BARFNUTS: Do you appreciate life a lot more now you can do what you want? how much money were you making to just up and leave like that? I'm kinda jealous I don't make enough to just save for a few years then go live in the sticks.

    JENNA: I am making the same amount of money but working 10X harder. Worth it.


    Ignoring the fact that she says she works for the money, she did confirm that she is making the same amount of money now (or in June 2014) that she did working full-time for Orvis. So, maybe that Match profile is correct?

    1. That does not include all the gifts she receives or people who pay her bills. If you added it all up, her income would be much higher. Plus, she doesn't have to pay taxes on the gifts.

  25. Here's more from that entire comment from the Amazon reviewer, in case JW has some magical powers to take it down: "
    In reply to an earlier post on May 12, 2015 4:03:51 AM PDT
    Last edited by the author on Jun 19, 2015 4:30:32 AM PDT
    Kieri says:
    In the almost two years since I wrote that initial review, Woginrich has:

    a) Run a $15k Kickstarter to write a novel, saying that the money will cover her living expenses while she writes. She then immediately started posting that she was about to lose her home, truck, horse, etc. Oh, won't her readers send her some money to keep the farm afloat?! (Oh, and it sounds like she stopped writing that novel.)

    b) Become embroiled in the Great CSA/Webinar payback scandal - she ran a wool CSA into the ground due to carelessness and poor business practices (which, if you've never run a CSA, is not generally accepted as a reason not to deliver products). She had also sold readers on a subscription webinar, then produced only one episode of the expected series before giving up. When backers asked for their money back in both those cases, she stated that she couldn't afford to pay back more than a small amount...say, 10 bucks a month over the course of the next two years? She's also had a bad habit of "losing all her data" on these transactions and then telling customers that if they still expected product, they needed to reach out to HER and wait as long as two years to actually receive said product.

    c) Failed to prepare in any meaningful way for anything that a much-lauded homesteader/prepper normally would. For instance, we've had two very, very harsh winters here in upstate NY (Jenna, if you're reading this, I live like an hour away from you. I know the deal around here). Both winters, her blog turned into a constant cycle of begging and despair. Out of firewood, out of hay, pipes bursting...won't you send just a little money to help out? Join Clan Cold Antler with a small monthly donation, maybe? When readers started gently asking why she wasn't storing more hay, the answer was "I don't have the space." When readers responded, why don't you build a hay shed/repair your barn, the answer was "I just can't/doesn't make sense/I know what I'm doing!" (I fear that last bit is true. I fear that she knows EXACTLY what she's doing.)

  26. Sort of OT:

    Has she been prepping for winter at all? Every year there's a big drama about no firewood/heat and no hay or proper shelter for her animals.


    1. I have not heard about any firewood being cut. Unless of course that's what her heathen group did early this summer. I know I read something about all of them getting together and learning how to haul a log out of the woods. I haven't seen anything mentioned about building shelters for her animals before what is predicted to be a long cold winter. I also wonder whether or not any of the pipes will be fixed. Earlier this summer she was showering and squatting outside. I am not sure if that was a one time thing or?

      I'm in the Midwest and in the area I live in the only people who can afford horses, even one or two, have $ and have barns for their livestock. We don't experience the far extremes of weather like the east coast does. Albeit it is still very cold here and we get plenty of snow.

      There is one place around here I can think of where there are horses and the owner isn't very well off. He purchased two horses in the spring 2014 and then by fall he'd built a small barn for them. He used reclaimed wood and had an Amish man help him. They did some kind of barter for the labor and supplies. I've never in my life seen or heard of horses standing in a lean to over winter or for that matter pigs outside in the snow. But I believe that is how JW's animals spent last winter. I remember seeing a picture of her pigs huddled under snow and hay. I remember waterers being frozen ALL the time and her apparently hauling pails of whatever several times a day. This might happen with a first time farmer in their first year but not by a self-proclaimed expert who states she's been farming for 5+ years.

      I think this year will be the same as last only there might be another horse in the mix and of course another truck.

      I just read either today or yesterday that all she feeds her livestock is hay. This just can't be. I know sheep graze different grasses, I have no idea if her sheep graze. Pigs need pellets along with their usual slop. Their slop should vary and contain some fruit, veggies, bread, roots. I see her pigs and goats getting hay, and she speaks about the farm providing 60% of the pigs food. I'd be curious at to what the other 40% is and I wonder why as a "homesteader" she doesn't share more of this information.

  27. She didn't make that much at Orvis. Around the time she bought Merlin and quit her job, I emailed her a couple of times, trying to get her to think twice about what she was doing. She claimed that she was making about 2500 a month from Orvis, she had sold a book or two and was already doing some workshops and the wool CSA. She thought that she could sell more books, do more workshops, sell more wool, etc...and make up for the money from Orvis. I don't believe she ever made more than $40K a year.

    Now that she's looking for a man, she ought to give some thought to her online presentation. She has mentioned before that prospective dates have changed their mind after seeing her blog. I know she really likes the off color remarks she sometimes gets, but she doesn't seem to have much sense about men. Men who make that kind of remark to you aren't looking for a mate. Most of them probably wouldn't spend a minute alone with her. The others are trolling for something quick and meaningless. If she saw this, she would think I was trying to hurt her feelings, and it's just the opposite. I'm trying to prevent her feelings from being hurt.

    1. Redhorse...your thoughtfulness is sweet, but JW won't take the advise. I recall her stating that she goes about love the same way she goes about everything else in her life, with thoughtless abandon because that's how life should be lived, full throtle without thinking or considering the ramifications. Just do it or you're a coward.

      She seriously lacks self preservation.

    2. Yeah, if she was a horse, she wouldn't be rideable. I've done my share of living full throttle, but you really get banged up that way. Trust me, when you get past 60 you really feel it. I can't imagine what 60 will be like for her.

    3. I was in awe of how tickled she was when she finally got cat called for the first time in her life. It isn't a compliment, you ass.

    4. It bothers me because living life that way is a good way to end up as a one woman farm with a baby on your hip. I'm sure the donations would come rolling in like a tidal wave at that point. And imagine the drama that could be stirred up with DCFs as the wolves at the doors along with the bank. It gives me chills to think that she would go that far, but I also wonder how long she can go with this current line before too many people drift away to support her.

      She needs a new schtick and a baby would be just the ticket.

  28. Again with the angry vegetarian letter.

    How many times is she going to re-post that. If her stance is to not engage with angry vegetarians then what the hell is this letter for?

    Looks like engagement to me.

  29. So, to further muddy the speculation about what she might be pulling in or whether she's BS-ing on her match profile:

    From a 2012 reddit thread, responding to someone who wants to know how she found her farm and what her job is:

    [–]jwoginrich[S] 2 points 3 years ago
    found it through a realtor! on an online website. My job I just quit was a web designer for an outdoor retailer in Vermont. I made the same income as a high school teacher (around 37k) and had a 500 point credit score. I had to save, and pay off credit cards and debts, and earn and save up to get the place. YEs, Upstate NY.,

    2012 reddit link:

  30. Responding to a reader question on her blog about how she handles taxes:

    Blogger Jenna Woginrich said...
    I don't handle my taxes, but my accountant does! Since I am self employed I need to pay income tax on all design-earned income of course. All money that comes through paypal - be it a blog subscription, donation, or payment for a logo or workshop has income tax paid on it and I hire a professional to do it!

    August 26, 2015 at 7:01 PM

    No mention of taxes paid on chicken or pork shares.

  31. Now she's a one woman farm again? Just the other day it took a village make her chicken dinner.

    People buy logos based on THEIR need not yours, Jenna.

    How long before she descends on the intersections of Cambridge with Windex and a squeegee?

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 9h9 hours ago
    Logos are on sale now, and this one-woman farm sure could use the support going into winter.

  32. That Keiri gal is slamming her on the From Scratch reposting of that stupid angry vegetarian post last year.... Go to Facebook, look up from scratch and check the comments. Should be interesting.

    She's no farmer. She a hobbyist in the worse sense of the word, with a few bits of mismanaged livestock, a old horse and crappy garden that provides practically nothing. She is trying to be so many things, a lifestyle brand if you may and she just is pulling the wool over unsuspecting noobs that want something different in their lives. She is the how NOT to homestead poster child. Ugh. So annoying to those of us working hard at this.

    1. Well, she didn't mince words. The Amazon review is a well written opinion on the whole debacle that is CAF, also.

      Yeah, and thanks a lot of for reminding me of that Angry Veg letter-- I went and read it and am freshly irritated with her. I eat meat and even I admit the holes in her logic are big enough to drive a Sherman tank through. She seems to imply New York can't grow veggies or soybeans.....say what? There's enough soybeans growing in Washington Co. alone to bury her farm in legumes. Then the unbelievable description of her farm as a barnyard Garden of Eden, lush pastures and pigs rooting in the forest. Right. Please show me. And she has an awful lot to say about oil consumption for someone with two trucks in the driveway......

  33. She's unleashing the poodles on the From Scatch FB page. All she's ever done wrong is lead a happy life and owe some yarn money!!!!

  34. Hey there - I'm Kristin (the Amazon review and the From Scratch post). I do live about an hour to the west of her, and I can tell you that winter is going to come in hard and fast this year. The smart folks at NOAA say so, and all of the little signs that the old farmers warn us about are there too (apple trees overloading, sumac changing color in July, etc) and everyone around here is scrambling to prepare. I have noticed that Jenna has not made a single comment about putting in wood or hay, or shoring up her animal shelters.

    We raise chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, and goats up here, and I can tell you that in the last couple of years we've lost one bird to the cold (she got out of the coop and we couldn't get her back in before a deep freeze hit) and a couple of others to predators. That's it. Out of a large free-ranging flock, maybe five birds in two years. We made a lot of rookie mistakes our very first year and lost dozens of birds and rabbits. Our biggest rookie mistake was working with a Jenna Woginrich acolyte.

    This particular fan was part of the group of friends we started the farm with, and let me just put it this way - she started writing her farming memoir long before we actually bought the land we wanted. She did things like spend a fortune on soil amendments that she didn't know how to use, then insisted that we use seedy grass clippings as mulch because they were "free." She turned down good jobs that she was qualified for because farming for a living was her dreeeeeam. She wanted to start a 30-member CSA our first year, even though the only thing we could reliably grow were woody brassicas. She wanted a 60 year old tractor because it looked cool, but was secretly terrified of it and never learned to drive it. She insisted on raising meat animals, but couldn't bring herself to kill or butcher any of them. Worst of all, she immediately kicked her sick 10 year old housecat out to the barn because "there was no room for non-working animals here."

    Fortunately, she didn't last long. She burnt out 8 months after getting here and bugged out. Funnily enough, I think she's a vegan now. My point is, for Jenna to sell her lifestyle as a legitimate sustainable option that her fans should actually aspire to is disingenuous. Jenna's primary income is donations from her adoring fans. Shouldn't be hard for those fans to realize that that life is a snake eating its own freaking tail.

  35. Wow Kristen, that's some story. It sounds like you're better off without that kind of help.

  36. Godoy Jose has made an ominous sounding statement towards Meredith.

    "Nature has a plan... unfortunately people like you are in it."

  37. Does Jenna think it reflects well on her as an author that she encourages her fans to come to her defense and then sits back while they attack anyone who disagrees with her? Posts photos of people that have had NOTHING to do with Jenna at all?

    I wonder if Godoy Jose was the guy sexually harrassing the teenage daughter of someone who dared have a negative of opinion of Jenna?

  38. And she DID asked them to do it, the evidence is on her FB page. Sick sick sick.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Replies
    1. how do I get your email address?

    2. Seriously, how long is this going to go on? Gmail you the screen shot for what? So you can make yet another blog post about someone you don't even know? And you are how old? I've followed both blogs for a long time and it's honestly like a bad tv show. Yeah, Jenna makes some bonehead mistakes that I really don't get. I live a couple miles from her and no, I don't understand a lot of the things she does or the decisions she makes. But what I really don't understand is why in the hell you care so much. Do I think she should get a job? YUP! Do I think it's any of your business if she sells logos or wool hats online in lieu of a job? NO! For someone who cares so much about animals, you would think the focus of a blog would be to boycott factory know where hundreds and thousands of animals suffer and die horrible deaths everyday. Instead, you all sit here with your noses pointed in the air bitching about a single woman in Washington County NY. I really feel like there has to be something better you can all do with your lives than talk about Jenna's boobs or whether or not Gibson really needed stitches. If you don't agree, Meredith, feel free to look back at your blog posts. I can see very clearly that the one important issue here (Ayrshire Farm) is almost totally ignored by your blog followers. Your readers claim to care about animals and humane farming practices, but I see a totally different story here. You show pictures of starving, sickly pigs dying on a floor and...crickets...there's nothing said. But watch out! Jenna showed some boobage and BOOM...over 200 comments. It's hard to take all of you seriously when you think an adults boobs and her dogs lack of training are more important than tons of suffering animals. Again, I don't think she's some farming hero, not by a long shot. If you got screwed on the wool CSA, that sucks, but it was years ago. For Pete's sake, move on, be adults and write her off. Think she's a sucky farmer, go ahead, but why read her blog, follow her on Twitter, on FB, Reddit and stalk every website where she might possibly state her opinion? That shit is for children and I really think you are ruining the point that this blog was originally trying to make. It was a warning for new customers by old customers who were wronged and that's's one of the good things about the internet. But after years of "OMG did you see she did this? OMG did you all hear Jenna said that? WTF can you all believe Jenna went to Stewarts? takes the value out of your original purpose. Do and say as you will, but I for one could not give two flying pig shits whether or not Jenna bought a ham sandwich, and really, neither should you.

    3. Anon 2:12pm

      If you're not getting anything out of this blog feel free to stop reading it. You think Jenna's a poopy head and we're all losers....and so what? No one cares what you think.

    4. You really don't get It. Focus on factory farms? There is enough abuse and neglect at certified organic, certified humane, and small farms to focus on.

      This blog isn't dedicated to Ayrshire Farm.

      There is a Facebook page for everything Ayrshire.

      Why screenshot? I keep records of what was said and when if it deals with me specifically. Such as Jennas claim of libel. Sometime it's deleted other Times left in my gmail history. Her wording is important and I have been initiated into the world of what you can and can't say.

    5. Anon 2:12, I'm in agreement. I used to really support this blog and the writer, but now it's clear that any step Jenna takes will be criticized, no matter what. Used to be people here would bitch about how JW didn't care for her appearance, now they bitch because she's dying her hair and wearing makeup.

      Reporting someone for using music on a video on youtube? Get a life!

      I am not a fan of Jenna's, but you know what? She DOES have a house and land and animals, and even though I'm not sure how that house hasn't gone into foreclosure, at least she has it.

      Meredith has been fired from several jobs since starting this blog, moved several times, lived out of her car for a while, and pretty much has nothing to her name except a trailer and some dogs. She is spending all her time and energy going after Ayrshire Farm and CAF, instead of putting that energy into improving her own life. I seriously don't get it.

      People all the time critique JW's mental stability, but maybe Meredith needs to take a good, long look in the mirror. It sounds like you've got a decent BF and a job now, so maybe focus on that instead of worrying about what everyone else does.

    6. Honestly, you don't get it. She is responsible for neglecting animals TO DEATH. TO DEATH OVER DAYS. That is our issue with her. That, and her scamming people over the non existent items she "sells". She's full of crap and keeps scamming people daily. When that stops, when people stop coming here and complaining and her animals do not get NEGLECTED TO DEATH, then maybe things will quiet down. Until then, no matter how hard Jenna tries to garner sycophants to support her here, it will not happen.

    7. Members of the Amnesty for Antler League: save it. As long as Jenna is scamming, manipulating, lying, cheating and abusing animals people will be voicing their opinions about it.

    8. I've never been fired from a job in my life. Do Tell...what position was I fired from?

      After my 2012 house fire which was a HUGE financial loss and absolute derailment finding yourself homeless overnight I have done everything and anything to keep my dog family together...and yes that includes spending time in between living arrangements and jobs doing what is necessary to care for my dogs.

      My job at Ayrshire started 9/5 and per the contract was required to live on the farm. They lied and said housing was available...guess what...wasn't available until 10/1. I do what's necessary when necessary and I'm proud of It, not apologetic.

      Unless you suffer from a chronic condition and require ADA accommodation for employment you certainly wouldn't understand my financial situation, especially when the most effective medication is no longer effective due to your body building tolerance. Add the tragic loss of a loved one, being terminated from a job for advocating for the animals (per the farm "budget" reasons), and losing your house and medical benefits within 6 weeks I've done my best!

      I will continue to put my energy in to fighting for the pigs at Ayrshire Farm and will never stop. My job nor my bf define me, my actions morals and ethics do. How sad I have my "act" together because of a man and being employed. How sad fighting for animals neglected and abused on a (not)factory farm is not a worthy cause.

      She does have a house and land and animals? She sure does. She begged for it and begs to keep it. Her property is a revolving door of animals due to her horrible animal husbandry practices. You say I ha be nothing to my name? When have I asked you for money for my personal needs?

      I've moved several times? So what. Have you.had to recreate your life following a house fire?

      "but maybe Meredith needs to take a good, long look in the mirror. It sounds like you've got a decent BF and a job now, so maybe focus on that instead of worrying about what everyone else does."

      That makes me sick. Yes...let me ignore severe neglect abuse and corruption and "focus" on myself. Let some one else worry about the animals. Hell no. If I don't no one else will. How disgusting and disturbing you think I should walk away from the situation at Ayrshire Farm.

      I don't censor comments. Let there be 100 ham sandwich comments...I don't care.

      Move along. This blog isn't for you.

    9. And thank you all for proving my point. You aren't adults, you're pissy toddlers. "Move along, go away, nobody cares". I can just see all of you sticking your tongues out and blowing raspberries. My point was that if this blog focused more on her dying animals and what you call scamming, then that would be something of value to complain about. Letting potential customers know what they could be getting themselves into with Jenna is totally fine. Point don't only talk about animal husbandry and dying animals. It's her food, her hair, why does she wear contacts, the fact that she's lacking a husband. It's gotten so personal and downright rude that you've lost credibility. And yes, Meredith, you do have a facebook page dedicated to Ayrshire Farm. I've looked at it...pretty lacking in comments over there too. Unless you count the ones from people calling you out for being a disgruntled ex-employee. You can defend yourself and beat around my comment all you'd like, but the proof is in the pudding. Your mostly female readers care more about bashing a girl for her looks and weight than they do about suffering animals. That says a lot about their priorities and what kind of people they really are. We're not in high school anymore nice!

    10. My dear, it isn't about her looks or her weight, it has never been. JENNA makes it about her weight and looks.. yes, think about that for a little bit.

    11. I don't recall even one comment on The Truth Behind Ayrshire Farm calling me a disgruntled employee. Even so, I don't care what people call me and comments on Facebook don't make a case credible or not.

    12. The issue is that Jenna makes her living by scamming people. She makes her living by documenting the neglect and death of her animals then whining about it to get sympathy donations.

      I couldn't care less about how much makeup she wears, how she dresses or what she eats. The issue is that she does all this with money she scammed off of people who thought they were saving her from homelessness.

      If she looked like a beauty pageant contestant or a hobo while *actually* taking proper care of her animals, living on her own dime, and learning from her mistakes, there wouldn't be a problem.

      These are valid complaints.


    13. Yes btw it does bother me that Ayrshire Farm content is not as read and rarely commented on. That has been discussed.

      I don't agree with or support every comment...but then I think of who they are directed at and honestly don't give a shit. She capitalizes and takes advantage of sick dying animals. She doesn't prevent injury or predation. Are some comments cheap shots? Sure. Do I care? No.

    14. Anon 4:21-- what on earth do you hope to accomplish by commenting here? There's nothing you could possibly say that would have an impact on me. I'm a pissy toddler? Wow, consider me bitch slapped. I'm a horrible person? If you say so.

      Despite what you claim, comments about her appearance and weight are in the minority. If we're really a bunch of mean girls I assure you the tear down of her looks would be much more thorough than what's been said here. I mean, did you even go to high school?

    15. See, you miss the point anon 4:21, no one cares why she wears contacts. The relevant information is, she spends money on contacts and has to beg for truck repairs and vet bills. If she had a job and supported herself, she wouldn't have to do blog posts about sick and dying animals.

    16. Mere...I think the lack of comments re: Aryshire is because we are spread out all over the country. Chiming in or signing a petition wouldn't do you any good because our input would count,we're not from that county.

      That's why I don't respond, even though I think their actions are appalling.

    17. Comments, signatures, and likes are support. It means someone somewhere is encouraging me. In a way only I can help the pigs because I have the evidence but calls and emails to key players is important. It keeps the issue present on their desks. Also reaching out to large organizations helps.

      The fraud that is "certified humane" and "certified organic" is a national issue. Ayrshire Farm fails to meet the standards of both certifiers yet remains certified. Why?

      There is no confidence or trust in these labels. People could/should email Humane Farm Animal Care, Oregon Tilth, and the USDA and ask how in the world Ayrshire Farm remains both "certified humane" and "certified organic".

      Silence is heartbreaking.

    18. Let me make it this point only I can help the pigs because Loudoun County authorities refuse to do their jobs.

    19. Anon 5:36- What I'm trying to accomplish by posting here is that the childish comments that some people post make the blog look ridiculous at times. Yes some are valid, but others arent. I started reading Jennas blog because we live in the same town and a long time ago, she was a good writer. I also noticed the begging for money and cries for help over and over and then found myself here. Again with this blog, it used to be good and filled with valid concerns about how she lives her life. And like I said before, it's great that it exists so that others can be warned. That said, I think some of the content now goes way too far into her personal life and appearance and not so much about her "farming". So you can all disagree if you like but I think the blog serves a better purpose when people stick to comments about her treatment of animals or her begging for money.

    20. I am reading everything about the pigs and following on FB. I comment on the pig posts but feel no need to be redundant in expressing my disgust at the situation so I don't comment on every post. I find everything that went on with Ayrshire Farm sickening, the photos are heartbreaking.

    21. Ugh I just want the abuse to stop. It never will, the penalty even if found guilty is a slap on the wrist. I so desperately need it to go viral to make an impact.

      Those people continue to defend themselves which makes it worse. They take no issue with what they have done and continue to do.

  41. Hey Jenna, Just because a lot of people steal music and add it to their video doesn't make it legal! Your video, tweet, Facebook post, and blog post have all been copied and sent to Sony Music. My guess is you will be contacted by their legal department very soon. Oh, but then you will just cry to your poodles and they will send you legal defense finds. Poor Jenna....always being picked on. Wah, wah, wah! Don't look now J Effin W, but you're turning back into a poodle, you know ... those people who work at desk job that you DESPISE, yet who you rely on to pay your bills. If you're not scamming people, please explain the NEW to you horse CART or did you just lie when you claimed to have sold it last Christmas? What REALLY happened to Italics because I highly doubt your release story. Let's see... you begged to get funds to buy "the farm", you begged when the repo guy showed up, you begged to buy Merlin (the down payment, the monthly payments and the final payoff), you begged to buy a truck.....YUP!!! YOU ARE A BEGGAR!!! Too bad your poodles are too dumb to realize that you shop like crazy the whole time you are begging and writing about the wolf being at the door. Your parents must be so proud of you!

  42. Slowly but surely the tide is rising in favor of protecting farmers and their ilk in NY. This blog garners new readers daily. It is a glorious thing.

  43. Jenna claims she lost all her computer files for the wool CSA yet some poor lady emailed her to no avail and finally went to small claims. Not to mention if she was paid with Paypal the records would exist through them.

  44. Anon 2:12 Wow you do care!!!! Could be asked why you waste time on "bad TV"? sounds like you're getting something out of it, if you care to write such a long blog post. Your sanctimonious, acrimonious tone sounds familiar!! Also you don't come across too mature yourself (calling names is so --toddlerish) or as a discerning reader if you can't see the outrage is over her animal care and scamming. That's gotten worse. If you're not part of the solution then read away, but since you object to the entertainment, why stick around--you sound so tense and unhappy!. Go help Jenna.if YOU want to make a difference. This content is not for you to determine, nor the blog poster's life decisions, for that matter.. If people have fun poking fun at Jenna (who chooses to post her life all over), its a way to blow off steam over their frustration at her truly cruel treatment of her animals and her continued manipulative scamming of her readers. Even her family chimes in. If you haven't been personally scammed by her, you can't really understand or judge how people react. If you don't think highly of Jenna or Meredith and the commenters here, what does that say about you spending so much time and effort wringing your hands over the injustice and the poor blog quality?

  45. Anon 4:21 - The best way to help and befriend Jenna is to give her lots and lots of your hard earned money.

  46. Whoa, I see a damn cold antler conflagration has busted out today.
    Yeah I post ridiculous and asinine comments because the CAF is an effing farce of internet scamming and cultic drooling wrapped in organic hipster ambiance and fueled on the blood of Maude. This is my effing therapy to being RIPPED OFF by scammers, bankers, trolls and hackers. We live in a world where people get shot for nothing, where is the love - what does it mean for someone to proclaim community and friendship and self reliance when she is a lying scheming manipulator dancing on blogs with red hair and turkeys! so guess what anonymous Tin Man of the great Woz, you live on the internet, you fry on it. What did Ginger do to face such wrath, she was probably some 80 year old just trying to help JW but nooooo, unleash the hounds of hell on my Grandma cause she won't pay Hare Jenna's vet bill, damn cold. So stuff it and go sell more roses for your rinpoche of ripoff in Wash Ct, I will not STFU and who cares anyway, mYbe the next poor sucks will read this insanity before they payday the artificial lifestyle blogger who would rather run, prance, ride an old horse, drive her vintage truck, drink beer and play than grow up and be an adult. I am done, now where's my wool share dammit

    1. Yes!! All this-- hilarious, love it!!!!

    2. Yes, yes, and yes!!!

    3. A freaking- men. Thank you!!! You are the Paul Harvey of wake up to Jenna scam alert. Thank you so much.

  47. Also, the point is ...which we thought goes without saying...but apparently not..THE POINT is that on her business webpage blog, she shows off her hair, body or whatever else instead of trying to establish
    or maintain a reputable brand by such simple things every real homesteader does such as PREPARE for winter..or grow crops...or discuss pasture care or just about anything else except the immature dear diary shit that we make fun of. Do you get that????

  48. I get it and I totally agree. So glad I found this blog. I was thisclose to taking Jenna up on the advertisement sale. After finding this site and others, I'm keeping far away from her scam! I don't want to be associated with her in any way.

    1. Come forward to the front, kneel down and accept salvation my sister!

    2. I wonder why some people get it, and others are so willing to run off at Jenna's request, tilting at windmills?

    3. I can only speak for myself obviously, but I was noticing a trend of declining blog comments on Cold Antler Blog and 'friend' numbers on her Facebook page have remained the same which tells me people are de-friending her even as she adds more. Not a good advertising site, at all.

      Plus, the posts are too personal, too 'dear diary' as someone stated. No usable information, just cries for help and donations. She didn't even have a garden this year.

      If she wants to blog about her life, no problem. But she's not a serious business woman so I don't want to market to that demographic.

  49. Milk in the pail gets dumped??? Then why have goats that cost a lot to feed, care and house if you aren't using them to your benefit, either personally or selling a product/by-product.

    I agree milk fed pigs are fabulous, but isn't the main reason for having a dairy animal to produce dairy and dairy products for the homestead? Sometimes one has to reevaluate what they're doing.

    I use to raise rabbits for meat, but realized after two years, we didn't eat enough rabbit to make the work, care and cost (all year) worthwhile. Now when I have a hankering to make a rabbit dish I buy one from a local 4-H kid. Works great.

    This is just further evidence that the intent of the farm is not to make money on the farm's products, but by other means.

    Boggles the mind.

  50. And she is just now, when it's nearly September, thinking about firewood for the year? I had all mine stacked by August. It's going to be wood burning season soon and I bet she needs quite a few cords to keep that house warm through the spring. She is way behind. Someone tell her that her time is better spent preparing for hard times than riding her horse or hanging out with people at a bar.

  51. We heat by wood also and have our pile for NEXT year started so it can dry and be good to go. How is she just starting??

    1. Planning and preparing is unnecessary. For me that's part of the fun of self sufficiency. Jenna isn't self sufficient she's a well off charity case.

    2. She has 1 1/2 cords which doesn't seem like much since it is her only source of heat. How many cords do you think she needs to get through the winter? I have no idea but think it is much more than 1 1/2!

    3. She offered a logo for firewood sale the other day on FB. You can't move firewood more than 50 miles due to emerald ash borer so it was really just another veiled beg. What's the likelihood someone had extra firewood AND also needed a logo AND are close enough to do business?

    4. I heard the "men" talking on Thursday while canning tomatoes with my boss and her 92 year old mother that in 5 years all the ash will be gone. Its all being sold now. I guess prices are really low as its flooding the market. Get it while the gettings good.

    5. Depending on the size of her house and whether or not she uses wood only or supplements with other forms of heat, I would estimate at least 6 cords and as many as 12. This is supposed to be an especially cold winter, so she should have at least an extra 2 cords stored beyond what she generally uses.

  52. Her latest blog post is a masterpiece of manipulation. She shamelessly mentions foreclosure and puts Merlin's pic underneath the "For Sale" section. It worked! Someone commented they nearly had a heart attack when they saw Merlin for sale. Jenna's foreboding reply:

    Jenna Woginrich said...
    No, Merlin I hope will not have to go for sale. It would be heartbreaking.

    What's next, hints she might need to eat Gibson if things get bad?

    1. I completely agree...shameless manipulation.

    2. Why, why, why does she have to BUY firewood????? She is sitting on acres and acres of trees. What, didn't her pagans haul enough out of the woods for her? For shame, pagans, for shame.

      She talks about foreclosure and then about getting another horse.

      To the person who has been posting about us being mean girls, please explain your position. How can you justify this manipulative behavior of hers?

    3. Yeah, that's what I was thinking when I read that post. Wasn't that just 2 days ago?

    4. At least you can tell she's reading this blog. Suddenly pictures of pigs and work in her kitchen and list of what she does.

    5. Oh AND mentioning that she does NOT plan to do a Kiva or Kickstarter.

    6. Kickstarter means she has to do work. Kiva loans means she has to pay it back. She prefers donations because she doesn't have to do anything.

    7. The idea that she would even consider a Kiva loan to get through winter is preposterous. You don't take out loans for basic living expenses. Can't afford hay? Get rid of the sheep. They aren't making her a dime anyway. Need wood? Lucky for her she owns a couple acres of woods.

      Exacty Anon 3:47. Also, I think she ran out of writing material three books ago.

  53. That was one of the most guilt inducing posts yet. It was like, come on fans, you've been getting lax in your donations. I'm about to get kicked out of my house for the gazillionth time. Now pony up, or I'm going to have to offer shares of horse meat, if you know what I mean.

  54. JFW's favorite magical words or phrases guaranteed to bring in $$$:

    Foreclosure, winter is coming, vet bills, dire, injury, root canal, frozen pipes, broken truck.

    What have I missed?

  55. We go through 3-4 cords, planning on the length of winter and we have back up heat that we use more often in the early spring (when nights are cold and days are warm) to warm the house, rather that start a fire in the mornings.

    1. I live about an hour from her and used 6 cords per year. I had to start burning in September and go through May because of the local climate. I did not use any supplemental form of heating.

  56. Jenna Woginrich
    2 hrs ·
    If you like the words I write and bacon, boy have I got a deal for you....
    Shares of pigs on sale now for spring meat! 1/4 and halves!

    Translation: buy my bacon or I won't write anymore.

  57. How many times do her fans have to save her from foreclosure?

    1. However many months are left on the mortgage.

    2. Then after the mortgage is paid, her fans will need to fund her retirement.

  58. Jenna's post reads like this:

    "I'm not begging. Not begging. I'm REALLY not begging. I WILL keep my farm from foreclosure. Somehow. I wouldn't sell Merlin, of course not, but I can't guarantee that. It MIGHT happen. I mean, I won't sell Horse Shares.....what would you give for a half share?"

    The same offerings being hawked to the same audience week after week with little response is begging. If her intention to sell logos was genuine she could advertise in any number of magazines, websites, blogs. But no, she turns to her weary FB friends again and again.

    Last week she was talking about getting a second horse. This week she's just hoping she can hang on to Merlin. Right. It would be heartbreaking to sell Merlin, this magical animal who changed her life not to mention the subject of her next book. But not as heartbreaking as getting a steady job.

    1. If anyone cares to read some really good writing about horses, I recommend "Some Horses" by Tom McGuane, or anything by Mark Rashid or Buck Brannaman. I'm sure Jenna's book will be full of florid, rehashed cliches and falling-down-the-stairs revelations. Did anyone notice in one of her recent posts that she listed "horse training" as one of her many activities? I chuckled at that one. She can barely handle a broke to death 20 year old horse.

  59. Does anyone know if there are still weekly Clan posts, as promised?

  60. I think the poop is going to hit the fan when she doesn't have her book ready in time for Christmas (which is months later than the original due date). Will she need another kickstarter to finish the first one? Pop the popcorn, can't wait to see how she tries to beg her way out of this one.

  61. I think at this point, all she can do is beg. I don't think she can take on any more 'work'. She hasn't finished the Kickstarter project. She's chronically behind with her logos, she writes for too many blogs and is working on books. The only thing she isn't doing is looking for any actual work that would bring in a guaranteed income.

    What are her readers getting out of her blog anymore? She is trying to sell a dream, a dream about leaving the corporate world and living like fiction. Yet she is in continuous crisis mode, having to beg her way out of one crisis after another. How could anyone look upon this as a model of the self sufficient life? Surely even her most rabid fans will have to realize this at some point. Right? Right?

    1. Unless she gets new material out there to draw in new readers, she will be in trouble up the road. Current donors will have their own lives & financial emergencies to tend to. Without a new flock of people who think what she is doing is magical - - she's sunk. It's just a matter of time. Also, I bet she is shaking in her boots that she doesn't have a legit book deal in the works. I know she was thinking about doing a book about her hawk and then moved on to doing a book about Merlin that let's face it, no one will want to read. She's already written several books about the magic of homesteading so I'm sure publishers are looking for something fresh. I saw a post a while back that said it would be interesting if she decided she was in over her head, sold her place, got a real job, and built herself up to the point where she could have a REAL farm - - and write a book about that. I think that would be a great book and people would appreciate her honesty. I don't think it will ever happen, but I think that's the only book idea that will perk up a publisher's interest. My strong opinion on this foggy Sunday morning. Good morning everyone.

    2. I 100% agree. It's the boy who cried wolf in constant replay. she has nothing left to offer. It's sad. At least fewer are being taken down with her scams, I hope.

    3. I wondered if she was upset when H is for Hawk came out in March of this year--NYT best seller.

  62. Oh, boy. I can't wait.

    "Want something to do today - 1pm 4pm is a work party here at the farm. Working on all sorts of projects and such, BYOB."

    Like I don't have enough projects of my own. I'm a one-woman, one-acre farm(ette) too! I do everything myself.

    1. And, I might add, I'm almost twice her age...

    2. Ditto here, mid-fifties, single, homestead (not an acres) doing all myself. It's been close to 100 this weekend and I still plod along, albeit slowly, getting stuff done.

      Already have my firewood, just have to pick it up, but I have time.

      She has to have work parties because she doesn't actually know how to do snything, she's already admitted that. But why not gain some skills? I was born a single mom with power tools. I had to learn how to use them over time just like I had to learn how to be a single parent.

      Farming and homesteading is all about the skillset.

    3. That should be I was not born

      It's early still

  63. Work party= come to my house and do my work, um, party. AND bring your own beer, she is some piece of work. LAAAAAZY.

  64. Wait a minute - she wants people to do her work AND bring their own beer?

  65. Yeah, if I were to invite people over to help me out around here (which I don't), you'd bet I'd be providing food & drink.

  66. Hey everyone - come on over to my house to help me party down with chores. I'm way behind in house and yardwork. I don't like doing it on my own, it's so boring and I'd so rather be riding my horse or swimming in a river, or doing whatever superheros do. Oh, and bring your own food and beverages. And maybe some for me too.

    1. HARE JENNA, me park the new Bentley while you ring little cymbals, pork ribs for Sri Wogrishna and you eat lentil kale

  67. What do you want to bet she flits around and tells everyone else what she needs done?

  68. By putting Merlin's pic under "For Sale" Jenna must be testing the waters. When she's ready to make her move the $$$ is gonna flow in.

    Sharon said...
    OMG, I started crying when I saw Merlin and the for sale above his pic.

    1. Crying? Me, too. Tears of joy that Merlin would finally get out of there and get some good care.

    2. Hahah! I was thinking the same thing. Being sold is the best thing that could happen to him.

  69. BYOB to a work party??? Classy!!!

  70. Who says you can't learn anything from JFW's blog anymore? I've learned a lot of things.

    For instance, I learned how to beg without it looking like I'm begging. Here are the many ways:

    Write about an injury to yourself with the associated cost.
    Write about an injury to your animal(s) with cost and name of vet.
    Sell worthless items to evoke sympathy
    Sell beloved musical instruments for same reason
    Create a post entitled, "For Sale" with a picture of your beloved horse
    Sprinkle your blog posts liberally with words like "foreclosure", "root canal", "wolves at the door", or "late mortgage".

    If some of your blockhead fans still don't get it, repost the video, "The art of asking", which illustrates begging at its finest.

    See...she still inspires.

    1. Just another spin on TV preachers.

  71. Time for some pumpkin stout, because I have lots of time but don't have the 6.99 for a freaking 6 pack of the real pumpkin ale made by like, a brewery. Next up, I will make the pretzels from scratch and produce my own salt for them from my own sweat! And please guys, buy more logos, every fan of CAF really needs 3-4 of them

    1. In order to make that pumpkin ale she has to BUY all the equip. Wonder how much that little project will cost. Wonder how many bales of hay bags of feed or firewood are lost in that decision. Apparently beer is more important than being prepped for winter.

    2. She already has all the brewing equipment. She has made beer and hard cider before. She's just going about things the old fashioned way this time instead of using one of those kits you can buy at a brewing supply shop. Just an FYI.

    3. I saw a store advertising that brewery's beer and it was $11 a four pack. Pricey stuff!

  72. The latest tweets:

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 1h1 hour ago

    20 bales loaded in the barn at 8:40PM by lantern light. They brought me a watermelon they grew. I love this life.
    1 retweet 4 favorites
    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 6h6 hours ago

    Pigs moved to new ground! Goat pen half mucked out! Horse in new pasture! Firewood stacked! Now for a river swim, booze, feasting, and D&D!
    0 retweets 1 favorite

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 10h10 hours ago

    Update! weeds are cleared from old wiring & new pasture fence going up in the woods for the pigs! Also found a pumpkin growing in the wild!

  73. Last week while J-Ef-W was complaining about the wolves at the door, she asked in the comments how much hair extensions cost -- claimed she was asking for a friend. Yeah, right! Seems the pigs have been evicted from the barn so she could use it for hay storage. Seems she has forgotten all about her no carbs diet -- or at least she has forgotten that she wants everyone to believe that she cut out carbs -- beer anyone?!

    1. I don't know about extensions for white people, but I know black women will pay 1k and up.

  74. I think those that are truly serious about homesteading should ask to see pictures and get really involved, ask for very definitive answers from this "expert" of all things homesteading. With regard to those that have continued to support this "one woman farm" from down payment to current truck they should be asking to see her current business plan. For those interested enough to want to support her through subscribing or logos etc. I think they should ask about what kind of strategic plan CAF has in mind 2015-2020. How self-sustaining, self sufficient is this farm. What shape are the outbuildings in, the sewer, water or well? What is the plan for winter pipe freezing, how will she prevent the pipes from freezing? What kind of canning did she do? How much food has she got stored for this upcoming winter season? If indeed JW is an expert homesteader I would like to see more of the how to's on the blog weekly, on FB weekly. Like they say in the movies " Your really only as good as your last book". What is the next book? publisher?? When will it be released? Those that are supporting her monetarily are investing in her and her 6.5 acres. I know I would want to know if I was helping someone out temporarily that knew what they were doing or supplying someone with an income so they can live the life I dream of living. Know your investment, it's not that hard. Ask some questions.

    Ever since I started following her on Facebook
    (approx. 2 years) she has talked about very little other than her current crisis. I follow a lot of homesteaders, read their blogs, go to their workshops. Most of them are similar to one another, however none of them are like JW. She has little in common with other homesteaders, even those in her neck of the woods.

    Lastly, way to go everyone for motivating JW to muck the stalls, fix fencing, move pigs to pasture etc. At least we know it's possible that the animals have been tended to today. Some pictures of this delightful day spent with her photographer and family would be great!

    1. Sounds like her byob work party panned out. Way to go jennas friends .

  75. Perhaps she feared a surprise inspection. She has good reason to fear that. At least the animal's concentrated confinement areas have been mucked out, for a change.

    1. I think it was just because she has a fiddle camp next weekend and her antlerstock thing coming up. At both events there would be people all over the farm who would see the condition of the animals.
