Sunday, August 30, 2015

Had to squeeze this one in

I agree, he doesn't take a bad picture.


  1. He's adorable. Mine likes to drive or ride on my shoulder like a parrot!

  2. Just looked at your blog, did you start a new one or just stop blogging?

    I think,he's adorable too!

    1. That goes for the both of you on the blogging.

    2. Pretty much stopped. I've realized my thoughts should most likely not be public.. I don't have much of a filter as far as thoughts go. I should maybe post some fluff on occasion though. Perhaps I will start posting a bit about Mr Pickles (My Chihuahua pup). I've not commented on your blog before, I'm a lurker. Been reading for a while, found you through the drama, enjoyed the snark and added you to my reader... stayed on because I liked the posts about you.. and your evolving story. Oh, and I like pigs too, and though I eat them I think they and all my food should be treated humanely and respectfully until dispatched.

    3. I'm flattered!

      In my opinion we need more unpopular thoughts!

      I can see the risk though.

      Post Mr pickles. How'd he get that name?

    4. I just find after a long day at the office my brain is spent. I'll start up again when I have more energy I hope. For now it's very occasionally posting random pictures when something catches my eye. I had high hopes in the beginning! And I too really enjoy your blog. The ups and downs and all. I'm definitely rooting for you. :). No pun intended!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. I understand. I only blog from my phone

    7. Sorry that posted twice! I couldn't do that before. BlackBerry user here. :) but then I finally discovered that I could email pics to my blog. So that's what I have been doing. I just sent one of Loki's surgery scar from the day we brought him home.

    8. I had heard the name in passing at one point I think in a commercial and thought it funny. A family member ended up breeding their chi's and offered a pup to my parents and I ended up with my pick of the litter. Before he was even born I said I hope there's a white male with giant ears, and I'm going to name him Mr Pickles! She had the pups and there he was meant to be. The name just makes me laugh, even more so when other people say it, but as he's grown more it actually fits him. He's no longer white, he's more of a strawberry blonde with a darker mask, and stripe down his back, he's got great markings.. and greenish eyes. I'll throw a few pics up now.

    9. That took longer than expected.. pictures of my little gremlin are now posted :)

  3. A little of Littles is not enough!!

  4. now that's the face of a happy (& mischevous?) pup!
