Thursday, June 30, 2016

What to do?

No rescues will take this cat and the municipality where I found the cat doesn't contract with the county SPCA (York).

I can't afford to vet it.

I couldn't leave it to die on the side of the road.

If it was healthy I would alter/rabies etc  through a program for $25 and release it on farm or try and find it a home.

I've already spent $20 in supplies and that's a huge hit to my budget.

If needs vetted first due to issues with its front right wrist.


Nesting in a grill?!

Eating on my aunts patio before heading to the alpaca farm I noticed a very small naked body on the ground...followed by another and another.  Baby chicks.

No nest in sight, until we started looking in the frequently used grill. Tucked up in grill just inches from the grate was the nest!

I pulled it out and used the material to make a nest in an unused pot full of soil.  I set it next to the grill and watched for mom. No mom after 10 minutes.

Hope she tends to them.

A closer look

This is textbook mange.  A severe advanced case at that.

Its absolutely appalling to defend the condition of this animal. 

I'm thrilled it hasn't been removed from Mariams website.

Makes you wonder who has the better (or worse really) life.

A factory farmed disease free pig or an outdoor pig covered in external parasites rubbing itself raw?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

High Desert Gardener blog

I tend to check out the "named" posters who comment on this and the sham blog.

Through the rabbit hole I found this blog and a post about all the tasty ways to use zucchini.

I didn't even plant it this year?! Different types of squash yes, but zucchini was forgotten.

I'm absolutely craving curry chicken zucchini noodles...recipe found in the blog below. 

Have to admit, I miss having a man in my life for several reasons but one of the top 5 is not being able to enjoy someone enjoying cooking for me.

Cats and yaks

Some days you get kicked by a yak and find a black cat laying on the side of the road that's now camped out in a crate in your kitchen and some days you don't.

I'm not a cat person and not comfortable handling them...especially strange potentially injured feral cats.  Not sure how he came to be unable to move on the side of the road or how long he was there but he hasn't hissed, scratched, or growled at me. Absolutely tolerant albeit very lethargic.

Not a scratch on him and he had a good appetite today. He can't walk quite right and lays most the time but nothing appears to be broken and he's not exhibiting any symptoms of pain.

I'm tempted to name him.

It is what it is

...and it's mange

Cold Antler Mange

These are VERY sick pigs.

They are covered in mange.

The one in the back is itching against the apple container.

I'm shocked how ignorant Jenna is about livestock health to let the mange progress untreated AND to proudly display it?

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Spirit lifting words!

Thank you Abrah!

The hidden truth

Katz in the cradle with a silver spoon

Jenna woginrich claims she's the man on the moon...

These people are delusional.

You can't get through a paragraph written by these people without tripping over their tall tales.

Jenna runs a farm? Really? What does she produce for profit from her farm?

These two just don't get it.

Katz defends a man who neglects to provide sufficient shelter for his pigs resulting in frost bite. That is outrageous.

There are so many innovative ways to shelter pastured pigs. To defend frost bite shows Katz is clueless about animal welfare.

Great job, you raised a bunch of money to defend a man who lets his livestock physically suffer in predictable NY weather. I'm sure his pigs really appreciated that.

That farmer Josh from West Wind only ever defended himself with photos from the summer.  Katz, will you please share the photos the investigators took during their inspection?

Friday, June 24, 2016

Snail mail surprised!

I received a lovely card and note from Abrah! 

Thank you Abrah, I absolutely love it.

Pics to come.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

From chair to clutch

My aunt made this with my old Singer sewing machine.

She's moving to AZ and I'll be getting the machine back.

I haven't used a sewing machine since I was a child with my grandmothers guidance.

Time to relearn the basics and see what I can make!

Ill be sewing to sell.

Keep an eye out for products in the near future!

Grandpop haying

This is my Dads father.

Unfortunately the family farm in Wisconsin is no longer in the family.

My Dad the sailor

Way back when during his coast guard years.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Today started off poorly...

I was given over $1,000 and a few people on Facebook said they weren't going to contribute.

What a piss poor start to a day.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rotational grazing

This is the male alpacas set up. Behind me is the barn and water trough.  This alley was created to keep them off the field to the left which was recently reseeded.  The gate ahead opens to another field we recently fenced.

Now there are 2 fields to rotate in and out of and the sacrifice zone of the alley way and barn.

Manure is removed from the alley daily and fields weekly.

When you have a large number of animals on a small plot of land manure management is key. It helps to reduce exposure to parasites and to maximize grazing areas.

The females have a similar set up.

Mulching with old hay

In the past I munched with wood mulch. My gardens have always been tidier than my house.  This year I'm cogardening with my boss at her mothers house in their family garden.  We are gardening on a serious budget.

Yesterday I raked up old hay that is usually composted here at the alpaca farm. Not anymore! I raked it up, wrapped it in a tarp, and stuffed it in the backseat of my car.

The look is definitely less refined but more organic, but most importantly free.

Mulch helps with weed suppression and water retention.

I've read about hay going to seed when used as mulch in a garden. We shall see! 

Garden progress

Dilly stealing the fan

Dilly is on the left and Alajandro is on the right.  These 2 were only belly shorn so they can be shown as yearlings in full coat.  Shearing their belly let's heat escape to they stay cool...and then there's the front row seat at the fan.  Only 3 alpacas werent completely sheared (the ones that showed this year as juveniles) and all 3 will be shown again.

They look like big muppets!

Itty bitty cria

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Beekman Boys Mortgage Lifter

Someone please contact them and let them know their front runner for $2,000 is a thief.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Rough it or ruffit?!

I need this for all 3 dogs...maybe the original backpack for Cali and fit the little 2 in the front version.

3 senior physically challenged dogs limit our adventuring and I end up carrying them in shifts to make it home.