Monday, November 9, 2015

Word Processing

Does blogger have auto correct?

I only blog from my phone which obviously does.

Does blogger used from a computer have auto correct?

Writes eyes means ewes.

Writes trailers means trainers.

I suspect little miss I don't have a cell phone is blogging on a smart phone.


  1. Yes, it has a very stubborn auto-correct on regular computers.

    1. I don't know what my aversion is to computer's but I HATE them!

  2. I have no idea. I don't own a smart phone and never have. I just have my PC. Not even a laptop.

  3. she's a liar liar pants on fire

  4. Jenna is just scraping by with a $200 pair of riding boots that she putters around hawking in. Why not just wear your everyday farm muckboots?

    1. Yeah, I wonder who gifted those boots to her?

  5. I use Blogger and have NEVER been auto-corrected. She has always has piss poor grammar, and has been making spelling errors for years now. I think she's just lazy and doesn't proofread.

  6. I have an iPhone and auto correct corrects ewes to eyes. I also use Blogger and use an iMac and have never been auto-corrected.

    1. I should add in that I usually use my laptop, not desktop, to blog. Mainly due to the fact that I tend to find time to blog when I'm in bed for the night. No auto-correct on my laptop using Blogger either.

      **This statement should be added to anon 2:08**

  7. And eye three, use blogger and have never been auto-corrected- on a pc. The only place that I am auto corrected is on my smart phone.

  8. Did you see that outfit she was wearing while walking down the road? That outfit probably cost more than I spend on clothes in ONE YEAR.

    1. That's because that girls rolling in dough! She's got more accessories than Barbie. Her kilt collection alone is worth more than my car!

    2. ^ that made me laugh, because when I saw that photo I wondered how long before she started marketing a JW action doll + animal accessories.

    3. Yeah, I see the tattered wool hat has been upgraded to a new, expensive-looking one to go with the Barbie the Barbarian look.

    4. "Barbie the Barbarian" that's a keeper.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Did you guys see the boots she suggested to one of her commenters needing boots for walking around the farm and pastures? "Highlander boots" selling for $460! Does she think that is remotely reasonable? NUT CASE!

  9. We need a blogger sight where we can share our clothes, and what we do on our farms, any place we can go to do this? I mean all of us here at meredith's blog.

  10. Her hawk doesn't hunt (the last one too), she teaches archery workshops but hasn't successfully hunted anything in forever (ever?). She isn't working on Birchthorn, quit doing the daily vlogs, and now is recommending $450 boots? I don't know who the real Jenna Woginrich is, and she sure as hell doesn't either.

  11. These poodle faux farmer crack addicts from Brooklyn luv the CAF dweam, what's a kickstart pledge to these hipsters bleeding money? And damn if JW doesn't dish out movie, music and fashion sense, they love her cultural irony, she's a word farmer sisters, so go get an effing job yourself we have more important things to do. Take 2, me and Anna Kendrick, riding Merlin with Gibson and the wood pile in the back...

  12. $459 for farm boots is spectacularly insane. Somehow I've managed to farm with a pair of Muck boots and a pair of leather work boots both under a $100........Am I missing something? What's this call for "support" to walk in a pasture? I imagine $459 could buy you some medical grade braces, maybe even a used electric wheelchair. Would that be enough "support" for these Agents of Caution? You just know Jenna has a khaki hunting outfit and a pith helmet in her closet waiting for the day Jack Mattke ponies up for a safari. WTF is wrong with these people?

    1. I use muck boots too, and bought a pair of ariats to ride in when they were on sale. I don't ever hike in my riding boots, but I'm also not concerned about having a fantasy costume appearance.

  13. Has anyone seen the words at the bottom of the "shotgun logos" blog post? They refer to rune symbols. I think they mean "protection" and "the divine universe" but I really didn't take much time to look it up. I wonder if she is looking for protection from the guy in the red truck or the mortgage company??

  14. My guess is she paid for the boots with money that was given to her for one of her 'crises'. She can't very well send out a call for help to buy her some new boots, but money will come in at the mention of 'root canal', 'late mortgage', 'truck repair', or 'vet bill'.

    Or she bought the boots with logo money, because her fans covered the cost of the above bills.

  15. OK, is it just me or is that place card she designed pitiful? My sister, who is also a graphic artist, actually put herself through the same college JFW attended several years prior, does awesome designs. She would be embarrassed to put out something of such rudimentary quality!

    One can find any number of FREE downloadable & customizable holiday place cards online-most far better than the item on offer for $!

    1. I think it's telling she uses her own name in the example.

  16. My opinion is that those place cards are even less than rudimentary quality, ffs. Why oh why do her fans lead her on like that, encouraging her to continue to commit to less than quality work? I work in finance, I have an almost zero ability too draw or create art work. But even I could put that together. Embarrassing.

    I follow a blog that's author runs a design firm. Absolutely exquisite work (I'm not related or getting paid for this), she offers freebies and some of her freebies are holiday gift tags. She is wonderfully creative, has a nice blog, and sells fabulous custom stationery (if anyone is looking for some). I know not what she holds a college degree in, but, I find her work to be some of the best I've ever seen. www dot jonesdesigncompany dot come

    1. I just figured it was an easier sell than logos. I was a regular CAF reader and commenter for a time but my interests changed and I was put off by the practice of falconry. As I was working on my thanksgiving place cards last night, I thought it might be a good item for her to sell since I know she runs graphic sales all the time. I'm self-employed and tend to think about business--mine and others. So I offered the idea. I dont think she designed those with me in mind.

    2. Stephen, I wasn't speaking about your suggestion. In fact I think anyone branching out and trying new things to make $ is a super idea! I was talking about the comments on FB as to how gorgeous or beautiful they are. Maybe these are her real life friends or just people who like to say nice things? However, constructive criticism is a good thing. And if offered it should be taken as so and then work to produce a better product. The times someone has suggested something she has gotten bent out of shape over it and shut the person down. So I can understand how hard it would be to offer any suggestions to such a fragile person.
      Again, your suggestion was wonderful. Those stating something substandard is gorgeous are only reinforcing the artist to keep her standards below what others out on the internet are offering for free. Thus great are free leads to customers purchasing some of the items you charge for. Substandard art for $-where does that lead? The well no doubt dries up pretty fast, I would think?

    3. it should be- Thus great art for free leads to customers purchasing. I type to fast! too many mistakes :)

    4. Ah that makes sense. Okay, sorry about that. I would know that if I could subject myself to facebook. I had to jump ship a few years ago. It was making me hate my friends and clients! Lol.

    5. The idea is terrific, her execution of it not so much. I almost feel bad about saying this but she's really not very artistic.

    6. I love your blog by the way- Stephen. Very well put together and I love the food photos, how to's and recipes !

  17. Just pathetic. If you Google "free printable Thanksgiving place card template" you'll get dozens of WAY better designs.

  18. I found it quite interesting to read the blog post- Thanksgiving place cards. At the end there is an email address to make Paypal payments to. If you put that email address into Google you will find a blog called Woolen coats. This is a blog that starts in 2009 with the statement that the blogs intent is to be an aviation journal. And it appears to be up until 2011 or 2012 and then suddenly posts related to CAF begin but they too are interspersed with aviation updates. Strange beyond words but very telling as most of the blog posts are like mirrors to not only CAF from about 2010 on but also current posts and FB posts. It's like wash rinse repeat, wash rinse repeat. So far throughout the many many entries I've read, and some feel like dejavu in overdrive, no comments have been posted. Something weird this way comes....

    www. dot woolencoats.blogspot dot come

    1. www dot woolencoats dot blogspot dot com

    2. Um, could this be the creepy guy in the red vehicle (not the bank looking to foreclose)? That's really stalker-ish.

    3. Or she is spending her money on flight lessons instead of her bills. Or maybe she just imagines she is a pilot in her fantasy world.

  19. It looks like that guy has been posting Jenna's blog posts over the course of 2013, that's why her email shows up there. It is actually in the body of one of the posts. Why someone would re-post just about every blog post from someone else's blog is truly puzzling. He's a married British guy working in the US and learning to fly.

  20. But why did that guy name the blog Woolen Coats? One of the blog posts she created is about a woolen coat...

  21. Found this old post. Apparently she's been under suspicion of animal abuse for a while.

    She left her dogs in a sunny car (windows cracked) for 10 minutes. Now read this chart:

    I once called animal control on a guy that left his little, tiny dog (the smaller the dog the faster they heat up) in the car, in the sun, with a tiny crack in the window when it was nearly 100 degrees out. He got pissed off when he exited the store and realized there were several people on the phone/milling about talking about his car/dog. Too bad. We got his license plate # and he got a ticket.

  22. I see now by going back and comparing post to post that yes it would appear he either copied her posts or maybe hosted? Weird to say the least and I would definitely make him take it down.

    1. It's interesting to note that the author of that blog Woolen Coats or at least who the posts are posted by- Gaagn Deep has no information about himself or herself on his or her or whose blog? However the words/ name Gaagn Deep can be found in the Urban Dictionary to mean at least four different things- all really weird. It is also a common name for both men and women from India. Though I did see some mention of the author being a British man, I don't see any posts that mention he will be sharing his blog with JW or that he is or isn't fond of her etc. It just seems that for about a year her blog is copied onto a blog that talks about flight training called Woolen Coats. Her posts about Woolen Coats is dated Sept 24 2013.

      www dot dot html

    2. It's hard to explain, but I worked for awhile in SEO (search engine optimization), and a lot of that kind of work is outsourced to places like India. A major company pays someone an incredibly small amount of money to start a bunch of blogs that have no or very little actual content and usually just track back to other blogs or include nonsense posts that are mainly a bunch of key words and phrases strung together. That's what this woolen coats site is. Nothing more. It's a strange side of the internet not many people know about. :)

    3. Then what is the point of these pseudo-blogs? Does someone make money off of them?

    4. Strange side is right. I just don't believe this site or its content is what you speak of. But, if you can provide an example of this, I might think different. By examining the page source, the blog post is actually a static page. On a blog, a static page is generally your about me page. It doesn't archive-it's html. This blog has it set up that each post is a document- !Doc type html

      Does this information still jive with what you are trying to say about track backs?

      I find it strange to say the least that a flight journal would be called Woolen Coats, and that between posts of his/her flight journals are posts word for word from CAF. On top of all that by simply entering JW's email address this blog-Woolen Coats pops up.

    5. It's called "Content Scraping." It's when material from a popular, well-read blog is taken--either manually or via a content-scraping program--and posted randomly into a puppet blog that serves no discernable purpose.

      I honestly don't understand what use these puppet blogs are, but the internet is chock full of them.

      I did a little digging on a hunch that all of the aviation-related posts were most likely stolen from someone else's blog, and yes, they were. The blog those posts came from is right here:

      The guy who created the actual aviation blog is still actively blogging and has comments on his posts wherein he interacts with his readers. His content got scraped, just like Jenna's, and added to this "Woolen Coats" blog. The title of the Woolen Coats blog is a dead giveaway that it's a puppet blog, most likely created by a machine looking for keywords and phrases.

      Again, I don't understand all the inner workings of why or how this happens, but I know content scraping is real and, like I said, the internet is full of dead-end, fake blogs that seem to serve no purpose beyond taking content from actual, legitimate blogs. It could be that some overseas content-generating outfit had a bunch of underpaid saps create a huge number of fake blogs that generate some sort of revenue whenever someone visits the site. By ripping off popular, well-read content, some of those would-be blog visitors accidentally end up at a blog like "Woolen Coats" rather than going to Jenna's blog--kind of how you ended up there simply by searching JWs email address. It's a shady, shady world out there.

      Hope this helps! Here's some more info on content scraping in general:

    6. Thank you, I have looked into your findings. It does explain why this fake blog exists. Wow is all I can say, and yes so so shady. Again, thank you for taking the time to explain this to me. Much appreciated!

  23. It's strange that she used for her email for so long, then this summer she started using Also, if you click the subscribe button on her blog paypal uses

    Paypal has this to say: PayPal is required to report gross payments received for sellers who receive over $20,000 in gross payment volume AND over 200 separate payments in a calendar year.

  24. Well this is strange too-

    • April 14 at 3:31pm · Like

    Jenna Woginrich Cynthia you are like me! I did taxes on Sunday!
    April 14 at 5:39pm · Like

    This was FB 4/14/15

    Yet later posts of hers stated she left all that tax, payroll tax, etc to her accountant.
    I'm not sure if one could circumvent that gross amount by having separate emails associated with one PayPal account or not? I do know people that have set up the receiving payment as a donation and claimed they are non profit etc. Which of course, without the proper paperwork, is not legal. I too find it quite interesting that she has had 3-4 different email addresses, at any one time, to send donations to.

  25. God help us, she's discovered Lena Dunham. Watched the entire first season of Girls last did she have time to watch Silver Linings Playbook, Braveheart, Lion King, and Pitch Perfect 1&2??

  26. Are personal payments that I receive counted in the total that will be reported to the IRS?
    No. Personal payments that are not payments for the sale of goods or services will not be counted when determining if the IRS thresholds have been reached and will not be included on your Form 1099-K if you exceed the thresholds. However, all payments received for the sale of goods or services will be used to calculate the gross payment volume to be reported. PayPal monitors accounts to ensure that personal payments are not being used for sales of goods and services.

    From what I read on the Paypal site separate email accounts are all added together and with them together it's very possible to hit the limit. If you are a non-profit you must submit that information to them before receiving donations. However, there are ways to send personal payments to someone for things other than goods, services and donations. And as it says above, personal payments will not be counted towards your limit. Since I've never sent her money I don't know what happens via Paypal, as far as what questions are asked, when you send $.

    1. When sending money on Paypal, you have to check a box ststing whether you are paying for goods or services or if it is a gift to a friend or relative. I don't believe that you pay the Paypal fees if it is a gift. Apparently it does not get reported as income either. She may be able to have different accounts, under different names, for her Paypal payments. I have one for my eBay account, but only one, as I don't need to hide anything.

  27. It's weird her email isn't coldantlerfarm@ or jennawoginrich@

    Probably too easy for those tracking her down foe $ or product to figure out.

    Definitely weird for a "business"

  28. The placecard took her less than a hour from idea suggestion to blogger post.

    Her 5 minute jobs are obvious.

  29. Her 5 minute job might bring in $100 in sympathy donations, she makes 1200 an hour, now time to dance with Merlin and celebrate farming!


  31. Face it. She spends waaaaay too much time online to always be running to her laptop in the house. She blogs, she writes, she's on Twitter, she's on Facebook and Reddit, and she watches over various other sites and responds and monitors the social media waaaaay too closely to just be on her laptop. Just sayin....

    1. I completely agree. I don't care if she uses a cell phone I just hate that she's lying about it. Maybe Jenna is better at writing fiction than we thought-it's all just a bunch of lies.

  32. Ok, I looked at that woolen coats blog. Weird indeed. Are blogs copyrighted? If so, I wonder why she hasn't had her copied posts pulled.

    How did you find this strange blog?

    1. Nevermind - I found my answer in an earlier post.

  33. Interesting...the place card post went poof.

    1. On her Facebook post about it she wrote in the comments that it bombed.

    2. So...she determines if something is successful or not in less than, what, 24-hours. Not much time to build traction.

    3. Immediate gratification. Its how a he functions.

  34. I would like it if she offered an advice column. This would be the letter I'd send.

    "Dear JFW,

    I love your blog and took your advice. I quit my job and bought my dream farm. The problem is, I can't pay my mortgage, utilities, and truck payment or afford to feed my animals. I haven't been able to get anyone to send me money, pay my bills or buy me stuff. What should I do?

    Stumped in the South"

    I would love to hear her response.

  35. Dear SITS
    What you need to do it send me a small donation, believe it or not this is exactly where you are making your mistake. Have you joined the clan or bought a logo? If not, how do you expect to be able to make this work. Love isn't free, and the more you give, the more you shall receive! I know what you're thinking right now, "She's making this about her and not me" but you see SITS this is about me. I would rather live under a bridge and let my teeth fall out before I allow you're negativity and criticism infect this community. You sound like a hater's gotta hate type to me but I forgive you withj each donation you make to keep this farm going. And if you have a season pass, well when you help me do some chores here we can work on making this right for you.

  36. That reminds me of the current meme going around FB, this one's for Jenna "If people start complaining about not getting what I promise them, I get rid of those people, you don't need that kind of negativity in my life"

  37. I suspect she deleted the place card post after she read this blog and saw comments from Stephen Andrew. Why delete a post that might bring in money after only 24 hours? Why ungraciously announce "This idea BOMBED" when it was a thoughtful reader suggestion.....unless she wanted to flip someone the figurative bird?

    Did the idea bomb? No, it generated interest in her graphic design work and sparked further ideas/suggestions she might capitalize on. Deleting the post because it didn't generate beer money instantaneously makes no sense. There is no reason to delete the post.

    1. Yeah, totally to get back at the fellow. She didn't hardly give it 24 hours. Now she's gotta sell four of those nasty fast logos... Shesh... A shiloette and some type. My dog could do those. And people gush! Oh my gosh..... As a graphic artist myself, I just cringe at what she is doing to train people what is good and what is substandard. Shesh...

    2. She deleted it to punish him for a "bad" idea because he said he was put off by falconry? Interesting.

    3. She deleted it to punish him for a "bad" idea because he said he was put off by falconry? Interesting.

    4. No, I think because he is here posting openly on your forum. She knows he's one of those people now, the haters.

  38. Why would that guy be a 'hater'? I read both Jenna's blog and this blog. I need the balance because she's gone so far off the rails. I'm not a hater but Jenna uses that term for anyone that disagrees with her.
    I think its funny he wrote 'I know you hate suggestions...' haha yes she does!

  39. I take issue with these two statements from her latest blog:

    " I poured myself a giant mug of the nectar and I'm enjoying it with sugar packets I pocketed from the gas station because things are too tight right now to go out and buy a box of Equal."

    " I am okay with people I went to college with being wealthy while I am sliding pink packets into my pockets after buying a cup of coffee at a gas station."

    If you take more than you need, it is stealing. And it is another ploy to get people to feel sorry for her and send money. Poor her, can't afford a box of Equal.

    I'm not going to list the number of unnecessary purchase she wrote about this year, because there has been enough discussion about them.

    I don't think anyone here cares what her lifestyle is like and what the condition of her house is, as long as she pays her own way and stops living off of others.

    p.s. sheep escaped again

    1. I find it interesting that she can afford to buy take away coffee but can't buy sugar (I'm guessing Equal is sugar, I'm not in the US). Over here you could quite easily buy a small bag of sugar for the price of a petrol station coffee.......

    2. You're right, even though it's just tiny sugar packets, it's stealing! What happened to borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbour, I highly doubt they'd ever even ask for it back. Maybe she's run out of people to ask favours from. I'd rather go without than steal, plus is she not on some kind of diet that prohibits sugar anyway? I don't know why I'm surprised.
      And another thought, if things are so tight, why not go without the gas station coffee and put that money towards sugar with homemade coffee. It makes my head hurt.

    3. She buys Burt's Bees disposable wipes to freshen up because she's such a frickin' poodle and must go through endless disposable roasting pans.....but she can't afford Equal?

      Thursday nights are reserved for sipping pints at the boutique brewery. She can't afford Equal?

      She's decked out in $200 riding boots but no Equal?

    4. It's like crowd-funding for a new truck but you cannot afford the gas, or the insurance or the upkeep...

  40. Interesting read from the NY Times: GoFundMe Gone Wild -

    1. "The crime writer Mark Ebner, whose mailboxes have been increasingly filled with monetary requests, has a theory about it all. “I think online begging has become the new economy.”

      Very apropos.

    2. New career alert- **attention seeker**
      salary- live day to day and keep your eyes on your PayPal account.
      Duties/Responsibilities- insult, self flog, condemn readers/fans, behave child-like, pinch sugar and anything else you can get away with, recycle posts, tweets and memoirs, stomp feet, binge watch chick flicks, tell the whole world everything you are doing-every minute (including shitting in the woods, sleeping naked next to dogs) be mysterious, and last but not least live like fiction ALL the f'ing time. Wash Rinse Repeat!

      ** You do not need to be able to lift over 50 lbs, bend over or do any hard labor. Working and taking care of the things that have been crowd-funded for you is for poodles**

  41. I wonder if she doesn't realize that most of us start our day with a cup of coffee,too. We also let the dogs out to do their business and clean muddy feet. We feed the livestock with no escapes because we have well built fences. Could we all blog about these things and expect someone to pay us? Maybe throw in a gripe about the price of sugar, because I would never steal. I could even mention having a flat tire. Surely that would be worth something!

  42. In her violin lessons she should teach folks how to play the "poor me" violins behind some of her posts. The sugar packet story for sure. Wow.

  43. First of all I absolutely love that Jenna's sister said that her house is gross. However, what a bitch move on Jenna's part to specifically mention her sister in her latest post. Her sister "isn't on Team Farm". Oh go F off Jenna.

    1. Sisterly love = taking your sister aside and giving constructive comments with love.
      Sisterly love ≠ slagging your sister off in front of potentially thousands of strangers.

      I'd also bet that she wouldn't be able to keep a house anywhere near spotless with two kids to look after. She is coming across more and more obviously as jealous and spiteful.

    2. Moral of the story: if you are Jenna's familiar be careful what you say to her or you may end up as a prop in a blog post dedicated to making her look good.

      Her family should be grateful she isn't showing up at holidays. She couldn't resist writing about how hideously bourgeoisie they are to contrast how feral and amazing she is.

      "My family gathered around the long dining room table and I felt no connection to these people eating store bought turkey. They hadn't slit it's throat and pulled the feathers by moonlight and can never know the pulse of the predator's heart as it grinds it's prey between their teeth. My mother passed me the gravy but the whole time I was holding back the lupine urge to howl."

  44. On Facebook... someone asked what muzzle loader she is using... her answer "it's black?" Look out neighbors, she has a muzzle loader and might, maybe, know how to use it.

  45. 5 years of hunting and nothing to show for it. Hawk #1 and Hawk #2 don't hunt. Good job!

  46. Her latest twitter post: If you have time for adult coloring books, you probably don't have a farm. #nothatingjustsaying

    I officially can not stand her for real now. I don't know why this post bugs me so badly but it does..she can piss off with her I am better than you postings about how great everything is in her life while crapping in the woods for months on end and how her sisters home is more put together than hers..and her sister has a pull plate.

    Whats your excuse,Jenna? you've got tons of time to clean the house,take care of your animals and stop with the begging and get a normal job.

    She makes me sick. She really really does

    1. That Twitter post also really offended me. Why WHY would she say that?! As if it's okay for a "farmer" to binge watch TV shows, but not relax by coloring? WTF. I wish I had a Twitter account so I could start reposting and replying to her most idiotic tweets.

    2. Adult colouring books are the new "meditation". Much better for the mind than any season of Girls.

  47. Her latest post is just a potpourri of obnoxiousness. But first, let's start with her twitter:

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 26m26 minutes ago
    If you have time for adult coloring books, you probably don't have a farm. #nothatingjustsaying

    Bitch, please. Do you have to be told again? You. Do. Not. Have. A. Farm. You might also tweet: If you have time to watch the entire first season of Girls in one day, you probably don't have a farm. #bingewatching #bloodshoteyes #lenacrush If you spend your days waddling around with a hawk and riding horsies with your BFF you don't get to point fingers at someone who likes to doodle.

    Then there's the "I love my life. No, really." post #987. The coffee has percolated yet again. The wood stove is lit. The soundtrack has been selected. The sheep are out as always. She's proud of her messy life. She's working straight from the Katz playbook: repeat, repeat, repeat. This sentence is a real treasure: "When you got two adults, two incomes, and 100% less farming you can make your house spotless." Hellllooooo, her sister and husband WORK and have TWO small children. Does she really think having a full-time job and two kids is LESS work than having a fake hobby farm? Sorry, that's totally fucked up, Jenna. Your house is dumpy and filthy because you are watching TV 18 hours a day. That's ok. Just own it.

    Pinching Egual from the gas station--- she is SO cool. She makes being broke seem so romantic and hip. "I'd rather steal Equal from Stewart's than stop expanding my vinyl collection!"

    "If the race is about happiness, if that is our actual metric for a good life, I am lapping nearly everyone I know."


    She's like the saddest person who blogs. She's may or may not be a psychopath but she's definitely a lonely narcissist with almost zero self-awareness or real self-esteem. Happy people don't badger the few thousand strangers on their FB to convince them they're a dazzling beauty or that their house is not an embarrassment in danger of being condemned by the Dept. of Health. They don't daydream publicly about the men they would like to date while fervently insisting they aren't looking for anyone. They don't out themselves as massive snobs every chance they get. And they sure as shit don't write defensive posts about how happy they are every week.

    1. Anon 1:04

      Can I just say, I loved your post. So well said and everything I wanted to say but was just too gobsmacked to put into words. Every word so true. Thank you.

    2. And very passionate.

    3. Anon 1:04, yes you win the Bloggy Woggy Award this week for telling it like it is!

  48. I was intrigued by the comments here so I went and read that blog post. Here's where I whip out my soapbox:

    Jenna's sister has two LITTLE kids. Jenna herself says that the floors at her sisters place have to be clean because of crawling babies.

    This is after she notes that she herself AND the dogs track MANURE all over the floor!

    And then she gets pissy because her sister says her house is gross? Sweetie, if THE INSIDE OF YOUR HOUSE smells like MANURE and DOG PISS? IT IS GROSSER THAN GROSS.

    She;s lucky her sister stayed, I guess. I wouldn't have. If faced with the choice to stay and wonder what my kids (who would be all over the floor) might put in their mouths that had come into contact with the germs harbored in MANURE or needing to follow my kids around 100% of the time to keep them healthy or just going home? Home it is.

    I have a dog, too. We wipe her feet at the door when they get muddy, or wash them off with a hose by the garage. It happens. Dirty boots stay outside on the porch.

    And what do you know? My house doesn't smell like manure and dog piss. Whodathunk?

    P.S. If I read that about myself on my sisters blog, I'd probably NEVER SPEAK TO HER AGAIN.

    1. I'm smelling dog farts right now, and that's bad enough.

  49. ^^^^^^ That ^^^^^^exactly.

  50. she could have a million followers and that doesn't change the fact that she is alone and obviously lonely. No amount of 'atta-girl's from complete strangers is going to change that.

  51. How in the world are sheep escaping through WOVEN WIRE fence? Is it just leaning against posts? Is it held by bubble gum? Seriously, what the hell?

    Woven wire fence, with sturdy posts, and a single strand of electric on the inside will keep ANY sheep in.

  52. From that NY Times article:

    "There was a time when there were needs, and there were wants, and we knew the difference. Now?

    Now I’m not so sure."

  53. I think she's having self induced psychosis. She has completely lost touch with reality. She's been stewing on that comment her sister made for quite a while. She knows her sister is right.

  54. That article is so true. All I have to do is look each week at all the garbage in our units dumpster. I mean 16 units-some with just 1 person in them. There are no children at all in any of the 16 units. For pets- 2 dogs, 1 cat total. Yet, each week the garbage truck comes 3x to empty 5 large dumpsters-overflowing with trash left on the side and behind them. That's just one building. There are 12 buildings in total. My husband tells me that at his job when someone comes in with the newest model cellphone, within 3 weeks everyone has one except of course him. We don't have smart phones, can't afford them.. Same with tools, Carhartt jackets, trucks, everything. I live in an area that is considered to have the second highest poverty rate in the state, along with 10% unemployment for this area in the state and currently one of the highest heroin addiction/overdose areas of the state. Yet, everyone I know and see, that is a local, has the latest cellphone, is wearing the newest trend in clothing and gets their nails done professionally. Social media has created a new era of "Keeping up with the Jones' or Kardashians" or whoever or whatever is driving this trend.

    Also, another trend (not so new) is flogging one's self in order to receive compliments and praise/permission for pointing out something negative about yourself.

    It drives me nuts that people need to drag people down in order to build themselves up. But that story/trend is as old as the world. Bullies -or verbal abusers do that all the time. Or those that practice back handed compliments-vile people. I think the same thing about sarcasm-it's rude, it's a method of defense, it's passive aggressive.
    I would think that most people must be tiring of this public person misbehaving so badly. But like so many have said, both here and other places, they're hanging on to watch the train wreck it's all become..

  55. She thinks people might find it tragic she's been reduced to stealing sugar packets? Does she fancy herself Jenna Valjean in the Washington Co. version of Les Mis?

    Tragic: Syria, FGM, children who die from parasitic worms, sexual slavery, school shootings

    Not tragic: 33 year old, college educated lay about getting a five fingered discount on sugar substitutes.

  56. Here's what you do when you have boots with manure on them... take them off before you walk in the house. Or, take them off as you walk in the house. Hose your dogs off if they are muddy. Keep the basics clean, floors, bathroom, kitchen, curtains, etc. I have dogs. There is some smell, but healthy dogs rarely smell. It takes effort, but she has more than enough time. The insult to her sister is below the belt- he sister was being caring, trying to tell her so if she did not see it, she would. I get that. She's not too poor to get sugar, she's just enjoying manipulating her audience.

    1. It's easy to become Nose-blind to certain smells, especially in your own home. It's always nice to come home after being gone for a few days because I feel like I can get a true sense of how my house smells to strangers.

      I would want to know if my house smelled "off."

      The other thing I realized is that we don't know what the rest of that conversation looked like. She says she spent three days cleaning, but we also know she lies. I believe the bit about the Febreze. I don't believe that Jenna really deep cleaned her house. I am betting that she tried to cover as much up as she could resulting in the delightful SHIT-RUS (when you spray citrus air freshner in a house full of manure you get shit-rus) smell.

    2. Ah -- YES! I laughed out loud at the Febreeze comment (I'm sure if questioned she would say she was being ironic), that stuff is toxic.

    3. Febreze and all those deodorizing sprays are neurotoxins.

    4. Febreze and all those deodorizing sprays are neurotoxins.

    5. I'm with you Alice. I only use vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, washing soda, etc. to clean. And for "air freshener" just simmer some cinnamon sticks, cloves in a pot. :-)

  57. I'm beginning to think she's trying to somehow justify herself to herself, ya know? All this putting down of others-who-are-different seems like an attempt at self-bolstering. She comes off as just so lonely and out of touch, it's really quite pathetic.

    It's fine to think differently than other people, like different things, etc. It's her smarmy attitude that is such a turnoff at this point. I can't believe anyone holds her in high esteem anymore. She's such a liar and fake.

  58. You're right, Becca. I think it's telling that she mentions over and over about her 'not caring' what people think is just that: trying to talk herself into feeling okay about herself.

    "When the place that gets you mocked, takes care of you so well, you don't really care about others' opinions. Kind of like when you're old enough to not be embarrassed by your parents anymore - just grateful."

    "I am okay with all of this being messy. I am okay with a sister grossed out by my floors. I am okay with people I went to college with being wealthy while I am sliding pink packets into my pockets after buying a cup of coffee at a gas station."

  59. Yes, I agree with her trying to convince herself of herself. Also it may be something she is trying and is taking too far to the extreme. Blogging has been getting a bad rap for sometime. Not too far behind is FB posts and pictures due to everything seeming like it's a photo shoot, or your life is perfectly perfection.

    The new trend, well it's not so new anymore, is to show your dirt. It supposedly endears people to you; making you seem more human. It appears people have gotten too frustrated with blogs and posts about perfect lives, they simply cannot keep up with them. While I agree that some people's lives do look to be perfect, no one's life is perfect. The face people choose to put on their blog or FB is either their own face or their faux face.

    I find it silly that some of the so called perfect people blogs I read, because I love to look at how people decorate, occasionally will throw in a post with a pic of a messy room. Oh the oohs and the ahhs they get because so many people can relate vs. just a couple comments on a pretty post.

    It's o.k. if your entire blog reads like your not perfect, you have messes too. But, it smacks of insincerity if you have a polished blog and suddenly you post a pic of an overflowing laundry basket.

  60. I should add, that for her it is probably more about finally letting it all hang out as opposed to keeping it quiet and pretending to be a homesteader.

  61. "Another would-be author offered “immortality” to one lucky donor by writing her into her novel for $1,000"
    Sounds like the NY Times got the Birch BS all figured out, where is my effin PDF!

  62. I'll get a hot shower (which I am looking forward to more than most people look forward to getting laid), pour myself some more strong coffee, and put on some clean clothes and lipstick and feel like the huntress with a mortgage I am. Then I'll go eat some of those alcoholic apples myself and me and Gibson will hunker down on the couch and binge watch some Miley Cyrus or Braveheart, I'll inhale the smell of horse crap and dog piss as a therapeutic balm and as I tweet and FB into the wee hours of the morning i will know that i am the luckiest person on the planet!

  63. Did anyone notice Jenna mentioned getting her feelings hurt today by strangers on the internet??? HI JENNA! Glad to see you're still reading here! Now - GO GET A JOB!!!

  64. Why does Jenna write about stealing sugar? I thought she was off sugar with her diet? No sugar no carbs???

  65. The sugar comment is telling. Most sane people would go without and drink their coffee black before STEALING. Not Jenna she is better than everyone else and deserves everything she steals/cheats/begs for. She needs to grow up. This isn't cute.

  66. That post is utter BS!!!!

    JW's house is messy because she's too effing lazy to do anything about it.

    I lived on 700 acres and it would have been a cold day in hell before I let human or a pack of dogs run through my house with mucky boots or muddy paws, let alone climb the furniture. PERIOD. That's what porches, or back doors or boot trays are for.

    My kid got stripped down butt naked more than once at the back door when she was too full of the barns clingy masses to enter the house.

    As for her house being gross, it doesn't have a chance of being anything but gross. Half of it is bare plywood. How on earth can that ever look nice. Can you imagine a house where half the downstairs is linolium and the other half is old dead plywood. How revolting. It must look like some sort of tenament house.

    And, I'm sorry how much could sugar cost in her area. I just bought 5 pounds at Wal Mart for $1.29. And if there isn't one close by Dollar Stores are popping up all over.

    Just more justification of her empty life. No matter what her proclimations are.

    1. Funny, there is a Dollar Store right in her town, less than a mile from Stewart's.

  67. It looks like her sister has unfriended her on Facebook now.

  68. I don't think so....?

  69. No she is still on her friends list

  70. Somebody cue up the violins, looks like another emergency is about to happen. You can tell because the sky is red and it's WINDY.

    PS- Who drinks coffee that they know has mud in it?!?!?!

    1. ON Twitter, she posted "This farm needs to catch a break, and soon."

      I am flabbergasted that someone able-bodied would sit back and play all day, instead of getting a JOB, and then whine about needing to "catch a break"! How many freaking breaks has she had? Way more than the average person I think.

      She bought a place way over her budget (I am using that term loosely because it's obvious she has no idea what that is) and then promptly quit her job. Unbelievable!

      I keep telling myself, don't look at her crap any more, but like most of you, just can't look away!

    2. Things don't just suddenly become scary --- months of being late on your mortgage and not having a stable income should be the tip off that things are not going well.

    3. I'd like to catch a break from my 12-hour days so I can hunt, and hike and ride and play with my hawk.

      AND, no, no, no, I'm not jealous, because even though I'm exhausted this time of year from long days I'd rather have the stability of home, hearth, warmth, finances, food et al than crapping in the woods, and fervently trying to convince the world otherwise.

  71. Jack Mattke, get out your checkbook. Jenna needs an infusion STAT!

    Jenna Woginrich
    33 mins ·
    When things get scary I:
    Take a warm shower.
    Dress well, present myself well, Smile.
    Feel good about my body and mind.
    Take time to breathe, meditate, and pray.
    Make a list of 5 things I can do right now to help the situation.
    Start the work on that list.
    Work hard on that list.
    Ask for help.
    Let go of what I can't control.
    Realize I made it this far.
    And if all that fails...
    Keep going anyway.


    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 53m53 minutes ago
    This farm needs to catch a break, and soon.

    1. Begs the question if one of those 5 things is finding steady employment that can throw off a guarunteed income even if it is part-time.

      It's the holidays for God sake, everyone is hiring.

      Oh...I forgot...she has to be home to corral the rampaging flock.

    2. Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Put this on the list - visit home

    3. Seriously, her mom has posted twice today, on separate facebook threads, about how Jenna needs to come home.

      I get it. She's sad. If I were a mom, I'd be sad too...but it's actually getting kind of annoying. And seems to be largely ineffective.

    4. Her mother needs a reality check. At 33, Jenna is an adult (even if she doesn't act like it). That means she gets to decide where she spends holidays and whether or not she travels home. Ma Woginrich is way, way out of line.

  72. Jenna Woginrich
    45 mins ·
    This farm needs a miracle.

  73. She's the definition of insanity...doing the same thing over & over expecting different results. She will never have financial security unless she shakes it up and does something different. Until she realizes this she will continue with the same begging, same tired flash logo sales, same lame workshops...


  74. Jenna Woginrich
    50 mins ·
    Any neighbors available to give a girl's truck a jump?

    Doesn't say which one (and she got a jump).

  75. So she posts about keeping Christ in Christmas. UHHHH I thought she was a heathen, pagen, wicken, viking, badass person that doesn't need an organized religion.

    WOW I almost got whiplash at the hypocracy of that post.

    1. My favorite part was Mom chiming in "Visit your family" on that post.

  76. I didn't see the post but seeing what you wrong there I really don't see the hypocrisy. Most Pagan don’t have a problem with keeping Christ in Christmas. Your dogma is well your dogma I do find it funny that most Christians have lager issue with Pagan’s than the other way around. On a good note though I’ll take it that there will be one less Christmas tree to decorate in your home.

  77. I think Jenna's Christmas post was another commentary on the stupid Starbucks red cup crisis that she tweeted about the other day.

  78. It's a mixed message actually. I don't think anon 2:44 was necessarily talking about JUST pagans. JW mentions gods which makes me think, or assume or guess that she is a heathen. And that is partially confirmed by the heathen group she has formed online that meets in person. I think the meme she put up was just to stir the pot. Let us not forget that in just a few short years, JW publicly has been a Pagan, a Buddhist and a Heathen. After reading about Paganism, Heathenism and practicing Buddhism I believe all 3 to be quite different from one another. I think we are all quite curious, at least those of us that have been following her blog for a number of years, as to which religion or? is next... JMO

  79. I wonder if she watched Orange is the New Black and saw pensatucky get $$$ from religious people and JW is thinking of shaking that tree next

  80. I just remember her, more than once, saying she was not a Christian and had no use for the standard religions of her childhood. Perhaps that's what the previous post was talking about.

  81. From FB: "Stop wasting time getting upset at those who criticize your life. It is always someone who has no idea of the price you paid to get where you are today."

    I could edit that:

    "Stop wasting time getting upset at those who criticize your life. It is always someone who has no idea of the price YOUR FANS paid to get you where you are today."

  82. Catch a break? Earth to Jenna - how many breaks have you already had? How many times have your fans come to your rescue? It makes my head spin.

  83. I remember she once wrote that she would do anything to save the farm (and I use the word 'farm' loosely).

    I do not believe that is the case, because if saving the farm meant getting a job, she would do it.

    Now I believe that she would do anything to never have to work again. She is ok with living under a bridge, because it means not having to work.

  84. So I am wondering what it would take to have jenna be able to keep the farm. Not because I think she should keep it, but out of curiosity, because right now I have a home with a similar mortgage (I assume) and am working a relatively low-paying job to make ends meet. Things are extremely tight, but it's because my husband and I are sacrificing stability now to help him complete a several-month training program in skilled labor which will allow him to work at double or greater the income of his previous positions in food service. So it's essentially one income for a little while, and it sucks. But it's for a reason. Soon it will be plenty for our rather humble needs and we can begin saving money again.

    Minimum wage is $8.75/hr in New York. All very rough averages here. She probably has few major bills beyond her mortgage (around $1,000?)... car insurance, $75?, basic internet, $50?, basic phone, $20, water, $50, electricity, $150+. Student loans, $150? Food, $350. Gas, $100. That puts us up to around $1800 a month. Unfortunately, my guess is that after taxes she'd make around $1200 a month fulltime at minimum wage. So it's not enough. And that's not factoring in feed costs. Hay is expensive. Easily $250-300 a month if you don't get a good deal in bulk for that many animals. Pet & hawk food. Another $100+ a month. Unexpected animal costs. $100+ a month. That puts expenses closer to $2200/month.

    But then she keeps doing evening logos, maybe 10/month, and brings in another $1000. She could break even. Barely, with no safety net. No accounting for other needs, like firewood or working plumbing, let alone wants. Let's say she makes $250 a month in residual book sales. $2500 a month income with almost nonstop work. Enough to float by, all bills paid til she can find a better job. Find a remote job to do online at $16/hr, which she could be able to find, would mean 40 hours could pay for the most basic components of her current life. Add on the book sales and logos and perhaps it's $3000. Getting better. Add her workshops at $750 a month, oNE workshop with 7 people or so. $3750 minus $2200 leaves solid room for saving, though not much for saving for retirement, or having fun, or big time emergencies. Ultimately she needs to make money off farm products or the farm is really just one extraordinarily expensive, time-consuming hobby.

    This budget makes me nauseous. The mortgage is just too great. Quick small fix? Add a roommate. Get a job, any job, to buy time to look for a better job. Keep doing logos, workshops, etc. Work to death until you're not sailing the Titanic directly into an iceberg while scooping out water with a bucket. Eventually, make more, work less. Make farm income. Ideally, sell most or all the stock - make $1000 from the goats and sheep. Put towards mortgage. Subtract feed costs. Sell Merlin. Add towards mortgage, subtract feed and care costs. Suddenly the farm is brought current. What good are her animals with no farm to keep them on?

    Try again later. Better yet, sell the farm, buy a smaller, cheaper plot. Rent. Whatever. I would regain some respect for her if she took accountability.

    This is madness. There's almost no way she could keep this freight train going without a huge amount of donations, patrons, whatever. If that were my life, I know how much it would hurt but you have to let it go. Restart in a smarter way.

    Like I said, I don't think she could keep it, but this to me just illustrates how foolhardy this endeavor is in its current incarnation. I am probably lowballing her budget hard and it's still unimaginably unsustainable. I cannot imagine the end is not nigh unless she makes major, longterm, drastic changes immediately. Even with the sympathy money of poor folks who somehow can't see they're being scammed.

  85. Jenna, honey, the reason you are three months behind in your mortgage and stealing sugar from the gas station, isn't because you are scrappy or hard ass, or spunky or free or whatever weirdo thing you want to try and believe in your little fantasy world. It's because what you are doing is not sustainable in anyway. Not with a huge mortgage and two truck payments and animals that don't produce anything but pleasure for you. Really the chickens and the goats are the only possible break even livestock you have. Sheep? What barter a lamb for next to nothing, maybe two if they don't die? So that is worth feeding those others all year? No way. Horse, well, yeah, everyone knows those are expensive. Hawk? Dogs? Cats?

    Well, whatever, you'd have to have like five successful workshops a month and sell ten plus logos a month to even come near to catching up and clearly you are not doing that.

    You're freaking three months behind in your mortgage! And you're out riding horses with friends and hawking and binge watching Netflix? Birchthorn is just a joke, it's never going to be finished as you detailed, it will just be some fan fiction PDF.

    You can still do all that stuff. Sell the excess stock. Keep the horse, but the sheep, just pain in the butts and you can't keep them contained anyways. Your neighbors must cringe every time they get out, oh daily it seems of late. Get a job, anything. Temporary, and get caught up. Sell the clunker truck, that won't start half the time. Pay off the Dakota and get it running right. Can't believe you ran it into the ground. Do something grown up instead of fantasy character nerd girlish for once.

    Face it, being three months behind on your mortgage on what you say is the most important thing in your life just shows the world that it's not that important to you. If it were any of us, we'd be fighting tooth and nail to get right with the bank to keep it. Not playing around and hoping the farm gets a break and scamming your fans out of sympathy and cash.

  86. Exactly what sort of break is left? I mean she already did a Kickstarter for fifteen grand. She's had scores of people helping her out. She does pretty much nothing without a crowd to do it for her.

    What, oil? Find some gold buried in the barn? Win the lottery? Sell a book that people will go nuts for? Ah, old great aunt kicks the bucket and leaves a fortune to her favorite niece?

    The only "break" the farm will get is a stupid male to marry her and work at a poodle job so she can be JFW to her fans...

  87. Even with a full time job it is sometimes hard to make ends meet --and I don't have a horse, etc! I think this winter will be her breaking point-she won't have as many workshops to count on. I am amazed that she hasn't reached a saturation point with her logos, but maybe she's getting the word out beyond Facebook & Twitter.

  88. Every time I see that stupid Logo Sale I wonder about the folks that paid full price. Why can't she see what she's doing is alienating people. She's got about 5 people of her 3,000 Facebook friends who shared her logo sale. I've noticed she's already had 4 people de-friend her since yesterday. I would too but the trainwreck is just too fascinating!!!!!

  89. @coldantlerfarm: 8AM: I have already had 3 cups of coffee, a horse in the road, sheep escaped, chores done, errands in town, and am prepping for a workshop.

    Sometimes I think she says this stuff just to get a rise out of us. Her fences can't possibly be that bad and she can't possibly be that stupid...right?

    1. Horse in the road, now that's text book homesteading, let me support that, ka-ching

  90. I don't believe a word she says anymore. She's got more money coming in than half of us here! She knows if she posts "I'm so scared!" a poor, lonesome, (probably toothless) idiot will send money. She's going to keep this con up until people stop paying.
    When will it end???? There's always new folks just hearing about her and they don't know the background, so they think they're helping out a nice person not a SCAM artist!
    What ever happened to the Cold Antler SCAM blog??? I think that's how to hold her accountable - she did visit that blog once or twice to try to defend her scams.

  91. Jennas not broke! She's weaving a web of poverty that DOES NOT EXIST!

    There is money and plenty of it. Its not that a he can't afford sugar, age simply doesn't feel it's something she should pay for. All "necessities" should be provided for free in her world.

    You know why my dogs aren't routinely frolicking in the road? Because I love them and want to keep them safe.

    Jenna loves Jenna.

  92. Why hasn't anyone called her out on the sugar hypocrisy??? Just a few weeks ago she bleated she doesn't eat sugar! Now she has to steal it to survive?
    Meredith recently Jenna said there were 6 people who were here (at your blog) trying to make her life miserable. Obviously we know that isn't true - just trying to keep her animals safe and her held accountable for her lies. Would it be possible to do a 'Roll Call' post so we can all chime in??? People could stay 'anonymous' but maybe type in their state or something? I'm curious how many of us we have here. I KNOW it's way more than 6!!!!!

    1. Her life is miserable. There are more than six of us here. Those are facts. My opinion is, she made very very bad choices, maybe going back to college, that have made her life miserable. She isn't 12. She has to step up and make it right. She also lies so much, I doubt that she even realizes it anymore. When she's upset or scared, she drags out the boogeymen and blames it on them.

      Anyone remember that she posted about the repo man trying to find her and her truck before she quit her job? She was living beyond her means then, and her response was to quit her job so she could do more workshops. If I was her mother I would try to have her committed.

    2. To be fair, I believe it was Equal, the sugar substitute that she stole. She mentioned pink packets and sugar substitutes come in that color.

  93. Yeah I'm starting to wonder if she's better at fiction than we thought and all of this b.s. Is just a big fat lie

  94. To JFW's Facebook friends who want to know what they can do to help her get her 'miracle'.

    Send money. Lot's and lot's of money. And after the crisis is over, be prepared to send lot's more as she is never satiated.

  95. Should read lots, not lot's.

  96. I waffle back and forth about whether Jenna is loaded, living fat and sassy off the backs of her dumb fuck fans or is telling some version of the truth and is pretty much penniless, perpetually circling the drain. The fun lies in the speculation.

    Her tweeting and blogging about her animals being in the road/on the loose will be a godsend to the lawyer that has to build a case against her after she finally causes an accident. A farm in my area had to have a horse euthanatized after it was struck by a car. Why does she not think it's important to fix that fence once and for all? If she can't keep the sheep in, get rid of them before someone gets hurt.

  97. She doesn't "need" a miracle or money. She said she has no credit card debt. And I don't believe she's paying taxes on all these "gifts."
    Two different stories about how she pays her taxes make that clear.

    "The farm," doesn't need anything. Jenna Woginrich wants other people to hand her money for nothing. Farms don't need "miracles," unless there's been a drought for a couple of years. The "farm," produces no less than it ever has, which is a some pork and a few bars of soap.
    She needs a miracle to continue hanging out doing no work, while still neglecting her animals.
    She doesn't seem to care about anyone else. This childlike refusal to visit her family is inexplicable. The implication that it's easier for a couple to work two jobs and raise kids than it is to hang around and write is insulting at least, and just plain stupid. I don't care that her family posts online. Why shouldn't they? She says whatever she wants about anyone herself.
    BTW, it's easy to seal plywood so it's as cleanable as any other surface. And who can't stack their own wood???? Or seal a floor???
    Cold Antler Farm isn't a farm. It's a backyard feedlot where animals get to the road constantly, and are too often neglected. Where are the chickens?
    She seems like a self-styled evangelist of the Church of Jenna.

    1. You're right about the taxes. If someone buys her something, that poor chump has paid for it with after tax money, and has possibly paid sales tax.

      If someone pays her vet bill, again it is will after tax money. She does not have to declare these gifts, so they are tax free.

  98. I truly think there is a diagnosis here of a major mental disorder. Sadly, it is very difficult to commit adults to treatment in New York State, but she is seriously delusional. However, her livestock have escaped every day for the last 3 days, and it seems to me that a call to animal control would at least save the sheep and horse from getting hit by a car. I know there are not six people on here - but I don't know how to estimate the number so let's be conservative and say 50. What if animal control got 50 calls from concerned people, that instructed them to please talk to the neighbors about animal escapes?

  99. She may be on shakier ground than she realizes. We've had a good run since 2008, but the economic outlook is not rosy and a bear market could be on the horizon. Bull markets generally run 6-7 years and we're at that mark.

    What that means for her is that if the economy tanks and people lose jobs, they will not be sending money, buying logos or signing up for workshops.

    Then there is the global unrest, especially after what just happened in France. Pope Francis called it "piecemeal World War III". This could have a significant impact on the economy. Less money in people's pockets mean less donations coming her way.

    Prepping means more than stockpiling canned food and firewood. She needs to be on firmer financial ground. She needs to get her head out of her fantasy world, grow up, get a job and get her financial house in order. Her prepping will do no good if she doesn't have a roof over her head.

  100. Kind of a funny comment about her workshop today:
    "I forgot about the workshop being today, so I guess I'm not going to make it. My apologies."
    I'm so curious as to how many people actually attend? These workshops aren't cheap and have already been offered a million times. I think it's inevitable for the numbers to dwindle...

    1. I wonder if they paid for the workshop?

  101. From what I understand - if the person pays and can't go they can put it towards another workshop or event.
    That is pretty funny that the person just plain forgot! LOL
    If this were MY business (and thank god it isn't) I would be sending reminders 2 weeks out, 1 week out, and 3 days before. I'd also ask people to post the pics and tag me on Facebook, write reviews, get the word out and drum up more business.
    Jenna Woginrich is a slacker at best. She'll never be taken seriously -

    1. There's a total lack of business skills going on at CAF.

      Promoting the workshops as you have suggested is so basic you have to wonder if she isn't mentally challenged. Why not make a video ad as well? She could tack that on to the end of her vlogs.

  102. The non-monetary benefit of getting a job (of any sort) is that it would get her back out mixing with ordinary people. Surrounding herself with nothing but middle-aged fan girls has been detrimental to her health. Outside of professional psychiatric help, simply coming face to face with her peers again could be a step in the right direction. And if she has any real intention of finding a mate she needs to leave the farm for more than gas and Equal.

    1. I agree---all of this alone time is not doing her any favors as reality slips away.
      I truly believe there is someone for everyone, but can't for the life of me imagine what type of guy would be compatible with her?
      It would be great if she could find someone who makes her a better person and calls her out on her b.s. But you and I know he'd never last. Only male poodles need apply lol

  103. Either she requests workshop attendees to not post any photos or the workshops just aren't photo-worthy=boring. Either way how lame is it that there aren't ever any photos -- personally I wouldn't invest the $$ unless I was at least somewhat sure of what it would be like.

  104. Jenna is a cult leader, the pied-piper of wannabees. There are so many lonely people out there who want to, have to, believe that there is a girl doing what she wants, making her dream a reality. It may be totally bogus and unsustainable but it attracts people. I would imagine after 1 or 2 workshops with JW the magic wears off and they realize they overpaid for a bunch of crap. Maybe they sign a confidentiality clause that say no pictures, no posting. Its like Scientology but Jenna is the master and all these people are paying for this weirdness which makes them feel "special", barf!

  105. "Drove home from a dinner party in my 89 F-150 in 2 inch heels. Where is my award?"

    Her post makes no sense to me....I don't get it? Has she completely gone mad or am I missing something?

    1. She participated in life....give her a trophy.

    2. She would like some attention and murmurs of approval at her perceived coolness. She did get a "Sexy!" and her mother seems cheered as well "A ray of hope". It's also gives her the opportunity to, once again, remind everyone that her truck is an 89 F-150 because we're all as wrapped up in being retro as she is.

  106. Well, if being "retro" is cool I must be a super-cool superhero. I have an 82 GMC full-size diesel pickup. I use it to haul to the dump and pick up any freebies I find on CL. Actually, I myself am "retro" being 57 years of age. LOL

  107. An award for wearing 2" heels? I used to wear them all the time when I was her age. Where is my award then?

    I also wore them to my job. Yes, an actual job where I earned money so I could be self sufficient. Where is my award for that?

    Maybe no award, but my reward was bills paid on time, money in the bank and no wolves at the door.

  108. I think the "drove home in 2 inch heels" (clogs?hahahaha) sums up Jenna perfectly. She wants acknowledgement for accomplishing nothing in particular while wanting to appear "cool" (I guess-she keeps mentioning the year and make of her car. Maybe I'll start doing that. "Drove up the road in my 2004 Toyota Matrix to..." Ya. That works) . She has a remarkable lack of self-awareness as she does not seem to understand how her contradictory ramblings come across to readers. She has driven her groovy truck right off the homesteading/small farm road. I hope she finds her way again.

    1. The constant mewling for attention is both sad and annoying. I agree about the lack of self-awareness -- it's sort of incredible, really. In a way, it's becoming painful to watch -- this woman needs help.

  109. She just posted a photo of Friday, which reminded me that she hasn't been spayed and probably won't be. Assuming Gibson isn't fixed, it's yet another example of her being irresponsible (sigh)

  110. From Sociopath World:

    "The key to understanding the narcissism myth is not that he fell in love with himself, but that he failed to recognize himself in his own reflection. In other words, true narcissists are not self-aware.

    A real narcissist is dissociated from his or her true self; he feels haunted by chronic feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and self-loathing and seeks to replace that disconnection with a sense of worth and importance fueled by others.

    Narcissism is also marked by a profound lack of empathy, a fundamental inability to understand and connect with the feelings of others. Taken together, these are the traits psychologists measure in diagnosing what's known as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)."
