Sunday, November 22, 2015

Are you kidding me?!


  1. Well #1 you have a gorgeous complexion that most people don't have. You are very lucky!!!
    #2 ahhhh, not much can be done for expression lines. I've been using prescription retin-A for the past 1.5 years. It hasn't erased the lines but keeps at bay future lines. I read that at the time it doesn't seem to do much but when you're in your 50's there will be a huge difference between retin-A skin and au naturel. Who knows. Retinol in over the counter products is a gentler and less expensive form of retin-a.

    I try to not think about it TOO much but it is shocking to look in the mirror and notice a wrinkle or age spot that quite literally popped up overnight!

    1. Thank you.

      I'll keep that product in mind.

      Wrinkles are cropping up left and right...

      Crazy how our self confidence issues change over the years.

  2. Are you kidding me? Wrinkles? What wrinkles?

    Post again when you get a serious facial disfigurement, like the 9 year-old girl who's face was mauled by a pit bull.

    "I guess she got too close to him and he jumped up and got a hold of her face and took off some of her nose and a big chunk of her lip," Feltner said. "She was gushing blood so I ripped off my shirt to stop the bleeding."

    Stupid parents allowing children around f-ing pit bulls.

    Seriously, you are complaining about non-wrinkles? Hello Jenna. You are both NUTS!

    1. SKIN SHAMING for talking about skin care?!


      My pit bull is amazing with children.

      Come back after a few deep breaths and some rational thought.

    2. SKIN SHAMING for talking about skin care?!


      My pit bull is amazing with children.

      Come back after a few deep breaths and some rational thought.

    3. "My pit bull is amazing with children."

      - yea, they all say that crap, until their pit bull bites off part of some kid's face.

      You and Jenna have the same skin problem - white skin privilege.

      "White privilege (or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit white people in Western countries beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances.[note 1] According to McIntosh and Lee, whites in a society considered culturally a part of the Western world enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience."

      You and Jenna oughta join the Peace Corps, the military, or a faith ministry, and see how the rest of the world lives, beyond your white-girl world of white skin privilege, and white-girl whining and complaining.

      Poor Jenna is complaining that she got cold while hunting. Really? Neither one of you could survive if you had to live on what you hunted or grew.

      And Jenna should not be hunting with a rifle in a populated area. She needs a shotgun and slugs. What a tragedy that would be; a rifle round that missed a deer, but killed a kid eating breakfast.

      Kinda like that pit bull that is good with kids, and never bites, unit it does bite, and ruins a life...

    4. What a shame you post such well thought out theories anonymously.

    5. What does it matter if I post anonymously?

      Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving.

  3. Skin shaming? Seriously? For what, saying you don't have wrinkles? Wouldn't you be the one skin shaming (if that's even a thing) because you're the one saying negative things?

    1. I'm scared. I've been skin shamed. I need a skin shaming restraining order. Don't feel safe in my house...or in my own skin! Send me money. Save the skin!

      There's wrinkly skin at the door. My smooth skin is at risk or repossession. I'm shaking in my skin.

      Must send money now.

    2. Go to your safe space, there must be someone you can sue.

  4. This is the "are you kidding me face" that results in expression lines. It's no wonder I have so many!

  5. Skin-- isn't it mostly genetics and sun exposure? Although, good nutrition ie tons of veg/fruits for vitamins and antioxidants is probably also good. I wear moisturizer with spf 70 in it but only put it on once a day-- better than not at all......Farming = mucho sun time. I have fair skin/red hair so the damage is hard to control.

    I don't mind wrinkles (too much) as long as they're "age appropriate" meaning I don't want anyone mistaking me for a retiree while I'm in my 30s.....I also don't want to be masquerading as a teenager--- it's ok I'm an adult, I'm good with it.

    1. Mine are definitely worse than others my age. I think the stress of the past 3 years has left its mark.

    2. Yeah, I hadn't thought of that but definitely agree about stress.
