Friday, November 20, 2015

Mirror Mirror on the wall

Sometimes the scariest thing is one's own reflection.

Who you hurt in a fantasy is actually hurting in reality.

You can't run away from yourself.

My favorite new quote from a comedian (need to look it up for credit) is "there's no statute of limitations on the truth."

That means you can't run from yourself. Your truth won't allow it.

Live a life that makes you proud of your reflection.

Its not always easy but it's always worth it.


  1. Can you imagine not being able to trust yourself? To be scared of yourself? To know you are hurting strangers, family, and friends for selfish, egotistical, or material gain?

    It's enough to make a person go crazy. That is what we are witnessing.

  2. I haven't kept up --- is Jenna still pouting about her mom disagreeing with her on Facebook?

    1. Surprisingly she didn't mention her mom in her blog and vlog!

  3. I don't believe for a minute Jenna doesn't come here to read your blog Meredith! She's probably noticed there's way more than just 'six' people here who know she's a fraud.

    1. I completely agree with you! It would take a willpower of steel to not look at this blog. I bet she is on here almost daily.

  4. I wonder if Jenna saw the post here about her ripping off a child...and all the support that came from it. It's one thing to rip off adults and feel no remorse--but it takes a special kind of crazy to not feel horrible about ripping off a kid.

    1. I honestly don't think she can let herself feel the ways in which she is dishonest, manipulative, and wildly lacking in personal integrity. She seems to fully buy into the myth of Jenna as a woman who fights hard for her dream, is feisty, helpful to her farming community, and is maliciously slandered by jealous, vindictive people. Her psychological defenses protect her from being honest re her personal responsibility to those she speaks to and does business with. Subconsciously, though, her personal failures are doing a number on her. Or not. She's been doing her Jenna-thing for many years now and probably buys into her propaganda so thoroughly she will never be able to see herself w/out serious therapy. Which, of course, will never happen unless she collapses, finally, from the anxiety she admittedly feels. There is, of course, much to feel anxiety about! For now, perceived threats from reality - and worry about her situation (about which she is NOT HELPLESS) throw her into renewed humble-bragging about her tenaciousness, blessings, and, as always, the playing down and ignoring of her irresponsibility and hurtfulness to others, a child included.
      She really is messed up. Her fans, which used to include me, blow my mind more than Jenna does. Her constant, embarrassing to watch victim-hood/crowing about hard-working/fun-deserving self - just bring out their renewed stroking, kindness, buoying up, and admiration.
      It's a mystery. I guess we all have our point at which the curtain is lifted and admiration turns to contempt. Or not. Seems like the ones who are still attending kindly to her will likely stick around at this point.

  5. From her Twitter, times approx.

    8AM - Whole day of freelance design work, whiskey, and JJ here. (Whiskey starts later - coffee now)

    9AM - Way too nice a morning not to head out & kill stuff with Anna Kendrick - this gal and her bird are hitting the woods

    Responsibility level - 0

    1. Pre-hawking:

      @ImAmandaNelson 15 minutes into the pilot & I am in love. I am seriously going hawking after so I dont spend the ENTIRE day binging

      She's going out with her bird to avoid watching TV all day? Hahahhaa! When is she going to do any paying work? Wasn't it last Friday she was sending out SOS farm in crisis messages? Did she get her miracle? Must be, because she's watching TV and hawking all day while other people work to fund her life. Who the hell watches TV in the middle of the day besides old ladies?

    2. "Kill stuff" respectful.

      Not to mention....has she ever successfully hunted with a hawk?

      Key word: binge

      No control.

      Her family and friends need to intervene and help her.

      I feel like there are so many cries for help.

    3. She's been binge watching Girls since last week and now Jessica Jones in the middle of the day...? She has to tear herself away by directing herself towards one of her OTHER recreational activities....?

      How do you watch that much TV? She also mentioned watching Sarah Silverman's new movie the other day. In her blog post yesterday she said she was watching documentaries because it was raining out.

  6. So she is flipping off paying work to go out and play. I feel badly for all the people who are waiting for their design work.

    And what about Birchthorn? She is seriously late on that, but heck, it's a nice day so paying customers can wait.

  7. JFW has taken a page from the televangelists. Beg for money to give to charity then line your own pockets with it.

  8. Also, I don't know if anyone noticed, but she boasted that her vlog would be played in 4,000 homes (she has 4k subscribers).

    It hasn't even gotten 600 views yet and the vlogs preceding it didn't do so well either. It's been over a month since a vlog has gotten even 2,000 views.

    Is she tuned in to reality at all? Don't answer that.

    In her vlog about winter coming (329 views BTW) she posted yesterday she goes on at length about why she hasn't stacked her wood yet....but no-- she doesn't visit this blog. She just randomly felt the need to explain why and when she will stack her wood.

    1. The backgrounds of her farm vlogs seem to be showing less and less farm as time goes on. In "winter's coming" we get to enjoy a paved road and a ditch... and of course her face. Oh.. and a traffic cone... definitely raises the interest level with that. What the heck!! This is supposed to be a vlog about her farm not the state highway.

    2. Well, there's a nice view of the dog playing in the road while she jabbers at the camera.

    3. How the hell can you people watch that crap, its too nice a day, get your pet and go kill something!

  9. Surprise, surprise, Jenna still doesn't have firewood sorted. I used to say that she never learns from her mistakes, but she really does learn. She's learned that she can be insanely irresponsible and play all day instead of doing crucial farm chores and taking care of the most basic necessities. She just has to make a plea on Facebook, and some well meaning soul will come to her rescue.

    One of my sisters pulls shit like this. Always trying to get someone to pay her rent or give her money for this or that bill, then buying a smartTV or a puppy. She took advantage of everyone in the family until we refused to help her anymore. Her kids went to live with their respective fathers, and she lived in a homeless shelter. We will occasionally watch the kids, but nothing else.

    This is what needs to happen to Jenna. Cold, maybe, but this won't stop until she has no more enablers.


  10. Last Friday on Facebook:

    "This farm needs a miracle."

    One week later:

    @pattonoswalt @JessicaJones Bingewatching here and so so so impressed. Just started ep 2!


    "I will be finished with my first watching of Season 1 in under 48 hours, for sure."

    "Between this and season three of GIRLS, I am getting a lot of female inspiration"

    1. Maybe she's like Sybil, effin Shirley McClain we need you now!

  11. Getting ready for winter and all that work is no fun anymore. Her curtain was pulled back so she's moved on to a new jenna. The celebrity loving/ tv watching type. She is melting down fast and now realizes more than a handful can see it. She will walk away from the farm and shrug her shoulders how it isn't her fault at all. The same way she can let animals die and just move on.

  12. Does anyone know what exactly she is farming, this single woman "farming alone" (latest blog)? She plants no crops beyond kale that I'm aware of. Have we ever even seen a basket of tomatoes or zucchini?

    The sheep don't produce anything - although she still labels herself as a "spinner" in her description, along with archer and hunter - while not providing her own food or yarn through these activities. Unless I've missed something.

    I suppose feeding and selling some pigs and chickens covers the label in her mind. And having other animals wandering about (ducks, goats, a horse, a turkey). Not sure what is the point of the sheep, really, or more than one goat to make milk. They're expensive pets, though, right?

    I don't have animals or live on the land, though so I don't really know. I do know I couldn't get a dog for years because I didn't have enough income to cover either routine or emergency vet care after my darling dog - who got very sick and had big medical bills - passed away.

    I guess it's the implied "I am a" declarations that I find off-putting; it seems more apt and honest to state that she enjoys certain activities like hunting, say, or riding a horse. An equestrian, though? And we all cook, right? Low-rent (whatever that means) or not.

    I would be embarrassed to present myself with these grand, overblown statements of identity, rather than proud.

    Oh yes, and she's a "single woman". Amazing. Brave. Special. Living on rural land - with animals. Supporting herself...alone (in her mind). Not growing her food, cutting her wood, shooting her dinner, cobbling together a way to protect her wood - yet tough and self-sufficient.

  13. Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm Nov 12:

    "If you have time for adult coloring books, you probably don't have a farm. #nothatingjustsaying"

    I'm pretty sure if you have time to binge watch tv programs, even on a laptop, you probably don't have a farm. #nothatingjustsaying

    1. ^^^^^^THIS!!!!!^^^^^^^
      She's such a hypocrite!
      She does this all the time- knocks someone or something, then does a 180 without realizing she just bashed it.

  14. She's so precious. Tweeting a pic of her circa 1980 phone:

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 47m47 minutes ago
    This is my only phone. I don't text. I do not emoji.
    I'm not better than you, but I bet I make better eye contact.

    Why not really knock people's socks off with a pic of her medieval plumbing?

    I don't have a working toilet. I don't flush. I'm not better than you, but I bet I have better thigh muscles. #squat #ishitinthewoods

    1. That was Hilarious!!! Loved it!

  15. Jenna Woginrich Retweeted

    Dan Harmon ‏@danharmon 17h17 hours ago
    Everyone giving you advice is saying "here's how to be me." So, take it from someone that wants you to be happy: don't take most advice.

    The scrappy gal who is ALWAYS giving people advice about letting go of their boring office poodle jobs and just go out there get yourself a farm/horse/next random thing she can't afford......

    is retweeting the exact opposite of what her entire you can be like me, live like fiction, internet presence is all about.

    Head... desk...

    1. She really isn't too bright is she.

    2. So what is she saying? Go to her workshops, but don't take her advice? She's definitely crazy.

    3. If everyone took her advice, they wouldn't have the money to go to her workshops or buy her logos, let alone send extra cash when she's desperate.

  16. Well things have come to the point where I am leaning less towards "what an a$$hole" outrage and more towards "Wow, she really needs mental health care"
    She is the Amanda Bynes of homesteading.

  17. @coldantlerfarm: eHarmony so far has been me asking 5 questions to men who wish I didn't have five pets in my house. #cantblamethem

    She has Birchthorn to finish up and she's like a teenager doing EVERYTHING but the task at hand.

    Don't get me started on it not being cheap to belong to eharmony (thanks poodles!) or the fact that she probably needs to burn down her house and build a new, clean, functional house in order for a guy to not get scared off. At this point eHarmony is the worst use of her time and money.

    1. Interesting though that she uses a Christian based dating service. I though she was a heathen. Don't they have their own dating sites?

  18. So where exactly did all of you obtain your PhD or doctorate to allow you to make any type of medical or clinical diagnosis? Or was it at the bottom of the cracker jack box?

    1. Thank you Good Shepherd, you already said that on CAF.

    2. The same place Jenna got her expertise in homesteading, farming, animal husbandry, teaching, budgeting, gardening and beyond.

    3. Maybe this is Patty.

    4. Don't have to be a proctologist to know an asshole when you see one.

  19. I did? Sorry you are confusing me with someone else. But hey. Nice try.

  20. I don't think it takes a mental health clinician (which believe it or not, I actually am) to see something is off with Jenna Woginrich. If you follow her story for more than a few months you'll notice the cyclical pattern. Of course, I don't know her in real life so maybe she's totally normal, but from what she projects online, there's cause for concern.
    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course and this is just my personal and professional opinion of what I've seen online.

  21. Her FB break didn't last long. Had to come back to gush over her latest girl crush Jessica Jones. They're seven hours into their one sided relationship and Jenna absolutely must inform anyone who will listen that she's vehemently opposed to superhero many times is she going to share this banal tidbit? She's also repackaging other people's tweets for her own use---- thnx Joe Reid for the observations about Faith from Buffy-- you've given Jenna something to say on her social media to staunch the flow of tedious non sequiturs.

    1. Wait a minute - what about her 'badass' highlander kilt attire?

  22. The woman who wears costumes is against costumes?

    1. Exactly, she's in costume every time she wears a kilt, muck boots, bandana, etc. life's a stage and we are all actors...even those in 3-piece suits

  23. I'm sure all the people who donated to the Birchthorn kickstarter will be thrilled to read Jenna's latest post that she watched 13 Episodes of Jessica Jones today.

    So people who use meditation coloring books obviously don't have farms but people who binge watch tv all day do? Ay yi yi.

    1. She did say the book was at the editor. Sounds almost done to me.

    2. When and where did she say that? The last comment I saw by her on her blog was that she was working on the ending THEN would send to her editor, and editing would take about six weeks. The last update sent via email from her kickstarter account was that we'd have the ebook by "Yuletide" - no update for over a month now though. Originally I was supposed to have my ebook by August. She's also downgraded from the novel that she promised to a novella, meaning she's not fulfilling her campaign anyway. Anyone defending her at this point is as bad as she is.

    3. Blogger Jenna Woginrich said...
      Hey there! I think the last Bircthorn update went out a month ago? About 15 chapters are available to read on the website (45k words or so) and the novel's last chapters are all written and the book is done and I am having trouble getting it to a place i am proud of. Soon as I can wrap up the loose ends it goes off to Heather the editor in NJ and then once edited, laid out and send to all $10 or higher backers as an ebook. Then it gets printed in paperback and hardcover for folks who purchased at higher levels. It takes up to 6 weeks to edit, so things are behind schedule but I would rather work slower on a novella I am excited about than push out something I rushed.
      November 18, 2015 at 7:35 AM

      JFW claims the book is done, yet she's having trouble getting it to a place she is proud of. Therefore, it is NOT done! Liar, Liar, Liar! Yet again talking out of both sides of her mouth!

      Considering that she had already written 4 chapters before the Kickstarter, you can tell how much time she has actually devoted to this project over the past 15 months (not a whole lot!). She got the money, she spent the money, she is NEVER going to produce the paperback or hardback copies! That ship sailed the day she pocketed the funds!

  24. So how long was her hiatus from Facebook? 24 hours? Geez.

    1. She was getting basically zero interaction through Twitter other than her own fan girl creepy posts to others.

    2. She's blatantly sucking up to a number of people she's fixated on. Lena Dunham can't hear you, Jenna, she doesn't run her own twitter.

  25. Hahaha Jenna! One day off Facebook!

    She posted the couch pic and first comment is:
    Erik ZT Dossier This is the best facebook hiatus ever.

    Is anyone else her friend on Facebook just for the schadenfreude?
    I know I am!!!!!

    1. Yep. Yep. I'm guessing a not insignificant number of those 3K "friends" are just signed up for the show.

  26. Her couch pic/lament about not being able to afford health care got her some good advice--- stop feeding so many animals that don't pay their way.

    Also, how much money is she making if she doesn't qualify as low-income in New York State?

    Jenna Woginrich I can't afford the monthly premium. I don't qualify for the low-income and can't earn enough for the $325 min a month premiums - lowest I qualify for.

    1. Diane Greenberg-Groeters Jenna Woginrich Okay, I know we all hate advice, but here's my advice - and you are free to ignore me. You need to eliminate expenses so you can lower your income- and those expenses could involve animals. Part of the reason you need such a large income is because you are supporting a whole crew of critters who do not really pay for themselves. I have seen this before with homesteads where people find our living like a peasant is actually sort of expensive. The little they get back in the form of food or product from animals is usually only enough to break even at best. Eliminating half your hay bill would probably pay for insurance - or at least allow you to make less money which might bring your income down to qualify for subsidies. If I said I had to make say $40,000 a year to support my love of designer shoes everyone would jump down my throat, but when people say they need a lot of money to feed a horse, or goats or sheep, etc. it's somehow forgivable. I know you love your animals and take the best care of them, but they actually may be a luxury item preventing you from other basic needs. Just my observation as a long time follower.

    2. I'm does cutting expenses lower your income. If you cut unneeded expenses or get rid of animals costing feed and supplies you have more disposable income.

      Most people cut expenses to afford necessary items, like insurance, and find ways to increase income--overtime, par time work, more sales, clients, etc.

      If JW stopped spending frivolously she could probably afford insurance easily. $325 is pretty cheap. I have co-workers who pay over $500 and that's with the obummer subsides.

      Not sure where the affordable comes in with the affordable care act, but that's a whole other conversation.

  27. And then once someone pointed out Jenna's need to cut frivolous expenses (animals that don't make a profit), Jenna posts this gem:
    Guys I was just making a joke using a 90s childhood hook...

    Great "joke" Jenna, hiiilarious. More like a cop-out.

    1. Someone kidded that she needs to watch what she says, she replies:

      Jenna Woginrich I'm not watching anything, it's my own fault for getting too bummed out by the responses. I need to wean myself off Facebook, honestly.

      ????? For those of you not able to see the FB exchange-- it's a perfectly polite discourse about healthcare with some commiseration, and nicely offered suggestions. It's like she wants everyone to care about her (and send $$) but not actually CARE about her enough to say anything sensible. Even if it were a joke-- it's really not a joke because it's true-- she is having trouble with getting healthcare.......

      Jenna's bummed because people care...............I don't get it.

  28. Okay well, if a single person in NY state is making less than 46,680 annually, they can get an immediate tax credit to partially subsidize their health care. You don't have to waitt for the tax credit, it is sent to the insurer immediately to offset the cost of insurance.

    If you are making less than 29, 175 annually, you get money beyond the tax credit to underwrite the cost of your health insurance. So typically, a young person purchasing a silver plan might be offered on for 321 dollars a month, but after the immediate tax credit will end up paying a lot less. Nerdwallet, a finance blog, estimates the cost of a silver plan for a young adult in Albany NY to be 121 dollars a month after tax credits.

    So I guess this means she is making over 46K a year. Not enough to feed pets, but certainly enough to both pay her mortgage and her health insurance. I smell a rat. She wants her poodles to pay her monthly insurance costs. She wants to buy stuff. Living like fraud, not fiction.

    1. She has numerous times stated she employs an accountant and a lawyer. Those two services, even on a monthly plan, cost moderate amounts of money. She's not broke. She just doesn't prioritize bills over playtime. Because being an adult is hard, boo hoo. :/

    2. Yep. I figured at least 45K for income based on what she said her monthly cost would be.. and that 45K could be an adjusted gross income amount since she has student loans and such. Basically she lives in a house she can't afford and that she lets fall apart around her all the while spending money like water on frivolous lifestyle props, including animals, that she gets bored with a few months down the road.

    3. Her comment about not being able to afford health care backfired. She wanted someone to offer to pay it. She did not want sensible advice.

  29. She's got a dilemma, she can't afford her current lifestyle, but if she gives up the farm and moves to a cheaper place, she can't have workshops and probably can't raise funds any other way.

    1. I absolutely think she can afford it, she's sustained it with.more and more frivolous activities and "things" each year.

      Her damsel in distress is her cash cow.

      If she "lost" the farm...she'd likely be able to buy another with the donations from those blinded by the manipulation.

  30. Say what you will about JW...but I have never seen her, not once, kick someone when they were down, then kick them again, then again, and...oh yeah, how about one more time...and again tomorrow too. Whatever mental health care you speculate she needs, you'd better hold up a mirror...

    1. JW is not down. She is a manipulator. She posts about not being able to afford health care in hopes that someone will step in and offer to pay it. It backfired on her when people started offering sensible advice.

      If you feel JW is down, such as being behind in her mortgage, late truck payments and no health care, I suggest the best way to help her is to to pay those expenses yourself.

      If you feel you cannot afford it, well, that is what second jobs are for, aren't they? Because JW shouldn't have to work like everyone else. She should be able to sit on the couch and whine about no health care and wait for the donations to pour in.

      Sorry, I know that was harsh, but I'm trying to make a point. Bottom line is she wants others to fund her life. Seriously, what would you advise her to do? Don't you think if she is having financial trouble, she should either get a job or cut expenses?

    2. Stealing money for services she never planned on rendering and not responding to emails or refunding them is kicking someone while they are down.

      She's neglected animals to death...downed animals that should have been humanely euthanized (if her blog posts about their existence and ailments are even truthful)

      Jenna steals from hard working adults and even children. Its atrocious and unconscionable.

      You don't think stealing from a child whose parents recently tragically died and not delivering material to the clan which make a that poor child think Jenna purposely excluded her isn't kicking someone when they're down?

      Go read cold antler sham and you'll read about struggling farmers who paid to support Jenna for products never received, logos never received...or half ass work.

    3. Anon 4:28--

      You must be confused. Jenna is very happy and will tell you so in nearly every blog post. Even when her toilet's backed up and she's three months behind on the mortgage she's on cloud nine.

      Jenna's own words:

      "If the race is about happiness, if that is our actual metric for a good life, I am lapping nearly everyone I know."

      Doesn't sound too "down" to me.

      She's also stated repeatedly, as recently as this week even, that she does not read this site so any "kicking" being done is without any effect on her at all.

      If you like her blog why would you waste your time on this blog reading comments from people that don't?

  31. JW is down? Explain.. I'd be delirious if I didn't have to work, lived in the country, had an entourage of both animals and fans. Whose kicking her? The last few posts are about her complaining (she's just kidding) about not being able to afford healthcare (she's just kidding) and very polite and kind words from her fans/friends towards that dilemma. Of course she ends up making a couple of them feel bad when after they offer her good solid advice-kind too, she tells them- guys I was just making a joke. Go away, you're just trying to stir the pot.

  32. Well, if you count the numerous fans that, after JW kicks a person, then kicks them again and again and again with no intervention from JW, I'd say she does, actually. She just lets it rip then the fangirls finish them off.

    1. Yes, the infamous Ginger post. Sorry, Anon 4:28--- you need to read her blog more attentively.

  33. I'd encourage anyone and everyone to write to From Scratch and kindly and professionally discourage their continued promotion of Jenna.

    1. It appears that she did their logo so this relationship will likely keep them as supporters. Her red-headed, braided, archer girl link is also right there. I see it and instantly feel "ick".

    2. The single chicken silhouette?

      Unfortunately I doubt they are open to the truth. Most aren't.

    3. I wrote them a little while ago and suggested they reconsider promoting her, a blogger who's not really farming/homesteading. I also pointed out several instances of sub-par animal treatment per her own response.

    4. Yes, it just looks her style at least and she instantly came to mind when I saw that stark black silhouette. Not sure why it's kind of buried halfway down the page (a simplified version shows up on top of the individual issues they show elsewhere). Could be a coincidence since there is plenty of similar clip-art available.

  34. Sigh..seriously? Jenna isn't down..she watches movies all dang day long,films herself daily and talks about how fabulous she is,gets on facebook and tweets herself please, don't ever feel sorry for her. She is doing just fine in her warped little world.

    So I have spoken here about Starry Hilder and The Elliott case anyone is looking for something new to watch..I give you, Appalachia's Homestead. She has a blog but her you-tube videos is where she really shines. She is crazy busy..because you know..she actually runs her farm. Her husband works during the day and the farm is there for her to work from sun up to sun she home schools and does daily videos on all sorts of things.

    This is where Jenna goes horribly wrong with her videos..This woman, Patara films her life while keeping it private. So we get to see the chickens and all of her other animals while she talks about this and that and shows you how to clip their wings or the best breed to consider depending on your climate and talks about how she sells her eggs and some of the produce they grow. She keeps things private but still shows you her life. So I don't buy Jenna's whole deal about not showing this or that because she needs privacy. She just knows she hasn't nothing of value to show or talk about when it comes to her homestead.

    Anyway..just another channel to check if you want :) This is her blog address but again, look for her on you-tube!


    1. Thanks for the appalachia homestead blog! Just bookmarked it, looks like a good read.

    2. You are so welcome!

  35. Ditto here on the Appalachia blog. Thanks!

  36. Well, I knew it happen. Before I even posted here that I had written to from scratch, I knew that it get me blocked from her Facebook. Why? Because I know she reads this blog, would see it and write to them wanting to know who it was. I expected more from From Scratch to not reveal private information, but they obviously didn't listen, released my name and I'm blocked from her Facebook. It's disappointing as I explained kindly in my email to From Scratch that I don't hate Jenna. I admired her greatly until recently when I saw she continued to swindle people, complain about not having a job and being quite rude to people with different beliefs than her. Birchhorn was the last straw. So I'm joining the Meredith club and am blocked now. I was originally a friend and follower as an admirer who became disgusted by her posts overtime. Im disappointed she can't take criticism or someone who believes differently that her. I wish instead, she'd work harder to prove people wrong and make right her many wrongs.

    1. I'd email From Scratch and ask if your personal information was disseminated. That's so inappropriate if that is indeed what happened.

  37. I don't want drama with then but that's the only thing that could have happened. That's the only negative thing I've written about Jenna. I know I'm blocked and searched when signed out and see that I'm blocked, which is fine. I was going to remove her anyway as I felt continuing to follow gve the impression of support. I don't hate her. I have sympathy that she has become what she has become. I think she has a sad future in front of her and just wish she would right the wrongs.My gut told me it would happen when I wrote to them. I know she reads this blog and now there is your proof.

  38. If From Scratch did this, I think it needs to be shared from the Mountain tops. I am dead serious. I hope From Scratch comes here, because I will organize picketing in front of a local Barnes and Noble if in fact they did this. And, it is very easy to see if they did.....

  39. Ha! I just got a new e-mail from, From Scratch and guess who is one of their newest contributors? Well,blogger Jenna of course!

    Jenna Woginrich and Anna Kendrick

    Jenna Woginrich is a 33-year-old, full-time writer. She’s the author of several books on homesteading and farming and blogs about homesteading, archery, falconry, horseback riding, hunting spinning, mountain music and cooking at Cold Antler Farm. She’ll be blogging here regularly, as well as posting her regular YouTube videos here and on our Facebook page. She’s an incredibly talented and ambitious woman with a lot going on and we’re proud to have her. She hangs out with a predatory bird named Anna Kendrick.


    1. I just unsubscribed from From Scratch.

  40. I did email and ask them but haven't heard back. What else could have happened?? That is the only place and time I've shared anything negative about her. I don't even comment on this blog but maybe 2 other times and I do anonymous as its a pain to sign in.

  41. What is "From Scratch"?

    1. A homesteading newsletter/magazine via email/online. It covers a wide range of information. Personally, I just unsubscribed (I'm 9:01), because I can not take them serious if they have JW on their payroll.

  42. Just unsubscribed, thanks for the heads up!

  43. They did share it. They responded that they did with a long email about the why. His disappointing, but I should be surprised. A company that aligns themselves with someone of such low moral character must not put themselves on a very high stool either.

  44. So many typos. Hopefully you can figure out what I said.
    *how disappointing, but I shouldn't be surprised.

  45. I am honestly surprised they would share your e-mail with her and tell her what you had said..I can't for the life of me understand what their meaning was behind that??

    1. I'll
      Post the whole exchange here. Give me a few minutes

  46. My first email: I really love your magazine and site, but really wish you wouldn't promote Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm. I am not a "hater", but loved and admired her for years until I saw a disturbing pattern. She is not a homesteader or farmer. She has cheated many people out of money. There's many amazing homesteaders to highlight. It be good to pick one with a higher morale conviction who doesn't beg for money, complain about all she doesn't have and "rich people", and continue to swindle people out of money-promising and not following through.

  47. Their first response: Hi *****! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. We've been working with Jenna for several years now, and have found her to be an ambitious and talented woman. We partnered with her because of her extensive writing and multimedia experience (she's published five books to date) and devotion to the homesteading lifestyle. While we understand that some people don't agree with the way she raises money, or her personal opinions, her methods aren't uncommon and we strive to represent as many different viewpoints as possible. We work every issue to include homesteaders, farmers and business people in our magazine and on our blog (in the latest issue, we interviewed the blogger from My Big Fat Green Life, the head farmer at El Rancho in Mexico and the head of Oak Meadow, a homeschool curriculum printer and provider). Thank you for contacting us and sharing your opinion. It's important to us and we'll continue to take your comment, and the comments of all our readers into consideration as we continue our work. Best regards!

  48. My second email: Was there a chance my private review and email was shared with Jenna Woginrich? She has blocked my on Facebook and here is the only place I have written a negative review. I'd be very disappointed if this has occurred as i have followed and admired your site. This is the first time and only time I have made my opinion known to anyone and I'm ironically blocked from her site the next day.

  49. Their response: Hello *****, Sorry I didn't respond to this sooner, I was headed to bed last night when I got your message. I'm going to be honest, I did share your message with Jenna. I wanted to ask her about the allegations and get her take and see what response was warranted. I honestly didn't know of any relationship that you had with Jenna prior to the message, on Facebook or otherwise and had no intention of interfering with said relationship. It's my personal policy, whenever anyone we work with is criticized, to address that with the individual. That was my only intent with sharing the message. I had no idea you wanted the correspondence to remain private (had I known I would have still presented the complaints to Jenna, but not shared your name) and I apologize for any trouble that may have caused you. And while I did share the message with Jenna, you should know that as an editor on our Facebook page (in order to better facilitate content sharing), Jenna has access to all the messages posted to the page and as such, would probably have seen the message anyway. Be aware there was no intent or desire of ill will toward you. I meant it when I said I took your opinion seriously, as seriously as I take all the opinions of our readers. Best regards,

    1. Ha ha so when I Facebook messaged from scratch I was just messaging Jenna. No wonder there was no response.

      I also posted to their page.

      Welcome to my world dealing with Ayrshire Farm! Undeniable evidence, make a legit complaint, they ask the person if it's true...they say no. No one looks at the evidence.

      Rinse repeat

      This world is crazy.

  50. My final email: How disappointing. This is the only time I've made my opinion known as I have followed and admired your site for years and I trusted you as a result. I felt that the moral character was high enough that maybe I could share my opinion in a safe place. Any criticism of Jenna is met with such hatred on her own site, that the manipulation of promises with lack of follow through will continue on until it blows up. She filters all comments on her blog, so there's truly no way people who have been offended and stolen from can complain. It's a system that will crack in the end, but until then, I thought I'd express my concerns with a company I trusted. I realize the loss of one follower won't impact you much, but I will just say I'm hurt and surprised that you continue to support Jenna when you see how she responds to someone who questions her. I am hardly a threat or dangerous person. I'm a homesteader in Colorado who has a difference of opinion and as a result, I'm blocked and I'm sure will be publically bashed as she spreads one more lie about a "hater." I don't hate anyone, but I do get frustrated with people who promise and don't follow through, again and again. There's no need to extend the convo further, but I'm disappointed that my privacy was not respected. I figured this was a given and didn't need to be explained.

    1. She's acting more like a cult leader than a blogger, don't you agree Good Shepherd?

  51. Oh my word..they totally threw you under the bus!!! Wow..never have I seen that done before..I am sorry they did that to you and they have zero concerns about anyone else who may have issues with them and who they associate themselves with.


    1. I knew they had. I'm telling you, it was the first and only time I've spoken against her.

  52. There you go. And I removed my name because it's spelled different and I honestly don't want to get bashed by Jenna's followers as there is clearly no safe place to complain. I know they read this site.

    1. Who did you email? Please share that email address here.

      I know several (dozens) of us will email as well.

    2. Just a Facebook message which was clearly my biggest mistake. I guess the thing that's important to me is that if people do email, they do so in a respectful way. We will get no where if we attack and do so unprofessionally. It just needs to be done well or we look as bad as her.

    3. And I realize that's ironic as she respects no one and clearly From Scratch doesn't either.

  53. Well we certainly can't go via facebook or she will be on a blocking

  54. From Scratch contact:

    We love to talk to our readers. Please feel free to email us at

    Just remember that we are out at the farm and we get a ton of email. So, please know we read every email and try to reply to most.

  55. I've just unsubscribed from From Scratch as well. How disappointing. I'm afraid to contact them and let them know because I don't trust them not sharing my email or name with Jenna. And to be honest, Jenna strikes me as a dangerous person with how she rallies her followers to attack anyone who disagrees with her publicly. It's immature, it's strange, and it's bullying. It's everything she claims Meredith is, but somehow Jenna puts herself on a pedestal and doesn't see herself that way.

    And by the way-- I know Jenna personally. I've seen how she treats her animals firsthand. So my allegations are more founded than most. I really can't risk sharing my email or facebook with From Scratch, because she would most likely attack me severely and publicly.

    1. As a person that privately emailed Jenna, and requested the email remain private, I can attest that she would throw as many people as possible under the bus on a public forum if it suited her.
