Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sugar Free

My aunt and cousin and I are going sugar free for 30 days.

We are half way.

There may have been a small handful of cheats but that's it!

Sugar in random things are bread, but no straight up sweets.

I put sugar free hot chocolate mix in my coffee, though that's a bit suspect.

Its crazy how the body does start to shift its cravings (though I've been craving Chinese for months and no amount of Ramen will satiate that desire!).

I'm down from 170 to 160 but want to drop another 20. I'm not really active outside of work which is making dropping weight really difficult.

I need to see about Medicaid and try my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome med to figure out if my tolerance has lowered since I've been off it for 6+ months.

I long to walk or even run.

It doesn't help the dog's can't go long distances anymore, but I do have the cart I can push them in.

Anyone want to do a 30 minute daily exercise challenge with me?


  1. Congrats!! Quitting sugar is a big deal!
    -10 days in two weeks---that's amazing! Keep us posted on how things are going.

    1. We each had $25 to spend at Target and we don't get the item until we reach the end. Due to a on off day we pushed it back one day. I really want the sweater so no sugar for me!

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  2. Congrats! I did a Whole 30 at the beginning of the year. You can google it, but it also removes sugar as well as other common causes of inflammatiom from your diet. I actually stuck with it for 59 days, and then since have been eating Paleo. A life changer for me. I lost 25 lbs in the first 6 months and am holding at that weight. Weight that gradually accumulated since my second pregnancy in 1987. There are some interesting reads out there about Paleo and CFS. I can't ever imagine going back to my former eating habits.

    1. I'll absolutely look into it! With CAF I need all the help I can get.

      Congrats on the weight loss!

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  4. I salute you but I could never do this. Never met a carb or sugar I didn't love lol. I did lose 20 pounds last year, though, and keep it off with exercise as part of the whole maintenance thing. Good luck! I know it's hard to schedule a work out you work so hard outdoors during the day....the last thing you want to do is work out again after doing all that.

    1. My hours have been drastically cut. I've only worked 12 hours at that job this week and elder care one evening.

      Working at the alpaca farm tomorrow and do elder care from 9-10pm.

      Even with the cut hours I'm especially exhausted. I can't figure it out, I was starting to feel good but it's been like walking into a brick wall lately.

      Working on Ayrshire stuff is emotionally exhausting and physically draining.

      Loudoun County is slowly realizing what they are saying is not consistent nor representative of what's happened as this has progresses from the start. Rather than admit anything they simply are pulling the "we aren't discussing Ayrshire Farm" or answering any questions. They've painted themselves in a corner and answering questions would hang themselves to they are refusing to engage.

      I need people to email!

  5. I dropped 145 pounds over the last few years and what really helped me when it came to exercise was Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds do it in your home and it starts with 1 mile and goes up to 5..1 mile is something like 15 mins and you would be amazed how much you will drop by just adding a slight amount of exercise when you feel up to it.

    So..yes..I will fo sure and do the challenge with you,,I am currnetly doing the 4 mile interval training which means I do 5 sets of 3 mins of fast walking and two mins of jogging in tape takes 45 mins roughly but I am so in with you :)

    Have you tried taking a probiotic pill? I started taking one about 2 months ago and my goodness it did some wonders for me.


  6. Meredith - I think your inner knowing has answered your question for you.

    "Even with the cut hours I'm especially exhausted. I can't figure it out, I was starting to feel good but it's been like walking into a brick wall lately.

    Working on Ayrshire stuff is emotionally exhausting and physically draining."

    The CFS was not caused by the Ayrshire situation, but I get the impression it is exacerbating it.

    I've been reading your blog for awhile and have been getting a lot of impressions. I visualize you as a Viking warrior going to battle over your causes. I think you are now war weary and need a period of rest and recuperation. Perhaps there is some PSTD involved. Your body and mind need to heal.

    Changing your diet is a good thing and necessary, but it is also necessary to cleanse and restore your mind to a place of peace. Good self care is called for now. Perhaps you have taken the Ayrshire cause as far as it will go. I get the impression others feel this too if they are not responding to the call for battle.

    I have no solution to suggest, cannot advise you what to do. But I wanted to share my impressions with the hope that perhaps they may be of some use to you.

    1. Thanks for the thoughts.

      I'll never stop fighting for those pigs...ever.

      People want me to grow weary and drop it, not going to happen.

      Not a punk response just letting you know I'll never give up. I'll never give in.

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    3. Working on it is exhausting. Not working on it would be torture.

  7. Get checked for RA and Fibromyalgia. I have both. The absolute fatigue is hallmark for these two. There are some pretty mild and cheap drugs that can help a lot.

  8. I will also sing the praises of walking! I lost a huge amount of weight walking but that isn't the only reason I love it---- it's a really good time to clear your head and think. Also, you can listen to music or podcasts. I'm rural so it's also a lot of fun to be outside and observe nature and wildlife-- you'd be amazed how much there is to see once you start looking.
