Monday, November 16, 2015


All opinions are welcome here.

I can't guarantee everyone or even anyone will agree with you as others comments are welcome too!

I don't screen comments before they are published.

I don't berate or diminish those who post anonymously.

I don't delete comments (aside from duplicates).

An open forum is a fair forum.

I don't own the internet. I don't pay blogger for this service. I simply host a blog. Allowing everything and anything in terms of opinions is only fair.

Please don't get offended if your opinion is unpopular. Defend it!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa war broke out on JW facebook page!
    Mama W isn't backing down!

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Imagine being in that theater in Paris..imagine being on that Russian airliner......imagine watching someone you love be beheaded.... Imagine being in the twin towers.... Call social services in New York - take a few in if that's how you feel- you have the room.

    Jenna Woginrich It's not a world of us vs them. It's just a world of us. For every horrible person and deed there are many more people who are good. I would happily host people.

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Then go do it but remember you can't even make mortgage payments on time
