Friday, November 6, 2015

Can you be proud?

Of someone who doesn't have a college degree?

Someone who doesn't have a job?

Someone who has a criminal record?



I suspect Jennas mom is ignored unless she posts on Facebook. What Jenna does to the people she owes money to, she does to her Mom.


  1. Can someone post the poem? I am not a Facebook friend.

    Also, how can a mom be proud of a child who is dishonest and a beggar?

  2. Geez, she doesn't set the bar too high does she? That's a list of fairly unremarkable accomplishments and it doesn't say anything about the quality of her character which is questionable at best. The only reason she's not wearing an orange jump suit is she hasn't gotten caught yet.

  3. Kind of off topic, sorry
    Quote from JW:
    "Are you disgusted? Shaking your head? Angry!? Well, congratulations! Those are human emotions brought on by the compulsory, manic, and personal creations of another human being that you sought out! That's art!"

    Whatever you say, Yoko Ono

    1. I guess I'm making art by posting here, too, then---- right Jenna?

  4. Love how as soon as she had a less than stellar response to her idea of people subscribing/paying for the vlogs, she decided not to do daily vlogs.

  5. This is not "the" poem, but I found this on Facebook somewhere and thought it was hilarious and appropriate!

    To JW:

    The Pity Train has just derailed
    at the intersection of
    Suck It Up and Move On,
    and crashed into
    We All Have Problems,
    before coming to a complete stop at
    Get the Heck Over It.
    Any complaints
    about how we operate
    can be forwarded to 1-800-waa-waaa.
    This is Dr. Sniffle Reporting
    LIVE from
    Quitchur Bitchin’.
    If you like this, repost it.
    if you don’t,
    Suck it up cupcake,
    Life doesn’t revolve around YOU!

    1. Omg! I wish I had the guts to post this on her blog or Facebook page.

  6. From JW's blog:

    "...So you're one of those Last-Paragraph people, huh? You don't think this here blog is worth half a sawbuck a month? Do you find that a grown woman asking for compensation for her work is the equivalent of begging?"

    My question is, why IS a grown woman constantly asking for compensation? If she has to ask constantly, then she must ask herself why. Perhaps one cannot make a living by blogging alone. Perhaps one has to have a steady, reliable source of income to pay the bills.

    If she has to ask constantly, then yes, that is begging. So are the constant references to late mortgage payments, vet bills, root canals, truck repairs, etc.

    1. I think it is in the way she asks or words it. I know other bloggers who post a weekly thank you to people who have subscribed, and then says if you find the info here useful and want to support the costs of maintaining the blog ie the domain name, platform, server etc (not their exact words) please click to subscribe. Something to that effect is all they write. Nothing about supporting a farm or a life lived like fiction. And, they never ask for money for bills and stuff.

      If she wants more money get more ads and sponsors, write more articles, sell product etc.

    2. Here it is:

      "Get A Job, starring Anna Kendrick
      Four college graduates discover that they may have set expectations too high as the realities of moving into adulthood become clear."

      I googled it and found it was filmed awhile ago but still hasn't been released.

    3. I thought you were joking, but I Googled it, and it's a real thing. I think we should start a Kickstarter to get it released on DVD. I'm sure Jenna's mom would love to gift her one.

    4. I thought you were joking, but I Googled it, and it's a real thing. I think we should start a Kickstarter to get it released on DVD. I'm sure Jenna's mom would love to gift her one.

    5. You are correct - it is no joke. Oh, the irony!

  7. I'm sure she'll see it here, anyhow. ;-)

  8. Man does not live by blog alone.

  9. I don't find it as distasteful for her to outright ask for compensation as opposed to her usual begging and manipulating. Though Anon 4:05 does bring up a point-- if you've gotta ask all the time, maybe no one's really down with paying for the content. She seems to be suggesting $60/year --- isn't that pretty steep compared to magazine subscriptions? Her blog has become very, very thin in terms of content and substance over the years. That might be part of the problem. She supposedly lives this amazing life yet much of her blog is defensive rebuttals to the "Agents of Caution" or chest thumping about how she's been crapping al fresco. She might try being interesting for once.

    1. I found her blog a year or two ago, through recommendation from another blogger (who has since recanted her support). I was looking for more homesteading type blogs to read and honestly, when I found CAF I did not get it. There was nothing interesting to read, just occasional posts about workshops. The blog isn't laid out easily enough to browse the archives properly and so I just checked in every few weeks waiting for something worth reading to be posted (which never happened). After a while I started wondering if it was just me, because the blogger who recommended CAF is so good, so I googled CAF and ended up here. I stayed because Meredith's posts are interesting and enjoyable, and because CAF is probably the weirdest trainwreck on the internet.

      There is nothing of value to a new reader. She will not get the money she's looking for from new subscriptions unless she starts writing informative, interesting posts. There are scores of more interesting homesteading blogs out there publishing content for free, why would I give her my money for her narcissistic ramblings?

  10. Her blog is not worth ten cents There is no content. There is nothing of any interest to any demographic, save for the new marks she gets. It's lost any interest to the world, because she says nothing. She whines and sells. Pay for that? I think not. She is alienating her gravy train. I just WISH she would make the blog pay per view.. so finally, she can shut up!

  11. "With all this transgender talk going on, I feel that it’s time I share my secret… I’m transfinancial, which means I am a rich woman born in a poor body. Please send me your money so I can fix my financial identity issue."

    1. I'm transfinancial too but I fixed that problem by getting a job.

  12. Her blog honestly does not bring anything worthy of paying for..I love The Elliott Homestead and purchased her cookbook because it was a way to keep them going towards a life I want for myself and because I adore cooking and baking. That blog has a ton of helpful insight when it comes to living a life you feel good about and the ups and downs that come along with it..same with Starry Hilder and many many other homestead bloggers.

    I still scratch my head over Jenna and what exactly she is trying to sell to everyone..what exactly is worth paying towards?

    1. I love the Elliot Homestead blog, too. It's beautifully put together and also features not just homesteading information (recipes, stories, ideas), but family stuff as well -- in other words, there are other "characters" in the story rather than just the blogger and her animals. She writes about husband, children, etc. It's hard for anyone who lives alone and rarely sees others to create that kind of feel on a blog -- I think you have to be socialized in order to write well, unless you're Henry David Thoreau, of course.

    2. Thanks for the tip about the Elliott homestead blog, hotflash. Very awesome blog, and as a bonus, they live about three hours from me in the same state. I don't know exactly where they are, but I hope their place is okay after this summer's humongous fires in that region. That's one thing that bugs me about a lot of blogs. There is no date on any of the entries, so it makes it very difficult as you're reading through different category to form a timeline in your mind. Anyway, great blog. Thanks for the info.

    3. She did recently compare CAF to Waldon Pond....

      Yes...she really did.

  13. I think one of her issues is that she isn't interested in mastering any of her beginner's skills...she never went beyond 101 in any of her homesteading that translates to her social media being void of anything useful and new. It is all so stale. I think that any new fans who find her via reading made from scratch will be quickly disappointed/bored. New fans might be curious but I can't imagine them shelling out $$$$. And if any newbie fans do their homework, they'll see a whole lot of services promised but not delivered. I think Birchthorn is the final nail in the coffin not only to fans but also to any potential publishers who see proof she does not deliver on time AND also doesn't care about it!

    1. You are correct. I was interested in following her sheep herding progress as she was once anxious to become a shepherdess. She seems to have lost all interest. No lessons, no trials, no nothing. I thought by now she would be hosting trialing events, but nada.

      I remember when she bought the spinning wheel that she just recently sold. She was interested in spinning and knitting, but I don't see any more of that either.

      You put it well - she never went beyond 101 in anything. She loses interest quickly.

      You cannot call her blog a homesteading blog anymore. I don't know what you could call it although someone earlier described it as narcissistic ramblings.

  14. I like how she called her blog her farm market of the things she offered.

    When have you ever had to pay to go to a market? Farm stand?

    Really, I think a website is more of a "farm market" a place to do business. A blog is more of a daily news, thoughts and information exchange. Her words are not worth much when they don't have anything other than advertising her lifestyle, or whining about rehashed basic things over and over.

    Hey, maybe she'll do a blog about roasting chicken over kale? Ugh. If she brings up her culinary skills with that home grown chicken dinner crap one more time I think I'll puke. Shesh...

  15. Jenna's problem is that she wants to be funded for existing. She'll harp on about how 'busy' she is with her writing and logos but rarely shares them. Perhaps if she were posting snippets of her writing 'work' (read: occasional hobby), people might be more willing to chip in on occasion. Instead, her blog is just post after post of her begging for money, or attempting to justify her irresponsibility.

    Her blog is a HOBBY, and a CHOICE. Why does she think she is entitled to compensation for it? Long gone are the days when she would post interesting or useful thoughts on homesteading, crafty hobbies, or general farm life. As other Anons have said, she just doesn't have anything to share because she never took the time to master anything. The fact that her primary problem is her fundamental laziness is painfully apparent.

    If you want to keep avoiding working off your property, Jenna, you need to start creating something worthwhile. Your readers are not responsible for supporting you, especially when you offer nothing in return. Make soap and sell it, share excerpts of your writing projects, sell your eggs, master a few useful skills and offer better workshops; get to know your animals properly so you can talk about them and their personalities on your blog; make them REAL. Stop repeating the same stuff over and over, and offer something new or useful.

    Otherwise, expect your decline in readership, comments, and donations to continue.


  16. Wow ^^^^ really well said. Much better than I could have summarized. Thank God for this blog or I think I might be going crazy!
    I have always thought Jenna should sell soap and she could sell out each and every time she offered it. I think it's just not 'WILD & CRAZY' enough for her to be a soap peddler.

  17. I don't believe the way to drum up donations is to insult and make fun of your public who don't want to pay for the blog. What an off putting paragraph - can you think of any real business person putting that out for all to see? I wonder what the sponsors think of their partnership?

    1. Driving away readers will decrease her traffic and devalue her blog from the perspective of her advertisers and sponsors. Even those who don't pay her are contributing to her bottom line.

      She's an idiot and a piss poor business woman.

  18. You people just don't get it
    The internet connects millions of people she only needs a handful of dreamer-losers (people who will never leave their 9-5 but want support an even bigger loser who did because it gives them the inside clique to judge people who "hate" their insecurity). The dreamer-losers will support her crap no matter how low, useless or insipid it is because it is only "a dollar and a dream" so why not support dear old JW, her nightmare is my dream. Plus, JW is very shrewd, it is about "the farm" or "the truck" or "the paw" all items that others can fantasize that their contribution will remedy and they can go to sleep and work feeling like they "made a difference". And again, there is a sucker born every minute and a fool and their money are soon parted, cue Wizard of Wiz ascending in her gallon laughing as all the munchkins pay her rent, you stupid asshole Glenda
