Monday, December 7, 2015

Work Cancelled

Work for today was cancelled and I'm working on Ayrshire Farm research.

Virginia Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services just quoted me over $1,000 for a FOIA request.

So frustrating.


  1. Maybe you could create a crisis video and beg for money

    1. This isn't a cause that garners public sympathy. Unfortunately livestock, especially pigs, don't get people's interest like other animal abuse stories.

      I'm on my own with this one.

    2. This isn't a cause that garners public sympathy. Unfortunately livestock, especially pigs, don't get people's interest like other animal abuse stories.

      I'm on my own with this one.

  2. She has already done that in multiple places. She begs, but because it is her begging, it is ok and justified in her eyes.

    1. Begging = personal gain
      Fundraising = raising money for a cause.

      Your logic is painful.

  3. It was meant for Meredith as sarcasm. She needs money for her fda request

  4. Wow-- who'd have thought? I'm wondering what they base that fee on. FOIA -- information is not really free after all.

    1. It's certainly not FREEdom of information act!

      What's the point if accessing the information is cost prohibitive.

      This is exactly why the wealthy Sandy Lerners are able to get away with what they do. Uncovering (in writing) evidence is expensive.

    2. Agreed-- a processing fee would be normal but this is so high (and prohibitive as you say)'s not reasonable. I'm assuming the info you want is digital-- not like they're heading the back room to mimeograph copies of original documents from the 1800s. If the info is for all eyes, there's no excuse for making it difficult to access. Ugh.

    3. That's for only 2 minor components!

      I asked about limiting the CVI search to one species of animal for a 2 day period...$80. How is that not a simple keyword search in. Spread sheet? It's so ridiculous. I KNOW Ayrshire Farm did not get CVI for any animals transported to or from their farm so I'd be paying to prove no evidence exists.

      Ayrshire and $200,000,000 Sandy Lerner for the win.

      Information should not be cost prohibitive. It should be available for the public in a "no edit" available locked format. Let me search it!

      VDACS’s Office of Laboratory Services (OLS) holds laboratory submission records. OLS estimates that the charge for the staff time to access and supply the records that are responsive to your request will be approximately $200.

      VDACS’s Office of Veterinary Services (OVS) holds Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) for certain animals imported into or exported from Virginia from 2010 to the present. OVS will have to search all CVIs to determine whether it has any that reference Ayrshire Farm. The agency estimates that the charge for the staff time to search through the CVIs will be approximately $800.

    4. The charge for the OVS staff time to search the CVI records for swine for September 7 and 8, 2013, will be approximately $80, as staff will have to search the entire month many hours and what are these people getting paid per hour?

      Data from 2013 should be in a readily searchable spreadsheet format. Narrowing down 2 day's for one species literally should take a few minutes tops.

      This is PUBLIC RECORD.

    5. The deposit excluding CVI and OLS records is $250.

      No can do.

  5. Can you contact a state representative about this? The costs attached to this are insane. Taxes pay these salaries and the cost to you should be damn miminal (I'm talking like a charge per sheet to print or photocopy) .

    1. It would likely end up in no one emailing back or responding.

      Insane. A FOIA request of a state department for one farm should not total thousands when no information may even be found.


    Nothing hit on muckraker but awesome suggestion. Look at the above took over a year of monthly emails to get it filled!

    This one reminded me I need to research the law in VA about releasing info on closed investigations. In a meeting with Nina Stively, the new Director of Animal Services, she said they would release the information, per a FOIA request.

    Now that the FOIA request has been made she refuses.

  7. old fart has left a new comment on your post "Work Cancelled":

    Meredith, I believe this is a state of Virginia FOIA, not a federal FOIA. You can get a fee waiver on a federal FOIA. Different law completely. I got a fee waiver on a federal FOIA. Don’t know about fee waiver in a state of Virginia FOIA. I don’t live there. But you may find the answer at one these links.

    Chapter 37 of Title 2.2
    The Virginia Freedom of Information Act
    (Effective July 1, 2015)

    You may want to contact the Virginal Freedom of Information Act Advisory Counsel

    General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor
    201 North 9th Street
    Richmond, VA 23219

    More Virginia links

    Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

    2012-2013 Virginia Freedom of Information Act

    Virginia FOIA Laws

    Virginia Freedom of Information Act

    You could also try MuckRock

    MuckRock Twitter

    MuckRock Wikipedia

    MuckRock is a United States-based organization which assists anyone in filing governmental requests for information through the Freedom of Information Act, then publishes the returned information on its website and encourages journalism around it...

    Bottom line Meredith, don’t sweat it. When I get stressed, I simply enjoy a nice bowl of chilled broccoli and cheese soup in my Pfaltzgraff "Juniper" pattern dinnerware.

    If you want information on the federal FOIA, and how I got a fee waiver, let me know.

    old fart

    Posted by old fart to Meredith et al. at December 7, 2015 at 10:57 PM

    1. Always sound advice, except for the emotional eating. That's why I'm now 165 instead of 135. I put that and more on after Ayrshire. :(

      I did email an investigative journalist with nbc who was doing the story and FOIAed from VDACS earlier this year to get copies of what she received.

      I had no idea about waiver. Might need to look in to that for the USDA.

      What agency did you FOIA?

      Email if you don't want to discuss publically.
