Sunday, December 6, 2015

Same blog?

Seriously are we reading the same blog?

"Finally I want to mention allowing comments on the blog - and not letting this dictate the content of the posts. On the one hand I appreciate it because, for example if Jenna posts a request to recommend fave homesteading books, or podcasts I find out all kinds of new things from other commenters. I also sometimes cringe at how cruel and bossy people can be when they are 'invisible' behind their computer or phone - if I had some of those directed at me I would want to crawl into a hole and hide, block all comments, perhaps be selective and only approve the positive ones to appear, or spend all day being angry and agitated justifying myself in replies to negativity. Instead, she handles it with responses where she feels appropriate, and moves onto the next thing.

Oh! I forgot to mention the great and relevant sponsors of the blog, and of course the amazing giveaways. "

She turned off comments, censors all comments from certain individuals, and doesn't let all comments through.


In exchange for good reviews I guess.


  1. Umm, yes you can grow hops on a fire escape and brew beer in the city. That's not weird Jenna. In fact I bet my city garden out produces your veggies, and I can easily walk to the farmers market and get farm produce and supports real growers who need support. Their eggs are delicious, I do not need to worship an egg laid by my own chicken, the eggs I get taste great and I think the chickens are probably happier than yours. You are nuts in your assumptions and judgments concerning what one should aspire to, why should you be misleading all these people into leaving their day jobs for financial insecurity? Yes, some may be called to farming but many will suffer by making a rash and poor decision. Even Jon Katz got slapped with reality with his "country choice" and he was wealthy. Your immaturity and silliness in offering advice to the naive and insecure will lead some people to make a very big mistake. I hope that you grow up soon and can see that your delusions have unintended consequences!

  2. How about this little gem from a FB friend:

    "I always think of you when I feel overwhelmed and think, if Jenna can do it by herself so can I"

    I don't think someone who's currently attempting to corral her fellow Heathens to stack her wood for her can be considered a source of solo girl power inspiration.

  3. I'm happy to report that even though the facebook fans aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, the heathen group seems smart. So far the ony one going to the heathen wood stacking party is...Jenna! Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha Love it.

  4. 'Seriously are we reading the same blog?'
    I've wondered that many a time when reading some of those comments.
    It's is seriously mind blowing, the tint on their rose coloured glasses.....

  5. Does anyone know why she goes by the name Corbie in her heathen group?

    I don't know anyone who uses a different name so this seems extremely odd to me. Maybe I'm missing something...?

    1. I have no idea what's with the cutesy Corbie moniker. I just included a reference to it in a rant on the Heathen Heathout thread.

      My guess, now that I've thought further for a second beyond just reacting to another jw annoying move is that it's simply another opportunity to play act, or role play, soothe herself in make-believe, signal that she's a special, spunky, Scot in her latest imaginary life. From what I can tell, her fellow (future-minions) heathens are using their actual names.

    2. I think it's an old English colloquial name for crow. But I don't know why she would choose crow.

    3. That's her SCA character (name and slogan "inspired" by Outlander).

    4. She's always had a thing for crows. She used to talk about seeing a pair of crows and it being good luck.

  6. I wonder if the heathens are catching on that they are being used as free labor?

  7. Here's a puzzle. If she is so broke that she can't afford a box of Equal and must lift it from the gas station, how can she afford to donate to the food bank? I guess the answer is she just collects the food from others, delivers it and gets the credit.

    I also wonder how many boxes of Equal came to her mailbox after she posted she couldn't afford it. Maybe she can donate some of the excess.

    1. She's also taking her friend to lunch when they go volunteering at Merck. Not to mention she's proposed dining out when they gather to stack her wood.

      Seems pretty generous for someone claiming to be so destitute.....

  8. Perhaps she should rename her heathen group to Tyr's Lend A Hand.

    1. Or, Tyr's Gimme A Hand

    2. Or Tyr's Good Handout

    3. Hahaha! They'll learn.....maybe....

  9. So Jenna’s friend is selling notecards of Cold Antler Farm photos.
    The selection of photos sure is bizarre.
    I can’t imagine anyone wanting to send a notecard with a photo of Merlin with ice on his back?!?!
    Or a notecard of a pig that looks like he/she is pleading “SEND HELP!”
    The set of notecards is $35.75 for a set of seven. I almost spilled my coffee from laughing so hard.

    1. Are they full color? Does it include shipping? That is an exorbitant amount to ask.

    2. Notice the pics of the animals, save for one of Merlin, are close ups.

    3. I bought note cards from a local Irish artist last year while on vacation. 4"x4", hand colored, and beautiful. They were only 8 euros. Yay, $35 is WAY overpriced for amature photographs

  10. I remember someone suggested she make a CAF calendar -said that person would like one. JW said she thought it was a good idea-would look into it--you see how far that went. Too much work? Of course, now that it's been mentioned here, maybe we'll see one. A little late for the mew year, though. She could have done 4 years or more by now. Of course it would have to be priced reasonably, Jenna!! Her own customers tell her what they want---and she tells them what she'd going to offer them and then doesn't follow through.

    1. A calendar would also have to be mailed before that year is over lol lol lol

  11. I'm dying. Who pays $4 per card plus shipping? I can get those made at Walgreen's for a fraction of that. Wonder how much is JW's cut?

    1. And no, I don't find it hypocritical to say so while she is also being criticized for not trying harder to earn a living.

    2. There's a difference between trying harder to earn a living and trying harder to rip people off to earn a living. Jenna is obviously the latter. You aren't being hypocritical :)

  12. Jenna's value of things her little greedy finger are in, have always been outta whack. Look at those gawd awful cloaks and her hat and whatever bit of CAF crap she offers. I'm not surprised note cards would cost so freaking much. Goodness!

  13. Note cards like that go for $10 max.

  14. I love Kyler and Sylvia's response to the price!
    "Holy crap" is right!

  15. Who is shipping them out? Her or the photographer? Looks like she got some orders already.

    1. Hopefully the other girl or else purchasers will never see them.

  16. Limited edition? So is each 1 of 10 or will they print on demand?

    Made with more love? Oh marketing...

  17. Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I just don't get the whole fan thing. Why are people going ga-ga over a stranger's animals? One woman commented she can't wait to frame Merlin's picture. Really? Why? Because he belongs to some wanna-be-famous blogger? I just don't get it.

    I really like Paul Newman and think he was a handsome man and a good person, but I wouldn't even frame a picture of HIM, much less his pet.

    I just don't get it.

    1. I don't have framed pictures of my own animals on my walls.

      I can't imagine going to someone's home, seeing a framed photo, asking who it is and realizing it's an animal from some blog?

      It's like hanging a family photo of the Kardashians on your wall.

    2. Jenna is the Kim Kartrashian of homesteading! Famous for nothing!

    3. Ditto. I don't get it, either. Jenna commented not long ago that she felt bad for people that have never met Gibson......why? I'm sure he's super special and HER.

  18. Looks like this was Miriam's idea...and her I would be surprised if Jenna got more than 40% of the profit. So even if they sell out, it's not really going to make a dent in paying Jenna's mortgage.

  19. And just like that...all 10 sets sold out.

  20. Omg - someone on another thread reported that she is calling her fans 'antlers' on her latest vlog. Yes, she is indeed adopting our slang! And she says she doesn't read this...

    1. She's used that and various other terms in the past.

      Who cares though.

      If she took better care of the animals and stopped ripping people off there will no longer be content to discuss.

  21. Some people actually bought those cards. How much you wanna bet those orders will never be filled?


  22. I have pictures of my dogs and a cow print that I found on my walls. I don't think it's weird.

    1. My point is you don't have a framed picture of Littles on your wall. That would be weird.

      I have framed pictures and paintings that include animals...I don't have pictures of other people's pets though.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Idk Meredith, a poster of Littles Trump for president would be pretty funny.

  24. Attention Heathens! This is a weekend meetup without studies, just a casual gathering of learning the fine art of Viking housecleaning. If you are coming, bring sturdy work shoes, mop and pail. After the gathering, you’ll take me out to lunch at the Stonehenge Café, after which we will return to my home to finish where you left off. This gal’s gotta get this home ready for winter!

  25. How to heat with wood.

    Your best wood harvesting tools are your telephone and yellow pages. Order wood and have it dumped in your yard. Let it age for about four weeks.

    To stack wood: Gather up friends, family or members of your religious organization. Take photos while others are stacking wood. Then go out to lunch.

    Now you are ready to heat your home to a toasty 50 degrees!

    Stay tuned for instructions on how to thaw frozen water pipes.

  26. Too funny, people. I think others might under-appreciate the value of the humor she inspires.

    1. So true!! So much here is crazy clever and has added no small measure of enjoyment to my procrastinating slogs through my own days.

      Our girlchild homesteading blow-off has brought out brilliantly wonderful wit and snark from many. I've loved reading (and writing) this stuff.

      Go, Jenna! Keep up the you're-kidding-me-show.

      (Awww...but sadly, as I forgot in my glee, I'm sure the animals aren't one bit amused. Poor guys :( How come her great friend and livestock owner Patty doesn't step in push her provide the good structures they need? I suppose she also doesn't think Jenna can do any wrong and has more than enough on her plate with her caring for her son. Or doesn't get out to CAF ever to see what's going on?)

  27. Brilliant! Why in the world hasn't she cared if the woodpile strewn on the lawn all autumn had been rained and dewed-dropped on for weeks?

    It's not even part of Homesteading 101, or the pre-homesteader class. It's a home owner, renter, even poodle fireplace-having teen or adult basic chore: cover your wood and get it at least off the ground - immediately! and stack it ASAP to allow air flow. How does the amazing rural life writer get away with such embarrassing sloth?

    She couldn't even throw a damn tarp over it. Why haven't a single of her admiring commenters ever mentioned her charming vlog eyesore or asked why she keeps it out in the elements?

    Again, No Shame JW apparently could not care less what anyone thinks about her idiocy. She is above reproach? The normal expectations of the world don't apply to her? Does she not realize how obviously pathetic it is, and looks? Again, that mystery. She makes herself the most public of figures, loves to lecture on how to have this life of hers, then makes a jackass out of herself whenever possible.

    And her fans eat it up or blithely ignore all the signs of incompetence. She should be Trump's running mate. The more outrageous they are, they higher the poll numbers climb.

    p.s. Just remembered that a fan did ask, actually - since at some point, somewhere, we heard that someone (ages ago it seems) was building her a wood rack, or some such, and that she was bartering for it. Guess the builder got busy. Or J hasn't managed to stick a chicken on kale or bake another squash or finish a logo for her master carpenter. I think she said she didn't want to stack it twice. Stacking wood is NOT HARD. Caring for the wood you're so desperate for is SIMPLE. And it's what homesteader's do, and a homesteader (pretender) AUTHOR/blogger should have picked up on that concept.

    Can't she even cobble together something simple with nails and pallets - or just stack it on pallets, skip the nails if that's too hard! if only to get it off the ground while awaiting something better? If wood is so essential, can't she make the slightest effort? Or even maybe be even a teeny bit concerned that her readers will think she's seriously lame?

    I bet she'd claim that it's not THIS winter's wood, so doesn't matter if it's currently drying or is being kept dry. Like anyone could buy the notion that she prepares a year a in advance for critical needs.

    Looks like some poor schmo is showing up to save our damsel in distress. Hope he brings some work gloves for the great stack-a-thon since it's unlikely Jenna owns any. Or so it would seem. Maybe the great construction project has been delivered.

    Apologies for probably a 1000 more words on Jenna's stupid jumbled pile of wood. I should be doing a million things in my own home instead taking up space and reader time here. She just burns me.

  28. Gawd..what an insane price for those cards. The Elliott Homestead has a self publishing cookbook for preorder that I will gladly pay for..At least they are the real deal.

    Jenna hops from one crazy idea to the next while screwing those people over. Hopefully since someone else is promoting the card set that they will be the ones to send them off and the people will for once..get what they paid for.

  29. Meanwhile back at the ranch....What's the latest on Birchthorn? Seems there was some info on a reddit thread about it being at the editor, but nary a word on the Kickstarter Birchthorn Update page.

  30. What about the Kiva loan? Has she been putting any money toward that? I don't expect her to but was curious.

    1. She sure crowed loud and proud after making the first loan payment! Haven't heard anything since then!

  31. Jon Katz (and Maria Wulf) offered notecards a year ago --four 5x7 cards were $20 plus $5 for shipping (1-2 packs, 3pks or more $10). Maybe that's where Jenn got her idea for pricing. (or the idea for notecards to begin with)

  32. She's still hawking 3 of the 5 logos she has on sale. When will she get the one wants a crappy logo that they might not even receive!

  33. Maria over at Bedlam Farm is selling yarn. It is so pretty I might have to take up knitting.
    Not a fan of Jon's or Maria's writing, but she sure knows how to run a business. She sells out of everything and as far as I know doesn't rip people off.

    1. Not one of my favorites either, but Jon posted a nice piece about Christmas. It spoke to me I guess because my area is so consumeristic and far far from the meaning of Christmas.

      Sometimes I hate the holidays:(

    2. I purchased some custom items from Maria. Unlike someone we all know, she asked for payment only when the items were completed and ready to be shipped. Maria is polite and honest.

    3. Yes, the yarn looks very nice. And, Maria is actually selling it after it was produced. Not like someone we know who takes money upfront and doesn't deliver.

    4. Maria keeps up with her wool and took it early enough so that she could have it ready and offer it to her readers for the holidays. Also, she introduced each sheep in a separate post and she and Jon both blog and video about the interactions of their animals so people feel they know the individual animals and that increases their desire to buy products relating to them. It's not rocket science marketing- it just takes care and diligence, and appreciation for one's customers.

  34. I finally checked out the Tyr's Hand website she set up. There's not a single page (Home, About, etc.) that doesn't have at least one, and up to half a dozen, glaring spelling and/or grammatical errors. If Birchthorn really is with the editor... I feel very sorry for them.

  35. This reminds me of my former boss. He created a new website for the business, but it was painful to read because there were errors all over the place on every page. I printed a couple of pages and edited them. I put it on his desk with a note that I was an English major and would be happy to edit the entire website for him. He never asked me for his help and never bothered to correct any of the errors I pointed out. He’d rather leave it as-is than ask anyone for help.
    I feel like Jenna would be the same way. She probably thinks it’s perfect as-is and adds to how real and relatable she is…when in reality she comes across as an uneducated hillbilly. So be it.

    1. She repeatedly starts a sentence with "Us (fill in the blank: eg farmers etc. She actually wrote once "Us writers...." hahahaha. So is Jon Katz. In the past few months he posted something his response to a reader - a teacher, I believe, about why he doesn't care about grammar. I couldn't even read it, because he is so patronizing to the readers who suggest he learn the difference between a period and a comma. (In this case he acquiesced to using the correct "it's" rather than "its", and he thought he was so funny. The mistakes he makes in his sloppy writing sometimes completely change the meaning of his sentences. Once he wrote the opposite of what he meant--the thing is, he was talking about Maria!! And the meaning he ended up with was not complimentary. I have seen this type of mistake multiple times. And he boasts that his editor calls his writing brilliant. It's so ironic that people who make their living on an "art" form whose sole purpose is to communicate could care so little about clearly conveying their thoughts. They do a disservice to themselves and their readers when they don't offer a polished, finished product. I don't care how brilliant your ideas are - save the rough draf for your personal diary. They make the readers work to understand. The readers have to internally edit, proofread, go back and reread, etc. It's exhausting and I just give up. If it's not important enough to clean up the mistakes, why should anyone care about reading it? And Katz thinks he should be paid for his blog. I was very interested to read his "official" statement regarding the carriage horses in Central Park. I believe he released it to the media. The grammar and punctuation were atrocious. He should listen to the retired teachers or whoever else tries to advise him on this matter. But you know what he thinks about experts!
      I wonder how the chapters of Birchthorn that Jenna released to her readers read.

    2. Oops - I meant to write in the third sentence that JW is sloppy and lazy in her writing and then continue with "So is Jon Katz". I notice other commenters here often correct themselves after they post a comment. We want to be understood!
      Also, by putting "art" in quotes I'm not implying writing is not an art, but that these 2 individuals think their writing is.

  36. Is it me or does Jenna's logo in that post look like a dog is being shot with a crossbow?

  37. Convoluted FB comment from Jenna.

    You're just an asshole, Jenna. That's why people don't like you. You're fake. You take advantage of people. You treat animals like shit.

    End of story.

    Jenna Woginrich "That is good. I write about the life I want as a single woman publicly, and I often get comments and emails from people letting me know how selfish and idiotic it is, rarely from men though. It's women who are mean online. It's men who send letters and emails that think mocking me or being negative is sexy. Things like "Looks like the only mating going on at your place is animals, probably because of your filthy mouth and demands to do whatever you want. I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole" These kind of comments come when a writer (any writer) puts themselves out to the anonymous void. I never felt degraded or sexualized my entire life until I decided to tell people what I wanted to do with it."

    1. She is SO clueless about herself it's truly astonishing and pathetic for a 30-something single (gag) gal.

      Perhaps if she quit relentlessly pairing the word "single" with girl/gal/woman - like it's some sort of marginalized, fragile, special, yet scrappily BRAVE state (while just happening to describe her special status and trumpet her lack of a SO, beside the family canine)- she might not have to deal with emails of a sexual nature.

      In this case (we're not talking about sexual violence, here) I do think that the writer has some agency in how she is beheld. She enjoys her version of being provocative and it very intentional.

      If she were truly anxious about her single gal life way out in the rural wilds - ALONE 'cept for her animals - and creeped out about emails she deems degrading or sexualizing her - she would leave out a lot of the descriptions and remarks (blog, twitter, wherever else she writes) she gets a kick out of posting.

      She could quit mentioning naked forest showers while soaping her bod in nature's glorious wet rain, sleeping on animals skins - naked, can ya believe how edgy and sexy?! - entwined with her dogs, like how cool and natural a "single gal" is she..ain't no pjs or bathrobes at CAF.

      She has dropped a little bon mot remarking that the only sex she gets is with herself, or something speaking to that, hoping to inform her readers what about herself? How mature or grown-up she is? That she knows stuff about her body even though she's a "single gal?" She's not a pre-teen any longer but a woomaaan? Lordie. Even someone as something as she is (reference to not being as sexually adventurous as...her spam assumes?)knows how to take care of herself. Ooh, Jenna. Cool.

      She loves her some innuendo, straight out tough-like big girl words, strutting her whatever, all wrapped up with over-reaching purple prose.

      If she adores putting herself on display so much and so nakedly, often, admirers are gonna admire. And those who aren't are quite appalled.

    2. She's a dolt. Of course it's women she's getting criticism from---------- most of her readers are women.

      The icky comments from men aren't meant to be "sexy" -- where did she get that idea? They're probably just random asshats who enjoy demeaning women -- any women-- not just gutsy single gals living their dream.

  38. If I was the recipient of said package I would be embarrassed. I would take it as a sign from the "Mystery God" that I needed to get my shit together so that strangers weren't mistaking me for a charity case. Great ploy, though. Mention having to steal creamer from Stewart's, someone sends her creamer. We'll be seeing this one again, for sure.

    Jenna "Yesterday in the mail a package came from a stranger. It was filled with peppermint coffee creamer in individual cups, like the kind you see at gas stations. At 3 in the afternoon yesterday I thought, "Oh wow, this is kinda neat. How nice." This morning I am thinking, "Where do I send my tithe to my new Mystery God?""

    1. Mystery God? She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew by writing about stealing that she would wring money or gifts out of her readers. It's no mystery.

    2. CAFenomics Kwik Tip: To manifest what you want, steal a little of it first. Write about it on the internet. Then watch it manifest in your mailbox. Make invisible tithe to Mystery God.

    3. Hey, maybe she can donate it to the Food Bank along with whatever she is collecting from her heathens. Sort of like a tithe to the Mystery God or to appease the Norse gods or whatever...

    4. To be fair, it was Equal she stole, not creamer.

  39. I've got news for her. Weird is the new norm. She's unique just like the rest of us.

    Labels are like assholes.....

  40. Peppermint creamer isn't going to pay the mortgage. Considering she only sold 2 out of the 5 logos she wanted to sell last week, I'm guessing she's soon to be 4 months behind on that mortgage...

  41. Thank the Gods she hasn't sold any more logos. Have you seen that hound bows one? Goodness, is there anything more hideous? What, shooting a deformed mouth dog in the balls? Egads!!!!!

    And that crossbow? Looks like she lifted that clip art straight from the web. It doesn't match the logo well in line weight or anything, just another crappy thrown together bit of junk she is trying to hawk. I feel sorry for them. Honestly. Ugh.

  42. The dog looks like Santa's little helper from the Simpson's.

  43. The dog looks like Santa's little helper from the Simpson's.

  44. Everyone else donate to the food pantry while Jenna keeps the box of creamers all to herself!

  45. On Twitter she's talking about using to make money doing print work. Lowest of 5 bidders gets the job.
    Someone commented to Jenna, "So you're bidding to get underpaid?"
    What did Jenna bid on? To do Justin Bieber themed birthday cards!

  46. Since Jon Katz blogged about filing for bankruptcy, I would not be surprised if JW also filed - if she hasn't already.

  47. Wow I just read Jon's post. Two mortgages over 4 years -- think of all the $$& he must have gone through.
    Now that he is out of that hole I don't foresee him having future issues paying one mortgage.
    Even if Jenna files for bankruptcy and starts over with no debt--assuming she keeps the house, how is she going to pay her mortgage?

  48. If she is using to earn money, then she's not going to be able to pull that 'take money, don't deliver' crap. People leave reviews and if hers are negative, there will be no more work for her.

  49. Do we know for a fact that Birchthorn is with the editor? I can't believe that Jenna wouldn't have trumpeted that milestone, if only to shift blame for its lateness from her to someone else. Can someone provide a link saying that it is?

    1. Inquire over at or

      Meredith is no longer allowing CAF discussion.
