Friday, July 3, 2015

Sweep the nation by storm

Hi I'm Meredith Amonson and I worked at Ayrshire Farm from 9/5/2013 - 6/16/2014. Ayrshire Farm tried to buy my silence. I was offered money in exchange for signing an agreement not to speak of my experiences at Ayrshire Farm to media, the public, and even my family. This included the dissemination of pictures and videos of the condition of the pigs at Ayrshire Farm.

Obviously I did not sign.

The Truth does not have a price for it can not be bought.

I was terminated due to the "budget" though it was truly for advocating for the pigs welfare. Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour refuses to prevent illness through proper animal husbandry then refuses to treat illness. No vet ever examined a pig during my 9 months living and working at Ayrshire Farm.

Complaints of staff physically abusing pigs were acknowledged but dismissed. I was terminated the day I went to upper management about Crystal Ritenour continued denial of necessary treatment to pigs (which later died of neglect).
Rather than fix the problem Ayrshire Farm tried to pay me off to hide the problem. To legally bind myself to silence forbidden to discuss the abuse and neglect at Ayrshire Farm.

The pigs at Ayrshire Farm are tortured by physical abuse, internal and external parasites, death due to exposure in extreme heat and cold, insufficient food (amount and access), no veterinary care, and so many other atrocities.

Ayrshire Farm controls people with money. They terminate you as an employee for advocating for the care of the animals, they offer you money to keep their dirty secrets of animal abuse and neglect out of the public eye, they threaten "unpleasant lengthy and expensive legal battles" for speaking of what goes on behind the scenes that the public is never exposed to.

My heart is invested in humanely raising pigs and the welfare of all animals. I will not turn my back on these pigs.

I was the worst thing that happened to Ayrshire Farm, Sandy Lerner, and Crystal Ritenour and the best thing that happened to Ayrshire Farm's pigs.

This community deserves to know what goes on at Ayrshire Farm. Many people can not speak publically to what they have seen. While I appear like a lone voice, my experience at Ayrshire Farm is not unique. For as long as Sandy Owners has had livestock at Ayrshire Farm there has been severe neglect and abuse. From the veal program that no longer exists to the broiler poultry that also no longer exists to the severe parasite issues with the cattle to these issues with the pigs.
This is an unpleasant issue for everyone but one that must be addressed head on.
Attached are pictures taken roughly a year ago and just before Humane Farm Animal Care (Certified Humane certifier) conducted an unannounced inspection of Ayrshire Farm resulting in a notice of 30 days to correct major and minor nonconformances to their Certified Humane standards. Numerous pigs that Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour neglected to provide treatment to had to be euthanized and even more pigs required urgent medical attention and treatment. Risking the loss of their Certified Humane label is the only reason the pigs received medical care. Left to their own devices, Crystal Ritenour and staff willfully neglect these animals with a reckless disregard to their welfare. Internal and external parasites (pig lice, mange, coccidia, round worms, etc) are the main medical issues with the pigs at Ayshire Farm. Just 2 years ago Sandy Lerner recognized Crystal Ritenours failings as Large Livestock Manager when she realized how many of her cattle were losing the battle to internal parasites, an issue which should have been addressed immediately by staff.

"My cattle certainly did not look like they had been any where near a Humane Farm Animal Care inspector. In fact, there were days, standing out looking at my cattle, that I was tempted to report myself. "
"It was clear, after the death of a yearling White Park steer due to the complications of a severe trichostrongylus infestation (a $3,000 retail loss), that my cattle weren’t going to wait for me and the out-field watering systems, the high-tensile fencing, over-seeding, etc. So, we got out our fecal sample test-kits and collected samples to send in to the state laboratory. Of 117 animals (approximately one-fourth of our herd) tested for internal parasites (trichostrongylus, nematodiris, trichuris, and/or coccidia were identified in the samples): nine (7%) had heavy infestations (those with moderate or severe worm loads invariably were infested with multiple species of parasite); 28 (24%) had either combination infestations or moderate or heavy single-species infestations, 53 (45%) had light infestations, and only 27 (23%) were clear. The bottom line? Three-fourths of my cattle were battling worms, and 41%, nearly half, of those were clearly losing the battle."

My experience working with the pigs at Ayshire Farm mirrors exactly the experience Sandy Lerner herself had with the cattle 2 years prior. The only difference? Action. The issue with the cattle was addressed. Why Crystal Ritenour remained in a position to oversee the health of any animal is beyond me. Issues with the pigs remained and Crystal Ritenour actively refuses to prevent these parasite issues to the best of her ability through proper animal husbandry than denies care to the pigs that exhibit symptoms of treatable problems.

There is no excuse for the condition of the pigs in the pictures below. This is horrific and it needs to stop. It is sad Sandy Lerner can essentially admit Crystal Ritenours failings with the cattle but defend her actions with the pigs by blaming everyone but who is responsible.
Please let Ayrshire Farm know the animals under their care deserve veterinary treatment and that Crystal Ritneour should not be in a position to continue to deny necessary care to any animal at Ayrshire Farm. She should not be able to interact with the cats, cattle, horses, or pigs. Crystal Ritenour is dangerous and untrustworthy and her neglect has resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths.
For more information

The criminal animal cruelty trial of Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner has not yet been set.

Please email, post, or share this information. Sending to an animal rights organization and or Loudoun County would be great. Please forward my story in hopes of ending the abuse at Ayrshire Farm.


  1. Wow. I admire your strength of character. It took quite a lot to stand up to them then, even more now.


  2. That was not at all what I had in mind when I posted about writing a descriptive, engaging narrative. Even though I agree with you on this issue totally, I couldn't get past the second paragraph. An angry person placing blame on others with facts does not get my attention or draw me in. That just isn't how the world works - even though it should and I wish it did. Sorry.

    1. I'm rather surprised about that. Her first paragraph drew me in and she kept my attention the whole time. Flowery prose about the disgusting situation would have been more of a turn off than anything. With something like this, I want the facts. I don't need a cute story about a lone polar bear trying to survive in his small world.

      I think she described the situation in a good manner without having to resort to photos. Do you think magazines like MEN use an "engaging narrative" when writing about things that are disturbing like CAFO's? Not really. They save that for articles about subjects that are a little more upbeat like how to garden and canning.

      What are you looking for from Meredith?

    2. I was merely suggesting that not everyone's brains work like yours and hers. There are some of us that are drawn in to the multitude of abuse situations in the world by a narrative that makes me feel like we were there with her - not just reading a laundry list of facts - kinda like how 60 mins and 20/20 put facts and "flowery prose" together to give a well rounded picture so that people like you two and people like me are all drawn in to the issue in different ways. I was trying to help her reach more people to get more support and donations. You know, its ok for people to be different from the two of you!! Listen, at this point, I regret ever having commented. She asked why she hadn't gotten more donations, so I gave my opinion. I now realize this blog also asks for opinions so long as they agree with the author. I don't want anything from her. I wish her all the best with this fight and if she thinks her way is working, then by all means tell me to shut up!

  3. I saw passion more than anger. Although, I can see understand what 1:06 am is saying, because I too am passionate. So much so that I am labeled angry, which is usually the opposite of what I am trying to do. As the saying goes, you attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

  4. I thought it was the best write up and overview to date

  5. This is just a copy and past from a local community facebook group.

    I'm not writing a descriptive narrative that could lead the farm to fill in blanks and create new excuses. I still have another trial coming up. I made a criminal complaint against her and she will be tried for criminal animal cruelty.

    Writing anything highlighting specific pigs especially with dates is dangerous, they will edit records to contradict my claims.

  6. I am angry. I am livid. I am frustrated confused and disgusted. This has been ONE year in the making of Loudoun County Authorities, the Commonwealth of VA, Certifies Humane, and many other organizations turning their back on these pigs. I heard the stories from the men who were responsible for severe neglect for year's...they don't hide anything. They don't care, Crystal admits pigs have been neglected for her entire 6 years as large livestock manager.

    I has the first person to bring this to the attention of anyone and everyone.

    These people are naive to think the farm will change, they are incapable.

    What does it take?

    1. A more level-headed well rounded approach

  7. I am angry. I am livid. I am frustrated confused and disgusted. This has been ONE year in the making of Loudoun County Authorities, the Commonwealth of VA, Certifies Humane, and many other organizations turning their back on these pigs. I heard the stories from the men who were responsible for severe neglect for year's...they don't hide anything. They don't care, Crystal admits pigs have been neglected for her entire 6 years as large livestock manager.

    I has the first person to bring this to the attention of anyone and everyone.

    These people are naive to think the farm will change, they are incapable.

    What does it take?

    1. Hi Meredith,
      You should be angry and livid! If you weren't, then it would mean you are a heartless person - which clearly you are not! Its awesome that you are passionate and driven to see this issue resolved. I have commented a few times and what I have been trying to say is that b/c of that anger and drive, you are coming across in ways that you probably don't want to which makes you seem less credible. If you seem bitter, angry, full of blame, it seems like a personal vendetta against these people versus trying to serve the welfare of the pigs. You can be angry and livid and whatever else, but channel it in ways so that you don't come across in such a way that people don't want to listen. I am not the only blog commenter who has made this observation.

    2. I understand and appreciate that observation.

      I am incapable of what you are suggesting.

      If you saw what I saw and the defensive resistance to change from cruelty to humane care you would understand.

      Have you seen Montel Williams speak on medical marijuana? Its the same thing. Being are actively suffering everyday and it is avoidable.

      Screw the donations f it takes writing a story that compromises the upcoming trial or toning down my passion of extreme daily every moment concern for these animals that are literally tortured at Ayrshire Farm. I will focus elsewhere and continue to work with individuals who don't need a story and are rightly concerned with the facts, videos, and pictures already presented.

      May I.ask how many people giving advice have read the Facebook page in it's entirety?

      Also, this issue isn't about the failure of one person of one pig. Its the failure of a private Farm, nonprofit, county government, and the commonwealth of VA to protect thousands of pigs. Believe me lawyers and legal teams need facts.

      The media, journalists, reporters need to write the story. It is not something I can do.

      Please share the Facebook page to all media outlets. The failure of Humane Farm Animal Care is a national issue and relevant everywhere.

  8. This is just a copy and past from a local community facebook group.

    I'm not writing a descriptive narrative that could lead the farm to fill in blanks and create new excuses. I still have another trial coming up. I made a criminal complaint against her and she will be tried for criminal animal cruelty.

    Writing anything highlighting specific pigs especially with dates is dangerous, they will edit records to contradict my claims.

  9. The "budget " defense for terminating you makes no sense whatsoever considering it was a one-time 1-yr internship IN HONOR and memory of a friend of the farm. I forget his name. I wonder how his family feels if they know you were let go 3 months early and particularly that this "internship" was a sham- no training, no humane practices demonstrated, no instruction and mentoring (that's the biggest joke of all as the farm manager was inexperienced in large animals, and the so-called Large Livestock Manager, Crystal Ritenour's only instruction to you was to not intervene in the poor pitiful animals that were dying) -the other workers you could barely communicate with and their forgetting things like water and using abusive handling methods was hardly to be emulated. Your internship was a nightmarish front seat to a horror show that you were denied the resources and support to change. But you showed up and tried and tried and tried
    until you were let go for your concern. I only hope that man's legacy will end up being the revelation and eventual end to the abuses at Ayrshire Farm. His family should know the shoddy, shameful excuse for an internship Sandy Lerner put in place in their loved one's name.
    At least a shining star was chosen and they can take comfort that you were not going to play the game--that Sandy Lerner and Crystal ever thought an intern with a love of animals and humane farming would tolerate those offenses is just mind-boggling in it's assumptive stupidity. Don't they understand individuals with integrity and ethics can't be bought or silenced?

    1. Thank you for summarizing the situation so well.

    2. Thank you for summarizing the situation so well.

    3. Thank you for summarizing the situation so well.
