Sunday, July 12, 2015


I'm at the emergency vet and need $900 for an emergency c section to save the mom, remove the puppy blocking the birth canal, and hopefully save the last puppy.

This is a serious need.

I'm holding the 2 male surviving puppies that desperately need their mom.

I was denied Care Credit and need your help.

PayPal is

Please help.


  1. I'm sorry about the dogs. However, I think that the same rules that apply to JW apply here. Why did you have a female dog that was not spayed if you didn't have enough money to cope with a potential veterinary emergency? I hope that you can work out a deal with your vet.

    1. What a truly ignorant thing to say without knowing more.

      Meredith, what is happening? Is this one of your dogs?

    2. I stand by my original statement, even though the dog belongs to Meredith's friend. Rather than soliciting donations from strangers on the internet, they should have found a rescue in the area/state that would help. The vet already helped them by discounting their price. In fact, as it turned out, there was no legitimate need, as the new owner's family member came forward to pay the bill. It's also not an emergency, since Meredith was approved for Care Credit and therefore had the opportunity to pay the bill in installments rather than in a lump sum. Any donations should be refunded. This is no different that Jenna's many "breathless", emergency appeals. Begging on the internet is unethical. This was not the same as donating to a rescue, since donors to such organizations are typically given more information about their operations than an emergency internet appeal from a blogger.

    3. Sorry - I reread Meredith's post and realized that she, too was denied Care Credit. The remainder of my comment stands, however.

    4. Okay JW or JW troll... GO AWAY! Meredith was asking for a true emergency for someone else's dog! This wasn't a plea to pay Meredith's always past due mortgage or late car payment or for a horse payment that the owner can't even afford to feed. Jenna begs CONSTANTLY! Her poodles paid a good portion of the down payment on her house, paid towards the down payment and also some of the monthly payments on Merlin, bought her a puppy, have paid her truck payments, etc, etc, etc. It is a NEVER ending list! Meredith reached out when a beloved dog, who was originally a stray and most likely would have been killed if taken to a shelter, was in desperate need! Geez... Meredith has more compassion and caring for animals in her little finger than JW has ever or will ever show! Maude is proof of that (as is the sheep killed by Jasper's constant chasing, the countless chickens, the cat who lay dead on the side of the road, SHALL I go on?!).

    5. Found a rescue that would help? In a timely emergency on a Sunday with a dead puppy lodged in the birth canal with another puppy still yet to be born that required an immediate c-section? Any delay could have cost the life of the mother and the unborn puppy. I have an extremely hard time seeing how you can not grasp this was an emergency situation.

      When I asked for help there were NO alternative options and we had to make quick decisions. Unknown to us after we were denied Care Credit the vet and the admin spoke and tried to help us so they could help the dog.

      It it was completely doable from the start I would not have asked for help. I could use and have needed personal financial assistance over the years since my house fire in 2012. I have lived out of my car with my dogs, been out of work, and experienced very dark times...especially after Eddie died and 6 weeks later I lost my house and job.

      I have NEVER asked for help financially from this blog for my needs, let alone my wants.

      I've asked for help for animals that truly need help.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. To add to that...this is my forum to write, request, and have opinions as I see fit. I respect the readers, followers, and friends enough to not moderate or delete comments (one exception to that).

      People can offer advice, comment, make suggestions etc at will. There's an open dialoge.

      At this time I haven't asked for help for myself but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. I don't know what the future brings and I'm not going to censor requests.

      I'm living my life to the best of my ability. Sometimes people need help. There's nothing wrong as long as it is genuine and honest.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Whose dog is this and why isn't the owner paying their own bill?

  3. The dog is named in she was rescued at Sheetz by my friend who went there for gas and ended up with a dog. This was a little over a month ago, she was pregnant when he got her.

    She whelped last night. The first puppy (a male) was huge and was still born. The second puppy, another male, presented backwards and survived. The third puppy, a female, presented backwards and was still born. The forth puppy, another male, presented backwards and survived. The fifth puppy, a female, presented backwards and was still born. The sixth puppy was stuck in the birth canal and my friend and I took her to the emergency vet. The veterinarian could not get the puppy out and said the mom had a fractured pelvis, likely due to a previous injury. The stuck puppy was obviously dead and she saw another puppy that may be viable.

    The estimate for a c section and spay was 1300 to 1700. He was denied Care Credit. I co signed and we were still denied. The vet came down to 900 and took a 450 deposit.

    The mom is in surgery. We are trying to keep these other 2 puppies alive and come up with the rest (hopefully the total) as neither of us are in a position to financially pay such a bill. He is willing to keep the mom, who is also being spayed, and family members are taking the surviving puppies...if there are any.

    This is the story of a compassionate man with full custody of his daughters who works hard and we are asking for help.

    These dogs deserve a chance.

    Sheetz is not going to be put down from complications likely due to previous abuse, but we can't even pick,her up and reunite her and the 2 puppies without the rest of the money.

    I have 3 dogs. All are altered. I've paid for a dozen spay and neuters out of pocket to avoid situations such as this. Puppies shouldn't be having puppies.

  4. Well, these are choices made by you and your friend. People can donate if they want to, but it's no one else's responsibility.

    1. Isn't that obvious? I said please help, not that this problem is anyone else's responsibility. Its no different than donating to a rescue. There is a need for help and I'm asking for it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I wish I could help. I live on a shoestring, myself, being a single mom. I take care of my animals well, but I can relate. Something like that would be a huge burden for me, as well.

    I do hope something will work out. Will the vet take payments for the rest of the charges? I know they rarely do so, but maybe... I was recently behind on some bills and worked double-time, as well as sold some stuff to make the payments. Is there something of value that can be sold? Hope it works out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think most animal owners can relate, especially those who take in animals in need. This girl is a black pit mix, her odds of adoption would not be good had she been dropped off at a shelter which is what her previous owners were planning.

      Thank you for your understanding and well wishes. It sounds like things are coming together. The family is trying to pitch in as they all adore Sheetz. Its hard when everyone is just scraping by you know?

      This guy already works his own side business on the weekend but even so it's hard to make ends meet. I'm glad you can relate to not having several thousands of dollars in a pet emergency fund. Obviously that's ideal but not very realistic for most.

      I sure am green with envy of those who do!

  6. Thank you for your donation SC!

    Update is mom pulled through and the last puppy that was still inside survived...a girl.

    I wasn't pressuring anyone to donate, just expressing a need. I'm not in the position to donate myself.

    His mother who met us at the e-vet is begging for the puppy that was born via c section and they are going to pay the balance. What a blessing!

    Right know we are bottle feeding 2 and the e vet is bottle feeding 1 as Sheets growls at the puppy and is nor with the other 2.

    The donation will greatly help towards formula and bottles.

    Thank you SC!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You're welcome. I wish it were more!

    1. It will help and even more importantly it was the gesture that brings tears to the eyes knowing that strangers will rally to give the mom and her puppies a chance.

    2. It will help and even more importantly it was the gesture that brings tears to the eyes knowing that strangers will rally to give the mom and her puppies a chance.

  10. This just shows you have a good heart Meredith.
    I'm surprised at people's responses when it looks like they haven't read the facts. Just jump wildly to conclusions...
    It is obvious your friend wouldn't even have had time to start a pet emergency fund when he has only had the dog a month. And only that because he couldn't turn away from an animal in crisis. I would have done the same. Most animals deliver on their own just fine so I would have been anticipating the much smaller cost of spaying and shots.
    Also, thank you for having this blog and allowing unmoderated comments.

    1. Unfortunately I'm not surprised. This is the reaction in the community about Ayrshire Farm. Jumping to conclusions, not getting facts right, zero compassion for the suffering of others.

      This dog literally had a puppy half way delivered hanging out her vagina. The puppy was upside down and backwards. The sac had broke and legs and tail were hanging out limp and the puppy had obviously quickly drown having not quickly been delivered.

      Surrender to a 5am on a Sunday morning?

      Not likely to no chance.

      I just can't understand how people do not support trying to help in a bad situation where those truly responsible have abandoned the animal.

      Thankfully this guy is amazing and just adores this dog.

      She sleeps in his bed, goes to work with him when able, and is great with his daughter's.

      Its not about what he can or can't do but that there is an animal in great need. Burn him at the stake later if you want but NOT when it is time for swift action.

    2. Unfortunately I'm not surprised. This is the reaction in the community about Ayrshire Farm. Jumping to conclusions, not getting facts right, zero compassion for the suffering of others.

      This dog literally had a puppy half way delivered hanging out her vagina. The puppy was upside down and backwards. The sac had broke and legs and tail were hanging out limp and the puppy had obviously quickly drown having not quickly been delivered.

      Surrender to a 5am on a Sunday morning?

      Not likely to no chance.

      I just can't understand how people do not support trying to help in a bad situation where those truly responsible have abandoned the animal.

      Thankfully this guy is amazing and just adores this dog.

      She sleeps in his bed, goes to work with him when able, and is great with his daughter's.

      Its not about what he can or can't do but that there is an animal in great need. Burn him at the stake later if you want but NOT when it is time for swift action.
