Sunday, July 5, 2015


Sorry I.posted all this backwards and her response backwards as well.


  1. "Jenna Woginrich This is an Aussie saddle I bought off amazon prime last year for 60 bucks because I think the company messed up their prices online...."

    Huh? I thought the wolves were at the door and she was scraping by like the scrappy gal she is......nah, Jenna's always got money for the things she wants!

    Meanwhile, she's still not caught up on her mortgage.

  2. Did you see her vlog on raising pigs? She actually said something along the lines of "don't want too much room for them" something about them building muscle.. you know, that good old fashioned moving around that livestock maintained properly have. Basically, jam them in a small space, feed them a ton and get yer money ASAP. AND she still has yet to post a picture of that pig pen in the woods. Oh, and I have finally got, that when she pushes her glasses up on her nose, she is lying.

    1. She is a fucking moron. Has she no clue about anything pig?! She is running a CAFO (confined animal feeding operation) plain as day.

      Between the pigs goats and meat poultry you'd think Jenna was the poster child for factory farming.

    2. It's hard to even write after watching that.

      Why does she even bother firing up her computer to make these pointless vlogs? There is no useful information there--- she's just lazes about on the grass and talks out of her ass.

      Don't give your pigs too much space because they'll waste calories exercising? Huh? How many calories did your pigs use up just staying warm outside this winter, Jenna?

  3. She might get Lyme again laying those guns on the grass

  4. "Things about me you may not know"

    She may not have noticed but this FB fad came and went five years ago.....

    What a bore-- six of her tidbits relate to her TV and movie preferences.

    "If you handed me 20,000 dollars I would fix my truck, pay down my mortgage, and buy a 1957 Gibson J-45. You know, basic human decency."

    No mention of paying back anyone she owes-- how very decent of you, Jenna.

    1. Notice how she says, "if you handed me 20,000 dollars". No mention of ever working for it. Hint, hint, hint.

    2. She was already handed $15,000 obviously it didn't go to the truck or mortgage. Already on to the next $20,000?

    3. I noticed the way she phrased that, too! I'm sure she's hoping to seed the minds of her readers. For all we know, she's putting sublimenal messages in her vlogs....

    4. So true. It's as if to say, "see, if you give me money I really will spend it responsibly". If course then she would spend anything she actually earned on toys and hobbies while the donors continue slaving at their fluorescent light jobs.

  5. She does her videos is in the oddest angles ever..I feel sorry for her pigs and every other animal on that property..I've also never heard someone say don't give them to much space? every pig farmer I know lets them roam all over the dang place and it's the nicest pork I've ever eaten. I'd honestly be scared to eat hers. I don't trust her.


    1. What happened to pastured pork?

    2. Honestly the woman is an idiot. She has 6 wooded acres with no.animals in it. Idiotic. I'd have fencing up and the pigs out there in an afternoons time. She plays video games rather than working and comes up with the most asinine excuses for it. Walking wastes calories?!

      Outside fresh air moving away from where they deficate eating all sorts of forest grubs and goodies (she even has Apple trees they could have access to the fallen Apple's).

      Being in a barn is moronic. Every sensible farmer knows that. Outdoor shelter is important but keep your animals in a barn? Hello CAFO.

    3. She is a hypocrite. Remember when she was a vegetarian because she was against factory farming? Remember when she wrote about pastured pork and happy meat? I guess she is too busy playing video games, tae kwon do and hooky. She ought to get off her lazy butt, expend some of her own calories and take proper care of her animals.

  6. How many times has she invoked Joel Salatin's name on her blog, extolled the virtues of pasture based farming? The sheep have to be fed hay year round, the goats are permanent barn residents, the pigs have limited space........did she read Salatin's books or just look at the pictures?

    If the begging and blogging ever goes belly up she can get a job at Smithfield.

  7. It probably would have helped her if she'd had some 4-H or FFA experience in her younger years. One of the kids' daily activities is taking their pigs outside for exercise. They work with them, move them around a ring, and teach them to mind commands. In the meantime, they are getting to stretch their legs and are mentally stimulated. And FFA pork is pretty darn tasty, so clearly the idea that exercise builds undesirable muscles, which equals bad taste, is a load of rot, unless, as you say, you are running a confined animal feeding operation. She has come to embody the very things she used to hate about meat production. How sad.

  8. I think the saddest thing is that if she would just admit that the work isn't for her and sell the farm or at least the animals, she could move on and have a nice life. If she wants to play at horses, then keep the horse, but sell the other animals. Then she's eliminated the bulk of her responsibilities, she could put more money and time into Merlin and paying her bills.

    But I guess just owning a horse and doing a bit of gardening doesn't bring in donors and suckers like pretending to be a full-blown "farmer" does.

