Monday, June 15, 2015

My sights

Are on Ayrshire Farm

Jenna woginrich is an after thought bathroom read.


  1. Reading about Jenna in the bathroom is appropriate. You never know when you might have to vomit.

  2. Isn't there anything more you can do to get more publicly about the Ayrshire abuse? Talking to egional news programs, national animal rights groups, maybe a billboard or just protesters at the farm entrance so visitors realize the farm is not what it seems.

    1. Sandy Lerner is extremely popular in the animal rights community and humane is difficult for people to even grasp what the reality at this farm is. I wish I had money to advertise. I am working trying to get out of area media to pick up the story. it will never happen with local or regional outlets. they are too scared.

  3. I don't understand, are the pigs the only animals being abused, or are all the animals in danger?

    1. The cattle program is pretty good and the horses are now I believe in decent shape. nothing like the pigs and nothing that would be considered wide spread criminal animal cruelty.

  4. If the other livestock is in good condition and is being well cared for, then why are the pigs singled out for abuse? It doesn't make sense…?

    1. The horses and cattle were not always well cared for Ayrshire our sources the poultry because of severe ethical issue (like letting half of them drown when a poultry house flooded).

      Crystal and Sandy are both personally interested in horses and cattle, neither have an interest in pigs. That is the problem. A farm owner can not selectively care for the animals. Crystal admitted several times the pigs had been on the back burner for 6+ years.

      It doesn't make sense but animal abuse shouldn't make sense. There is no reason or excuse for it.

    2. The horses and cattle were not always well cared for Ayrshire our sources the poultry because of severe ethical issue (like letting half of them drown when a poultry house flooded).

      Crystal and Sandy are both personally interested in horses and cattle, neither have an interest in pigs. That is the problem. A farm owner can not selectively care for the animals. Crystal admitted several times the pigs had been on the back burner for 6+ years.

      It doesn't make sense but animal abuse shouldn't make sense. There is no reason or excuse for it.
