Thursday, June 11, 2015

Cold Antler Idiot


Old Annie is doing amazingly well and nearly 16 years old! I can't believe it, the 4-year old I adopted in Tennessee is still running and jumping on the daybed and enjoying daily walks and still kills the occasional chicken that gets in her path. She loves it."

Jenna either can't figure out how to prevent her dogs from killing chickens or she simply does not value the welfare of her animals (or the investment).

What he have here is a cold antler idiot.


  1. Her blog should be entered into evidence against her. She is a criminal.

  2. And the boar in the barn is still dead. Missing in action.

    Curious that there is no mention of him, the foundation sire of her Cold Antler Farm pig breeding program.

    Her lists every so often of the farm and it's workload are just funny to read. She's got a little petting zoo and it takes her 4 hours a day to take care of? So what does she do the other 8 hours....

    1. Anyone who has worked on a working farm sees through that bs. Maybw it takes her 4 hours but it could be done in a fraction of the time.

      It could take me 20 minutes to tie my shoes, 40 to brush my teeth etc

    2. Anyone who has worked on a working farm sees through that bs. Maybw it takes her 4 hours but it could be done in a fraction of the time.

      It could take me 20 minutes to tie my shoes, 40 to brush my teeth etc

    3. Anyone who has worked on a working farm sees through that bs. Maybw it takes her 4 hours but it could be done in a fraction of the time.

      It could take me 20 minutes to tie my shoes, 40 to brush my teeth etc

  3. Shit, if she gets a few more animals she can rub elbows with the big wigs at the 4-H club.

  4. That vlog. Ugh.

    While I'm sure it's conceivable that she has some things in common with Border Collies (bad breath, scratching in public) a "need to constantly work" isn't one of them. If she's looking for her spirit animal she should cast her gaze to South America, home of the sloth.

    This puppy is nothing more than the latest band-aid for this woman's empty existence. The high is already fading, she's scoping out new horses to get her next fix.

    She doesn't give two shits about chickens (chicks are cheap!)-- she says Annie's only killed eight chickens (Bravo, Jenna) and this is much better than the carnage her cat has been inflicting on wildlife. What's one got to do with the other? Does she not see that the chicken's safety is her responsibility?

    Then she implies for the umpteenth time today that Gibson actually works--- buzzing around sheep like a pesky mosquito isn't herding. And if she didn't have the money or time to train Gibson why should this new dog have any better prospects? She only has a couple acres cleared for pasture so the need for a working dog is pretty much completely imaginary.

    You'd think by the third chicken tractor Jenna could have sorted out how to build one-- nope, Brett built it for her. One Woman Farm indeed.

  5. Takes me about 1 to 2 hours at the most, depending on the season, to do daily chores for 175 sheep, 8 cows, 30 goats, 10 chickens, 30 ducks, a few assorted geese and turkeys, 4 adult pigs, a donkey, 3 horses and 18 dogs. This does not take into account time spent repairing fences, shelters or other things around the farm. During lambing, calving, kidding and farrowing there are lots of pasture checks, but it's still not a full time job.

  6. Her cavalier approach to her animals' deaths never fail to amaze me. Does this woman have no feelings for anyone but herself? No, wait. I just answered my own question.

  7. Slightly off topic, but it looks like the Federal Trade Commission is starting to crack down on abusers of social media funding sites like Kickstarter (see this article: The FTC is taking this guy to court - he raised money for his project on Kickstarter, but spent it on rent and personal expenses instead.

  8. Here's some more details on the above case:

    The law is starting to catch up with the technology.

  9. Here's some more details on the above case:

    The law is starting to catch up with the technology.

  10. The Kickstarter project that ripped people off:

  11. Well, this is rich--- she's pontificating about her journey to her TKD black belt test and how the school she found "had daytime classes (perfect for farmers)"...........

    I'm sure her TKD class is just packed with farmers who've left the field midday to pursue martial arts.

    1. It's pretty easy to buy embroidered black belts from martial arts supply sites. I bet she's a "martial artist" in the same way she's a "farmer".


  12. Hilarious...she posted an update on the kickstarter page about how she's running behind but they should have their books by CHRISTMAS!!! That's only 4 months past the promised date. Ha. We'll see if that even happens.

  13. Who wants to take bets that she spent all the Kickstarter money and now has to raise enough cash to cover the printing costs?

    And as for running behind? Who has time to write a book when they are taking martial arts classes, going for ice cream on a Tuesday, running a pagan meetup group, playing with a new puppy, etc., etc., etc.....

  14. Not even surprised.

    No one is going to give a shit or even notice because no one is eagerly anticipating reading that trash. Her Kickstarter got funded because people felt sorry for her.

  15. Wasn't there some type of contractual obligation to finish the kickstarter project by august? How do I look that up?

    1. Never mind - I found it. It seems Kickstarter has nothing to do with a project once it's funded. But I see from an earlier post that the FTC is getting involved.

  16. I think she should be sent to Mars to be the first homesteader there. After all she is the world's greatest farmer. Oh wait, no neighbors or gullible internet people to prey on. Her Martian farm would be strewn with dead animals and broken fences. Save the airfare, she already had that here.

    1. I think you are doing a great disservice to Mars.

  17. Another day, another logo sale.

  18. How does she keep letting her dog kill her chickens? You would think after the first or second time, she would figure out how to prevent it.

    She doesn't even seem to care. Oh, right. Chickens are cheap. Buy in quantity.

    1. Her farm inventory needs an addendum:

      There are 2 cats but 3 sociopaths.

    2. I love how she justifies the killing. After all, Annie is 16 years old and she's killed 8 birds... so that's only one every two years. Forgetting the fact that she was part of a chick massacre in Idaho... and the fact that she hasn't been around chickens for 16 years... Still. Whatever, its just chickens. She's a wolf and she needs to kill every so often. It's just a fact of life, right?

      She just makes me sick. How she can write about things like that, like it's just no big deal. Really shines a light on her personally, I think.

  19. Animals exist to serve her. They will give their lives if they must to satisfy her whims. She is a god, they are merely pawns in her fantasy.

  20. Despite having to raise prices on logos due to demand they are always on sale! A couple days ago you could get free advertsing on her blog and now they are half off so long as you don't mind waiting for work to begin in July. Fiddle camp has also been reduced. Her blog has more than a whiff of desperation about it. If things get any worse she may try selling her wool hat again.

  21. What's with the Sesame St cheering children on her vlog? It like village of the damned on that "farm", immature self centered hipster with college loans and "dreams' crowd sounces and otherwise scams her existence, all the while suckas born every minute can't wait to applaud and send money to this enterprise. This thing will end like Waco Texas

    1. Omg - Whoever you are, keep writing! I love your posts, your style. You are spot on and hilarious to boot! Keep 'em coming.

  22. The cheering is deafening and not just on her vlog--- FB and the blog, too. All her friends are old enough to be her mother--- it's like they've got joint custody of this gigantic toddler who needs affirmation 24/7. Way to go Jenna!!! You're a SUPER HERO!!!!!! Does Jenna want a cookie??? They don't appear to be addressing an adult or equal, more like a profoundly retarded person who just figured out how to use a spoon. Jenna, big, fat, narcissist that she is, just takes it all as confirmation of her "specialness".

  23. This essay seems particularly apt:

    - CdP

  24. I do t know why anyone with half an hour of reading on Jenna's blog would ever pay full price for anything she offers. If something appeals to you, a workshop or whatever, just wait a bit. She discounts everything as desperation sets in. Over and over and over again. You are a fool to pay full price for her wack job offerings. She doesn't even value them to keep the pip rice as she sets them. I would be pissed if I bought a workshop at x amount and then a week later it was less. Wouldn't you?????
