Monday, January 18, 2016

Lovely raised beds!

I'm 2 years without a garden and going soil stir crazy!


  1. This is the Dervaes family garden in Pasadena, CA, who had several legitimate homesteading groups' (Denver Urban Homesteading, Eric Knudson and Kelly Coyne, authors of "Urban Homesteading) websites and Facebook pages taken down after they trademarked the term "urban homesteading," claiming they started/invented the movement. Their garden is indeed gorgeous, but they are as crooked, destructive and greedy as the day is long. The family would get along extremely well with another blogger I know of who also attempts to wrestle profit at whatever cost to people she deals with, whose name shall go un-mentioned here.

    1. Thank you for the link. As in many cases, things are not always what they seem.

    2. What horrible people. How is urban homesteading even able to be trademarked. Who approved that?!

    3. The US TradeMark and Patent Office. The Denver Homesteading group and Electronic Frontiers Foundation have been pursuing them legally to have the trademark revoked. Oh, they also claim to be a 501-C exempt church, and are taking all the tax advantages provided for that. I think someone we know may be setting her place up to make the same claim, God poles and what-not. That's what I suspect, anyway.

    4. Re: "How is urban homesteading even able to be trademarked. Who approved that?!"

      It got approved because someone took the right forms and paperwork to the trademark office and got a trademark.

      Most people do not know about homesteading, or urban homesteading. So the name appeared to meet the requirements.

    5. I understand it was approved, I,just think it's ridiculous.

    6. In November, a Federal judge in California canceled the trademark on "urban homesteading".

  2. So disturbing. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

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