Friday, January 15, 2016

Con artists

Listening to a great piece on con artists on npr.

Very interesting.

Charisma and ego.

The dark triads
1. Sociopath-  Lacks empathy
2. Narcissism- ego and entitlement
3. Persuasion -,Machiavellism


  1. What show was it on? Did you get any tips on spotting them?

    1. The author (a psychologist) said she had to stop interviewing con artists for her book because they were so successfully manipulative. She would find herself flattered and sucked in even knowing they were con artists!

      She also said people will donate multiple times to justify the first time, they want the person to be worthy,

  2. I think we've all spotted one.

  3. Oh yes, I've seen all of the above in people, some in person, others online. The foolish ones are actually the least dangerous (I'm thinking of an online blogger here). The most dangerous ones are the ones intelligent, discerning people can't spot when they're right in front of them. World Wars and genocides have started because of people like these.

  4. 4th podcast down

  5. We'd all like to think we could spot a con artist from a mile away. And yet, ordinary people get swindled in a variety of ways every day. This hour, we'll talk about how these tricksters consistently fake us out with Maria Konnikova, author of "The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It . . . Every Time" (Viking).

    listen to the episode

  6. Thanks Meredith, I'll give it a listen later today.

    Pretty sure my grandmother was a sociopath, she had cold, dead eyes and gave zero shits about anyone.

  7. It would be interesting to know why some people fall for cons and others can spot them pretty quickly.

  8. Just listened to the podcast and was amazed at how many points applied to JW/CAF. It gives me more empathy for/insight into the people who've fallen for it and donated to her.

  9. I'm amazed that for as many people who read her blog, some can see right through the BS, yet others think she's the second coming and throw their hard earned money at her.

    I figured it out at the first beg-fest when her truck was to be repossessed. Never had any urge to send her a dime.
