Monday, October 12, 2015

What toe?

#catsfine - Jennas world

#catsNOTfine - real world


  1. She crazy. Her mom commented on her "cats sick, so root canal on back burner" post, telling her to get the root canal. Only then does JW say "I got this." Caught whining by mama, huh Jenna?!

  2. I'd forgotten that her cat supposedly lost a toe over a week ago...if that really did happen, it's definitely conceivable the poor thing has a nasty infection. Because i'm sure she didn't practice any preventative tactics to keep infection from setting in.

    I will eat her beloved wool hat, though, if she actually had her unicorn of a root canal scheduled for tomorrow.

    Antibiotics and draining the abscess at the vet shouldn't cost her more than $150. If you don't have a spare $150 set aside, you don't need animals. Period.

  3. She's claiming that her tooth is infected as well.

    Jenna Woginrich i do have an infection... that's the rub

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but she can't get a root canal if her tooth is currently infected. She'd need to do a course of antibiotics before getting oral surgery.

    Phantom root canal strikes again.

    1. You are correct! I just had an infected tooth and was put on antibiotics before the root canal was done. Besides, when you have an infected tooth, it is very painful, it throbbed all the time. I'm not a baby either about pain either, but it did hurt. All you want is that root canal to get done, so I am doubting the whole story. And I was a dental assistant!

  4. "Now I have to decide between my own face and her foot."

    What the fuckity fuck?

    Let's review: underemployed hipster who likes to go boozing at the boutique brewery every Thursday night is now blaming the cat for impeding her root canal? She's been on a spending spree for months but it's the goddamn cats fault she's gonna be a toothless old crone. Sorry, Puss! Mama's needs another $8 microbrew.

    Here's a tip: Sell some sheep. Tuesday's sale day in Cambridge. That's what farmers do.

  5. The comments under her post make me's time to treat yourself to quality care that you are always showering your animals with??? Where in the world has that person been? Quality care means she would have had the toe looked at straight away..quality care means you don't purchase another dog when you can't take care of the one you already have..quality care means you treat your chickens decently,your sheep decently,your horse decently..

    She makes me sad and disappointed. Even if this is all a lie..the constant call for help or ideas which then leads to donations is sicking. I've never seen someone beg and lie to this extent online before. She needs to have those animals taken from her..perhaps then she can dust herself off and get things under control for once.

    Such a disgusting train wreck.

  6. Is this on Facebook? I'm blocked. No coincidence she posts such things on the only site she can control her audience.

    She blocks me because haw can't handle her own reality. Talk about delusional.

  7. She has hit a new low in scamming and begging.

  8. There it is KIds! "Princess Petra" has offered to help with the vet bills. Check out her facebook page too!

    1. Hahaha!! What a whackjob--- I wonder if she realizes she's funding a Heathen!

  9. I am stunned that people still throw money at her. Someone just commented on FB saying she can help with vet bills. JW's level of drama is pathological, every "crisis" posted and reposted, in every venue, instead of living within her means, and coping, like the rest of us.

  10. Yep it's all on facebook..the last one to comment on the thread: , I can help contribute toward your cat's vet bill. How much does it cost to take your cat to the vet? You got my email/number - let me know and I'll let you know what I can do to help.
    Like · 2 hrs

  11. Here's the one that really got me: It's time to treat yourself to the same quality of care you are always showering on your animals. You need to take care of you, because everything else depends on it. Cat's abscess pretty easily. If lanced and allowed to drain, they almost always heal up just fine. People with abscessed teeth either lose the tooth or much much worse. You need to finally come first. Because there will always be another crisis. Always

  12. And now for the Late Nite Show’s top 10 most annoying CAF words or phrases:

    10. Son
    9. Darlings
    8. Fall down the stairs amazing
    7. Support this farm
    6. Late mortgage
    5. Vet bill
    4. Badass
    3. Wolves at the door
    2. Scrappy

    And the No. 1 most annoying phrase for 2015 is………….(drum roll)


  13. You see, it's all part of CAFenomics. If you had attended the financial talk at Antlerstock you would have learned something. Why work to support yourself when you can get others to do it for you. And willingly, I might add.

    Yes, JFW has made mistakes. Her first mistake was having an actual job, but that cut way into her play time. Then she tried the Art of Asking, but that backfired as well. Some people even suggested she get a job!

    With CAFenomics, it is much subtler. Take the incident with the cat. You tell your followers that you need a root canal, but the cat is injured and needs medical attention. What to do? You let your audience come up with a solution. Of course you need to take care of yourself first. Once someone says that, then another person will chime in and offer to pay the vet bill. See? Works like a charm.

    Of course, CAFenomics is still in the early stages of development. Stay tuned for newer and subtler ways to leech off of others. Who knows? There might even be a book deal here.

  14. Her tooth is infected too????


    She has been hanging at the brewery, playing with friends, running her so called farm and hosting a weekend event with an infected tooth?

    What a load of crap that is!

    The pain alone would make it hard to function let alone party and entertain.

    Man is her crowd gulliable.

    1. My thoughts EXACTLY!

      I wonder if someone at Antlerstock saw the cat's paw and now she has to take care of it.

  15. Fire sales once again. It's all well and good that you want to offer workshops and logos at a discount, but all the time? This is what the third, fourth, fifth month doing it. Antlerstock had her photographer friend and her family and who else? Where are all the logos she has made from all the other fire sales? Why aren't those funding friends coming on FB showing what she can produce during one of these fire sales. Then at least those that have bought a logo at full price would know if their logo is of a much higher quality than those sold at 1/2 or a 1/4 of the going rate.

    The only reason she offers workshops, logos, and her wool cap at times like these is so she can say -"she didn't ask for donations" and can appear to sponsors and such as self-sustaining. But the truth is not much is sold during these fire sales or we would see the proof of it in attendees at workshops and quite a few stopping back to show the logo they bought at a reduced rate. Instead-nothing.

    Slowly but surely JW is eroding every area she can legitimately make money in. She has no book deal, and had to fund the last book and is very late delivering it. Now its Christmas but it was promised for summer. Whatever her full price of logo once was will never be again. Thanks to fire sales every month. The logos I have seen produced I am able to make quite quickly with clip art or with a neat program called logomakr at logomakr dot com. Her workshops are about things she herself does not practice. Besides a picture of a squash and a chicken did anyone else see anything, including a picture, of her garden? Did anyone see her cutting logs, baling hay, fixing any of her outbuildings? Are her buildings, partial shelters shored up for this winter? Or will Merlin and the pigs once again stand/sleep outside in sub zero temps again?

    There is absolutely no authenticity in what JW does. The smart learned person will catch on. But that still leaves the people just like her. The city slickers that have never seen a real tree or that hunger to pet a goat or live out in the wild-carefree, without cares. I call it the storybook life, and plain and simply it doesn't exist. Unless of course you can convince a bunch of city-dwellers that they can live, for a brief moment, vicariously through you.

    All JW is is a city slicker, who through donations bought a piece of land which inspired her to write 4 or 5 books that should have been just 1 book (due to repetitiveness and lack of real useful, real life information in at least 2 of them). All the while, because she lacked any knowledge of how to homestead, her animals remained poorly cared for and several died. And then she got new animals. And now because her audience is mainly the dregs of the barrel she talks mostly about her dogs, her cat, and drinking with no thought to maintaining the "homesteader" persona because no book deals are on the horizon.

    Like I said, her revenue streams are eroding. Fast. Her story sucks and yes though it is a train wreck for sure, it is also a very obvious story of someone that would rather scam her audience than put in a real hard days work. It's really a story of someone who is not transparent in her work and who will not be held accountable for anything.

  16. Excerpt from "CAFenomics: no asking, no begging, just subtle manipulation".

    "To get others to fund your life, first you must get rid of all the intelligent readers from your blog. This can be accomplished in several ways.

    When a reader catches an inaccuracy or calls you on something, respond with a snarky comment. This will discourage them from coming back.

    Also discourage anyone with actual knowledge of your subject from reading your blog. For instance, if you write about farming or homesteading, you do not want actual farmers or homesteaders following you.

    Or just ban them.

    Once the smart people are gone, you will be left with an audience with an IQ of a Pez dispenser, in that they will dispense actual money at the mention of words such as "root canal" or "vet bill".

    Also, convince everyone that everyday occurrences such as mortgages, dental or vet bills are rare and only happen to you. This will get them to open their hearts and wallets."

    If you enjoyed this excerpt and wish to purchase my book, I invite you to join my book CSA, which is like my wool CSA, in that you send me a lot of money up front, but receive no actual product.

  17. Excellent! I love it! Sign me up- Now, I want it now!

  18. I haven't seen any mention of a crown with this root canal.... is she going to be walking around with a short poorly filled front tooth?? She did say it was a front tooth right? Or was this the OTHER tooth that supposedly cracked? Never heard about that again either.

  19. " But I am certainly a Survivalist and what I am doing on my 6.5 acres is what they are as well. They prefer a life very much akin to what you read about here: independence, liberty, freedom from debt, ability to produce food, and the ability to overcome any personal or social crisis - be it losing a job or loved one, or a 3-week power outage. "

    from 2 years ago...debt free? produce food? overcome crisis?

  20. Jenna Woginrich
    2 mins ·
    You're not less of a farmer if you wear eyeliner.
    You're not less of a farmer if you wear heels.
    You're not less of a farmer if you care about fashion.
    You're not less of a farmer if you care about pop culture.
    You're not less of a farmer if you dye your hair purple.
    You're not less of a farmer if you subscribe to NYLON.
    You're not less of a farmer if you own a curling iron.
    You ARE more of a dick if you think lame stereotypes are canon, though.

    But none of that is what makes YOU less of a farmer, Jenna. You're less of a farmer because you wantonly kill animals through neglect, leave pigs outdoors all winter, over graze your pastures, can't build a sheep-proof fence....oh, hell you all know why. Jenna Woginrich: Not A Farmer Now Or Ever.

    1. okay, WTF is NYLON? I had to Google that one. Check this out from NYLON: Behold, The Vagina Emoji

      What ever happened to the Farmer's Almanac?

    2. Read my lips - she is not a farmer, she is not a farmer, she is not a farmer.

    3. I already read the 2016 farmers almanac cover to cover...twice...and brought it to work to discuss during our lunch breaks. Love it!

    4. No! It's out already? I must get into town and buy it NOW!

  21. Yeah, from the Queen of labeling people stereotypically.

  22. Isn't calling people you see out public "Poodles" stereotyping, Jenna? She's such a hypocrite.

  23. You nailed it, Anons at 9:23am and 2:33pm. These are accurate observations and complaints. Her argument that people dislike her because she doesn't fit farming "stereotypes" has nothing to do with her dishonesty and animal cruelty. Responding with her favorite insult word in the post or twitter rant above doesn't change these character flaws.

  24. And again, she is obviously on good terms with her obviously middle class family. They can loan or give her money for her "root canal". There is no need to "choose" between dental care and cat care and no need to beg.

  25. This is a ploy that ends with her shooting another fashion spread and collecting as many lascivious comments from her male readers as possible, she already has one "twitching with anticipation". Ew.

  26. Mama Woginrich you cheap bitch get Jenna her subscription already. What kind of mother are you??????/

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Did you dye your hair purple!
    Like · Reply · 11 mins

    Jenna Woginrich no, but feel free to get me a subscription to NYLON
    Like · Reply · 8 mins

    1. I don't know her mother or what type of relationship they have. But I am puzzled by the way this plays out on social media. If I was having issues with one of my children, I would not be making it so public.

      It's obvious the relationship is strained, but I wonder why her mother continues to post on social media when she usually gets slapped down.

      And shame on JFW for her treatment of her mother in a public forum.


    2. I find it painful to read Jenna's mistreatment of her mother. Clearly her mom is trying to connect with her, on Jenna's terms and on Jenna's platform, and Jenna slaps her down publicly. Her mom is going the extra distance, maybe in a social media world that is not entirely homey for her, and try to be supportive. She seems like a nice mother, and there is no excuse for treating her badly.

    3. She treats her mother like dog shit and I suspect it's to put some distance between her and someone who sees her for who/what she really is. Jenna doesn't want to be reminded of her ordinary, average, one-of-millions origins. Also, Mama W is the only person with sense enough to tell her what she needs to hear: take a shower and get a job.

    4. Has anyone other than me noticed that most of her close friends-Patty and Miriam (these two also back her up, attend workshops, play photographer for her, cheer her on) as well as at least 3 other women who come regularly to cheer her on or fund her are ALL around her Mom's age. Perhaps she intentionally puts distance between herself and Mom so other nurturing Mom figures come into her life. Women her Mom's age are likely some of her biggest supporters/$. JMO

    5. Yup. They're more like cheerleaders than friends, though. It's as though they're in awe of Jenna and not her equal.

  27. CAF Recipe of the Week: Train-wreck Cookies

    Preheat the wood stove to 50 degrees and prepare for frozen pipes

    2 cups of brown slimy BS from the overflowing septic system
    1 cup of sugar coated begging
    1 cup of NUTS
    1/2 cup of kale
    1/2 cup of Merlin's hair
    1 tablespoon burned coffee
    1 tablespoon microbrew beer

    Ask followers to please send all ingredients as you're having a cookie crisis

    Mix well outside while running 5 miles, put cookies into truck and drive for 4 hours to show off your farm cookie cred, then throw the effin cookies out and eat the Mallomars you bought at Stewarts.

    Makes one dozen Mallomars.

    1. Best served naked!

    2. Wow! You can do a whole CAF cookbook!

      How about this one? CAF Keto Crockpot Pork, in which you include Keto forbidden ingredients such as honey, apples, and alcohol. Oh, wait - she already posted a recipe like that.

  28. Anon at 9:32pm - you are hilarious!

  29. Without a book deal /no interest from publishers I think Jenna's makeover is a desperate grasp to re-define herself & try and make herself more interesting. I think it is a snoozefest and most or all people who are interested in homesteading could give a rats add about her dying her hair/wearing makeup/etc. A lipstick wearing pseudo farmer isn't going to sell books!!

  30. Isn't this the chick that a few months ago was pleased to be stinky, no makeup, filthy and hosing down necked outside? And that was her scrappy claim to self expression?

    Now all the sudden she's a glamour farmer?

    Man, she is one lost little girl.

    1. Yes, she was the unwashed, feral direwolf while women who did their hair and wore makeup were poodle otherkins.

    2. Yep, and she would talk down about women who cared about stuff like make-up and fashion. Her whole persona was based on a woman who wore dirty clothes and didn't care about "poodle" things.

      That's quite a 180!

    3. 3/1 Blog

      "I watched men in polo shirts, button downs, and clean pants and slip-on shoes get into their 4-door cars for their trip to their respected carpeted offices. I watched women with perfect hair, liquid eyeliner, and heels get coffee from the same trough I was. I had one of those moments when you stop to remember a past life. I used to come in here before heading to a corporate office just a few years ago. I was clean, hair washed and ironed, makeup on, clothing crisp and fresh. But nowI was feeling grimy and honestly looking forward to my cup of coffee with genuine fervor while watching ghosts from my past life. I smiled. Dress for the job you want, not the job you had".

      10/14 Facebook

      Just got a root canal in a tweed blazer because I'm classy, dammit.
      You're not less of a farmer if you wear eyeliner.
      You're not less of a farmer if you wear heels.
      You're not less of a farmer if you care about fashion.
      You're not less of a farmer if you care about pop culture.
      You're not less of a farmer if you dye your hair purple.
      You're not less of a farmer if you subscribe to NYLON.
      You're not less of a farmer if you own a curling iron.
      You ARE more of a dick if you think lame stereotypes are canon, though.

    4. All she does is smile to herself non stop.

  31. Meanwhile, with the root canal and cat crisis taken care of, she's tweeting every 2 hours. She's reaching out to celebrities and quasi-celebrities, trying to get noticed, She asked Dan Harmon if Pitch Perfect is a good movie. She's obsessed with that movie and Anna Kendrick--she tweeted AK about her hawk and the article in The Guardian. She asked Dan Harmon if he would like to broadcast his show from her farm--because ".this gal wants to put on a show". Don't know if anyone else remembers that she once tweeted that if she wasn't a farmer she would want to be a comedian. Well, you know that was out of the question because besides talent, to be a successful comedian takes persistent hard work--and constant producing new material and honing one's skills. But I think she wants to be famous and she's trying to create a persona that is more like the people she admiires.( and trying to befriend them at the same time). Anyone who watches movies the number of times she does, is escaping and immersing herself in a fantasy. She can't be fully engaged in real life--those pesky crises are distractions from her true love which is the lives of these celebrities and producing her own "show" and longing to be like them. She likes to talk about her gritty, scrappy life and get sympathy for being a single woman "running" a farm but I think the romance of it she built in her mind is wearing off and she wants something more, and if she could hitch her wagon to and capitalize off the popularity of these "stars" , somehow gain their audiences for herself, she could somehow stop doing real work. Anyone notice how her blog profile says she's a full-time writer? Meanwhile, Birchthorn languishes while she's spending hours tweeting and trying to put on a show. She should be posting about Antlerstock - what a great time it was. (She must have been reading here because she finally posted about Patty's fundraiser).
    Meanwhile, my heart aches for her animals. Did anyone notice she had the pigs in the barn during the summer and then brings them out to the woods when she wanted to advertise pork shares? So they will be out for the winter in that pitiful shelter? Poor Merlin--she could be out building him a real shelter instead of the hours she spends online. Is the barn cat with the infected toe Boghadair or a third cat? She has 3 dogs, at least 2 cats, a horse and farm animals. We only have one cat and one dog because that's all we can afford. She says she gets dogs to have family, but then she doesn't even take care or train them properly.
    What's going on with Friday's spaying?. Surely she could get someone to fund that. What happens when Annie gets sick? She's peeing inside - that should be addressed at the vet. I never could respect Jenna since someone who knew her said she let her dogs pee in their crates instead of letting them out in a timely fashion. Don't you think how one treat's his/her animals is a real indicator of one's character? I can't bear to read or look at her stuff anymore and I wouldn't waste my time commenting about her but for her treatment of her animals and her scamming. She can't really hide that. Funny that the 9 noble values of Asatru that she is supposedly working on don't include humility, but they do include honor, truth, loyalty ( a little late for Patty), self-discipline, industriousness and self-reliance, Hard to believe she is sincere. She is posing and it must be more exhausting than the actual work would be, but I guess that wouldn't be fun enough for her.

    1. It's been bothering me how flip she is about Annie peeing in the house. We're all aware of her history with animal neglect so it seems entirely probable she hasn't taken her to the vet for it. I hate to think the dog has urine burns from this especially if it can be treated with Proin.

      This business of watching the same movies repeatedly is strange. You'd almost think some OCD was involved but I'm inclined to agree with you about the escapism. I'm sure Pitch Perfect is a great movie but she's indicated she's watched it some insane number of times this summer.....doesn't the joy go out after the second time? Is there not a whole world full of interesting things to do besides re-experience the SAME movie again and again and again? Didn't she say she'd watched Braveheart like 600 times? Wow. Sometimes I think she needs an intervention.

    2. May 19 Facebook

      Some days all I do is sit in front of a computer. That's not a complaint, but I post so many photos of horseback riding and archery and baby animals but that all gets paid for by long days where all I do is write, design, and solicit. It's a balance.

  32. I think you're right about all the important stuff. I used to see her as an entirely different person than what she is now. But I think a lot of it is that she's always convinced that what she's doing is the best thing she can do. I don't think her homestead/farm act has turned out as well as she thought it would, and now she's desperately grabbing at anything to stay afloat. I don't think she's ever been honest about her job, I don't think they wanted her any more than she wanted the job. So she told a lot of people a lot of stupid stories about why she quit.

    I only have one dog and one horse now. My dog is getting old and I'd love to get a puppy, but I also want to give my dog the best care I can as he ages. It's nice to be able to take him to the vet and not worry about the cost.

    I do think she has always wanted to be famous, and now it's become a desperation. This story isn't turning out the way I thought it would.

  33. I was one of her Kickstarter backers, and if Birchthorn isn't in my mailbox before Christmas, I plan to lodge a complaint with Kickstarter. She hasn't updated her backer on any change in status, so I'm assuming that she's still planning to deliver my signed hardcover book before December. If not, I'm going through whatever official channels I can find, and I'm also going to tweet about it so her followers can find out what's going on.

    1. I don't think kickstarter guarantees anything, it's a risk you take.

      Jenna knows that which is why she used that avenue.

      I hope she delivers.

    2. She has posted on the Clan that she will start writing on it again when Birchthorn is done.

      So that's two things some people have paid for and not recieved.

    3. I thought Clan members were promised a post a week? She's always pledging content and not delivering. Probably people have forgotten they are subscribed and it's just rolling over all the time.

  34. I wonder if her mother posts comments on Facebook to show what a jerk JFW is by her responses. Her responses are also like those of a snotty teenager, not a 30 something woman. I didn't realize just how immature she was until I read those comments to her mother.

    And WTF is up with the comment about being classy in a tweed blazer? Hasn't she gone to great lengths to brag about how smelly and unwashed she is? Is she biopolar or what?

    1. Haha-- I think she's going through delayed puberty-- hissing at her mother and playing with make up all day.

      I'm sure the dentist was terribly impressed to have someone as put together and fashionable as Jenna in his chair.

  35. weird I had a long post about Kickstarter information etc that posted ( I saw it posted) but now I don't see it. blogger must be glitching again.

    Anyways, here is the site with answers to Kickstarter questions.

    1. This?

      Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?

      Yes. Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill. (This is what creators see before they launch.) We crafted these terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill.

      It also states on the Kickstarter site

      If the problems are severe enough that the creator can't fulfill their project, creators need to find a resolution. Steps could include offering refunds, detailing exactly how funds were used, and other actions to satisfy backers.

      First deadline according to update 16 was a summer delivery, since by spring most of the book was written. Then second update, update 19 stated book would be done in June and it would take all of summer into the fall to edit it and delivery would be "while it will exceed the target a little bit everyone will have their monsters for Yuletide. "

      Book was to be printed, according to update 16 by Summer. Now book is to be printed late fall early winter. I'd say that the delay is a little more than a little bit. I pledged at a 1.00 or whatever the lowest pledge was. Back then I was completely new to the living like fiction world of JW. However, I do not usually give $ to things like this thus why the small amount. I received two updates thus far and since I check spam multiple times a day no other updates were found there. So I was updated the 16th and 19th update. To receive any other updates and to respond or comment or read anything she has written I would have needed to pay more. Thanks to this site my eyes have now been opened wide and I've been fully informed-factually. Thank you!

    2. I receive all comments via email as well...not sure why it didn't stick but if it happens again prompt me to copy and paste it through another comment. I read the comments in my email not the blog so I never know if it makes it through or not but am happy to post it if I can.

    3. Thank you Meredith, yes. I do know that blogger often glitches(esp. after lengthy posts) so no worries. I will let you know if it happens again.

  36. Twitter exchange. Dean has unwittingly come face to face with a perma-teen and master of a life spent devoted to "private and trivial pleasures".

    Dean Abbott ‏@DeanAbbott
    The highest ambition our culture now holds out for people is to live their whole lives without ever growing up.

    JW: This is true. I'm not sure if I'm guilty of it or not...

    DA: I don't know you, but it seems to me someone so dedicated to independence as you are probably is pretty grown up.

    JW: Oh I see what you mean, the 30-year-old teenager living at home?

    DA: I don't know. Living at home might be fine, but I mean people never taking responsibility for themselves at all.

    DA: Living a whole life devoted to private and trivial pleasures, maybe.

    JW: Gotcha. I am terrified of feeling helpless. Some people do what they are taught, and we are being taught to sit on the bench.

    DA: Yep. That is one reason for the chronic immaturity.

  37. Ewww...does candy corn make her nipples hard, too?

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 1h1 hour ago
    I'm about to watch a scary movie by a cracklin' woodstove with a hard cider and a half dozen jack-o-lanterns glowing

    I think I just came.

    1. You're kidding? Is that on twitter? Her crazy fans will be happy now, those are the kind of comments they think are so witty.

    2. I also think her recent admiration of Miley Cyrus is weird. That girl is a foul mouthed, lewd, drunken druggie. Jenna thinks that's cool?

    3. I think perhaps Jenna is a lesbian and afraid to come out of the closet. Perhaps she thinks her family won't accept her? I wish she would just be herself...who cares what others think. Maybe she's miserable trying to hide who she is, and that's affecting her whole life.

    4. Yup, it's from Twitter-- the mommy-free zone where Jenna can fully express herself. She's veering off into TMI with this stuff. Yeah, yeah, she was joking but I'm not sure her fan base is going to be all that excited about this latest edgier incarnation. They came to read about homesteading not her solo sexploits.

    5. What a pig. This is just gross. She is *so* desperate.

    6. I kind of worry about her safety when she posts sexually related stuff like this and the running all over the place naked. Especially given some of the creepy comments from some of her male viewers. There's a lot of really sick people out there, one of them might read that sort of thing as an invitation or something. I'm not saying she's "asking for it", I just don't think it's safe.


    7. And she thinks she's classy?

    8. I don't think she has gotten much male attention in the past. She seems so desperate for attention that she feels safe posting pictures of her cleavage and talking about running around naked in her yard.

      I am in my late fifties now, but when I was a teenager, I was very attractive. Tall, thin and blonde with Scandinavian good looks. I attracted a lot of male attention without trying. In fact, I avoided wearing anything revealing because I was afraid to attract 'that' kind of attention.

      I don't think she's afraid, because even with all the public display, I don't think she's getting the attention yet that she wants.

  38. "We are being taught to sit on the bench." We who? Is she trying to say she's in the same group as children/teens now? Are you kidding me?

    And she is the epitomy of the perma-teen and her whole life revolves around living her whole life without growing up. Look in the mirror, Jenna.

  39. I guess that's one comedian she'll won't be able to rip off.

    Jenna Woginrich
    17 mins ·
    Jenna Marbles just followed me on twitter and I audibly gasped.

    1. Who is Jenna Marbles?

    2. A you tube star. I had to look her up. She must follow all Jennas. I wonder how long it will take JW to post a selfish with her tongue stuck out and her hand in her crotch.

      I just read that Miley Cyrus will be doing a nude concert, she already spits on her fans. It must be where Jenna got her inspiration.

    3. Jenna Marbles is following 63.2K people on Twitter so big whoop.

      Hand-in-crotch-selfie is probably inevitable at this point, brace yourselves.

  40. Saturday night I found myself out behind my barn in a small woodland patch, the septic system was busted again and after all those hay makers I needed to piss BAD. The stars were out and the campfire was crackling, or I was on crack, whatever! Friends new and old, who paid to be there, were around the warm blaze because the pipes froze again and we were grateful for it. The forecast said roast chicken but we had Thai food. I think I came when the pumpkins were carved, damn Jenna Marbles is like a vibrator, tweet me again, put the tweet on vibrate, Mom don't you dare write anything!

    1. Your posts would sound soooo good set to rap music!

    2. Oh my gosh, I didn't even realize until I saw the comment from Anon 10:07 that this post was a joke! I would have believed Jenna wrote it.

    3. Can't stop laughing!

  41. The delusion has hit new levels:

    @coldantlerfarm: @danharmon Any chance Harmontown wants to shoot live from a farm? Cause this gal wishes she could make a show!

    1. Isn't she already making a show...of herself?

      Crass is crass even if you do wear a tweed blazer. Low class always shows through, no matter what you wear. And, she is definitly low low class, just like Miley. And, yes, you can be low class and still make millions, just like you can be classy while making pennies.

  42. She is doing such a 180 on herself because she sees the $$$ drying up. Publishers aren't giving her the time of day, her workshops aren't drawing a lot of $$$ (she said 20 people were at Antlerstock while Jon Katz had 100+ at his open house), and Now that her logos are at bargain prices she needs to sell more to pay that mortgage! I can't imagine her getting a lot of business for her basic logos. If she spends any time analyzing the trends, she probably realizes all of her current moneymakers are drying up and don't have the longevity she was counting on. So what probably started as a drunken "I know, I'll become FAMOUS!" thought has planted its seed inside her narcissistic brain.

    1. Yes, for sure, I think this is the New Plan. YouTube stardom would be an ideal career path if she were only clever and had something of interest to say.

  43. Maybe she figures if the Kardashians can be famous for nothing other than being obnoxious, she can too.

  44. I know others have mentioned this before, but why in the world does she stick her face right in the camera on her vlogs? Just bad camera skills, or... It would be much more effective/attractive if she'd just step back a couple feet.

  45. To the person who posted the CAF Trainwreck cookie recipe - do you have one for a CAF ham sandwich?

  46. Heads up to any of JW's donators : New Vinyl Blessed Feathers album, hinting for Halloween items from the Nylon shop. Seems she wants the Black Angyl -111.00 expensive she says but she would "own them" and the dress that goes with them 86.00.

    Before you donate be like one of her followers and at least ask about kitty, since that was such a crisis and we never did hear a proper follow up to that.

    Is kitty OK?
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
    yes, had a shot of antibiotics from the vet tues
    Like · Reply · 25 mins

    And if you are a backer to her Kickstarter for Birchthorn, surprisingly enough there was an update this am. The writing of the book is almost done. Of course it was supposed to be done in June. It's October now and it's almost done. She has HIRED an editor who will soon, soon have this almost finished book in hand. Surprisingly enough (not) once again she stated the deadline was a little bit passed her guessed deadline. Don't look to see it in your mailbox by December but she has promised an e-book by Yuletide. Because of course like she said a month or so ago she plans to sell her book by e-book once her backers receive theirs.

    Farmer's Almanac reports a snowy and bitter cold winter for most parts of the eastern coast. Definitely expect this kind of weather over sustained periods for Washington County. So as you are funding JW's live like fiction, dress like a goth for Halloween because I am a confused Buddhist Heathen ? remember Merlin standing outside bracing the wind with no adequate (even by low standards) shelter and those pigs as they did all last winter hiding under hay out in the elements because ya, you guessed it, no shelter. So f ' in sad and disgusted right now. Epic Fail

    1. So why didn't her week long round of antibiotics do the trick?

      Or, was that just another lie to add to the pile. Sure is getting deep at CAF, grab the hip boots.

  47. I should have said Blessed Feathers Vinyl was just released -18 dollars and some change- Amazon. She also states she backed some dude for his Scary Stories project $$$.

  48. So, it seems like nitpicking but the fact is all this recreational spending adds up super quick and it's totally unfair to her cat to be expected to tough it out because she spent her money on (another) album, boozing, clothes whatever. Who wants to bet she buys not only the vinyl version of albums but the MP3s as well? It's despicable that she guilt trips people into paying for her cat while she's building her music library--- there is such a thing as the radio, YouTube, Pandora and they're all free. I'm really surprised people don't see the disparity in her "stories".

    Truth in FB posting:

    Planned on finally getting my root canal tomorrow. Found out just now that Blessed Feathers LP was released. I need it bad. Now I have to decide between my own face and this vinyl record. Not a fun night here.

    1. She is totally incapable of prioritizing anything. It's the 5 year old that madly runs around buying flashy new toys, while the adult looks at the bigger picture and sees where an unnecessary desirable expense fits into the bigger picture.

      i'm sure she'd have words about not living my life fully, but guess what...mine isn't the mortgage that is perpetually late or not paid at all. My life isn't about freaking out over every little on of life's unexpected problems.

      When my freezer went out with a year's worth of meat in it, I puffed and fumed and had a few choice words about the inconvenience of the whole thing. Then I moved the food to my neighbor's house, picked up the phone called Sears and had a new one delivered the next day. Problem solved.

      When you plan to succeed you rarely fail. Her operation is nothing but a failure no matter how badass, witty, or unique she thinks she is.

  49. Yep, I don't personally care what she spends her money on but then she need never come and beg for people to buy things from her because she's broke. People who publicize every living thing on the internet have to expect that people will sit back and wonder a time or two. Publish all the wish lists you want, put up one after the other item you dream of buying someday, ask outright for people to send you cassettes etc. I don't care one bit. But don't come crying for people to support your farm when personally I have no proof one even exists. I've seen very few pictures recently if any of her animals. Is she still milking goats? making soap? raising kale? let's have a few day in the life posts-other bloggers do it all the time. How about showing us the farm- for reals. Everyone has her address and locale how is it invading privacy to see a picture of say- her barn? Let your farm supporters who live a long long ways away see daily care of the pigs, see you fell a tree and chop it up for wood. I'd love to see a wool youtube video- card me some wool. How about some tips with pictures of how to overwinter the garden, fix fencing, how to install waterers that won't freeze or how many buckets a day filmed so we can all see that. She claimed a time or two she was saving for a root canal. Either she had all the money saved and got one or someone funded it. It seems all the cat needed was antibiotics that a vet could provide, supposedly the antibiotics JW gave her for a week didn't work? It just seems in my opinion rather counter productive to show things recently purchased or things she just may buy given enough donations when mortgages are late, lights could be turned off and yadda yadda yadda. But then part of me says that she feels inferior when she has to beg for her living so she counters that with basically flaunting new purchases after a recent beg. I personally know quite a few people in my area just like that. Like I said she can wish away and spend away be it her money or donations, I don't care. But don't come back next week or next month and guilt people into funding the farm so you can keep living your "dream".

    1. She does seem to concentrate more on things she's bought or wants rather than things she's done or is doing. There's no more learning about tending the soil, improving pastures or fences, or learning anything about sheep or wool.

  50. Um, did y'all miss the tweet from Sept 29th that said she was going to meet her 3 year old nephew for the first time. What the actual fuck. She cannot even manage to go visit (MEET) her nephew and he's 3 years old? I would be so pissed if my sister refused to come visit my CHILD. What kind of family does that? And I don't even want to hear that lame excuse about "But my farm needs me". BULLSHIT. I'm sure one of her neighbors or friends would be happy to throw hay at her animals and do it just as "well" as she does.

    1. If she would take a couple afternoons to erect proper fencing, install a hose and some legitimate stock tanks, and actual, working gates, she could very, very easily leave her property for many hours at a time without worrying.

      Sometimes, I think she leaves everything in its half-assed state so she can have an excuse to stay home when it's convenient. "But if no one is at home, the sheep will escape! Merlin will drain is 5 gallon bucket of water in 10 minutes and die of thirst! Roving packs of wild dogs will tear apart my toothpick and chewing gum chicken tractors!"

      Maybe she has the farming version of Munchausen's syndrome.

    2. Yeah, she also has a niece.

      I think her family has given up and realized that if they want to see her it will be on her terms and in NY.

      I thought Heathenry was big on the importance of family...but her sister has two children and Jenna couldn't be budged from her hobbit hole to go see them.

    3. who would watch the farm and the animals if JW went traveling to see Sis and the kids?

      just sayin...

    4. Is this a serious or sarcastic question?

      How does anyone "get away" from having a single fish to hundreds of cattle?

      You pay someone to do it.

      Simple as that.

      The way Jenna describes her routine and the limited amount of animals she has it would take 30 total to feed and water on her property.

      Board the dogs or take them with and pay a neighbor kid $20 a day....or buy a new kilt, album, alcohol, etc.

      Just this year I boarded 3 dogs for 6 days to attend my brothers wedding.

      Just last week I farm sat 4 dogs, cats, kittens, chickens, and 30+ alpacas. This included much more than food and water. I daily picked the entire pasture of alpaca crap (limit exposure to any parasites as they graze) and ended up having to give an injection into the muscle of an alpaca that developed an abscess.

      People with animals aren't slaves to their properties.

      An 10 year old in 4h or with an interest in animals could completely and competently watch the animals. A high schooler could do it blind folded with their hands tied behind their backs,

      Bottom line...they'd receive better care with Jenna out of town.

      It would give her an excuse to drive around with a hawk held captive...I'm surprised she hasn't used family as an excuse. I can see her now pumping gas with a hawk on hee arm talking loudly to draw attention to herself and offering autographed face shots to the masses.

    5. Thirty minutes would be if they were walking super slowly. I feed more animals than Jenna does, and I can feed in the mornings before work in 10 minutes. I make sure to fill water troughs and any other chores in the afternoons, so in the mornings I just feed hay and grain, let the chickens out, feed and water rabbits, and done.

      Jenna has Patty nearby, plus Common Sense Farm and other people she has talked about. I'm sure she could barter animal sitting with any one of them. Or, she could pay them.

      Unless you have a dairy farm (and I don't mean 1 or 2 goats), then there's no excuse why someone with animals can't get away. It's bullshit. I've had just about every animal imaginable and I have always managed to get away.

    6. She could get away if she wanted to, she used to go to MEN Fair in PA.

      She can either hire someone or barter. Where there's a, will there's a way.

  51. I can't imagine how she thinks she'll have the electronic version of Birchthorn to her backers by Christmas if the thing isn't with the editor yet. The thing is probably a mess and will take months of work to straighten out, and then of course it'll need to be properly formatted so a Kindle and other e-readers can handle it. (Of course, knowing Jenna, she's probably just planning on sending people a crappy PDF file, without worrying about epub formatting at all.) But more to the point, she never says when the actual BOOKS THAT HER BACKERS PAID FOR are going to be mailed to them. That's the part that's going to cost her big bucks, and I have a feeling that nobody will ever see them. She's a real piece of work!

    1. She doesn't think she will. There's probably a statistic about how many postpones it takes for people to give up and walk away from the money.

      Or she meant Christmas 2025.

    2. Yep, that's her standard MO. Delay, delay, delay until everyone gives up on ever getting their products. Didn't she say people would have the print version in their mailboxes by "Yuletide" but there's no way she can have it edited, printed and shipped in that kind of time frame. (And I'm in the printing and design business, so I have some idea of the amount of time needed).

  52. Please shut your hole. A person that lets animals linger for weeks before death has no business preaching to vegans.

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 1h1 hour ago
    Most of my career is telling vegans that livestock farmers aren't evil. I can't change minds, but 10 years of learning about food does.

  53. Jenna Woginrich: Biker Bitch coming soon to a blog near you. This is the second time she's mentioned it lately. What's next yachting?

    Jenna Woginrich love the Indian Scout so much....

    Jenna Woginrich Geoffrey Goff I think they start at 10k? I wouldn't be buying a new one, I'd want an older one.

  54. The newest entry, another example of look what I did (on your backs) but she does not share that. She is a freaking smelly nobody. Has been. Constantly trying to reinvent the wheel. Ho hum. Smelly ho hum. The place looks like it did several years ago when I was there for a workshop. Stunk then, and dirty, and that's the house.

    1. I thought she had linoleum floors, it looks like she has wood floors in the photo.

    2. That is vinyl made to look like wood. Not linoleum. I am quite sure she does not know the difference between the two. I know, because I was there.

  55. "The entire time I've been a single woman, without a trust fund, scratching by to live the life of her dreams."

    She needs a reality check. She's not "scratching". People with two jobs living in drafty trailers and eating cereal twice a day are scratching by. If you have the money to blow on vinyl and have so much free time that you can jog 7 miles a day and play around with a hawk and whatever else has captivated your pea-sized brain this week you are not having difficulty getting by. If your butt is perched on a bar stool at The Brewery every Thursday night you are doing just fine.

    What an asshole.

    "This is an uncomfortably personal story of one woman's life."

    What story? Her blog is mostly ads for workshops and logos, ie veiled begs. On the rare occasion she writes any new content it's just a PSA about how fabulous she is.

    "The real Jenna, if you ever do meet me, isn't refined either."

    There was zero chance of disillusionment, fucktard.

    1. You have just epitomized many of our feelings about her, but you said it more eloquently than I could have.

  56. Excuse me, without a trust fund? How many people here have a trust fund? I don't. Do you?

    1. No trust fund here. Just hard work under fluorescent lights and trying to fit volunteer work and care for the property into the gaps left by paid work.

  57. Now she wants a motorcycle? She wants people to pay for the boring expenses like a root canal or vet bills so she can blow her money on the fun stuff.

    1. Yes! just like any other 13 year old.

    2. Not just any motorcycle, The Jenna requires an Indian Scout. As usual, acquiring the trappings is the most important part of an activity.

      She dreams of owning a Gibson J-45, wears a Gibson t-shirt and even names her dog after it......but rarely plays guitar.

  58. I just noticed, she has a very bad under bite. I wonder if she is subconscious about that. That newest vlog, even I could not watch it.. I'm like.. umm...

    1. Oh my, you're right she does have a huge underbite. Crooked bottom teeth too. She must be subconscious about it, I'm not sure I've ever seen her smile with her teeth showing. I can't stand her voice or her idiotic words, so I watched that vlog on mute. Has anyone noticed her wacked out eyebrows? I mean, come on. I know she's trying to be a make up queen and all but a blind person without a mirror could have penciled in better brows than that. All crooked and wonky...the point is to look like you're NOT wearing makeup Jenna, not that you filled your brows in with a magic marker. Jenna, I know you read this so please purchase an Anastasia of Beverly Hills brow wiz pencil ($20 at sephora...come on you can afford it!) and check out Keiko's brow tutorial. You won't be sorry.

    2. my favorite crooked-tooth gal is Jewel, love every inch of that snaggle-tooth lady. Who Will Save Your Soul? Jewel is welcome to try saving my soul.

      Jewel is an original homesteader, read her bio.

      Here is part of Jewel’s story that began in Alaska, where she was raised on her grandfather Yule’s 600 acre homestead. Yule and his wife Ruth emigrated from their homeland of Switzerland to escape Nazism.

      "I got my love of language from Yule. He studied the origins of languages. Ruth taught all her 8 children (she gave birth to most of them alone in a dirt floored log cabin!) to sing and play instruments. I was raised outdoors on the same homestead my family settled around all the music of my family"

      "We lived far from town. We had to walk 2 miles just to get to the saddle barn I was raised in... No running water, no heat- we had a coal stove and an outhouse and we mainly lived off of what we could kill or can. We picked berries and made jam. We caught fish to freeze and had gardens and cattle to live on. I rode horses every day in the summer beneath the Alaskan midnight sun. I loved it there."

      "My parents divorced when I was 8, and my dad (Atz Kilcher) and I became a duo. He trained me well and I practiced hard, for hours a day, to sing good harmony and learn his songs. I loved it. I loved everything about it. We sang at Veterans clubs and bank openings, and biker bars and honky-tonks all over the state. My dad is a good performer. He taught me not to use a set list, but instead just to read the crowd. He would joke and laugh with the audience. He stressed punctuality and being professional."

      "I moved out on my own when I was 15. I had a cabin not far from my dad’s. It had one room and no water, no plumbing, and I worked several jobs. I rode a horse 12 miles into town for work and left my horse at my aunt’s place (who lived close to town) then hitch-hiked the rest of the way in."

    3. Kilchers are the real deal. They do have a lot of $$ in land value, but all chose to live a real to them life. Real meaning off the land, and love the land first.

    4. That was a great opportunity Yule Kilcher getting 600 acres free for a promise to homestead. That kind of opportunity is long gone, no?

  59. Of course she has a trust fund. She trusts that her fans will fund her life.

  60. Couldn't make it past two minutes of the vlog. The point is, who cares if a homesteader watches tv or enjoys pop culture. If she thinks people are critical of her because she follows pop culture, she's wrong. People don't like the fact that she leeches off of others and neglects her animals. Period.

    1. This.

      I really don't care what anyone enjoys in their free time. It really is her leeching, begging, and outright neglect of her animals that infuriates me. I'm to the point where I'm really only keeping up with any of her bullshit so I can witness the train wreck when it finally comes.

  61. Exactly. Her vlogs suck. WHY IS SHE ALWAYS A TALKING HEAD?!!? She's done like 50 of those stupid things - just her head in the screen. ugh

  62. Vlog 62: Junior high revelations about music and tv preferences from a 30 year old.

    Recap: Jenna calls out the Kill Your TV crowd for being elitist snobs while conveniently forgetting that "holier-than-thou" proclamations are her favorite indulgence. Her strident fight to enjoy Miley Cyrus rings hollow when one remembers that this woman considers living sans cell phone the choice of the more evolved and that not owning a microwave brings you closer to God.

    1. Well, I won't watch her vlogs, but this is confusing because I thought she was part of the "Kill You TV" crowd.

  63. Yeah, speaking of a "narrow minded pile of crap"

  64. Wow - the new vlog is more bizarre than usual. She seems to be regressing - sounded like a 13 year old. Argued like one. This from the woman who just a little while ago judged perfect strangers she saw on the street who had make-up on and called them poodles. Really starting to crack...

  65. She is doing all these vlogs because she is making ad revenue from them, a new income stream, but she is running out of things to say.

  66. Am I the on,y one that just cringes every time she calls herself a farmer? A farmer? Really. She can't even keep a scrappy little veggie patch going. She's got a handful of farm pets and raises a few pigs and chickens to eat. She is the classic hobby farmer totally! And what is all this crap about farmers not having a tv and all. Maybe some if the crunchy homesteaders and such but most farmers I know are too freaking busy to sit around and play in social media and pop culture and stuff. They are FARMiNG! Shesh, has you noticed that she is either face booking or tweeting like every hour on the hour? Without a cell phone? How the heck is she doing that one wonders. Oh she's in the house at the computer alllll daaaaay long? No wonder her farm infrastructure sucks. She spends very little time working on it. After all a girl has to tweet her every conscious thought to the world that dotes her, scrappy farmer writer that she is. Shesh.. Ugh.

    1. Holy crap you are right--She doesn't have a cell phone so she can't post updates/tweets on the fly--she actually has to be in her house. Considering how much she is on social media, that means she spends most of her day every day in her house and not out farming! What a crock!!

  67. What's really hilarious about all this is that JENNA HERSELF made a big point on her blog four or five years ago about throwing out her TV because watching it was taking time away from real-life pursuits and farming. I don't have time to search the blog, but I definitely remember it. I doubt she'd ever admit that now, and maybe she won't even remember it--denials is a powerful thing. Inconsistency, thy name is Jenna!

    1. Yeah, she got rid of her TV set but she always watched the programming. She watched on her computer. I'm sure it had everything to do with not being able to pay a cable bill or whatever. The same thing with the cell phone.....the bills were probably always late so they cut her off.

  68. She hardly seems like the same person who wrote Made from Scratch and Barnheart.

    What a consumer she has become! Her posts are all about what she bought and what she wants.

    Way back when, she had to have a Border Collie, then she had to have a truck, had to have a Fell Pony, had to have a cart, had to have another truck, and another Border Collie, now has to have a motorcycle. Jeez! Makes me dizzy thinking about it.

    What's next? A book about how her Indian Scout saved her?

    1. I should add that I could care less what she buys if she were gainfully employed and funding her own life. But she's so freaking transparent, I can't believe people are still throwing money at her.

      She might as well just come out and say, "pay for my mortgage, root canal and vet bills so I can spend my money on toys!"

  69. She's getting more and more weird, which is great because her supporters will get less and less. And yes, I do cringe when she calls herself a farmer. I'm more of a farmer than garden actually produced veggies and my chickens are protected and give me eggs.

  70. Didn't she recently make a comment about being Amish because she doesn't use Uber? So what's with the defensiveness about the TV? I don't care if she watches tv, and don't care if she's done a 180 on it, but why so sanctimonious? Why not say that she used to feel one way about TV, but now feels another? We all change our minds. But why be so preachy?

    Coming soon to a blog near you - Why she can use Uber and still be a 'farmer'.

  71. Watching/reading Jenna's essentially content free narcissiblog postings, I felt dirty. Went off in search of real homesteaders. Randomly, I found a really cool Grit blog article by the folks at Red Pine Mountain on how to build a solar kiln for rapid drying of firewood. Now, those are people I'd like to take a workshop with. Cool dryer design found here

  72. Does anyone remember OhioFarmGirl who defended JFW on her blog, and who commented frequently on the CAF blog? Unless I missed it, I haven't seen any comments from her lately. Maybe she got disillusioned too.

    1. I've seen her comment a couple of times on Facebook.

  73. My God I hope she never reproduces. What a psycho.

    1. ^^^^ What Anom 7:01 said. Especially after reading this:

      Jenna: "well, I plan on having Amy and Anna's child play me in a movie someday. Just need a Time Lord and some connections to make it happen."

  74. I'm so disillusioned with her that I got rid of my Made From Scratch book---bad news is it went to 1/2 price books instead of the trash pile. I'm going there tonight and if it's there I'll buy it just so I can throw it away. I'd hate to think I was instrumental in her getting another fan!

    1. When I sorted through my books to send to the book swap I put Barnheart in the recycling bin.

    2. That's what her books are worth - kindling.

  75. JW wishes she could be an animal at CAF. Must have a death wish. Or maybe that's suicidal talk.

    1. I know I wanna go out downed for a couple weeks with an unknown illness, doctored by a clueless sadist to finally be dragged outdoors and left to die.

  76. Almost five years later and her shit-show is still the same:
