Saturday, October 17, 2015


Jenna Woginrich missed her calling.

Fundraising and lying...its what she's best at!


  1. Her most recent Facebook posting: "I would want to be an animal on this farm. Just in from chores in the sleet and every pig has a bale-deep bed of fresh hay to sleep in. The sheep are chewing a bale of second-cut with Merlin in their heavy sweaters. The goats are on fresh straw eating too. All the bunnies have thick nests, the chickens have a dry hay bed to sleep on, and the fire is lit inside for the dogs."

    I can't even.

    1. God, what a trip she is. "All that work"? She shook out some bedding for her petting zoo. Stop.

      Jenna Woginrich canceled plans to go out tonight. mostly because I was worried about learning how the new truck handles ice in the dark, but also because I wanted to tuck in after all that work

  2. Don't forget the relentless flip-flopping, essential to every successful politician's career.

    1. Anti meat
      Anti tv
      Anti makeup
      Anti oil

      She has to work every angle...milk every crowd!

  3. It's not like she's even kidding....

    "When people say they want to meet me based on my books, I worry they are expecting a different person. I tell them to be prepared for a personality that is 67% Anna Kendrick and 33% Amy Schumer. (Reverse that for body type and add 20 lbs.)"

    Jenna Woginrich well, I plan on having Amy and Anna's child play me in a movie someday. Just need a Time Lord and some connections to make it happen.

  4. Her obsession with Anna Kendricks weirds me out.

  5. How out of touch must she be to even type that out with a straight face??? She's thinks her life is worthy of a movie?!!!??? It would have to be an animal snuff film.
    It's sad and crazy all at the same time.

    She's trying to attach herself to celebrities for relevancy. I can't believe she sits home all day on twitter and Facebook writing such drivel. What a loser.

    1. Isn't it hysterical? She's also pondered how things will play out when she's one day interviewed about her who? The District Attorney?

      She sees herself as a blend of AK47 and Amy Schumer? Woooooo.....yeah, her ego isn't merely big it's morbidly obese. She's exactly like those two ladies except she's not funny, attractive, or clever.

  6. So, she got called out on her blog for the "Kill Your TV" flip flop. A commenter copied a paragraph she had written previously about her decision to get rid of it.

    She responded that she is constantly...."letting myself eat my own words"......except that she didn't. Her vlog was all about other people's snobbery, glossing right over the fact that she was purveying the same tired opinions against television herself.

    You get the idea that she is completely and utterly lacking self-awareness.

    1. Her response to that comment is so odd. Yeah, we all change, but when we get called on it we admit it. Or we act like an asshole and pretend we're better than it all. Guess which one Jenna opted for?

    2. Remember as well that her blog comments are moderated. She doesn't allow critique. She let this one through specifically so she could give that typing-while-drunk response. So add "on purpose" to your read of that comment. Very very weird.

    3. That comment was from crashdown, a woman named Heather who has a substantial flock of sheep, and breeds, trains, trials and sells border collies. I think in her early homesteading days Jenna met her and aspired to be like her. When you do see Heather pose a question, it is usually calling Jenna out on her BS or her poor shepherding practices.

    4. "The key to understanding the narcissism myth is not that he fell in love with himself, but that he failed to recognize himself in his own reflection. In other words, true narcissists are not self-aware.

      A real narcissist is dissociated from his or her true self; he feels haunted by chronic feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and self-loathing and seeks to replace that disconnection with a sense of worth and importance fueled by others."

    5. We need to pray for Jenna.

      So that means she is absolutely confused by our comments and is indeed clueless?

  7. "After lunch we’ll talk about getting farms and how I manage to keep this one. We’ll talk options from internships to housesitting to home loans and more. "

    From hee Sunday post. This is getting more and more confusing.

    Internships? Housesitting? Keeping a farm? Loans?

    1. That statement right there is quite telling. No one "gets" a farm. Farm owners work to buy their farm. Or rent/lease land to work on, or I've even seen a few retiring farmers around here design arrangements with younger starting farmers to work their land for minimal amounts of money, just to see that their properties remain productive and well maintained.

  8. It looks like Mom is in favor of getting a job.

  9. A other talking head video is out, all about sheep vs goats. And how sheep just tend to die on her. But not goats. I dunno. Just sounds like she is regurgitating the same old crap you read and see on YouTube about livestock. Whatever. I have both, goats and sheep. She has nothing. New or interesting to share.

    1. It is garbage. And you know what, you can tell sheep are sick without touching them. Give me a freaking break.

    2. Yeah, how about it? This stupid asshole is a self-fashioned YouTube livestock expert and tells her viewers that sheep just fall over dead with no warning?

      Of course you can tell a sick sheep from a healthy one by looking at it. Any sheep not eating as well as the others, separated from the flock, dull in the eyes, sunken eyes, nasal discharge, rapid breathing, coughing...all signs you've got a sick sheep.

  10. Last night I was pondering the strangeness of Jenna's recent and fairly rabid focus on pop culture. And then it suddenly occurred to me--she's angling to be on TV herself--some sort of reality TV show, The Quirky Homesteader, something like that. "She raises pigs and chickens and plows to the beat of Miley Cyrus! Join Farmer Jenna as she welcomes celebrities and wannabes to her six acres of heaven ... "

    I'm serious. It explains so much. The make-up and hair dye, the proliferation of vlogs that are more about marketing Jenna than they are about farming or homesteading. The constant chatter about celebrities, and how she's so much like this one or that one.

    It's been a bizarre few months in JennaLand.

    Sometimes she strikes me as the loneliest person in the world.

    1. Her makeup is so thick, she should be a televangelist.

    2. I agree with that last sentence 100%. If she wasn't so obnoxious it would be pitiful to witness.

      Also - if she's hankering for the TV show she needs to calm on the chola brow.

    3. had to chuckle at the 'chola brow'

  11. I thought this comment by her ma was pretty funny on Facebook:

    Jenna says:My life plan boils down to never needing to return to LinkedIn ever, ever, ever again.

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich: Maybe it could help you find work.


    1. That's telling. Perhaps it's less of not looking for a job and more not being able to get hired.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The vlog on sheep and goats. Did you all notice that she has no actual information? Or how about that rich one that sheep are hard to tell if they are sick. Yes Jenna, really hard to tell when they are flat out, keeled over suffering for three days. You are so full of shit, it just amazes me.. The amount you actually know about EITHER animal could not fill a doll's thimble. Jenna= death to livestock.

    1. Why does she bother? YouTube hits ultimately but come on, there's plenty of things to say when comparing sheep and goats but she didn't seem inclined to say anything of substance.

  13. Yeah, she is hankering for her own reality show. Remember the hoax with the boy who supposedly floated away in a balloon? Turned out it was staged by the father who wanted his own reality tv show. He ended up doing time in jail.

    When I read about JFW's recent antics, I have a picture in my head of her jumping up and down, waving her arms (and maybe even naked) shouting "look at me, look at me!"

    It gets weirder and weirder.

  14. Jenna wants a movie made about her life because Jon Katz had one made about his.

  15. The real question is if I can play myself as the antagonist in the CAF made for TV movie. Hello Lifetime! Better start laying on the make up and youtubing acting classes.

    1. Actually, Anna Kendrick herself would be a good casting call for you, Meredith. If Rosie O'Donnell were a little younger, that's who I would cast as Jenna, on the sheer narcissism tip....

    2. I can see a move made about her. You know, an Ocean's 11-style heist movie, centering around the life of JW the Con Artist. It would have to be a comedy, or I just can't see it happening.

    3. The Great Farm Heist! Played by either a younger Renee Zellweger, or Kristen Stewart, who was born with just the right smirk, but would unhappily have to eat something in order to pack on a few pounds for the role.

    4. If you're casting based on smirk I think Obama would work just fine.

    5. I need to Google this Anna Kendrick

    6. Oooh I'm not a fan of hers...what's the appeal?

    7. She is funny as hell. She's pretty. But come to think of it, she is funny in the wrong way to be cast as you. I agree. So, who gets cast as Meredith, the truth teller is this movie

    8. I think if Lena Dunham dyed her hair dark, she would be perfect for the role of Jenna.

    9. I want to be played by Emelia Clark!

    10. Anna Kendrick has a rat face and if she were waiting on you at Dunkin' Donuts you wouldn't give her a second glance.

    11. She always looks nasaly and stuffy.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hahahahahaa! That's hilarious Meredith!

  17. Perhaps this is a Greek tragedy and we are the chorus.

  18. I wonder if she originally begged from family and when that well ran dry, turned to internet begging?

    Thus, perhaps, the admonishment from her mother?

    1. Oooooh, I think you're on to something!

  19. I like her mother, she seems really loving and nice (not that I know her personally). If Jenna were my kid, we wouldn't be speaking because I'd be much more um, directive on social media. Jenna would have to block me. I do suspect the well has run dry at the Bank of Family.

  20. Her vlogs are soooooo boring -- I find it comical that she thinks she has enough going on to warrant a tv show or a documentary. She can't even fill a 3 minute video with anything but empty chatter and her face taking up the entire screen. Good luck with that Jenna

  21. Oh my gosh..her make up scares me! it's like she is just now trying to figure out how it goes on or she penciling in her eyebrows? Something ain't right..I couldn't watch the video..lasted 15 seconds

  22. She truly is like a 13 year old who is going to wear makeup, damnit!...but has NO clue how to apply it so she looks better and not like a scary clown. The eyebrows--good lord.

    1. Those brows are a real puzzle. The only way they could look any worse is if she let a Parkinson's patient draw them on.

  23. Ok everyone - who do you want to play you in your own made for tv movie?

    I'm going to cast Shelly Long as me!

  24. Ideas for the movie are starting to form. Perhaps a film noir called Trainwreck. Full frontal nudity while showering in the rain. A scary monster called Birchthorn. Zombie sheep. Maybe a border collie turned direwolf. And finally, a scene stolen right off Sunset Boulevard, where JFW's face fills the entire screen while she says, "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Demille".

  25. Food for thought:

  26. Jeepers creepers where yo get those PEEPERS
    What is with the Maybelline overdose, is she farming Avon ladies now?
    I for one would relish a Jenna TV show, maybe it could replace Downton Abbey, I mean the 2 properties are practically the same.
    Meanwhile Momsky pipes in with a sanity plea but the jury has already decided - GUILTY of begging. Birchthorn is sleeping and pigs will get their first dose of CAF frostbite tonight, cause that's homesteadin don't you know, Patty peel me another grape I'm stayin in the hot tub, but only if I look like Anna Kendrick

  27. Does anyone feel they absolutely need to be on LinkedIn? I wonder : I know people with careers or a position that would benefit from increasing one's connections can find it useful. Does anyone know if farmers use it? On the other hand, Jenna clearly is utterly dependent on all her social media connections, just for her emotional fixes and media appetites, and for her "funding". And I doubt she ever needed to be on LInkedIn anyway, but what's the difference, really?

    1. People have cited my dated LinkedIn profile in attempts to discredit my and my persuit of justice for the Ayrshire if LinkedIn summarizes all my talents, accomplishments, and professional experience.

      My LinkedIn profile is about at current as my MySpace profile.

    2. Not surprised there. I've also heard that you are notified when people check out your profile. Shouldn't you be able to know then who exactly is accessing your info? Also, just curious, but isn't it in your best interest to keep your profile updated, or delete it altogether? Maybe for privacy's sake you are choosing not to update.

    3. Perhaps. I don't take it seriously though nor thought other true professionals do either. So my employment info ends several years ago...oh well. It hasn't impacted my employment that I'm aware of.

  28. The thing with the movie based in Jon Katz' book that I found so distasteful, that I never heard him mention and that I certainly would not have been okay with but he seems to be, is it showed Jeff Bridges (as Jon) having built a small round enclosure for Devon (Orson) at Bedlam Fam and he and some neighbors stand there and watch the poor dog run around and around, as if that is a fine solution for the "problem" of Devon/Orson. I would never have been okay with being depicted as so clueless and uncaring. The problem with signing over film rights with your own book seems to be you lose all control over how it is interpreted. I read that Jon Krakauer who wrote "Into Thin Air" (I think that's the title) sold off the film rights and now is saying the movie "Everest" is all wrong. I don't know if there's any way around that--maybe you can serve as a consultant. I'm not sure Jenna would care as long as it helps in her quest to be famous.

    1. What's appealing or interesting enough about his life? What's the movie called?

  29. I don't think it got great reviews and I can't remember much about it--I think it was called "A Dog's Life" based on the book with the same name. It started in NJ where he was living and shows I think how Devon the border collie was an agent of change for him---he ends up buying Bedlam Farm, but skipping over when he was living in a cabin in the woods so mavbe the chronology wasn't exact. I think his 2 yellow labs are in it at the beginning. His wife ony "appears" as a voice on the phone. JK has probably written about the process--if his agent pushed the book or how some producer became interested--I just don't remember. If you look at reviews of the movie, I don't believe they're very complimentary. I don't think it showed much character development, or plot for that matter. He seemed to exist above (on a hill) and apart from the town he moved to. I think Katz has admitted as much. He did use the proceeds from the movie to renovate his entire farm -- maybe recklessly in retrospect, (especially when it came time to sell --he was overly optimisitc that it would sell fairly easily perhaps to wealthy city people looking for a country haven but the money he invested was never recouped and it sold at a loss to him) but at least the funds were his to spend.

    1. "A Dpg Year" was the first Katz book I read and I loved it. I was disappointed in the movie though. It was not well done.

  30. A Dog Year is the name of the movie

  31. Did Bedlam Farm finally sell? I haven't been keeping up with his blog.

  32. Yes - forget if it was this year or last.

  33. I didn't know goat's and sheep had teams.

    I saw the first frame of that vlog, and she must have a plot going to get us feeling sorry for her. I really, truly feel sorry for her right now. Her rabid fans have convinced her that everything she says and does is wonderful, and it's driven her over the edge. She looks like Roseanne Roseannadanna, not a bad ass beauty.

  34. To the person who commented on the CAF blog, " If they were to get out and a person doesn't have a dog trained to assist, what do you do?" Answer: You call them and rattle some grain in a bucket and they will come running back. Easy peasy. Does that person really think Jenna's dogs actually do anything useful?

  35. If you go back and look at some if her earlier vlogs you can see her ala natural, without the creepy forced makeup look. And it's a shame, because she is much prettier just being her, then some pop star wanna be goth lesbian pagan hard ass persona she is trying to garner now.

  36. I'll admit that makeup application takes practice. But, those sharpie brows are killing me. Why is she trying to stay relevant? She should just get a job, even part-time, and actually pay her bills instead of playing all the time. But, that would be the inclination of an emotionally stable, responsible adult. I'd even be willing to back off her if she fessed up to being just a freelance writer and let the homesteader persona go. It's ok to have varied interests; I know mine are widely so. But, it's like she has no core to center on. Just a collection of hobbies. *shrug* I dunno. At least there are more people who are becoming aware of her con.

  37. On FB she said someone wrote to tell her they quit following her because she isn't wholesome. So of course all of her big fans had to jump in and trash the woman with the F word, etc. There goes another one, she was probably someone who bought books and sent money. Way to go Jenna, Miley would be so proud, she won't send you any money, but she'll be proud.

  38. I'd be pissed if that Pomeranian logo was for my business....holy hell that dog looks jacked up!

    1. Hahah-- yes! There's no better graphic of a pomeranian out there? Fucking hell.

    2. I actually cringed. It's really bad.

    3. Yeah, that was really awful. Ugh!

  39. It looks like Big Foot's head shrunk. Weird...and I'm not even an artist.

  40. Everything she does is pathetic. If someone emailed her privately to vent a complaint WHY does she make it public?!!? She's so rude to anyone who thinks differently than her, meanwhile all her vlogs preach the opposite. But it only counts when its her view. Gag.

    1. She probably just made it up so that she could whip her minions up in a false frenzy.

    2. ABSOLUTELY she made it up. You are 100% right.

    3. I pretty much assume she makes up all those "I received an email..." posts. She's just using it as a tool to make statements about herself that would be otherwise awkward to bring up. She'd like everyone to think of her as the opposite of "wholesome" which is somewhat difficult when you're punching the holes on your spinster card.

    4. I was one of the individuals that had written her an email, requested it be kept private, and she then used it as fodder for her followers. So, while I wouldn't put it past her to make one up, I feel like there are many that are legitimate.

  41. That pomeranian looks like it's suffering from roid rage..

    I just flat out stopped following her with no explanation. She could care less to be honest..even when I know for sure tons of people have called her on her crap. She isn't a homesteader or a farmer..She is one of those hipsters who feels the need to project this image but can't maintain it. I think she doesn't know who she is and we just get to witness her sad train wreak of a life..and the animals who suffer along with her.

  42. Oh God. Those logos keep getting worse and worse.

    1. What with the same ugly type all the time? 95% of the time it's that same wild west all cap type. Doesn't she know there are other fonts out there to use??? Honestly...

  43. People are gullible and people like to move in packs.
    Hence the attacks on "Hyphen", Ginger and now "Not Pure Enough"
    The mentality is McCarthyism, Salem Witch Hunt
    Follow the money, it always leads back to JW, all a part of the business plan, did you subscribe to YOUTUBE yet
    You know criticism voiced here indirectly drives revenue, people love a martyr, especially someone so cool and inclusive with their delusion, just sayin

  44. Oh my she is talking about doing daily vlogs!?! She wants to become a famous youtube sensation..

    What farmer has the TIME to film themselves every single day talking about the music they like or about politics?

    With that being said..there are people on youtube I do follow to learn thing..Starry Hilder is one of them and she and her husband have tons of great videos..Miss,look at me now I've got make up on could learn a few things from them..

    A daily vlog..sigh

    1. I love Starry Hilder! I found her just a few months ago. She has a plethora of info on all sorts of homesteading/off grid topics. Great blog and videos!

  45. okay first of all, place your wagers as to how long it takes before she is no longer posting vlogs Mon-Fri (I guess 2 weeks)...secondly, even her most rabid fans will tire of the same vlog format (talking head) and lack of content that is useful and/or entertaining. I would think this is a good idea if she had the creativity and knowledge to back it up.

  46. Yes, ho hum already. She *has no* new information. She is a nobody, please Jenna, just get a job. I think you just like to see yourself in a perpetual selfie.

  47. I am thrilled beyond thrilled that my pointing out she should do a DITL (day in the life). In speaking about the vlogs she states that "we may not get bored, but she will? huh. I'm bored, entertained by the silliness of it all, but bored. My advice, JW, since you are taking it is look around on the internet, for example, Chickens in the Road blog and vlogs and look at how a professional does it. Look to some examples of successful people, and see what they are doing and do exactly as they are doing. Being unique is not exactly what you do best. I am glad (read heaving a sigh of relief) that you are beginning to forgo using the title homesteader ala farmer. Those are titles you need to work very hard to earn. You also have to prove through your work, words and yes often pictures that you are who you say you are. You most importantly need to provide information that is accurate based on your own experience and learned knowledge so others can learn from you. Really learn. Though there may be internet trolls and really mean people out there, I don't for one minute believe that everyone that points out things to you is mean. The people that paid good money and were not delivered a good or service are not mean people. The people who signed up and paid for extra blog posts or a hardcover Birchthorn and did not receive it this summer are not mean. The people who read your blog at your request to witness animals being mistreated, untreated and left to die are not mean people. Grow up and stop calling attention to those you perceive are being mean to you. Be an example whether it be as a youtuber, writer or graphic artist and produce something, anything. But can I say again, I am so relieved you appear to be going away from your live life fiction lifestyle and this makes me happy. You've made me happy today!
    But what must some of those celebrities you stalk think? haha Wow. And you're worried using a gopro might what? I didn't exactly get that explanation of yours. You said " if I let that much of my life online". I don't want to burst that silly bubble you are in but you've let your WHOLE entire life online. And in several personas on several sites in your own words- you, just you. Or, are you talking about if you actually walked away from the camera and your followers saw your 6.5 acres that you live on and the petting zoo you have? Yes, there would be many disapproving looks and discussions. Because your animals by your own volition are not taken care of as they should be. You wrote the books, and you advertised your 6.5 acres and you had people pay to come visit them. You put it all out there for everyone to see and now... you want to hide it. I laughed for entire 5 minutes, 5 Minutes when you announced a vlog everyday.

    Ladies, she already has a fail safe built in- 2 weeks. I wouldn't look for vlogs on anything other than make-up, cooking, baking, how to stalk a celebrity, how to stalk more than one celebrity at a time, how to become a groupie in one day, how to correctly follow 50 comedians on twitter, how to tweet successfully, and finally how to say really shocking things that only 13 year old would say. Look soon for pricing on vlogs. To see 5 minute peeks-5.00, 10 minute peeks-20.00 and she'll throw in a wool cap, and 15 minute peek- perhaps the full monty? who knows. This week it's JW is a youtuber, next week?

    Whatever you're doing, and it looks like mostly publicity, make sure you are finishing up Birchthorn- it's months late.

    1. It should read I am thrilled beyond thrilled (sarcasm) that after my pointing out she should do a day in the life that she has done just that and now more. She suddenly wants to show everyone a day in her life- just no pictures fans, or real stuff. Her ditl will be her face front and center discussing all of the things she is a pro at (read sarcasm again).

    2. 6.5 acres. Let's talk about that for a minute, shall we?

      We have three acres and it's huge. That would be over double our place. And yet, she only uses like what, an acre or two at best? What the heck? Why is she not using more of it, logging it, making more pastures, doing more things with it.

      Oh, wait, that would cut into the twitter, facebook, blog, youtube and whatever else social media that she is involved with CONSTANTLY all day long.

      She is such a joke. So many people long for their own little farm, homestead, whatever. And would die to have something like what she has. She is just a hoarder. She wants, she begs, she gets and she moves on to the next shiny pretty thing.

      Daily vlogs? Why? I love that people are not exactly jumping on board, even in her allowed comments. Stuff like, oh, will you start posting about homestead stuff? Or I'm not interested in pop stuff, or, I won't subscribe but might watch on your blog... where are all the Amen Charlies? Bored brainless and unable to chime in? Hmmm.... get a hint Jenna.

      We would be so much more impressed if you posted once a week and had something really good and productive to show on your scrappy little homestead farm.

      We came for the homesteading. Not this crap. This "i wanna be a celebrity" junk. She just doesn't have anything going in that department. She was cultivating a little celeb status there for awhile... several books, the Mother Earth fair nod... and she just FLOPPED and failed. Derailment time.

      SO sad.

    3. I agree, if she worked her homestead 8 hours a day, composted everything and grew a real garden, she could do a decent job feeding herself and maybe have enough produce and eggs to have a small CSA. She'd still have to work somewhere or have a productive freelance job to pay the mortgage and other bills. That's what it takes.

  48. Daily vlogs.....she won't make it a week. Jenna has nothing to say and the attention span of a fruit fly.....she's gonna talk about music? You already know how this is gonna go. It's gonna be the big head shot of her looking constipated trying to conjure up the words to express the depth and intensity of feeling the latest Taylor Swift single is stirring up in her.

  49. I found it so lacking of common sense for JW to point out on FB that a town crew is working around her house and one of them asked if it was just her-living out here. If you were truly scared of someone working around your home asking if you were "alone" out here, would you really advertise that fact, and show your vulnerability at the same time, to 3000+ followers. Some, who are obviously men, who may live near enough to take advantage of that. Keeping in mind because she seemed to want to show her vulnerability she did not offer out any statements that she is able to protect herself.

    First, it's understandable that it may seem "creepy" for someone to ask if it's just you . That said, I have often had men ask that when I've been shoveling because if it is just me they want to help. I have had older neighbor men inquire if it's just me because they are curious about a gal living on her own. Some people just ask questions because they are curious. If you are indeed paranoid men are going to be around and possibly harm you , you should have a prepared answer should you be asked such a question. Again, if you are worried every man or woman is out to get you.

    I guess my point is if you are vulnerable, living alone, scared etc, and some men are working on the roads etc. outside of your property-or even on it-don't engage in conversation, and if you do have a prepared lie or story about you NOT living there alone. And if you are creeped out about it and helpless and without protection or? Don't under any circumstances come to the internet and broadcast it!!

    No Common Sense at all... And that's excuse #1 for no vlog today ladies!

    1. She is an idiot...she owns multiple vehicles which makes the response, nope husband works from home a great way to get the point across.

      What is so impressive about living on your own? What is impressive are single parents!

      Lets throw a few kids at Jenna, a full time job (even full time farming), and halt donations and see how her perspective changes.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No lie, Meredith. I was a single parent for 18 years, a daughter and son. My husband died months before my son was born. Making ends meet was not easy, and didn't happen a lot of times. I always worked (naturally) and talk about tough. JW could never do that kinda tough. Just sayin' .... Duckmamma

    4. Speaking of the middle of nowhere, no offense or anything, just different environments. But here in the West, the middle of nowhere truly does mean that. I understand in the East there is no "nowhere" left, really. Out here in the West you actually can live miles from your nearest neighbor -- many miles. It's rugged and mountainous, the kind of mountains that cut you off from civilization and neighbors if you're far enough out. JW's idea of the middle of nowhere is child's play compared to our here in the Idaho wilderness.

    5. Duckmamma you are amazing! How's your daughter?

      Anon- tell me about the Idaho wilderness!

    6. Exactly, Anon 10:02--- that's my idea of "middle of nowhere". She can walk to Rite Aid if need be.....her vet is less than a mile away.....she's just full of shit.

    7. Meredith, thanks for asking! My daughter is recovering at her home in Fairbanks, Alaska. She is off work and doing physical therapy. Her attitude is tough and good, positive. She will recover because of her youth and determination. She looks at it no other way: I will recover from this!

      Also, I am Anon 10:02, middle of nowhere Idaho, although I am in Eastern Washington, Idaho is 5 miles from me and I'm eyeing it as a "retirement" option. :-)

    8. If I may (Duckmamma here) I will post some links to what Northern Idaho looks like. It is sooooo gorgeous! Rough, wild, and isolated.

      Here is the north fork of the Coeur d' Alene river, some places where I've been camping.

    9. Duckmama- Glad to hear your daughter is recuperating-- what a great attitude!

  50. I truly wonder if this actually happened or if she just let her imagination go wild while watching them from inside her house (if they were even there)
    Funny comment above about how she didn't even make it day #1 with the daily vlog! She still has some time so I might be eating my words later...

  51. She's unbearably stupid and so unaware of the rest of the world it's incredible. I'm with Meredith-- what's so special about a woman owning a home and ditto on the kids, full time job would she ever cope? I have a VERY HARD time believing anyone found it noteworthy that she owns her own home....she's spending too much time by herself. She says hunters ask to speak to her mom...maybe that's cause she's frickin' short and dresses like a teenager at a poetry slam. She seems easily creeped out yet she never misses an opportunity to mention her nakedness....including outdoor usual, it doesn't add up!

    Jenna Woginrich
    5 hrs ·
    I want to film a vlog outside but won't because the town crew is digging up a culvert. I'm not worried I'll look insane talking to a laptop perched on my truck, nor do I care if there is sounds in the background - but don't want to talk to those guys because the last time the one walked right onto my lawn and asked me in a loud voice:
    Who are you, my mother?
    I think he was just being conversational and totally harmless but you dudes out there to remember how friggin scary of a thing that is to say to a single woman living alone in the middle of nowhere. Yikes.
    So... I'll film after they leave.

    Jenna Woginrich It's almost as bad as when deer hunters stop by and ask me to get my mom, Mrs. Jenna Woginrich to ask for permission to hunt here. When I say, I'm Jenna, they can't believe a woman owns a home alone.

    1. So is a TOWN crew working outside her house or does she live in the middle of nowhere? I don't think town employees work in remote out if town limits locations.

    2. So is a TOWN crew working outside her house or does she live in the middle of nowhere? I don't think town employees work in remote out if town limits locations.

    3. I wouldn't call it "middle of nowhere". I think she's less than four miles from Subway, Stewart's, the whole main drag in Cambridge.....certainly not five miles... It's an ex-urbanite's idea of nowhere.

    4. Haha, they can't believe a woman owns a home alone.

      After all this is the 1590's and women are just mere flawed beings... incapable of holding land or doing anything without a man to guide them.

      She acts like she is doing stuff SO AMAZING... that everyone is going to be so shocked and so proud of her. A woman, owning a home!!! ALONE!!!! Oh my dear goodness... what next?

      Love that she couldn't do her first daily vlog anywhere else on the 6.5 acres. Shesh, she just takes the cake, doesn't she?

    5. This is the same woman who crowed about being cat called while out jogging......having your body commented on by strangers driving by is not creepy or scary?

      Consistency is not her strong suit.

    6. Oh, good Lord. A "woman", no wonder they couldn't believe it. She's no adult, by any means.

  52. So she doesn't want to shoot a vlog in her front yard... well.. how about the freakin' house (not like she ever shows anything happening outside anyway)??? back yard? The barn? Merlin's shed? Anywhere else on that 6.5 acres she is so darn proud of other than right in front of a road crew??? Just the first of many lame excuses with a little bit of "Stroke my ego, please!!" drama thrown in for seasoning.

  53. Doesn't she get money every time someone watches her videos?
    It makes sense that she would milk it for all it's worth. it's too bad she has nothing to say. All she talks about it hair, makeup, and pop culture.


  54. In the comments under her most recent post... Vlogs are a product of her "homestead"? LOL

    So, the citified poodles she loves to judge can have blogs/vlogs too. Does that make them homesteaders?


  55. I just need to vent about her latest FB posts, "being in the red... got critters to feed..." and suddenly the Dodge truck isn't running. Why isn't someone beating "Live Within Your Means" into her head?! This on the heels of "I'd love to be an animal on this farm" -- you'd love to not know whether your next meal is coming or not? And the dreaded question pops into my head -- did I miss her actually getting Friday neutured or not (actually I don't know if she's old enough yet?).

    I used to enjoy reading her blog so much, when she started YEARS ago, and now I just get angry. And yet, I still read it. It's an addiction, like a crappy soap opera. I wish I could actually comment on her FB posts, I guess I would have to "friend" her to be able to do that.

    1. You can comment on her blog. One of two things may happen. She might delete it or sic her rabid fans on you.

      Another probability is that others might (gasp) agree!

    2. I don't get upset unless she's abusing/neglecting animals although I do feel bad for the kindhearted people being duped-- even though they should know better some people aren't all that sharp. The Jenna Show is the best free entertainment out there and, I agree, it's totally addictive! Sometimes I think "I'm gonna delete this loser right off my computer" but then I keep coming back for more.

      Friday is old enough to be spayed and if she's not careful she could get bred accidentally....or maybe more like accidentally on purpose.

      I would be careful about engaging with Jenna-- it might not be worth the harassment from her cray cray fans.

  56. I comment once in a while (latest on her housebreaking woes with Friday), but FB just seems more appropriate for some of the passive-aggressive snarky comments I'd like to share with her LOL

  57. New blog post: Duh. We already knew you didn't have hot water. We weren't sure about the toilet so thanks for confirming our suspicions that you've been shitting off the grid, Jenna.

  58. I am a woman and own a (paid for) house. It is not that unusual.

  59. Her latest blog post is the most pathetic thing I have read of hers...yet...people are eating this shit up! She is a self proclaimed hero, funded by the town idiots.

  60. OMG that last blog!!!!
    "I didn't write about my woes all summer so people wouldn't send me money - now I'm writing about them so please send money"
    You KNOW some well meaning idiot will read that and donate donate donate!!!
    I don't know if I'm more embarrassed that I keep reading her bullshit or that she keeps writing it!!!!!!

    1. But she did write about all her summer woes.

      The bank employee taking snaps of her house? Wrote about it.

      Vehicle so broken down she couldn't drive it? Wrote about it.

      Electricity in danger of being shut off? Wrote about it.

  61. What a mess she is. She says she's so sick of the angels of caution, spend your energy elsewhere. Fine, but I'd just like to say, a little caution can spare you a lot of stress and let you live a little bit longer. And she doesn't understand Joseph Campbell and the hero's journey. What she's doing is just sad.

  62. Jenna's learned that talking about her critics gets the money flowing. She should be sending us all a six pack for our part in keeping her afloat. She's forever not caring what her haters think yet is perpetually referring to them-- which is it?

    And what's with all the sexy talk? She's coming left and right, the shower's orgasmic, Joseph Campbell shot his Mother Theresa probably saw more dick than she does. It's just sad.

    There's no coincidence that she's biting her nails about being in the red, having her distasteful little tag sales, has workshops at deep discounts and also wrote this post from the perspective of The Ferocious Female Farmer--- this is the crap that pays the bills. She's recycled this theme so many times you have to believe that her fan base has a high turnover. I mean how many times can you write a post listing your accomplishments (which are pretty underwhelming by the way) and your subsequent feelings of self-satisfaction and not cause your readers to roll their eyes as they close the browser on your sad little affair? Pretty sure her septic disaster post was the same formula, too. Honestly, people should skip the paypal and just send her a good fungicide.

  63. This might take 2 posts-

    My only response for such the sad state of affairs is this question. How much money per day, per month, per year does JW need. She has mentioned several times that each day she has a financial goal. Which I’ll assume, since she doesn’t elaborate means, she has a dollar figure in mind that she needs to make in every 24 hour cycle. This could be construed as meaning she needs to be paid by customers x amount of money every 24 hours, she needs to receive by check from a publisher, magazine etc. $ for her writing books, articles etc. or she needs to sell pig shares, workshop shares, chicken shares etc. a be paid in PayPal $. On top of that at certain intervals,-daily or monthly she gets subscription $ from her blog and YouTube. This is fact she has written about it many times. Twenty people attended Antlerstock. If all twenty paid 200.00 which I believe is ½ of the regular price that’s $4000. If only 10 people paid that’s $2000. If she had a large garden, one that she put the hard work into, she could have fed people out of that. I’m not sure any of these people were fed per se a meal while attending this event. However there were many people there showing her paid guests “things” like goat soap making, felling trees-homesteader stuff like that. Perhaps a good amount of the proceeds went to pay others to show her guests how to homestead. Because, well she was inside doing? My memory fails me. Or perhaps she kept all the proceeds. Let’s say 100 people pay $5.00 a month for her blog subscription. That’s $500.00. I don’t have the figures on hand for pig shares but wasn’t she selling next years, this year, before she even had the pigs on hand? How about logos.
    She has had a fire sale going since March on logos. Let’s just say 50 people from March until yesterday purchased logos for rock bottom pricing-$150.00, that’s $7500.00 in 7 months. Let’s say for the first three months of the year she sold 10 logos at regular pricing which is either 550 or 650. I’ll go with 550, that’s $5500.00. Then there’s the $15000.00 from her Kickstarter. How many times in 10 months has she come online with a catastrophe since say March? Well she had pipes bursting, no water, and no wood- all this spring. Then her truck needed $ to come up to snuff to be street legal. Then in March she tried to sell her wool hat for $ for her root canal. Which she states she just not got in October. After that donation she got a 1000.00 dog, not counting shipping and shots. Which of course will be featured in future crises because she doesn’t have the $ for spaying. Then we had pleas to sell the wool cap again when Gibson got hurt early spring or early summer. Then was it June? Or July pleas and then crowd funded for a truck which shortly after being driven all over the countryside needed several $ worth of work. Again, fire sales and perhaps the wool cap made an appearance. And then her septic needed to be sucked out and she had no $ for it. Money –wise in just minimal listed above JW has taken in possibly 2000.00 Antlerstock and I’ll be realistically frugal probably no less than 3000.00 for the other workshops including those paid for, for next year. Her pigs were CSA, her chickens were CSA so either profit, broke even or loss. No way to figure the financials here. $5000 so far from blog subscriptions, logos at fire sale pricing 7500.00, 10 at regular pricing -5500.00 and a lump sum of 15000.00. That means so far with Antlerstock, 50 logos fire sale, 10 at regular, blog subscriptions-5.00 fees only and 15000 Kickstarter =$36000.00 subtotal.

  64. This figure does not include- other donations, money from her writing books, articles, website articles etc. anything that she sells on craigslist, online, at a Farmer’s market or her CSA’s. Let’s review her expenses- behind in electric (so doesn’t pay that regularly) behind in mortgage (so doesn’t pay that regularly) which we gage to be $1000.00/month. No phone, no television. She states no hot water all summer and she had crowdfunding for her septic. Friends hauled wood to her, and she stated she took her share of pork and is currently eating chickens from her chickens. And squash from her garden apparently. So grocery wise it seems like a rather small bill. Gibson’s bill was paid by a fan/follower. Her one truck isn’t street legal and the other was crowd-funded. She has recently she paid off her credit cards and got more time on her student loans. Although she has also stated she could have the dodge repoed which means what? Did she really let a truck she was still paying on go unmaintained- I’m truly not surprised. She does not have health insurance, probably doesn’t have insurance in general. She has stated she will crowd fund emergencies. That’s her back up plan. It’s just a guess here but based on the numbers above I would say she makes $50000.00 a year like she has stated on at least two websites of recent.
    What then does she spend $50000.00 a year on?

  65. I am 50 years old, single and live on 10 acres. I lived in cities all my life. This is my 7th year on my 10 acres. I have about 5 acres of woodland and 5 acres mostly hilly but some flat for pasture and crop. I have goats, pigs, chickens, 3 dogs, 3 cats and 7 rabbits. I garden, I can and I sew a lot of my own clothing. I don’t have kids, or family. I’m by myself. I work full-time off the farm in a factory. After taxes I make $24000.00 a year- no overtime for the last 2 years. I have one vehicle, my pets are all spayed or neutered. My home is wood heated- no back up. I have full insurance on my vehicle and insurance and retirement are taken out of my paycheck. I have a prepaid cellphone, and older HP computer and internet- no cable. I cannot afford streaming nor can I afford Amazon Prime like JW. I cannot remember the last time I purchased make-up or t-shirts or even Vogue magazine. My farm comes first which means the animals, their structures, their feed, and their care-first. Financially I do not make money from any other source except my factory job. I am able to save $100.00 a month. All of my animals are in newer structures that I helped build five years ago with either my scraping by or being resourceful and using reclaimed materials and/or some overtime.
    My land and buildings including home cost $200000.00 when I purchased it, somewhat more than JW’s. I did not receive any assistance with my purchase-special loans etc. I pay 3.5% for a 30 year mortgage.
    I also have student loans. I pay them based on income which comes to $325.00/month.
    I don’t think anyone is being mean or trying to hurt JW emotionally. What I do think and know is that a lot of people enable her to live out “her” dream everyday all the while she takes $ from people for services and products she does not produce. It’s like an addiction for both sides. An addiction to “as she puts it- a financial goal to hit today” and her enablers to feel like they’ve helped someone not hit rock bottom. When all the while what this addict needs the most is to hit bottom. It’s at that time someone will finally see the farm she has frittered away and those poor neglected animals, without shelters, standing there in the cold. It should be noted all of the above information I have written is out there on her blog and FB for public consumption.

  66. And all I can say to conclude this message is that first and foremost I unfriended JW today because I choose to no longer be part of the chaos. I don't have a dog in this fight. She has disillusioned me by writing a homesteading book, then inviting me to read her blog, and then showing me all so well in the last year she is a phony. She's acting a part, in a play with props, that's really too sad for me to watch. I would urge if I could more people to stop buying into the drama, stop clicking on blog posts, youtube videos etc. Clicks=income. It reinforces someone like her to continue down this path of very strange and scary behavior. The amount of bullshit in her last blog post is suffocating. She managed to get her root canal fixed without health insurance? No, she managed to get her root canal fixed because she begged people openly to help fund her root canal starting this past March. Begged. She even, at times, and we all seen it, threatened and hurt emotionally at least 2 followers by making them believe she was selling Merlin. Emotionally hurt them and probably many others by hinting about animals going without care etc. She's delusional and she is definitely the most ungrateful person I have ever seen living the con life. Absolutely shameless to take the credit for keeping the lights on. Her followers kept the lights on, the animals fed, the wolves away from the front door. She's just too proud and delusional to openly and honestly admit it. I will continue to follow this blog because it is very helpful and useful.

    1. Dear Anon "This might take 2 blogs"
      It took you 4 posts, but you got it out there
      Take a deep breath, exhale, you're OK
      Now let's get down to business
      If you could simply take out a second mortgage and send monthly revenues to CAF of at least $39.99 a month this is what you'll get:
      Signed copy of One Woman Farm signed in kale ink
      1 feather from the falcon or one legged turkey, your choice
      5 splinters from the log pile
      1 hairball coughed up by Bough the cat
      And my goat soap bar used today in the effin hot shower
      If you second mortgage today you will also receive a private Vlog called "Sexy Farmer Showers" and we'll throw in the Fiddlefest 2012 T shirt absolutely free.
      Act now and you'll revive the orgasmic "Hot road hunks outside my house" 2015 calendar (missing the month of March because I have the hots for that one)
      Plus if you act today I will throw in free of charge a mini-micro logo, I do it in 2 minutes on a beer napkin, you pay the bar bill and I scan it to you as a PDF.
      So now that you've calculated my assets, get your own fat assets paypaled over here to CAF so the show can go on!

    2. Hahahaha. SO freaking funny

    3. Lol you are hilarious. yes indeed 4 posts to get out my sadness and madness for falling for her act. I should know by now, shouldn't I at 50 yrs old? I took a deep breath and now your post has given me the chuckles I need to tuck myself into bed. Thanks!

    4. God bless you, I use humor because I'm an idiot, but I am in awe of your struggles to survive and share a real farm survival story. In the end yours is real courage and homesteading, keep up the good work!

    5. Laughing my ass off

    6. Anon 10:18,I am also in awe of your struggles and your lifestyle. I think you should be writing the blog, but I understand why you wouldn't have time.

      Some of the stories Jenna tells are very compelling and I think everyone here has fallen for them. The problem is, they aren't true. It's hard to figure out her finances because she lies so much. I was surprised to see that she claims to have recently paid off her credit cards, because when she bought Merlin and quit her job I corresponded with her a couple of times (I'm an angel of caution) and she told me then that she had paid off her credit cards and didn't have any more. So, one of those statements is a lie. The closest I can come to figuring out her finances is that she makes about $36K a year and spends $50K. I feel very very bad for her family , her animals and anyone who cares about her. She seems to have collected a core group of fans who are emotionally fragile and she will cruelly take them down with her. I'm glad to know that others, like you, landed here. I don't think you would have posted what you did if you were a hater, or if we were. I hope the others figure this out soon.

  67. I don't have a dog in this fight meaning she hasn't taken any $ from me and not produced rather she just totally disillusioned me by pretending to be a homesteader. And I'm over it. I took all her homesteading books and threw them away.

  68. I'm broke but I'm rich.
    I'm single but I'm loved.
    I'm scared but I'm excited.
    I'm feral but I'm trained.

    And what it all comes down to
    Is that everythin's gonna be mine mine mine
    'Cause I've got one hand in your pocket
    And the other one's play'in the fiddle!

    1. Hahahaha--- now it's stuck in my head

    2. LOL! I caught myself singing it as I read it. Excellent!

  69. Yes, but now common everyone... Can you only imagine how boring her blog would be if she got a job, paid her bills on time, grew a decent garden, took care of things like a reasonable person and like have up all the crafts and freaky weird props and fantasy acts?


    She knows what she is doing. Just priming the pump for one big massive year end freak out Jenna fest of begging, not begging.

  70. I'd almost be able to accept her scheming and incessant, dull pop culture posting if she just seemed to express a little bit of gratitude to all of the people who constantly bail her out of the mess she makes. But, she seems to think she's getting shit done by showing grit. Maybe operating your "farm" business like a common street hustler does demonstrate some degree of grit, but good god! Patting oneself on the back for slogging out of a fucked up situation, over and over again on the backs of other people when you put yourself there in the first place is WRONG. It's just wrong. This is not the behavior of a decent and ethical person. Why is she so proud of herself? I just don't get it.

  71. Here is why Jenna's lifestyle of begging gets under my skin so much---there is something in my DNA--an extra serving of pride---that makes it impossible for me to borrow money. The only time I borrowed money from anyone in my 46 years was $3 from my dad for hairspray (hey it was the 80's it was an emergency). When I paid him back he refused but I insisted. So that's it. I've been in the red too and times were scary but I figured it out without asking for a handout or a loan. None of my friends/family have any idea that my bank account was negative. So I feel like a cat's fur being pet in the wrong direction when I read about her begging to keep the farm afloat and then BRAGGING that SHE did it! Calling herself a hero...she has a different definition that I do. What she is doing is being a low life mooch.

  72. She doesn't consider any of it begging. She said so. She said it's marketing her products and services. She says she has only asked once, like forever ago. Of course, no one else sees that, but hey, it's why she sleeps well enough at night I guess. She turkey believes she has done all that she said, that she keeps the lights in and she pays for everything, root canal and all that. She's so tough and scrappy.

    Yeah right.

  73. Can't believe this. This dude is whacked. He buys her crap and then asks her to keep it for him, like some kind old grandfather...

    Ashford----sold---you hold-----paypal, as usual?

    Shoot, didn't capture his name. It's on the Facebook post about selling a bunch of stuff. 150 bucks for her ashford spinning. Wheel. It's the paypal as usual, comment that would make me feel like total shit. She doesn't mind. This way she can sell it again at the drop of a disaster.

    And read all the people saying that she should write down her problems, yes, but not share it. Haha... Not share it? How will she get any cash for that? Foolish mortals.

    1. Didn't he do that before with a drum she painted in college?

    2. Yes, and I think it was $ Jenna's bilked this guy for $450 this summer and didn't even have to give him a hand job.
