Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Art of Begging and Manipulation 101

I think Jenna forgot to attend her own event?!

Yes, power outages are a certainty when the electric isn't paid.

She's teaching steps towards freedom from debt, fear, and uncertainty?!

2PM - 3PM - Prepping 101
Storms, power outages, and other events are a certainty. Be prepared without a tin foil hat. Resources, podcasts, basic steps towards personal freedom from debt, fear, and uncertainty.

My issues:

1. Neglecting her animals
2. Selling services she doesn't intend on delivering (stealing)
3. Constant emotional manipulation and encourage donations (lying)
4. Taking credit for what she did not create or work to sustain (fraud)...hell..."one woman farm"?! You have got to be kidding?!

Her woe was my post yesterday is right on schedule. Poor Jenna is probably hungry and freezing lets send her money...PayPal per usual?

I picture her like that old duck cartoon with the uncle that swims through his vault of gold coins.  ...or like the "homeless" person who at the end of the day walks up to the Lexus and gets in and drives off.

Jenna woginrich is disgusting.

I'm embarrassed for her.


  1. A pathological liar. She has had so many donations for everything. She writes these details to GET MORE DONATIONS. Jenna, why don't you just say it? Come the fuck on. You have all this new stuff, you do not have a real paying job, and you play all day. GET A JOB and STOP BEING SO SELF CENTERED.

  2. We don't hate you Jenna, we hate your ways:
    1) Stealing (not providing to people what you have taken their money for)
    2) Neglecting to death your animals
    3) Manipulating people for donations when you yourself could pay for things if you got a job

    The rest of you, whatever, be you, just stop the four aforementioned things and we're good :)

  3. Well I think she shot the "glamour pop farmer" persona in the foot when she admitted she's been shitting in the woods for months! I have to admit it made me laugh.

    1. Hahaha! I KNEW she was crapping out of bounds. She didn't write about it on the blog because she didn't want the Department of Health knocking on her door.

  4. Here's something she needs to grow up and realize, it isn't the "angels of caution " (who she calls haters because they think she should get a job) who make her feel bad about herself, it's the editors of Vogue, the rap stars she loves, the billionaires who own twitter and facebook, the celebrities she worships. All of them are designed to make ordinary people feel awful. She will never be a vogue model, I don't care if she shits in the woods and doesn't take hot showers, just own who you really are and live within your means.

  5. So I took the advice posted here and am reading Starry Hilder's blog. Really good stuff, very much what I thought JW was at the beginning, but she has it together. Can't help thinking the paganism and heathen stuff might be one reason for the ethical weakness, everything just seems like a fad. Anyway, the train wreck continues down the line like Percy in Episode 42

    1. The comments about pagans and heathens like that truly makes me wish I could meet folks like yourself in person.I wonder how your ethics compare to mine.
      My wife and I may not be perfect on many levels but at the end of the day I have stood on my own two even when I was homeless. Acting like Jenna represents a vast number of pagans is like comparing some of these molesting priests to all Christians. If your ever in the Pittsburgh Pa area Id love to buy you dinner if for no other reason than to get a good laugh out of how small your world view is.

    2. I know nothing about paganism. Educate me.

    3. what would you like to know

    4. She's crediting Heathenism with making her a better person so I don't think that's the source of her ethical weakness.

    5. "Ethical weakness" (a great descriptive term, by the way) is a character flaw and moral failing, it has nothing to do with your belief system in my opinion. There are shady people who claim to be devout in all sorts of different faiths, as well as some who have no faith at all. Likewise, there are good, moral people of ALL belief systems as well as good people who have no belief system at all. Dividing morality by religious systems is a dangerous thing.

    6. So agree Hotflash. There's bad apples in every barrel.

  6. She is losing weigh and she is a babe, you're all jealous cranks who can't podcast yourselves :-)

    1. This babe is heading to work. Do us a favor and let Jenna know what work is. Its a job you do in exchange for $. It's quite a simple concept really. I realize it's easier to lie cheat and steal behind a computer screen, but everyday billions of people harness their energy and earn an honest living.

    2. "Do us a favor and let Jenna know what work is. Its a job you do in exchange for $"

      Just because that’s all you can do, get a shitty job you hate, that is NOT the complete definition of work. Creative work, like Jenna’s kickass logos, that is work beyond your narrow world.

      I agree with 11.01, "She is losing weigh and she is a babe, you're all jealous cranks who can't podcast yourselves :-)"

      I’ll admit Jenna does not have any farming skills, but what skills do you have to show? No farm, no animals, nothing. Didn’t you get fired from your last job, and run out of town?

    3. Did we hit a nerve Anon 4:10. The fans are resorting to name calling. Name calling = they can't offer up anything justified from their corner. How old are you? 12? Let's see an example of some of that bad ass inspired spark! Kickass logos -please. Are you really that naive or do you just play that so you can fit in?

    4. I'm not a JW fan, I just see jealous cranks on this site. Like I said, Jenna does not have any farming skills. I think Jenna's last post hit a nerve with you. She does have artistic ability, expertise people for which people pay money. What do you have to offer? A pie hole?

      Talk about phony, Meredith does not have any case against Sandy Lerner or Ayrshire Farm, that was all dismissed long ago. And everyone on this site knows her claims of animal abuse are silly, except the one or two people who comment on Meredith's posts about Sandy Lerner or Ayrshire Farm.

    5. There is an active summons for Sandy Lerner. Her trial has not occurred yet.

      Loudoun County and the Commonwealth Attorneys Office don't deny abuse they simply trust the abuse will end. That's in a recorded conversation. You are arguing over what has been established. The abuse is not denied. They aren't uniformly enforcing state code.

      This is not even close to being resolved.

    6. Another Not A JW Fan has come to antagonize. This blog is not Meredith vs. Jenna. You think her logos are kickass? I take it you were a sucker that paid full price for one of those shitty designs a high schooler with not a lot of talent could crank out.

    7. Standard troll formula

      1.Person states they are not a JW Fan
      2.Concedes a point about JW being a shit
      3.Attacks Meredith
      4.Claims no one cares about the pigs

    8. Meredith: Prove it.
      Provide a case number,
      the specific name of the court hearing this case,
      and the location, with street address of the court,
      and the name of the judge on the case,
      so I can look up the case to verify.

      You have been saying there is an active summons for months. A sheriff serves a summons ASAP. I never heard of a summons taking this long to serve.

      What is the name of the sheriff serving the summons?
      What is the name of the Commonwealth attorney?
      What is the name of the Loudoun County?
      Trust but verify.

      Why don't you post some of the court documents, Jenna, I mean Meredith?

      It's all fun and games mocking JW, until something bad happens, maybe a guy creeping around her house, a person who may follow this site, then you may have liability.

      You should be smart enough to understand that, especially considering some of the idiots on this site, who think people are either 100% for JW, or 100% against JW. One of these jealous cranks might do something bad, thinking they are helping you, in some twisted way.

    9. Loudoun County Sheriff's Office
      Call and ask for an update.
      Sandy Lerner
      21846 Trappe Road

      Her 800 acres is completely fenced and gated with 3 security guards. You are surprised the LCSO hasn't physically been able to serve her? I'm not.

      There is a lot going on I don't publicize.

      Not everyone takes issues with animal cruelty. Not everyone has a problem with discrimination and state code not being uniformly enforced.

      I will continue this effort until I know the pigs are no longer being physically abused and neglected and those are responsible are held accountable.

    10. Anon 11:01, they call that kind of logical fallacy ad hominem and red herring. You really have no way to defend the internet panhandling of JW, so you come on here to attack Meredith personally and change the subject to Ayrshire Farm. In a real debate, you are the loser.

    11. Sorry, I might mean Anon 5:06, it 's all the same.

    12. Anon 4:10 - How much money have you given Jenna?

    13. Folks, ignore this troll. They'd like the criticism of Jenna to stop but it doesn't matter why. That's their problem.

    14. I agree " don't feed the trolls". No one invited anyone over to this site from JW camp to try and sell her "kick ass" logos. Been there done that and now that she basically admitted not too long ago she pays others for the logos, the fonts and she just basically slaps it all together. Who would want one? Or do the fans think she's only done that to other people's logos?

      My Dad always said "Son (or daughter), you've won the argument when the other side starts the name calling". And he's never been wrong.

      There isn't one poster that I've seen on here that has ever wished anything "scary" upon JW or anyone else that I've ever seen. So you're knocking on the wrong door coming here thinking that anything anyone here is doing is libelous. Most if not all of what is said are direct statements from the internet out of her mouth to her keyboard and everyone's eyes. The second to the last time the bank came out and someone was taking pictures they were in a red van. Now someone in a red sedan. All it takes is a call to the local banks asking them if they send someone out to snap pictures of acreage or homesteads that are currently paying their mortgage. I'll bet the answer is no. I'll even go so far as to bet this kind of action doesn't take place until the place is ready to be foreclosed upon. And we know that isn't likely to happen when so many fans step up every month and pay it, and the late fees. But I'll be happy to call and find out.

      As far as being scared, while living alone, of someone outside or driving by slow etc. etc. Well, common sense would say, "watch what you say on the internet". Say and do. I mean if you are being given money by men for items they'll never see or as a favor or because they feel sorry for you, you are in a sense acting carelessly. If you are taking donations and buying fun things with them vs. taking care of business such as money given for a root canal that likely ended up as money for a puppy. Well, you could be pissing people off. Now add in you have shown many times you are alone, advertised you are alone, advertised you are scared and advertised-put it in writing that you shower out in the open for all to see. Is it not possible someone from the internet could suddenly begin to want more?

      Common sense. Women who are alone don't make statements about having just orgasmed or having just came if they are worried about creeps.

      Or am I wrong, do I have it all wrong?

      Signed, not a crank (whatever that means) lol, I'll admit that's a new one. So disappointing. Oh well.

      And as far as Meredith goes- I am very interested in her cause and sign her petitions and believe in her. She is not one to shy away from transparency or accountability. If you are at that stage in your preteen years where you need to look up to someone, I would advise someone like Meredith. Fake, phony and lazy is so 1990's. 2015 is all about being authentic, kicking some ass and working hard. Now off you go, you're on the wrong blog!

  7. "I don't want to be that girl. I know in the past I have been that girl"
    Can we get Dr. Freud. Dr Freud please come to the farm

  8. I would have used it to just pay the mortgage so the bank stopped sending that creep who takes pictures of my house every month from the road to prove it is "occupied".

    Definition of creep: legitimately employed pawn whose boss I begged to get the money for the farm owned by them. Even though I signed a contract to pay each month, the bank can suck wool shares and wait for pig shares cause "bad things happen", like red hair dye, craft brewery visits, T shirts and dancing with a horse. So creepy that they just won;t let me have things like house and land for free...

  9. My bank account tonight is negative and I can't even drive to the local gas station to get some diesel for the furnace, but I am still proud.,, I fucking love it.

    PRIDE - the original sin, just repackaged with Anna Kendrick tweets and kilts and old trucks.

  10. I suspect Jenna moved on from Buddhism because she is terrified of karma.

  11. LOL!!!!! Meredith. So true.

  12. Can't she do ANY work alone?

    Jenna Woginrich
    2 hrs · Edited ·
    Friends from college, high school, and afar. I just got the guest room outfitted for company and it even has its own little electric heater! If you're looking for a weekend away with animals, good food, and willing to help stack and chop firewood and move haybales- have I got a cheap vacation for you.

    1. Doesn't sound like much of a vacation to me. Stay in a freezing house with no plumbing, and do my work for me, too!

    2. Also typically I invite friends over for the joy of seeing a friend or to let them use my house for free for sightseeing (live near a tourist area)... I agree, not my kind of vacation! Does she expect payment for staying there? It'd be one thing I'd that was advertised on airbnb to strangers for rent but another to advertise requirements for staying with her to friends and family.

  13. Ok, I checked- Jack Mattke "bought" the djembe drum for $300 and the spinning wheel for $150-- that's $450 Jenna got from him this summer (that we know of). She should really be adding a line to the bottom of her posts "This blog post brought to you by Jack Mattke".....NPR has to acknowledge underwriters, so can she.

    1. Next she'll be charging him for storage

    2. Hahahaha! Wouldn't put it past her.

      What's wrong with this Mattke and how do I get on his payroll?

  14. OMG Anon 11:49, that is one of the things that bugs me most! Every major or minor project she undertakes involves someone else doing it with her (read: FOR her). She apparently has the mechanical ability of a slug. I'm almost twice her age, I'm a woman alone (I don't "invite" my friends over to do my work!) I fix everything around my place that I'm able to myself, haul my own trash to the dump, stack/split my own wood, take care of my animals who actually pay for their feed in product produced (just eggs right now). It's just unbelievable to me that she seems to be unable to screw in a lightbulb without a "work party." Unbelievable.


  15. She really is just lazy. It's just simply that. She has not one shred of homesteader in her. Homesteaders are self sufficient. They don't need help in the most basic of tasks.

  16. Jenna's got another creepy guy outside her house again. Didn't she call the cops on someone last year that was just walking by? What was all that talk about telling the Agents of Caution to go get fucked yesterday? She's certainly enjoying all their words of advice and concern now.

    "Some guy in a red sedan just pulled up in front of my house and started looking around with binoculars?! I was outside feeding the chickens and doing chores and I yelled, "Can I help you, sir?" And he was like "I'm just watching your birds a while!" And went right back to looking at (I assume?) domestic turkeys and geese. I yelled back, "Please move on sir, It's kinda weird." And he didn't.
    Why do people think this is okay?!"

    "If he was looking at the birds and not up at the house windows it wouldn't bother me as much.... You guys don't realize how creepy you can be at times."

    1. I gotta say, the level of paranoia and aggression displayed towards this guy by her fans is kind of strange. I have a farm in an area not that far from her and it's very common to get people pulling over for scenic pics and birders also. What's the big deal?

  17. This "creepy guy" is really creepy, I'm scared, got 2 dogs, a blackbelt, bows, guns, and knives, just hire a security guard or bouncer, please send money

  18. So in the past couple of days there has been the creepy village worker, the creepy person taking photos of her house and the creepy person with binoculars looking at birds. If these creepy people even exist it seems more like paranoia than legit safety issues. Perception is everything and I think she is jumping to horrible conclusions.
    Another thought is that she's trying to stir up some drama to keep everyone not only interested but also worried about Jenna.

  19. I love how she keeps stating SHE was able to pay these bills..SHE did this and SHE was able to do that..No,Jenna..No YOU did not..the people that took pity on you paid for that.

    So let's do this again..THEY paid your bills,THEY did this for you,THEY did that for you,THEY paid for Gibson's paw,THEY covered your ass again and again and again..but don't you dare thank THEM..that is way beyond YOUR ability..ungrateful cow.

  20. I think Jenna knows what's going on, and most likely she's about to lose her "farm." The snooping guys with binoculars are probably there to assess if it's worth bidding on when it goes to foreclosure auction. So instead of doing what she can for her soon to be homeless animals, she gets her diehard fans riled up against the haters. CAF is their little fantasy playground and they don't want anyone to threaten it, but they are all acting like little children and being mad at the wrong people. Jenna signed the contract and now she'll have to live up to it.

    The really sad thing is, that even if one of them had 3 or 4 thousand to bail her out again, you can't be sure she'd actually put the money on the mortgage. She's like an addict, when she gets money in her hand she has no control. And I say that with no hatred or jealousy at all.

    1. Bingo. My mother bailed out my brother when his house was in foreclosure, even though I begged her not to. He refused to get full time work, or sell his many expensive toys. She was in no position to put up the money, but she did. He lost the home anyway a year later, because he did not change his behavior.

  21. Concur. I think she is about to lose the farm and those guys in cars with cameras and binocs are the bottom feeders that will bid on it.

    She states that she is 4 -6 weeks behind on her mortgage, but the banks don't take listing pictures when you are 4 - 6 weeks behind. Sort of like vultures gathering waiting for something to actually die. I wonder if she paid her property taxes? Well, I am pretty sure jennafans will take care of it, like they always do. If she were a grownup, she would try everything she could to save the farm, but if she is in imminent danger of having it auctioned off, she would responsibly rehome the animals (so it isn't an emergency rehoming) let the hawk go, make some plans. But, no, just keep posting the Miley Cyrus recommendations fershure.

    I don't find Jenna disgusting, I find her pathetic and sad. I believe she is mentally ill and needs treatment. She has actual talent for a few things (writing, on a good day when she remembers spell check) but whatever is going on in her head, drowns her talents completely.
    The "farm" is a trigger and a barrier, her identity is so wound up in it that she can't acknowledge that trying to align her fractured identity with words is too much, underlies her fraudulent enterprises, and contributes to the abuse of her animals.

    Not being an Agent of Caution (although perhaps a poodle) -- the tip off that it is illness and not independence is the begging. See, I have friends that choose to live as nomads, out of a backpack, working here and there while they travel, and friends who would rather be fishing and so choose to live on 12,000 a year, and they are having Great Adventures. If Jenna chose to shit in the woods and live like fiction "without begging" for the latest dog tshirt or used truck or something, I personally would be fine, cause it would be none of my business. Live as you like, love who you want, and harm no one is my philosophy.

    The Big Red Flag is the constant crisis, the begging, the dependence, the scaredness, always the fear, the appeals to strangers to be saved, the drinking, the contradictions and the lies....all while saying it is independence and choice. There is no choice, just someone buffeted by the winds of delusion.

    Some of us believe she is a hardened Con Artist and criminal. I do not. I do think she is very ill, has been for a while, really needs help and needs to leave the farm and her enablers to achieve health.

    Think of this way, Jenna. It isn't admitting defeat. Your fans will greatly admire your strength in seeking help. You don't actually have to do this alone. It's just a farm, there will other times in your life for this, but please have the raw bold courage it takes to seek help during these darkening times.

    1. Jenna has admitted to having problems with anxiety, and I wonder if she's not also depressed. Having struggled with both anxiety and depression when I was younger, what I see Jenna doing is what I used to do, which is essentially try to play-act her way into feeling okay.

      In the last couple of months or so, she's become this pop culture-potty-mouthed-orgasmic-love me-some-Miley-Cyrus-girl, which seems like a real departure from "Made from Scratch" Jenna. But I get it. She's making herself over. She's trying to figure out how to feel okay--to stop feeling sad and anxious and lonely. Every scheme, every "I'm a Badass Farmer MoFo" post, is an attempt not to feel like shit.

      Weird analogy, but it's almost a kind of cutting--it's a way of relieving the tension of feeling anxious and depressed, of re-routing pain.

      It should be pointed out she's done some positive things lately--started exercising, lost weight. While a little heavy-handed with the make-up, she nonetheless looks pretty in many of her recent pictures. But as positive as these changes are, I can say from personal experience that focusing on losing weight and exercising is another way of not dealing with the real problems.
      It's a mistake to think if you just *looked* better, life would be better. Been there, done that a million times.

      I agree with so much that you say here: I don't think Jenna is a con artist, either, and I think she's a talented writer. I also think she's so wrapped up in her identity, shifting though it may be, that she can't step away from the farm and start over. I wish she would.

    2. Re: the property taxes. I found that last year, I believe, she had not paid them and had a warrant from the county she lives in. I assume they got paid after that, but who knows? I posted the site somewhere on this blog in the past, but don't feel like going and finding it right now. So even if she's behind just a couple months on the mortgage, unpaid property taxes might be another reason to foreclose.


    3. Very interesting post Anon 8:54.

      I think she's so desperate to maintain her life/persona as it is because she can't stand to be an average, one of millions, common person. A homesteading, blogging, lady farmer who's also a Heathen is a lot more interesting/special/unique than "that girl Jenna who works at Orvis".

    4. I can only imagine how excruciatingly painful it is for her mother to watch her daughter behave this way so publicly. I always feel bad for her.

  22. Anon at 8:54am, I believe you are correct about her situation. The sooner the hawk is released and the rest of her animals go to good homes, the better. She can move in with her parents and get some mental health care.

  23. Sometimes you don't need to save the farm; sometimes you need to save yourself.

  24. I don't think that even her fans can come up with enough money to keep her out of foreclosure (at least I HOPE that they're not that insane!). It will be interesting to see if they take out second mortgages on their own homes to pay for hers.

  25. She raised 15k for a book...I'm sure she could raise that much or more to save the "farm". I don't see her giving up until her funders give up...

  26. I think Anon. 12:37 and 8:54 are both absolutely correct.

  27. "Sorry to hear you are still being bothered by trolls ... I hope you keep on telling it like it is, it is refreshing to read about real life instead of a polished version that just looks pretty but has no substance. People who hate on you are unhappy people who obviously are not living a passion filled life. I hope you are never afraid to ask us, your true friends, for help if you need it. Ignore those who do not get who you are. Those who do get you love you just as you are..."

    Oh, yeah, we're all going over to her sites and "bothering" her. If she took her own advice to "ignore the trolls" then why is she coming here and reading?

    Oh, and yeah, hate on her? We are the ones that see her "real self" and "get her." My life is happy and filled with passion, just not the passion to deceive and rip off others.

  28. I don't think Jenna was mentally I'll as a young college-age artist when she totally ignored the requests of her customers as to sizes and types of paper and deadlines for the artwork they ordered and put deposits on and she did the minimum after people repeatedly contacted her.She's lazy and uncaring and self-centered. She might have some disorders that contribute to her manipulativeness but she knows exactly what she's doing and if she ever went to court for fraud she'd be front and center "defending" herself and milking the exposure. She could take advice if she wanted to but she wants to pretend it's all her doing. If she is narcissistic as a disorder does that mean she doesn't know the di#erence between right and wrong? Does anyone really think she's incapable of making good decisions? I don't believe so. She chooses a path of self-interest and attention seeking and a carefully created identity du jour
    - when you feed your imagination media crap and make celebrities whose product is
    entertainment of questionable talent your role models and objects of adulation, the result has
    to be soul deadening and fantasy-inducing. How can you develop an authentic self and self-
    efficacy when you are looking to others as a means to fulfill your desires?. Also, I think a lot of
    comedy these days trends toward cynicism, and even self-deprecation in order to get a laugh is kind of sad. (As is making fun of your own animals which in Jennas own words are her
    "family". ) We all have a hand in crafting our identities but if you have good values and decent goals that are based on your own work and treating others with respect, the end result is someone others will respect and benefit from interaction with. When I read her fans' comments after that last post, it blows my mind that they are championing and feeding her dysfunction and they can't or choose not to see the reality behind all that purple prose and drama. Must be a symbiotic relationship for sure, but they can't take the place of real friends.

  29. Of all of the Jenna Show... I find her relationship with her mother the most sad. Mom is really hurting. It oozes out in all her comments, which are frequent. Like this one...

    Patricia Yanzsa Woginrich Your room has been ready since 2010. I would like a visit. Our wood is stacked and we have gas heat.

    Ignored, of course.

    I'm sorry, but when I see a grown woman treating her mother so poorly, in public, then I know something is not right. Sure, maybe Mom is a witch or Mom didn't do something right in her childhood, or there is water under the dam, but still, it just seems so odd. Mom seems like a nice lady, maybe a little off the "pop culture" train, but still, nothing wrong with that, she's not a hipster 30 year old and all.

    Just sad.

  30. I agree ANON 12:18.
    She should be glad her mom even attempts to connect with her.

    Jenna's sad, lonely, and an internet panhandler. If I were related to her I'd just be embarrassed.

  31. My bet is that if Jenna was a hardworking farm lass, with her priorities on straight, the right mix of animals and her writing and the books, etc., blog and vlog, and was getting accolades for truly being a one woman farm and making her homestead scrappy and successful, not behind, not begging, strong and on track... her mom would be one of her biggest cheerleaders and fans.

    But because she is a mature, reasonable woman, Mom sees her daughter as a train wreck and is just waiting and hoping to either knock some sense in her (the constant, get a job, maybe you can get work there, get a root canal, etc.) or is just waiting to catch all the pieces of her daughter when she finally falls apart.

    Either way, it's sad.

  32. "I hope you are never afraid to ask us, your true friends,
    for help if you need it. Ignore those who do not get who you are. Those who do get you love you just as you are. We are all a work in progress and need support from those who know and love us. That is the glue that binds us all together."

    Mission accomplished

    1. Yep, right on cue. Sorry for Jenna? No way. She's getting exactly what she wants without having to break a sweat, or even get dressed. Sitting with her laptop in front of her, her fingers do the talking, and she waits.. it's almost like Pavlovian dogs to the bell.

  33. I was told by a local that the person driving by was actually checking to see if a new shelter had been built for Merlin. Also to see if any fixes had been done on shelters for others animals. It seems a local had a friend or relative attend a workshop in this last year. While sitting around a campfire everyone spoke about how her animals needed better shelters. She apparently agreed that things needed to be fixed badly as she was afraid and had been for sometime about her animals being without proper shelter in the winter. She was given an amount of money at some point by an attendee and even offered help but she stated she would have friends or neighbors help her build a real shelter for Merlin and fix up the other shelters too. This has not been done and this attendee either read or found out that she said something about not putting money towards what people give it to her for but rather for late mortgage payments. I believe the person driving by and stopping was doing nothing other than checking to see if what she had promised had been carried out. I have no way of knowing the validity of the story except to say that a local told me.

    1. I don't doubt that story at all. She's been doing that sort of thing for a while. But she also said she's a "solid" bill payer on the mortgage even though she's at least 60 days behind on payments, and probably has been for a year. I assure you, banks don't look at that as solid. That's being in arrears, and the longer you're in arrears, the more likely they start foreclosure. If you have a mortgage, look at it, mine has a clause that if I miss paying for over 30 days, they can call in the mortgage and start foreclosure. Plus, she hasn't paid taxes. It's just a matter of time.

  34. That story by the local is very plausible to me and it should be very worrying to Jenna. People who gave money and offered help to build the shelters have been lied to, and these are probably the same people who will eventually, report her to the authorities. She can't even do the right thing with being GIVEN the right things!

  35. Even though I shouldn't be, I'm just stunned by her lack of caring about the animals in her charge. As an animal lover, I just could never live with myself if animals that I'd gotten attached to were freezing in winter. In that way, she's alien to me. I just cannot fathom it.

  36. "Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you." Or sometimes it just means that you're delusional.

  37. How to be the opposite of JFW.

    1. I'm in the minority but I'm not a fan of Mr Salatin.

    2. Oh, yeah? How come?

      I haven't been paying any attention to him lately but a few years ago he was just so ubiquitous in the media I found it annoying. It's not like there aren't other farmers with something to say, ya know? The media acted as though there was conventional ag and then there was Salatin.

    3. Just a short interview on how to get started farming that reflects what most people post here like have some savings, cutting back expenses and making responsible decisions about what to produce within your means.

  38. Do these people read the same content I do?!

    "ShelleyOctober 25, 2015 at 7:03 PM
    Good for you. My mother always used to tell us that the things that are hard earned are the sweetest. It is good to be reminded of that from time to time. I think that is partly why some of us read your blog. You write about appreciating simple things and also about having to work hard and sacrifice for those things. Too many people today do not have the courage to reach for their dreams and are jealous of those who are courageous enough to do so. Either they are used to having things too easy, or they are simply unwilling to get their hands dirty. These people are not worth your time. Don't let them distract you from enjoying what you work so hard for."

    1. W.T.F. It's like they are in an alternate universe where everything JW does is courageous and heroic! Enablers are everywhere I guess...

    2. Jenna is so accustomed to hard work she recruits her long lost friends to come and move hay and stack wood in exchange for lodging. "Love to see ya-- especially if you're able bodied!" Her fans are total dipshits. I was really appalled at how many people told her to use her gun to get that guy in the red car to move off. Threatening someone with a firearm is no joke. Then Jenna had the nerve to admonish someone who cares for a disabled man-- the guy likes to watch farm animals so she would stop the car so he could see them-- Jenna's thinks he might cause problems for farmers if he returned on his I've got people stopping to look at my animals all the time and it's not bothering me-- I say enjoy. I'm lucky enough to live here and have this life and if people want to stop and look go ahead, I'm happy to oblige.

    3. I'm,grateful I can't see the fb comments. Insanity.

      The yaks will be right beside the road. I warned them they'll be the new attraction...the people with the yaks!

    4. You bet, I'd go out of my way to stop and look at Yaks.

  39. Awesome reply to JW's post!
    "Tim perhaps was thinking of myself or my fellow local bird enthusiasts and he's correct. The comments you have received encouraging violence or thinking the cops will do anything other than ask him to move on for just that one time are completely insane and point to the extreme paranoia and hostility in the typical, clearly mentally ill American citizen. I'm guessing you live right off a public road like most people do. People can stop on a public road all they want, it's not illegal. Pointing a gun or waving one around at somebody is brandishing a weapon and threatening them with harm is also illegal, while looking at birds, even if domestic, is not. Nobody will be on YOUR side when you or anybody else in these comments tries these stunts. Perhaps he is a creeper, but assuming everybody who is male with a pair of binoculars is a psycho is ridiculous. Sure report it, but if he is legit a birder, tough titties for in the future for you. The most he'll be told is don't park 100' on either side of your house or in front of it because you have problems. Most birders are respectable especially when it comes to actual private property but if you're going to act like a whacked-out nutter you only make yourself look bad.

    1. Jennafan responds:

      Angela Dellinger "... typical, clearly mentally ill American citizen."

      Go suck a D, Lindsey.

      Don't like my comment? "Tough titties."

    2. Well, well, well. I could not find hide nor hair of this post on her FB site. Guess she deleted it.

    3. At least it's still here for posterity.

    4. It's still there, all under Timothy's original response.

  40. JW's reply:
    "Lindsey, I don't know you but you probably don't know me either. I'm a very public person who shares her life on her blog and in books. There are a lot of people that dislike me out there -mostly with Peta, ALF, internet trolls, crazy readers. I get notes in my inbox every week from freaks or angry people about how "too bad the only mating going on at that farm is with livestock and not us" from anonymous addresses. There are blogs about how horrible I am. When people drive by slow with cameras or such I have every reason to be freaked out.

    At no point did I mention a gun or call it tresspassing, but I was uncomfortable. If my hobby meant parking directly in front of people's houses and looking at their property with vision enhancing equipment.... nope.

  41. Just once, I'd like to see her truly express gratitude to the poor schmucks who keep her afloat with their hard earned money. Instead, she takes all the credit; acting like she dug herself out of a hole by begging. That is not hard work, Jenna.

    And to the Jenna fans who like to believe any detractor is jealous because we work jobs we hate or have no talent: I work two jobs that I love. My husband's career is a true calling/passion. Sometimes doing what you love doesn't pay that well so you budget and save. We go without holidays and every little thing that we want so we can keep saving for the important things, like the down payment on our first house; or to ensure we always have enough set aside for emergency vet visits. This doesn't mean we live spartan, miserable lives. It just means we've learned what is more important; getting something now and having to give up something else, or waiting until we can have both. Sometimes I confess to stomping my feet because I can't dive into everything I want to *right this second* but I know from experience it will be all the sweeter to achieve my goals without sacrificing my savings account. I have lived without debt for 7 years and I have no intention of going back there for anything less than a true emergency.

    I'm not expecting of Jenna anything I do not ask of myself.


    1. Yeah, jealous of.....what exactly? I have a job I love (non-begging farmer) my own farm (I have fields laying fallow that are bigger than her "farm"), people I love and who love me.....true, I can't design a logo but I have no desire to do so and I think hers stink anyway.....her great beauty? no.

      I'm tuning in for the drama. I like the speculation aspect-- is Jenna a nut job or a cunning manipulator? The relationship between Jenna and her followers is endlessly intriguing as well.

    2. Anon 12.26pm, I must confess that the drama she creates is like a train wreck; hard to look away.

      Right now, I'm leaning towards her being a scam artist who is self aware enough to know how to keep the con going.


    3. Why is it that any time one person disagrees with another, so many automatically assume that jealousy was the motivating factor? So much of the time it's not. I suspect people tell themselves it's jealousy as an ego stroke. They are trying to avoid the real issue.

  42. KARMA= There are a lot of people that dislike me out there -mostly with Peta, ALF, internet trolls, crazy readers. I get notes in my inbox every week from freaks or angry people about how "too bad the only mating going on at that farm is with livestock and not us" from anonymous addresses. There are blogs about how horrible I am.

    Jenna Kardashian, after mooning her big butt all over cyberspace, ripping off people right and left. publicly detailing horror after horror of animal neglect, informing the internet that she is alone, behind on her mortgage, showering outside, shitting outside, frozen pipes, hiding animals, Birchthorn attacked - now shows some hesitation in her business plan?

  43. "Jenna Kardashian" -- THIS made me laugh out loud.

    I had composed a few comments to post on her blog, and each time I just said "forget it" -- she won't understand what I am trying to say, and I don't want to get into a spitting contest with her fans. Her mantra of "you aren't living your passion unless you are struggling" is really REALLY getting under my skin.

    1. Yes, I've composed emails to send her, but never sent them for the same reason.

    2. Me my father said, you can't rationalize with an irrational person. That keeps me from going toe to toe with a lot of people.

  44. Wait, there is more than this blog with a section about Jenna? What are the other ones????

    1. Cold Antler Sham (blogspot)
      GOMI (get off my internets)

      There are several from a forum that are detail her fraudulent business practices as far back as 10 years. They're posted around here somewhere.

      I guarantee no one has ever sent her a lets hump email! She makes this up as she goes.

      She was just talking last week in her post about the dog about sleeping naked and wondering the house naked at night. Nothing wrong with that but not exactly the actions of someone who is scared about their well being.

      Don't know about you other single sleepers but I'm fully clothed and ready for anything at a moment's notice. Dog needing to go out, an emergency, etc.

      She's so full of shit.

    2. There are also some pretty sharp comments among the reviews of her books on Amazon.

  45. She posts suggestive pictures of herself, talks about running around her yard naked, writes about being orgasmic, and then she is surprised when she receives creepy emails?

  46. If she were getting invites to mate in her email she would be posting that shit to get as much attention as possible. And the sad thing is, she would be flattered by it. She already gets some pretty icky comments on FB that she seems to relish.

    As others have said, she does NOT behave like someone who's afraid for their safety. The cheesy double entendres that she favors along with the outright references to orgasms and nudity are not vital details on a homesteading blog.

  47. She wrote about a "Goat Orgy," if memory serves me. She writes suggestive things then uses words like "dick," and "orgasmic," then invites people to stay in her guest bedroom? Seriously, if a 19 year old did this, I'd have a talk with them, but she's in her 30's.
    When men send you money, you can bet a good percentage of them expect or desire to get something in return. Every person with half a brain knows that. Beside that, I've been under the impression for a while that she's trying to reel one in with all the suggestive talk and focus on appearance.
    As far as her motivations, I used to think she was a narcissistic animal-neglector, but after following for a while, she just reads as a televangelist type con. She's so broke, but her credit cards are paid off? I guarantee most of her readers don't have their paid off, but still have to come up with the money for their own root canals. Cold Antler Con.

  48. Come on you guys - lay off Jenna already. Do you have any idea how hard she works? Do you think it's easy making a living without a steady paycheck?

    Oh, it's easy for you, you angry miserable people, hiding behind your computers in your cushy cubies while she is showering naked outside and pooping in the woods. Do you have any idea how she must pace at night trying to think of new ways to wring money out of her readers?

    So you think she should acknowledge those who donate? What a bunch of skinflints they are. Instead of sending great big wads of cash so she can pay off her house, it's just a vet payment here and a root canal there. No wonder she has to spend so much time coming up with new ways to ask when she could be riding Merlin with a hawk on her fist.

  49. I think I am going to ask Jenna to balance a checkbook on one of her "Daily Vlogs."

    1. Balancing a checkbook is for poodles, not superheros.

  50. "Whose buying it for me?!"

    1. I just can't believe her anymore. She's asking someone to buy her a stupid fake shield that is $170... yet she's shitting in the woods and has terriable shelters for her animals and is chronically months late in her mortgage... and then... did you see that last post by some sucker guy?

      [–]hrafnklo 1 point 20 days ago

      I may. I like to give when I have extra.

      He's considering buying it for the wench. Good Gods... how can the woman sleep at night? I just do not understand.


    2. Response: "I may. I like to give when I have extra"

      She's scamming on several sites.

    3. And aside from the fact she's asking for more free things, it's 'who's', not 'whose'. I thought she was a writer...?

  51. So am I understanding this correctly? People gave her money to build adequate shelters for her animals and she spent the money on other things? Maybe her mortgage, utilities, makeup, etc?

    1. What, did you expect her to do without Blessed Feathers on vinyl?

    2. She is so mentally ill I cannot see any good end to all this. For her or the animals.

  52. THAT was how to saddle a horse? That DOES it, for every blog she does.. I am going to do my own, a real how to. I can't believe that is what she is touting to be educational? I won't go into all she omitted/said wrong, but I will demonstrate myself. You know, walk the walk, and I will do it on a fake horse, as I don't have one, but worked with them professionally for many years..

    1. She doesn't even know the term "latigo". I've never seen anyone secure the latigo like that. Why doesn't she tie a latigo knot? Seems more secure, for sure.

    2. Eh, plenty wrong with the demonstration, but I also use the cinch pin and run the excess latigo through the keeper instead of using the knot.

  53. Agree, no latigo knot. Lame. And in my circles where I grew up riding mostly Western, we did not call the cinch a girth. A girth is the term for an English saddle. Cinch for Western.


  54. AND ANOTHER THING! Her horse is much shorter, so maybe it works for him, but I always put my off side stirrup over the horn so it wouldn't flop against the horse's side when I put the saddle on. Don't know if that's "correct", but just something I did.


  55. The most glaring thing, and Merlin demonstrated it, was how she did no pull his legs forward (one at a time) after she tightened the cinch. Did you see his skin twitching? Yes, you are right Duckmama, you make sure that stirrup is up out of the way. That was just bad.

  56. The latest and not so greatest on Twitter:
    @coldantlerfarm: Had a long day and a rough phone call with angry parents. I am going to watch a rom com with my hawk and some vodka.

  57. Hmmm wonder why her parents were angry? They had to pay her mortgage one too many times, maybe?

    1. I'll bet you're on to something.

    2. That could be why her mother keeps pressing her to get a job. Maybe too much mooching off of family?

    3. I think the problem for JFW is that her parents don't see her as the superhero she thinks she is. They see her for what she is.

    4. If they don't pay, she moves in with them.

    5. I bet they are mad because she won't visit them for Thanksgiving.

  58. Drinking her troubles away...and tweeting about it...yikes

  59. So, where are all the little Jenna apologists now? Not so easy extolling her virtues and bad assedness when she's drunk and begging the parents. What happened to the money for the animal shelters?

  60. Slowly but surely that karma bus is coming around the corner. Can't get over how lame she is...sulking about her parents so she's going to get drunk watching a chick flick WITH HER BIRD. Yeah, that will show them!

  61. Of all the things that make me the saddest re: this shitshow, it's Jenna's openly strained relationship with her parents

    I had one of those, too. When I was 16 and full of melodramatic angst.

    Then I got over it and learned to appreciate my parents and all they have done for me. I know some people have terrible parents or impoverished, sad childhoods, but I'm pretty sure Jenna has/had neither.

    I live hundreds of miles from my parents, and despite having animals, food crops, and a self-employed line of work, I manage to visit them 3 or 4 times a year.

    There is no reason for her to willfully ignore them- especially during holidays. No reason except that she's afraid if she spends too much time with them, they'll try to knock some common sense into her.

  62. She thinks the press is concerned about her religious inclinations? Could be more delusional than previously thought......

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 3h3 hours ago
    @EarthshineJane you gotta do what you gotta do. i get ya, i cant shout from the rooftops i'm heathen thanks to idiots in the press

    1. I'm sorry did I miss something? What press? Which network or local media gives a shit about Jenna or CAF!

  63. I find this FB comment she made so strange. Animals are so important to her yet she treats them terribly, sub-standard care at best and outright abuse at worst. She never really struck me as an animal person anyway....just weird.

    Jenna Woginrich
    1 hr ·
    I watched a documentary on trans issues today, and a sentence stood out to me, "When did you realize you were a woman" and I can remember that moment in my life. I was at the jersey shore. Anyway, while watching this cosmo doc I was thinking about the most important realizations in my life. They weren't sexual. They were not private. the most important thing I learned about me was that I can not go through life without animals by my side, ever. And I can not go through life without sharing the work of animals for simple human needs (horses pulling carts to market, hawks hunting food, dogs herding sheep, etc). I watched a doc about the meaning of life and all I wanted was to hunt, work, eat, and sleep beside dogs, horses, and hawks. Not sure what it means but that's me. Loud and proud!

  64. If she left her hovel once in a while she wouldn't be able to make stupid statements like the one below. Men aren't into hunting? Then who the hell is keeping all those Cabela's in business? Honestly. Men are involved in all those things as well.

    Jenna Woginrich For the record, TOTALLY okay with men being a part of this. For the most part, few men are into horses, hawks, dogs, hunting, and farming these days. But if you are do I have the deal for you@

  65. I think it's rather telling to see just how much time and energy Jenna puts into her social media. She's posting constantly on Facebook and twitter and then her blog and vlogs and then there is the constant patrolling of all her posts for comments and little flare ups and then there is Reddit and the other things she posts on and watches over and all.

    For gosh sakes, when could she possible get much of anything else done? No wonder Birchthorn is abandoned. Not wonder she's butt deep behind in logos and such. She is constantly monitoring her social standing and all. Pushing and priming for more and more atta's girls and sucking up for more and more donations... er... marketing of her "brand"


  66. Daily vlog plan...a vlog every weekday for two weeks.

    Daily vlog day 2...nothing, zero

    Nothing to say but typical JW follow through...promise then renig

  67. All I can say is that if I don't have an electronic copy of Birchthorn in my mailbox by December 24, I'm going to post the whole story of her defaulting on her Kickstarter promises to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, and any other place I can think of--hell, I'll post a video about it and use the Cold Antler Farm tag, so people searching for her will find it. I'm completely fed up. There's no word at all about when the ACTUAL HARDCOVER BOOK THAT I PAID FOR is coming, and I have real doubts that I'll be seeing an e-book anytime soon. She has time to post her stupid vlogs and no time to finish up on her commitments? But I'll wait. Jenna, the clock is ticking. Two can play at this social media game, you know!

    1. What are you waiting for? She's already defaulted. What was the original timeline?

    2. How much did you pay?

  68. Umm... I'm so sorry you contributed to Birchthorn. But, like most of her money-making deals, the goods never come through. She makes money, paid customers don't get their goods. I would encourage you to write Kickstarter about the default, too.

  69. I can't find it right now, but one of you posted a link to a guy's blog with his article about how he felt "warm" about JW. He responded. And then JW responded that "lots of people hate her." I don't think anyone here hates her personally, per se, but hates her scamming, animal neglect, and mooching. Actions speak louder than words.

    1. "Jenna Woginrich: There are people out there who can't stand me. You could have just posted a picture of me with the word "author and homesteader" under it and you would have the same people huffing and puffing. It's the same 6 people who haven't stopped meowing and yowling for years. I don't read their reviews, nor their blogs. I would prefer being left out of any of their rambling, as it is none of my business what they think of me.
      Like · Reply · 2 hrs
      Dean Abbott
      Dean Abbott Yep. I get it. It sort of surprised me when they started criticizing me etc. But, who cares?
      Like · Reply · 2 hrs
      Jenna Woginrich
      Jenna Woginrich They are only criticizing you because you don't agree with them, I wouldn't engage. One woman online I had to notify local authorities about.
      Like · Reply · 2 hrs
      Dean Abbott
      Dean Abbott I am totally not engaging.
      Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs



