Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Certainly unsafe


What they have been doing is "certainly unsafe"?!

Sell one of the many carriages you own Patty and buy a more suitable vehicle and get the lift covered by insurance to keep your SON safe.

I simply can not fathom picking hobbies over the safety of a child which she is admittedly doing.

She and Jenna are 2 peas in a pod.


  1. You people will find any and everything to pick apart. Do you have ANY experience with raising special needs children to adulthood? If you read the description, it sounds as if lifting him is unsafe to the lifter, not the "child" (which is an adult, if you had read correctly).

    Insurance doesn't cover the cost. God, did you even READ her story???? One commenter mentioned Patty should give up all her hobbies? Really? So she's never allowed to do anything for fun or just for herself? For the rest of her life? How sad that idea is. Caring for a child (an adult child with disabilities) is incredibly stressful and time consuming and really can take a toll on the caretakers. Having horses lets Patty have some "me" time, something that we're ALL entitled to take now and then. In order to provide round-the-clock care for someone, you have to take care of yourself, too.

    I am so disheartened to see these comments. None of you know what Patty's story is, or how she copes with caring for her son. None of you know what her finances are. You all say you only have issues with Jenna because of her mistreatment of animals. Well, why are you picking on Patty? Her horse is clearly well cared for.

    Shame on you Meredith. How is this any different than Jennafans going after you or one of your supporters? What a load of bullshit.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for posting this. Patty is not Jenna, so leave her alone. Crowdfunding is just that. If you don't want to support it, don't. But don't be a damned hypocrite.

    Sick of the Hypocrisy

    1. So having an injured care giver is a better option?

      I do elder care for a wheelchair bound man and safety of the patient is just as important as safety to the care giver.

      I'm sick and tired of people not taking care of their responsibilities simply because the money is spent on hobbies and fun. Its not that's there's no money for it, the sons medical care is just not the priority. Its not worth her spending her money on.

      It makes me ill.

      Crowd fund and get the crowds opinion. Comes with the territory.

    2. I completely agree. I care for a disabled adult, and my priority is always making sure we have what we need to properly care for him above everything else. Yes, Patty deserves "me" time as do all caregivers and all people, for that matter. What I take issue with is having expensive hobbies for her "me" time, then asking other people (with their own troubles, expenses and complicated lives) to donate money to purchase a chair lift that she says she NEEDS for her son. I have plenty of hobbies, but they are inexpensive or free (reading a book, going hiking, fishing, etc). I used to ride horses. I loved it. I leased a beautiful Arabian cross. When my son became disabled, I slowly had to give all that up-- the shows, the riding, and the leased horse (who I loved so much). It was difficult, and heartbreaking, but in the end being able to afford what I need to make my son's life as easy and comfortable as possible is my priority. I'm sorry but if Patty is going to ask for money from people, get rid of her extravagances first. She's been spending way too much time with Jenna.

  2. Without taking sides here, i don't understand why this has to be funded privately. Here in PA we have programs and funding to provide adaptive equipment and vehicle modifications at no cost to the family. I don't know this lady or her situation. Perhaps NY is different.

    1. It reads that insurance would cover a lift but not the lift they want for their truck.

      I'm surprised insurance doesn't cover any of it.

      Honestly when one aligns themselves and associates with known liars and thieves they lose all credibility in my book. Hope they are not taking advantage of their child's condition for financial gain.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That's what I thought. I know of Federal programs as well as State programs that help with issues for disabled adults. As an adult he should be able to get on SS disability, which would help with the cost of a van with a lift. There are also case workers who have that information available and can help their clients get the help they need. I have a cousin who has been disabled all of her life and she gets a lot of help, which is very much needed for her 86 year old mother.

    4. Now if PA straightens out the education budget they'd be in business. Talks of closing schools?! Crazy.

  3. Let's not forget the new "toy" they bought just this summer.... What looked like a brand new John Deere Farm Tractor (not a scratch on it and all the equipment stickers still in place)... those START at 20K and go up substantially from there. Talk about messed up priorities.

  4. So you don't agree with Patty's choices. Big whoop. How are you any better than rabid Jannafans? Have you forgotten that part of my question? Why are you judging Patty when Patty has never done anything to you? She has never shown that she neglects her animals.

    Let me repeat that. You (and your followers) say over and over that you only have issues with Jenna because she mistreats her animals. So again, why are you judging a total stranger for crowdfunding?

    And Meredith, have you not asked for donations before? To pay for legal services and to pay for surgery for a dog? Did the people adopting the dog have tvs they could sell? Extra vehicles? Smart phones? By your logic, they should live in a cardboard shack with nothing if that's what it took to pay for their own dog. And yes, when you decide to take in a dog, you are consciously deciding to become the dog's owner.

    1. Go ahead and compare whatever you want. Its your right to form your own opinions and any and all opinions are welcome here.

    2. Go ahead and compare whatever you want. Its your right to form your own opinions and any and all opinions are welcome here.

    3. Go ahead and compare whatever you want. Its your right to form your own opinions and any and all opinions are welcome here.

    4. Here is my opinion about this, Anon 2:38. When someone goes public with a crowd funding request, it becomes public knowledge, it's a very public request made to strangers and those strangers may discuss it. It might be discussed between me and my husband, or it might be discussed on an internet group like this. And yes, questions will be asked in either forum -- is this someone wanting money an individual we trust to be telling the truth, is it a worthy cause, etc. Opinions will be aired. If the person involved wishes to NOT have their cause or life situation discussed, they should not crowd fund publicly. This happened the other night at an auction I attended. A family is crowd funding for their son, who was in a football accident. My brother-in-law said he won't donate, because the family has excellent medical insurance and is pretty well-off. Others donated. But the discussion is fair, in my opinion. No different here.

    5. Yes, I agree with your assessment HotFlash.

    6. Anon 2:38 - It is not correct that people only have issues with how JW treats her animals. It seems most people have issues with her constantly begging for money. And how she spends other people's money recklessly.

      And now her she comes asking for money for her friend. Both she and Patty need to get jobs if they need money, and stop depending on working people to fund them.

    7. Hotflash - You are and have always been the voice of reason. You are correct - when someone crowdfunds, they should expect scrutiny.

    8. HFH, I agree that crowdfunding is public and those who choose to go that route open themselves up to some scrutiny. What I don't agree with is Meredith calling Patty out on this blog. It's not just some random crowdfund she found and thought was silly. She (Meredith) has an unhealthy obsession with JW and makes it her life's work to spend all of her time thinking about and following JW.

      Patty has never done anything to Meredith, so I'm not sure why Meredith has to go out of her way to publicly shame her. Remember when Patty returned money she had found after it fell off an armored truck? http://www.goerie.com/article/20130227/news07/302279909/Woman-returns-money-that-fell-off-armored-truck
      She seems pretty honest to me, just judging from that story alone.

      It's one thing to have beef with JW. It's another to go after her friends just because. That's pretty shitty.


    9. Agree 100%, SOTH. A line was crossed here.

  5. I have issues with Jenna because she is a lazy, stealing, lying bum who creates a false narrative of a "farm" life she begs others to fund and then disses on people for having paid steady employment because they can't possibly be living authentic happy lives being stuck in their offices and living in cities as poodles. Honestly to me... her animal issues are secondary. I respect that there are others here who take that to be their primary issue. As for Patty. She is a human who should be capable of good judgment but when she purchases a "toy" tractor for thousands of dollars before the equipment necessary to safely move and transport her disabled child... then she needs some outside judgement because her internal system isn't working.

  6. Anon 2:38

    You're an idiot. There is no Meredith following and there is no stipulation that you agree with her opinions in order to comment here.

    "You (and your followers) say over and over that you only have issues with Jenna because she mistreats her animals."

    No, you said that. You're making a blanket statement about the "followers", many of whom are anonymous, when you can't even define or quantify who they might be.

    1. I'm not the one who has to resort to name calling because I can't think of anything better to say. LOL!! Meredith does have a following, and if you seriously can't see that you must be blind. And have you been reading comments on this blog the past couple years? I have, and I have read time and time again that commenters here only bash JW because of the mistreatment of animals (and maybe because of her taking money for nothing in return). You can't deny that.


    2. I didn't "resort" to name calling, I chose to call you an idiot because your remarks warranted the observation. "LOL!!" -- my, my, if that isn't the retort of the witless with nothing to offer the conversation I don't know what is.

      I have been following this blog for 2 + years and it's my opinion, which is as valid as yours based on length of readership, that Meredith has no following. And I assume by following you mean blind supporters. Meredith has received plenty of flack for various opinions/statements, most recently her use of the #___livesmatter hashtag.

      You may have read "time and time again that commenters here only bash JW because of the mistreatment of animals" but without the ability to ascertain who said what your conclusion that everyone who comments here makes that claim is completely baseless. You can't claim facts without data.

      To prove you wrong, I can assure you that I find many reasons to bash Jenna beyond her treatment of animals. Jenna is an imperious, talentless, manipulative snob who makes her living by tricking people into thinking her "living like fiction" is a worthy cause and that's just for starters. If Jenna depopulated CAF I would still be venting about what a fucking asshole she is.

      To further prove you wrong, I don't agree with Meredith regarding Patty's use of crowdfunding and doubt that Patty would actually let her son go without the necessary equipment to keep him safe. Does Patty have a new truck, a new tractor and horses and a hot tub? Yes, she does. But I don't feel there is anything manipulative or deceptive about her request and I don't think Patty needs to give up her horses or anything else that makes life worth living because she has a son with disabilities. Gee, I'm not being a very good Meredith follower am I?

    3. You can keep repeating something but it doesn't make it true. And yes, by "following", I mean blind supporters. Gosh, you're quick! Meredith clearly has a following, and the comments show that. Multiple readers of this blog are guilty of being in blind agreement with what Meredith posts, and then they turn around and talk badly about how Jennafans do the exact same thing. "You can't claim facts without data." ---I'm not writing a peer-reviewed journal. If you have been reading this blog then you would have seen the comments.

      And yes, I know Meredith has received some flack. Many times *I'm* that person who is disagreeing with her.


    4. "You can keep repeating something but it doesn't make it true."

      Yes, read that back to yourself a few times until it sinks in for you.

      You're having difficulty forming a valid argument on a blog never mind writing a peer reviewed journal.

      To claim that you know, with certainty, what the rationale for the majority of people commenting on this blog is is indefensible even in this informal context.

  7. I have to agree with 3:49. In addition, you shouldn't assume anything about us. I don't have a problem with Patty owning or keeping a horse. People here may be assuming it costs her more than it actually does. I'm also sure she needs some kind of help with her son. I'm not sure she has thoroughly investigated all her options, some available options may be much much better for her and her son than the crowd funding and the lift she wants.

  8. I have to agree with the original commenter on this thread. As for those of you clamoring that Patty should just work, or go get a job to fund this lift, try being a disabled adult's 24/7 caretaker, then finding the time to have a job outside the home. Bottom line: don't judge those you don't know. This all goes a little too far, and I find it extremely distasteful.

  9. Interesting comments!

    A public crowdfunding request was brought to my attention via this blog. I looked at it and posted MY opinion.

    Why do people think that public requests for money is a private topic?

  10. I paused over the "certainly unsafe" aspect of her post. Perhaps I read it wrong? I'll reexamine.

  11. Just curious, Meredith. You asked for donations to pay for Sheetz's c-section when the pups were born. Isn't your lumberjack friend the one who took her in? So was he in need of donations? I re-read the comments and read about how Sheetz's owner was working multiple jobs and having a hard time making ends meet. Doesn't he have a nice, big boat? And a horse?


    1. He has a horse he took in years so it would not go to auction.

      I asked him the same thing about the new boat because things are really tight for him as a single dad who doesn't receive child support. He wa a denied credit care because of a lack of credit/debt repayment history because he doesn't use credit cards.

      The boat is something for his entire extended family and was cosigned by his sister. Its a way to build credit that will benefit dozens of people.

  12. Many of us have a problem with Jenna because she stole our money and did not deliver the promised product. We could give a shit about Patty's crowd fund or Meredith's opinion on it. We want a website so Jenna doesn't keep getting away with taking money and not delivering. We appreciate Meredith letting us use this forum.

  13. Meredith does not have a following. She has an open discussion forum. We can disagree with her or even totally bash her. She doesn't weed out anyone's opinion just because it doesn't match hers. I could even say Meredith is an asshole and it would be allowed for discussion. She does nice things for OTHERS on this blog too. Its the good, bad and ugly - and not just from her perspective. Its why I like this forum b/c its not a blind, praise Meredith only BS blog.

  14. P.S. I'm a bit older than most and I find it hysterical that people think they can crowd fund, paste on facebook or have a blog and expect the public to just blindly agree with them. If you posted your opinion on the opinion page of the paper back in my day and expected that no one would judge your opinion, people would think you are insane.

  15. To Anon 4:53 who said: "Both she and Patty need to get jobs if they need money, and stop depending on working people to fund them."

    Jenna needs to get a job. Jenna is a single able-bodied young individual with no one to support but herself.

    I have a disabled teenager. This IS a full-time job. And my part-time job, and my weekend job, and my night job. I could go get a job, but then I'd have to put my daughter in an assisted living facility for at least daytime care. Which is frighteningly expensive, and would likely eat up the entire paycheck I'd earn. On the other hand, I can not work and keep my daughter at home, where I know she'll receive the care and attention she needs, and feels safe and loved at all times. Money is often tight. Nerves are often frayed. This IS real work, it just isn't paid work, unless you count my daughter's laughter as a paycheck, which I do.

    I have a few small hobbies and indulgences, which I need to remain mentally and spiritually available for my daughter. I'll never apologize for them, or what they cost financially.

    So I recommend you go get the hell off your high horse, and mind your own house before you go tearing down others' lives.

    1. I stand corrected. It's true I know nothing about Patty and her situation. I'm just tired of JW treating her readership like her personal ATM.

  16. I'm sorry, Patty, but if you put your life on a public crowd funding site, the comments are part of the territory, for better or worse.

  17. There are a lot of asshats out there, and everyone of them has a different story. The one story I am sure of is the decade long story of Jenna's descent into animal abuse, fraud and a narcissistic and delusional lifestyle. She hurts animals and she hurts people by conning them. I know nothing about Patty, I know nothing about why the lumberjack asked for money but has a shiny boat, people are complicated. Stories aren't told completely, and they don't crowd fund once a week either....

    The posts where people are venting about JW are valuable because her victims find their way here and feel less crazy. I could have a lot to say about other crowdfunders but I haven't seen relentless appeals and criminal behavior from them for years. Anything that lets JW off the hook bothers me. I also am critical of others but allowing JW to be able say, to potential publishers, say, "oh just read the blog. Then they went after a mother of a disabled kid" is a bad strategy. It dilutes her culpability. She can delusionally twirl away and say a little more credibly, they are just haters.

    I am very grateful that Meredith hosts these forums, ,but t would prefer it if we focused only on JW and her fraudulent ways (and Ayrshire Farms of course, speaking of criminal animal abuse)

    1. I think it's great that everyone has their own opinion and feels free in posting it here. Some things I disagree with, some things I think are spot on. I must say I definitely disagree with the last paragraph Anon 5:06 wrote above. The focus of this blog is Meredith - her life, her thoughts, her dreams and her opinions. Due to her kindness, we are allowed to share our thoughts with hers and others. Personally, I miss reading about the things Meredith is doing in her life. I think she has a bit of wisdom to share with others and she, at her own admission, can also learn from what we share with each other. Please don't make this blog strictly about one thing or another. (I look forward to the day she finally has her own little farm again and can share with us all that she is doing.)


  18. I agree with the above post.

  19. kelpiematrix.blogspot.com That is my blog. Meredith and I met via my blog some years ago. I have a full time job, a flock, working dogs, a cat, a house, a yard, the farm to take care of. It's nothing that interesting to read, unless you appreciate pictures of sheep, dogs and maybe some travails of a single chick making something out of nothing.

  20. I agree with HotFlash that crowdfunding opens the door to scrutiny. However, I think in this case it is out of place and inappropriate. I read Patty's page and didn't think she was sensationalizing or crying poor and using "wolves at the door" tactics. I have no objection to this family exploring this option first. I hope they get funded and use that $8k on vacations and fun instead. I'm not a parent and don't pretend to understand the struggle of raising a child. Let alone a handicapped child. Shame on you, Meredith. This is cruel. I don't care if they bought a new John Deere. It probably makes their family home all the more special and fun, likely a haven from a world of stares and being treated like a second class citizen. So many people have connections to stories like this and will happily send along $25 or $50 because they know the work and love the whole family puts in. This isn't Birchthorn or some bullshit workshop or pigs being hidden in a barn without sunlight. This is a family exploring an option to offset something expensive.

    1. Let's stop with the "shame on Meredith". If Patty's family used the money for a tractor or a vacation, that would be committing fraud and I'm sure that website would have an issue. And I think that's the whole point in this discussion, that would be a very Jenna thing to do. Isn't it beyond despicable to use a handicapped child to crowd fund for something you don't really need? I'm not saying that's what she's doing, but don't even suggest it's ok.

    2. You support lying and fraud? Did I read that right?!

    3. Okay my language was unclear. And maybe overboard. I meant I hope they get the $8k and use it for the lift and then use the $8k of their own money for vacations and fun stuff. As in I hope the crowd money for the lift enables them to spend personal $ on pleasure. I just think to scrutinize this situation this way is cruel. Not to mention irrelevant in the context of your blog. Key phrase here being "your blog". So I'll shut up seeing as that it's not my blog. I just felt it was worth noting that I think you crossed a line of decency here. Stopping animal cruelty? I'm on board. Calling out JW on her bullshit? On board. Rescuing puppies? On board. Singling out people in JW's periphery and judging their unique and difficult situation with cruelty just because she associates with JW? Uncouth.

    4. I would just like to note that anon 8:25 isn't me.

  21. Shame on me?

    I absolutely 100% stand by my initial assessment.

    Per the crowd funding page....

    "I almost dropped him the other day putting him in the car, he is very hard for me to lift now."

    Her financial priorities have led to an unsafe environment for a handicapped individual that is at her mercy to be kept safe.

    Shame on me all you want but this is extremely disturbing.

    How can anyone especially a mother put the safety of her child on the back burner while she plays? Sewing garments to make her horse look midevil, trailering to jousting events, parading around town on carriages etc knowing the next appointment your child need a to go to could lead to him being dropped because the toils are not in place to keep him safe?

    Unreal and disgusting.

    1. Yeah, because from looking at pictures a total stranger posts on her Facebook page, you clearly can see exactly how she spends her money and time. You've got her totally figured out. That's pretty amazing.

      How dare she have any fun at all, or spend any time doing something she likes? She should be shut in at home, doing NOTHING but caring for her son 24/7. She should never have anything in life, never leave home, and be totally and completely devoted to her son.

      You sound like a judgmental asshat, Meredith. And I'll keep saying it. Shame on you. Now I'm not sure who is more despicable...you, or JW.

      It's your blog and you can post whatever you like. You're right about that. But expect that when you show yourself to be a mean, vindictive, spiteful person, people are going to call you out on it.

    2. Have at it. You're not the first one to cal me a big meanie and surely won't be the last.

  22. My question for everyone.

    Should the safety of a disabled child be a parents number 1 priority?

    1. Yes. It's not fair, but yes. And that's why we have programs to help people in that situation. People shouldn't have to beg on the Internet to keep their children safe. I would go a step further and say that Patty should try to find help taking her son to appointments. My cousin gets help from the State and from her church. They have vans that are equipped for the comfort and safety of their clients. Patty could get a breather to do some of the other things she likes to do. Her son may have an opportunity to get some attention outside the home if he's able to do that. My cousin craves that time, and getting out with her "friends. "

    2. Yes, I agree with that and who wouldn't? However, you're assuming that Patty isn't putting her kid first because she's turned to crowdfunding for the lift. I interpreted it as her finding another way to fund costly medical equipment. She got a truck a little while ago which may be why lifting him is now a problem where it wasn't before.

      And before someone points out Patty has XYZ or rides horses all day, I think those are worthwhile things to consider when pondering the ethics and implications of crowdfunding.

  23. Jeez, can we stop with the shame on meredith. And I will start with the the thank you meredith. Even though we disagree on the Patty thing. Thank you for hosting this discussion, thank you for helping me think about internet ethics, thank you for taking it on the nose from namecallers so that I can clearly see the difference between civil discourse on a tough topic and incoherent name calling that does nothing to further the conversation. We totally disagree on whether Patty should be reviewed for her crowdfunding efforts but I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to clearly define my position on it because of this conversation. That's democracy, and I am grateful that you are fostering it here.

    1. Sometimes I wish I didn't have strong opinions or any opinions at all!

      Thank you for participating and you are welcome.

      I think only one comment has garnered a "f you!" From me over the years. Actions push my buttons but I'm the opposite about ideas...agree or not listening is respectful and helps modify or hone in one owns position on topics.

      Perhaps one day I'll re-read this and think it's a waste of thought and petty. For today it's an issue I was made aware of and posted on...agree or think I'm a whack job it makes no difference to me!

    2. Amen, Anon. 9:08. This has been an interesting discussion, I can certainly see both sides and no one has anything to be ashamed of, not Patty, not Meredith, and not those who commented and put forth their views intelligently. I first met Meredith on the CAF comments section, back when discussions like this were allowed and were not censored to reflect only opinions the blog author agreed with or was not threatened by. Meredith does have strong opinions, but at least does not attempt to whitewash her comments section to look like everyone's her personal cheerleader. I like that.

  24. I don't get this. JW just posted a recipe for an Applejack cake. She said she doesn't eat fruit, carbs or sugar, but the recipe has flour, apples, cider, sugar and honey. She says she has been experimenting with recipes and thinks this one's the best, so she's obviously been eating it.

    I don't care if she eats cake or barbecue pork, but why does she go to great lengths to post that she doesn't eat carbs, sugar and fruit, and then post recipes with all of the above in them?

  25. Because she's a whack job who can't keep her stories straight anymore.....

  26. According to her comment from someone who asked about her eating carbs, she mentioned it was because she was making it for family when they come to visit..But I like the above comment best and will leave it at her being a whack job..lol

  27. To the caregivers out there - Been there, done that, and I know what it can take out of you. It's easy to put your life on hold, and let yourself become totally immersed in your caregiving. In a way, Patty's ability to live a full life beside caregiving is a trait many of us caregivers could probably use a little more of. It eventually can cut us off from spouses, family, friends and hobbies. I also know that it can make people depend on the income and benefits received by and because of the disabled family member. And after you've lived that way a long time, sometimes decisions that are made are clouded by that dependency.
    There are many sources of support or income. Many children afflicted with Cerebral Palsy, especially, are the recipients of large malpractice settlements. Of course this money is meant for the upkeep of the child forever. It is not meant to enrich the parents, but it's hard to not use it. People with disabilities usually receive tax-free disability payments and Medicaid. If the youngster is under 21, they are entitled to educational supports, and that can be interpreted pretty freely. There is respite care and special allowances. As someone already mentioned, a decent caseworker will be able to find many other benefits.
    Those of you who are caregiving - make sure you use these supports! You need them, even if you don't always want them. And if you need a push, ask for it here, because I will encourage you, as will others.
    On the other hand. As a caregiver, I would NEVER have bought a vehicle that I couldn't get someone in and out of. Then ask others to spend $15,000 on. And I don't believe there is no source of support to help pay for this. It's like being offered a free pair of shoes from Sears, and saying, "Well, I bought this Givenchy dress and only Manolo Bhlaniks will go with it." Where did the money come from for the horse stuff, truck and tractor? Shouldn't the parents pay something for their child's upkeep?
    For those caregiving young people. Make-a-Wish is a fabulous organization that will make that vacation happen for you! It's there for you. Readers here should know, though, that not only have I been a caregiver, but I also work with disabled children. I've seen mothers carrying designer handbags (that I will NEVER own), and fathers ask to be reimbursed for the bridge toll to occasionally visit their kid. So I've seen it from both sides.
    To wrap up this story... caregivers - look up once in a while and make sure you are using the supports that are there, and reach out when you need someone. You need a life, too!
    To those who want others to pay for their kid while they buy a truck their kid can't safely get into - maybe I can get to you after I buy a truck and tractor for my family.

    1. Anon 6:49, thank you. My thoughts exactly.

  28. We don't have the full scope of Patty's financial history to say whether she is frivolously purchasing things that could go toward this device. If what has been made public is true (such as the new tractor) then, yes, I do question her priorities. It's hard not to. But I can't judge without knowing the full story.

    When you ask for people to fund you, and do so publicly, you open yourself up to scrutiny. Don't like it, don't ask the PUBLIC to fund your needs.

    I know some of the people who have commented are caregivers themselves. I have not been a caregiver myself but I do have an uncle with Down Syndrome, and so I am familiar with sacrifices that are made by a family for loved ones who require more care, both personal and medical. My grandparents didn't live bleak, martyred lives as caregivers; they did go on holiday when they could and took time to be a couple or to visit their grandkids. No caregiver should have to give up their happiness to help the ones they love. That said, they do shift their priorities. If my grandparents couldn't afford to go away on holiday, they didn't go. They never asked for hand outs and it would NEVER have occurred to them to ask for monetary help if they could wiggle things around to afford it themselves. They DID utilise the government services available to them, as they should. That is very different from starting a GoFundMe, IMHO.

    IF Patty has recently made large, expensive purchases then, yes, I do think it's unscrupulous to expect others to pay for this medical device. But I do not know all the facts here so I will just say that this does LOOK suspect but I can't say for sure and I am therefore withholding judgement.

    I can't blame Meredith for questioning/her opinion.

    And I don't believe caregivers are exempt from scrutiny. I think they deserve a hell of a lot of help, support, and respect, and that is not mutually exclusive from questioning just why one might choose to ask others to fund a service or need.



    1. Thoughtful comment. I agree with a lot of it.

  29. Thank you for your comment of "I don't believe caregivers are exempt from scrutiny". You are absolutely correct. I agree that if they are making a public request for funds, that they should expect scrutiny.

    I think one of the issues here is that JW is endorsing it. She asks for money repeatedly and spends it irresponsibly. So she does not lend this request credibility. People appear to be suspect because of her behavior.

  30. I think it's interesting that Jenna barely promoted it on her page. She has nearly 3,000 friends and she didn't even bother to comment personally when she shared the link. She could easily stir up a lot of support for it but can't be bothered it seems.

  31. If she were to push it, it would suck up the funds for her next disaster plea. Haha... She didn't want to wreck her holiday harvest of money from her jenna fans.

  32. Patty and her kid should be off limits here, although it is weird that JW did not promote this fundraiser given all that Patty has done for her.
    Even weirder, Vlog 59, "Homesteading Porn" hot and steamy - another roast chicken over kale, it's her sole reason for living! And what's with the police patch on her arm, is she cruising Barney Fife, gosh I feel sorry for her

    1. I get that awkward squirmy feeling when you're embarrassed for someone on their behalf every time I watch those vlogs. She's recycled her "I'm eating a chicken dinner I raised myself" story for 67th time but now we get to watch her scrunch up her face as she grasps for the words to express just how deeply she's moved by the experience while cheesy piano music sets the reflective mood. Has she no new material? This lady wastes no opportunity to call her self a "creative" but her output is anything but. Then the bonus vlog: Butter your nuts-- complete with slo-mo squash make-out session, or was it CPR? unclear. Does slicing a squash in half and throwing it in the oven really warrant a "how to" video? And when is this girl going to invest in a roasting pan and put an end to the disposables? Not very homestead-y of her.

      Oh, and on Twitter she joked about her cat coming home missing a toe. I guess this one's going to go piecemeal. A cat needs a lot more than nine lives to survive at CAF.

    2. Yes to both of you. Jenna only begs for Jenna at this time Patty, so step off! It's my time!! That homesteading porn? Skanky to new level.. seriously. .

    3. I just noticed on FB she said she goes through five 50-pound bags of feed per week for the chickens. Yet, she's not selling eggs. WTF? I have far fewer fowl, but they pay for their feed through eggs sales.

    4. How many chickens does she have? It takes me weeks to go through a single bag.

    5. she also feeds every rat in Washington county. Think about it. Do you think JW has an organized, rat-proof storage system or a bag sitting there with nothing but a prayer to Brigid to protect it? We know they can come and go from her barn as they please

    6. 250 lbs = 1000 days of feed for the average layer. So she owns about 140 chickens?

    7. She doesn't get very many eggs either. I remember she was happy to find a nest so she can have eggs again. Her chickens run all over the place and can get lots of natural foods like bugs and stuff. I also thought that was a lot of feed unless she still has many meat chickens that she is still feeding.

  33. Jenna Woginrich is a cyber panhandler. I'm not surprised in the least she didn't promote Patty's funding drive. Like someone said earlier, that would take away from her own supply.

    What a way to live. Can you imagine??? I'd curl up and die of embarrassment if I had to beg people to help me pay my mortgage.

    1. Sometimes people NEED help...not want help but need it.

      All of this takes away from trusting those in a position where they require financial assistance to stay safe, or fed, or sheltered.

      I've been there. I've seen others need.

      Chronic illness, natural disasters, injury, unexpected traumatic events, there are SO many reasons people sometimes can't pull it together or provide for themselves and often government aid is not enough.

      I think our priorities are crazy.

      Perhaps I'm delusional as I've never been wealthy and now live below the poverty line. I see people delaying their needs to give to those who can provide for their needs but prefer to fund their wants.

      Maybe there's a big world out there where money is growing on trees and people happily toss it to one cause or another with no concern if it's necessary or not or if those asking truly need the financial assistance,

    2. No one really needs financial assistance. People have what they have. There is no entitlement to fund needs or wants. That’s just white supremacy racism. Look around the world and see how many people actually live. When the dog gets sick, and there is no money for the vet, the dog dies, hopefully put down humanely. Can’t afford that root canal? Fine, pull the tooth. No need for financial assistance. Its called economic or social Darwinism.

      You are not delusional, but you have a white race entitlement myopic view the world. Wealthy folks do not necessarily fund their needs or wants. Some wealthy live below the poverty line by choice, they wear old cloths, drive old cars, skip the dentist, and rent crappy places to live.

      "Chronic illness, natural disasters, injury, unexpected traumatic events", all unfortunate events to be sure. But no real need for financial assistance. We all die. The average life expectancy in the US is 76 for men and 81 for women. Some folks live longer, but significant numbers die younger, check out the obits. Since we are all going to die, what is the point of financial assistance to prolong life? An exception may be for a mother with children to raise. Better to keep her alive than find a substitute parent. But all others, especially singles, and eaters (they eat but do not contribute to society) must pay their own way. Social Darwinism. Don’t fund incompetence, and don’t allow incompetence to breed more incompetent kids.

      This may sound harsh, but consider what generally happens after a war. The loosing side suffers economically. Some families literally starve to death. Other families eat well, thanks to income earned by women of the family who trade sex for money or food. This was true after WWII in eastern Europe, and was true in Iraq more recently. Economic or social Darwinism.

      Would any readers trade sex to feed your family? If not, does that make you a bad parent?

    3. I find this comment puzzling-- is it tongue in cheek?

      A person only has value to further the human race and Darwinism rules the day? Why prolong life if death is the inevitable outcome?

    4. My comment is not tongue in cheek.

      You may find my comment puzzling because it strikes too close to home for you.

      Otherwise please don’t misquote me, or combine separate theories as one.

      For believers, all persons are equal before God. See Christian egalitarianism

      "Christian egalitarianism (derived from the French word égal, meaning equal or level), also known as biblical equality, is a Christian form of egalitarianism. It holds that all human persons are created equally in God's sight—equal in fundamental worth and moral status."

      "Social Darwinism is a modern name given to various theories of society that emerged in the United Kingdom, North America, and Western Europe in the 1870s, which claim to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Darwinism

      "Darwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by Charles Robert Darwin and others, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwinism

      I value the earthly work of these folks. (average earnings included)

      1. Farmers and ranchers who grow the food I eat. ($25,160)
      2. Truck drivers who bring food and other necessities to local markets. ($37,620)
      3. Plumbers and HVAC technicians. ($53,240)
      4. Car and truck mechanics ($40,540)
      5. Internet (Computer Occupations $83,840)

      I do not value highly paid sports figures. From the Forbes list of highest paid athletes. http://www.forbes.com/athletes/list/

      1. Floyd Mayweather, paid $300+ million for boxing
      2. Manny Pacquiao, paid $160+ million for boxing
      3. Cristiano Ronaldo, paid $79.6+ million to play soccer
      4. Lionel Messi, paid $73.8+ million to play soccer
      5. Roger Federer, paid 67+ million to play tennis

    5. Not trying to intentionally misquote you, only trying to understand your comment better.

    6. Wow, I guess most of us should just go ahead, kill ourselves, and get the hell off your planet then.

    7. I did not suggest anyone kill themselves. You are hysterical. My planet? Sorry, I don’t own any planets. See the comment above, copied here:

      "Anonymous September 29, 2015 at 6:54 PM"

      "P.S. I'm a bit older than most and I find it hysterical that people think they can crowd fund, paste on facebook or have a blog and expect the public to just blindly agree with them. If you posted your opinion on the opinion page of the paper back in my day and expected that no one would judge your opinion, people would think you are insane."

  34. Jenna Woginrich i am 90% keto
    Like · Reply · 2 ·

    Isn't keto all or nothing? Seeing as you have to induce ketosis? This may explain why she's only lost 20 pounds after so long....
