Thursday, January 15, 2015

TLC Pig Specialists?

How do I link? The URL is like a generic FB simple thing.


  1. Meredith, beware! Jenna said on Facebook that she got her pistol permit application today. She insinuated it was because she felt unsafe and that it "felt good to take this step". If a few critical online comments make her feel unsafe, she must be a very paranoid person.

  2. Who's going to buy her a gun?

  3. No worries. No one here has threatened her and it wouldn't be tolerated anyway. I doubt anyone here lives anywhere near her. It's all drama and a call for attention. Or maybe an excuse to make another purchase.

    She really should be more worried about the "wolves at the door" (aka mortgage payments). Without a reliable source of income, those wolves are not going to go away.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please delete this comment, I apologize for writing something so stupid - we all have our problems

  5. Meredith,
    What are your thoughts on Temple Grandin? Has she ever gotten involved in the pig slaughter issues the way she did for cattle?

    1. I'm not Meredith, but yes she has. I'm with Meredith, I think the factory farms for pigs are the big problem, for both animal welfare and the environment.

    2. Temple Grandin is an amazing person. Her ideas were so revolutionary at the time, and still are. I loved the HBO movie they did on her, it's worth a look if you haven't seen it yet. That being said, the moment Mother Earth News included Jenna as a keynote speaker with Temple Grandin at the Mother Earth News Fair a few years ago is the moment I ended my 15+ year magazine subscription to Mother Earth News magazine. I wrote them a letter stating so too. It was such an insult that Jenna was included next to someone like Temple. It made me question how much they know about the other topics they report on.

    3. She has helped understand pig behavior and how it can be used to make transportation and slaughter less stressful. Does the USDA require these techniques? No. Does it do anything to help the CAFO/factory farm problem? No. I. Fact, she is offering valuable insight to be used at the end of a very very horrific process. How she can condone gestation crates and factory farming is beyond me. The only reason pigs can be slaughtered in such numbers requiring her assistance and advice is because of incredibly horrific practices.

      While I believe temple offers valuable information and instruction (I have learned much from her) she overlooks the root problem.

    4. ...and yes, mother earth news was off my reading list, unsubscribed (both magazine and email), and I will never go to one of their fairs after they hired Jenna and put her in the class of grandins and salatins (though I don't know if Joe walks his talk, have never been to.his farm but he appears legit). Jenna does the polar opposite of what Joe writes and temple teaches. The freaking joy and posed picture of Jenna holding that screaming pig will always ruffle my feathers.

      Here's an example, my uncle visited my little bluemont homestead when I was raising my own pigs. I was at work. He posted a picture holding one of my pigs while it screamed. I mentioned to My mom how much it bothered me when I saw it and (she was there with him and took the picture) she responded that the second after she snapped the camera she thought better and regretted being a part of it knowing I would be disappointed my pig was out under undue stress for a photo. She was right.

  6. Those are really good points by all of you. I went to Grandin's talk at that Mother Earth fair a few years ago. I thought it was a really good talk at the time (I am not as wide about all of tis as you all are) - but now that you mention it, HOW is she okay with all the things big farm does to cows and pigs BEFORE her "humane" slaughter comes into play? I wish I had thought of that when I was there as I would have asked her that. Thanks for the feedback.

  7. I mean wise not wide
