Saturday, January 3, 2015

Duck duck dead

Yet I got hit by a car and died?

Can't stomach watching her videos.

Was he found on her property?

The 6 acres she spends all day doing chores and hunting on?

If there was a dead cat on 6 lost cat I'd know...or at the very least my dogs would alert me to it...or the vultures.

If only poodle people walked everywhere the cat wouldn't have gotten hit.

The same poodles that she depends on to drive over to fix her truck for free.  The poodles that pick her up to but feed and hay.  She doesn't get small amounts at a time because she doesn't have money but because she has the time to waste doing it every few days.  Real farmers buy hay in bulk only a few times a year not a month. What farmer has time for that?  Its like an accountant buying one pencil at a time or a chef buying one tomatoes a day.

How many cats of hers have died since she started blogging?  Seemingly young never mentioned to have any sicknesses died?

1. Female kitten from feed store
2. Main coon female
3. Main coon male
4. Yeti

Who am I missing?

Does she still have one cat? B..something or did he die or go.missing too?


  1. How can you live in a rural area and fail to maintain your car or truck? Since it snows so much where she lives, that could mean life or death for her or her animals. I would bet that no one living in that area a century ago would have failed to maintain their horse and wagon. If, as she says, she can't afford a mechanic, she'd better get a job so that she can pay one. The brake line probably won't be the last repair she'll need.
    I am only a city/suburban dweller, but I figured out that a responsible livestock owner would order or cut a large amount of hay for the winter. Failing to do so might mean that your animals would go hungry. And as you said, it's time consuming to buy it in small quantities. Again, this suggests that she has considerable time on her hands that could be used in a part time job.
    As for the cats, I believe that you've counted correctly. She still has one. If she needs a cat for pest control, she should keep it inside at all times. The woods and roads in her area are obviously unsafe for them, so they can't be indoor/outdoor cats. If you can't provide for their basic safety, not to mention veterinary care, buy some mousetraps.
    We know a lot more about animal sentience, intelligence and emotion than we did a hundred years ago, so we have no excuse to treat them as objects. I'm sure that lots of people who lived and worked closely with animals even a century ago recognized these things, even if they weren't yet proven by science. Even animals raised for food deserve comfort and good care during their lives. The state of California just recognized this in new legislation mandating more humane treatment of chickens, pigs and calves. If you only have a few animals that you're raising for food, as she does, it would take very little money and effort to house them adequately and see that they have a pleasant life before slaughter. Letting her Cold Antler chickens roost wherever they want (outside, in the barn, in the hen house) is a good example.

  2. My 18 yr old former barn cat is sitting on me and won't let me type my feelings. I also can't watch the blogs.

  3. Well, there you go. You live on a farm or ranch, and yet you're able to keep your cat safe.

  4. She has said a time or two that she can't store hay in her old barn properly, in large amounts, so that's why she gets it in small amounts. We also do that, but still, that means we really have to keep our vehicles running because we need them to go and get the stuff. On our wishlist is a shelter for hay, something like a PVC hoophouse and a heavy tarp. Something that can be put together for a hundred bucks or so. I wished we could have done it before the winter hit, but we will certainly have it before next winter. Everything she does, it just seems that her priorities are really skewed. I mean, getting the meadowbrook cart, taxidermy supplies, more pigs, hawk, another puppy, another horse... when she doesn't have a lot of basic things sealed up. Like maybe a REAL structure for her horse??? He's still standing in some little shed out back without sides... or like one side or something ramshackle. And her hogs? Ugh. Our hogs have a wonderful house and yard. Our goats, sheep and ponies all have a barn to call home in wicked weather. Every little bit of windfall money goes to improving an area and making it easier on us and more comfortable for our animals. We had only one old goat pass away all last year. Not a single chicken. Nor cat or anything. Our goat was ancient and went comfortably in his sleep. She kills more animals than anyone I know. And I know a lot of homesteaders. Just amazes me to watch her vlogs and how comfortable she acts like she's some Bob Villa of the homestead world. And people seem to believe her! We need someone to step up and start teaching all these wanna bes how to really homestead!!!!

    1. It's so nice to read that you provide good shelters for your animals. You're obviously doing things the right way. If I had livestock, I couldn't stand to think of them out in the cold.

  5. Maybe neglecting the animals is part of her 13th century Braveheart fantasy. You know, keep them in appalling conditions with no vet care, just like in the good old days. I'm beginning to think there are some real mental issues there. She certainly seems incapable of functioning in the real world.

  6. From what she says, she seems to view animals as someone of that era would. They are things to use, supplies on the hoof, as it were.

  7. There were other barn cats she never blogged about that went missing...on older couple leaving the area gave them to her.

  8. Where's the 15K she birchthorned? This is weirder than a bourbon butterball chicken on game night!

  9. I can see both sides of the indoor/outdoor cat issue, BUT, if I had nothing to do all day but hang around on my property, riding, hunting (with a hawk, even), tending to animals, visiting neighbors/buddies, playin mountain music, I would DAMN SURE have located my cat. Having lost one cat in my life, I was preoccupied with finding it, and would have had it been near the side of the road. Dis-gus-ting.
    Again, let me make clear, I understand how the cat could be taken, I cannot understand how she ignored it. Anyone else her wondering what she did with Yeti?

    1. Isn't Yet I the one she found dead? Or is he still missing? Does she have any living cats right now?

  10. Yes, Yeti was the one whose body she found. I think she still has Bohgradair or however it is spelled.
