Thursday, January 29, 2015

Skinny being a big bad BOAR

Skinny is the boar on the left of the fence.  He is in with 3 gilts.  338A, 339A, and 332G.  All of these pigs would have died without my intervention at Ayrshire Farm.  I was contracted to purchase the group but after being inspected the contract was reneged on by Crystal Ritenour and Ayrshire Farm after their inspection by Humane Farm Animal Care.

Skinny got BIG didn't he?

Across the fence is 3 barrows and 1 gilt.  He wants the girl and wants those boys out of the picture!

Thankful for electric to keep all pigs safe. 

You certainly wouldn't want to mix these two groups.  There's no point to mix the 4 market pigs on the right with the 4 breeding pigs on the left.

I had segregated the 4 on the left as they were unthrifty and falling behind and needed a little supplemental care and less stress.  Even putting them in areas with less pigs can immediately help the stress level go down, and the health of the animals go up. 

Because Ayrshire Farm could not even tell me what happened to not organic pigs, I thought it might be worth breeding the not organic females to see if we could raise and slaughter their organic piglets.  This would turn a loss into a profit!  Skinny as always on the farm because he was "mine".  I never had him weighed (how we sell them) because I was to be there through September 2014 and didn't want to stress him by weighing him the summer.  I was offered a price per pig (regardless of weight) and had scheduled a date to purchase and pick up these 4 pigs and was totally screwed over by the sadistic individuals at Ayrshire Farm after they were inspected.

For now, enjoy this video of a HEALTHY Skinny.


  1. I.meant segregated the 4 on the right.


    Hi Meredith,
    Thought you may be interested in the job-posting for "herdsperson." It's also a school for disabled people.
    Don't see ads for herdsperson too often.

    1. Good find! I'm applying tomorrow. so.much for thinking of me. What a great opportunity!

  3. Have you seen CAF's latest vlog? How can someone call themselves a homesteader if you need that much help just to survive?

    1. No, I can't stomach her blog. Too many in your face inconsistencies and honestly the woman just makes me sick and I have enough to deal with I can't sprinkle her level of obnoxious on top of it. I can only imagine. I'm sure her videos are nut capping all her glaring issues.

  4. Sorry - "herself". Not enough coffee.

  5. I received another comment on a buried post.that she only put 50 posts on her clan blog in a year...

    CSA fraud
    Clan fraud
    Webinar fraud

    ...and the chap had been sending her monthly checks. Feel so bad for those people.

  6. She stated in her vlog, "It takes a village to raise (her)". That's a pretty bizarre statement for a number of reasons. First, she's ostensibly a homesteader and therefore supposed to be self-reliant. Clearly, since she needs her friends to bring her firewood and incorrectly counted the number of hay bales she needed to stock before a big storm, she's not. Second, describing her situation on Facebook is a calculated way to get people to rush to her aid without actually asking for help. Third, she's 30 something years old. She's already "raised". Using such terminology implies that she intends to be an eternal child, always depending on others. Finally, if she's so incompetent, why would anyone look to her for advice on how to run a rural property? And who lets their pipes freeze on a regular basis? If your heat source is inadequate to keep the plumbing from freezing, at least get a bigger wood stove. We heated only with wood even here in the suburbs (a pellet stove - we used it by itself for a couple of years before replacing our furnace). Our pipes never froze despite two very cold winters.
