Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Interview this week.

VERY down my ally

Full time but variable hours, not strict 9-5.

physical outdoors at times working with animals working with the public making a difference challenging rewarding

I was requested to submit my resume for the position that has been "open until filled" for quite some time

So excited!

This isn't even one of the 2 things in the works.  It's a bonus 3!

If this comes to fruition I will truly have a change of heart from disgruntled and frustrated to disgruntled and hopeful.

Things have to turn around at some point and I firmly believe someone finally noticed all I am and have to offer.  They see a spark that includes experience passion and potential.

Here goes nothing! 

Remind me if this doesn't pan out there will be other opportunities.

I think I can I think I can...


  1. Good luck usually comes in waves, Meredith, so I hope this is a big one starting for you!

  2. Best of luck to you!

  3. These past 2 years have certainly been challenging. I'd like opportunity and justice to.come in a very large wave! For me and everyone else!
