Thursday, January 23, 2014

Too cute

This is displayed in the maintenance shop of all places!

Wood, wire, a flap of leather and a bit of paint.

I am in desperate need of a craft day.

Paint and just about any material inspire me.

What fun projects are you longing to craft up?

Since my coworkers departed earlier this evening I broke the (returned 1/2 broken) 125 gallon easy for one person to use in the bed of a truck water tank, left the work truck with a dead battery infront of 2 parking spaces (able to get around but obnoxious none the less) filled with hay in preparation for a 5 degree night possible piglet check, and somehow unattached a wire connecting an electric fence to its power source...that I'm not comfortable or knowledgeable enough to consider fixing.

Hmmm, clearly tonight is not my night off to craft!

Though I'm thinking an extra early morning rather than an extra late night is in order.

Figuring out water for hundreds of pigs in weather that causes troughs to ice over almost immediately has been challenging! Not sure what works the best but am sure learning what doesn't. Raising pigs of this scale outdoors is extremely labor intensive.

My go to coworker in broken English sent me a text this morning saying despite the snow he thought his car would make it that he meant he didn't think his car would make it in.  When a follow up text clued me in that he may not be here panic struck! Thankfully he did show up, only to tell me I looked 'sad' or stressed. Ha, he has no clue!  Farming is a team effort.

In the fall I savored his days off and looked forward to working myself. In the winter, the thought of working alone almost had me in tears.  Other staff from various departments pitch in when they can, and its both a blessing and somewhat of a cursed lesson in patience.  Yes, I realize this might not be the most efficient way, that's because there isnt one in these temps.  Pick which version of inefficient you work with the best.  Personally I'd rather fill buckets from a frost free hydrant than deal with draining and keeping a hose thawed. I'm not sure how it works time wise, but of course I'm (probably/possibly not) right.

I look at my coworker draining a hose thinking with buckets I'd be done by now. They look at me filling buckets thinking they'd be done by now with a hose.

Either way its not summer vacation...tasks are more difficult, often unpredictable, and one just can't be prepared for everything!  But if I'm prepared for a and you're prepared for b and c is a phone call away somehow things get done.  You spend the day working your ass off and if you're lucky, able to help save someone else's.

I'm not comfortable (yet) driving the truck and trailer around this farm of narrow bridges, tight turns, and questionable field conditions but I know that when it reaches its destination there will be a functioning water trough, hay filled hut (wish it were straw but it has to be organic and organic hay we have), and food.

Sure, great minds think alike, but great successes stem from minds working together to  compliment each others individual greatness and strengths.

I have been bitch slapped by winter for the past 2 days...wake up call accomplished.


  1. One thing you can do, is fill a thermos with hot tea, or other such delightfully warming liquid, and take breaks, I mean plan them. You will be so busy getting work done, drinking tea to keep warm, the day will fly by. Also, if you can- the hoses- bring them into a heated room over night- that is what I do. That way is it one less thing.. that signature spurt spurt.. nothing... is so stink-o. Anyway, hopefully it warms up soon where you are! Eat LOTS of protein, and drink a LOT of liquid!!

  2. All the hoses are in the heated wash stall of the horse barn. even with draining they'll somewhat freeze between uses (ice film on nozzle so it won't line up on the pump)...I don't have the patience! thankfully we have tons of frost free pumps close to most of the pigs. the white tank will hopefully we upgraded to fit a hose rather than just a pvc spout so we have a choice.

    Mmmm protein. I lost my debit card and license last Thursday and my replacement debit card still hasn't come in! I'm running on bare bones food wise, what I would do for a real meal! due to compulsive eating I don't keep much food in the house, so a week w/o replacing anything hasn't left me with many good options for refueling.

    that emergency $20 was used for some not quite emergency and I never bothered to see why I wasn't sent a replacement credit card in October when mine expired because I enjoyed not having it as an option. I need more discipline with food/money so I'm not left high and dry in moments like this.

    I think I put the cards inbetween my jacket and bibs rather than in an actual pocket.

    yesterday I really needed gas. local mom and pop store with 2 rickety pumps said no to a I went into the general store and she said ok AND let me write it for a little over for cash back gas $! pays to be a loyal costumer.

    I fully support my local general store one container of 4 deviled egg halves for $1.49 at a time. something I love but won't dare make...I'd eat 24 halves in hours I'm sure. oh, and a special slice of pink lemonade cake? delicious!

    sooo hungry! my fridge is empty and cupboards are bare. havent been here long enough to stock pile random edibles...

    hope that debit card comes in today.

  3. Get peanut butter.. seriously.. Slather that stuff on a cracker or bread.. it's cheap enough. Make yourself a steak once a week. I could not live without my meat fix once a week.

  4. Funny you say that. I used to hate peanut butter, in part because I grew up only exposed to the 'real thing'...where you grind the peanuts yourself and are left with an oily pure peanut product. you have to love peanuts to enjoy it.. and I'm not so much a nut person. this commercial sugary creamy goodness I can get used to. just let cali lick out the last of the container. no bread or crackers here :(

    I do have meat and LOTS of it, between my pork and the employee meat sale.

    embarrassingly enough (well aside from the fact I don't know how to cook, wish I could embrace it but for one just can't make myself spend the time I know I should) I no longer have any kitchen supplies. they were all lost in my house fire and have not been replaced. no pots, no pans, no measuring cups, no pantry can opener! come on tuna, get with the program and have the peel off lid!

    which reminds me I do have mayo, 2 cans of tuna...and pickle juice. I am absolutely hunting down a can opener today. I'm sure there are dozens on the farm.

    there's this really cool 'key' tool made for soldiers rations that has a gazillion uses but intended for opening cans I think. I'm going to revisit that little tool and buy a bulk order. hello stocking stuffer 2014!

    I read your fb meat post about the dogs. cute :-) though I'd throw it to them raw and still be up a creek.

  5. Hi Meredith,
    I live near by in Winchester, I have an excess of kitchen/cooking supplies, I would be happy to set you up with a few things to help you get started :-)

  6. Heather, that's sweet! Meredith... it's good to pick up a few things you don't really like, for me, something like Chef Boy r dee (sp?). Anyway, I'd never usually touch them, but if you're really hungry, they suddenly become delicious (kinda).

  7. Anon, what a generous offer! I will gladly accept surplus kitchen supplies. I could venture west or you could come and check out the farm? just a few minutes off rt 50.

    other anon, I like the way you think! haha, I'd not normally buy spaghettios or the like either...but reading your comment I was immediately craving them. I've ready gone through my tabbed soups, eaten cold out of the can like a real fake homesteader should.

    wish I could say I'd have a hell of a larder if I had a 2013 garden...but still wouldn't. anyone local or who wants to be a local for a day or two want to schedule a 2014 marathon? I see a t-shirt in the works...'i got canned 2014' or my favorite being modestly (read not at all) busted 'keep your jugs, I have cans'

    1. Marathon, not just yet..canathon is what I was going for.

    2. Hi Meredith,
      I would love to come by the farm, I haven't been there for years. If you can't wait until this coming Saturday, I'm meeting a friend for lunch at Hunter's Head. If you need them sooner I can certainly come earlier or meet you at Sheetz 340/50 :-) Just let me know!

    3. "can" I meant if you can wait until Saturday I will be at Hunter's Head. *super tired last night* lol couldn't type!
