Friday, January 10, 2014

Pig puzzled?

In a recent post on Jenna Woginrichs blog Cold Antler Farm, she writes that her experience raising 4 pigs will soon come to a close.

Attached is a picture of 2 young pigs.

This picture is misleading as neither of those 2 pigs are at her farm. Why not post a current picture of the pigs mentioned in the post?

Id be proud of my accomplishment raising the 4 pigs and you'd be damn sure to see a picture of THEM in my post about THEM.


The photos below were taken last night. Such peaceful sleepers.


  1. I had the same thought? It isn't like she doesn't have a camera, we get pictures of that poor bird....

  2. Because to post a current photo would be to confirm that she's got them confined in dark, squalid conditions in her barn.

  3. They are still out in the woods with a half assed "shelter". She also would rather show them gutted and hanging from a tree, she gets kicks out of that.

  4. I was suspicious of that as well, they looked way too clean to be at CAF. Besides, those pigs should be way bigger than the ones in that pic.

  5. I think those are the pigs when she first got them, as babies. We haven't seen a photo of them, really, since then. If I were buying a share of pork from her, I'd DEMAND to see the grown-out pigs in their happy habitat before giving her a dime. The whole point of buying local pork is to get clean, ethically grown meat from happy pigs. If these pigs have been in the same mudhole pen she had when she got her first pigs...I'd see no difference between those pork chops and ones from the grocery store!

    1. It's my understanding these pigs are purchased CSA style. they pay her for a product not yet produced. that $ goes towards feed, labor, materials...and hopefully profit. cue the 'something was wrong with my pigs (didn't have them butchered at a USDA facility) and now I need to return the pig share fee and don't have the money. italics and I will be homeless. please donate to reimburse these folks (who in reality won't see a dime...while she keeps and consumes the 'bad' meat)'. $10 bet I'm right! though I hope I'm wrong. hate the thought of her getting more pigs.

  6. Wasn't she trying to sell two of the pigs a few posts ago? If they aren't sold and she's spent the money from the sale of the first two, which I suspect she has, how is she going to pay to have them butchered? It will be hundreds of dollars.

    Oh, i forgot, this is a ponzie scheme. The workshop and clan money will go for processing pigs while she comes up with other schemes to pay to buy the promised fiddles, bows, arrows, chicks, etc for the future workshops.

    There's something to be said for building a business or farm on a solid foundation rather than quick sand.
