Friday, January 10, 2014

August 1 2013 Cold Antler Farm Pigs

These are this year's pigs. 

At the very least, in a CAFO the animals are generally in temperature appropriate environments, draft free, and dry.

It's a toss up...

That shelter does not provide a dry draft free environment. That winter meat chicken bale hut would have provided better shelter.

...but poor poor Jenna, the most uncomfortable animal on the farm.


  1. I cannot comprehend.. if this is what she had for cover for these pigs this winter. No wonder no pictures. She is just so disgusting. SHE should be on the news for animal abuse.

  2. That would be a perfect pig shelter. In the Bahamas. Until it blew away.

  3. Wow - so cruel, with the cold we've been having. I did not know how cruel it was until I saw that picture. Pure pig abuse. She better slaughter soon before they freeze to death.
