Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mulching with old hay

In the past I munched with wood mulch. My gardens have always been tidier than my house.  This year I'm cogardening with my boss at her mothers house in their family garden.  We are gardening on a serious budget.

Yesterday I raked up old hay that is usually composted here at the alpaca farm. Not anymore! I raked it up, wrapped it in a tarp, and stuffed it in the backseat of my car.

The look is definitely less refined but more organic, but most importantly free.

Mulch helps with weed suppression and water retention.

I've read about hay going to seed when used as mulch in a garden. We shall see! 


  1. I've used oat straw as mulch and each year get a few oats growing, but no matter.

  2. I'm mulching with straw this year too, re-purposed from my cold frame and poultry bedding. It's worked really well in the past (i think the birds clean up most stray seeds in it.) Any weeds are sooo easy to pull. Good luck! You're garden is beautiful!
