Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Katz in the cradle with a silver spoon

Jenna woginrich claims she's the man on the moon...

These people are delusional.

You can't get through a paragraph written by these people without tripping over their tall tales.

Jenna runs a farm? Really? What does she produce for profit from her farm?

These two just don't get it.

Katz defends a man who neglects to provide sufficient shelter for his pigs resulting in frost bite. That is outrageous.

There are so many innovative ways to shelter pastured pigs. To defend frost bite shows Katz is clueless about animal welfare.

Great job, you raised a bunch of money to defend a man who lets his livestock physically suffer in predictable NY weather. I'm sure his pigs really appreciated that.

That farmer Josh from West Wind only ever defended himself with photos from the summer.  Katz, will you please share the photos the investigators took during their inspection?


  1. Agree with what you wrote, but am laughing at the title, too!!!!!

  2. But who is the bigger fool, them or those who give them money? It's mind boggling, really.

  3. lol great title Meredith

  4. I just found your blog Meredith. The title above is great. So creative!! Jon Katz is a real piece of work. I was trying to remember how I ever found him then it occurred to me that it was on NPR's Diane Rheme show when he was being interviewed about one of his books. I can't remember how I found Jenna's blog. It was years ago. I see that Jon has a new post about funding another neighbor for his healthcare and paying for his animals that he can't afford to feed. Where will all of this cyberbegging end??
