Tuesday, June 21, 2016

From chair to clutch

My aunt made this with my old Singer sewing machine.

She's moving to AZ and I'll be getting the machine back.

I haven't used a sewing machine since I was a child with my grandmothers guidance.

Time to relearn the basics and see what I can make!

Ill be sewing to sell.

Keep an eye out for products in the near future!


  1. I'm excited to see what you make!

  2. Meredith, I have been following along on the other blog for a few days now. I read Cold Antler Farm while traveling last week and then came home to do some additional research. Wow. She started out as someone I wanted to admire and she's no longer that, certainly.

    I wanted to mention that one of my hobbies is cleaning and repairing vintage sewing machines. If you run into issues with yours, please let me know. I am on the other side of the country from you, but there are lots of great resources available.

    I write a blog called Suck It Up, Buttercup, if you'd like to see what we do out here in Montana.

    1. Thanks for the offer and look forward to checking out your blog!
