Thursday, August 20, 2015

Until clients are happy?

You mean until 6 pm tomorrow or 3 emails...customer satisfaction be damned.

This means she will send you some scrappy crap if (your lucky) and never respond to an email...

...or just take your money and "misplace" your email address indefinitely. Sorry, no logo for you.


  1. Desperation ain't pretty, I sure am learning a lot about barnheart and farming these days
    So guys, I need 5 grand for a 1978 snowmobile tractor, I need this, this farm needs this, I would rather live under a bridge than not get this, I am holding my breath until the Paypal reaches our goal, it feels so good raising my own money

  2. A little bossy and rule oriented for someone with her hand out, again.
    Entitlement breeds disdain, we're just poodles expected to ante up

  3. You read my mind. Plus, it's her night to hang out at the brewery so there's that...

    Truck gets a clean bill of health one day.
    Next thing you know, it needs a shit ton of repairs.
    Meanwhile, she's been horse hunting all week.
    Must get truck fixed by Saturday even though she still has the Dakota.......................

    Expect a selfie with her and the new horse this weekend.

    1. I don't know about you, but I assumed she found one she wanted for $600.

    2. Yep...$600am horse.

      The CL posting was honest. If the truck needed all that the seller would have notified her. Wish I still had a photo of that truck to see when it's last inspection was. Its probably current.

      $600 horse...I concur.

    3. Not only that, she doesn't actually have to have that truck repaired and inspected by tomorrow. The worst thing that would happen is that she'd pay $25 more to register it.

    4. At least two people offered to help her fix the brakes, which is what she said she would take care of now for safety reasons but the rest could wait. Then she goes and gets a second opinion with much the same diagnosis but the cost is $350 less. Yet, she still claims to need $600. And why have the garage fix the brakes if you have offers of help from friends.............doesn't add up. The mechanics must not be very busy to get her in this fast for that much work, the first place thought 3/4 of a's all very suspicous. I think she's got a horse she wants and needs a new crisis for a fundraising platform. Gibson can only go the vet so often.

      Jenna Woginrich I am getting work done on the brakes for safety's sake tomorrow, but the other 600 bucks they want for things isn't (and can't) happen now. They showed me what they meant and the pieces of brake hose where they connect to the lines are literally rusting away - that I can understand needing to be replaced - but the rest... I wonder if I am being taken for a ride since I'm a single woman with an old truck

      Jenna Woginrich I am taking it to another place in the Am for another opinion - since posting this I got several messages from locals warning me about overpricing and overwork at that shop. I am sure she needs some work but not that much, and things like new brake pads I can do myself. I'm notpaying 148 bucks for one front brake pad installed!
      Like · Reply · 6 · August 19 at 3:50pm

      Someone agreed to a logo on FB and she wrote this in response:

      Jenna Woginrich consider yourself my new highbeams and a repaired brake!

  4. Must get truck fixed by Saturday so she can pick up the new (secret) horse.

  5. I find it very telling that like her mom and Patty and other friends don't come to her aid financially. Most people, who get into a bind or a unexpected financial crisis, turn to family and friends for help and most gladly give it, the first time, or maybe the second, But the 154th time??? Goodness, she is always in a pinch. Always. Once a week, fifty two times a year at least. They must be weary if this constant whine of I need I need I need, And yah, if she has another truck and a pony cart and horse to ride and all, she could wait and earn money to get repairs on an inspection like a zillion other people have to do in those kind if states, but she needs a truck to go get her new horse, that she earned from begging her readers and such. Gads, she is so predictable these days. Farmer! Phew! She's a scam farmer princess.

    1. I'm a friend of hers from college and I will NEVER help her financially. Her behavior the past few years, especially the last 6 months, is disgusting and disappointing to me. I too am self-employed, but no one has ever helped paved way with donations or gifts. I don't have to ask my boss to go to the dentist because I bust my ass every day. Would I like to ride horses and go swimming everyday? Absolutely! But I can't do any of that until my work is finished, because I don't have anyone to depend on but myself to pay my mortgage and bills.

  6. On a real farm, you buy a new, basic farm truck (farm asset), and depreciate the asset against the farm’s income. You care for that truck almost like a family member. You check and change the truck’s motor oil often, and park the truck under a shelter or in a garage or barn to protect the truck from the weather. Years later after the truck is fully depreciated, you may buy another new, basic farm truck, unless the old one is still going okay, and you hold off the purchase for awhile.

  7. Seems like this latest plea for funds was not received very well. From what I can tell one woman bought two logos. One person. And notice the absence of the "you go girl!" Posts that typically flood her comments. Hmmmm looks like this one fell really flat.
    I think she royally screwed up by asking for $600 so soon after people bought her a truck! The people who "loaned" her the money are probably realizing they're never seeing that $$ again. Even if they aren't angry, they won't be funding any of her whims anytime soon.

    1. It is more likely that 20 people sent her $20 though... Much better than doing logos. You don't even have to thank them individually.

    2. Alice, you are spot on. This is exactly what happens every time she advertises a 'logo sale'. This is what she counts on. How many people need a logo anyway? It's an income stream she doesn't have to work for.

  8. Yeah, she is not getting the same normal insane response that she might get if she had spaced things a little better. She just shot herself in the foot, if you ask me. She's basically said her logo work is worth only 150 bucks now, and anyone with half a brain will now wait for the fire sale of the week or month to get one of her hack job logos. I'm a graphic artist and she ticks me off with her practices. She's ruining the market for us all by doing these cheap ass churned out junk logos that anyone with photoshop and a handful of shillouette clip art could make in a half hour. Glad to see that only a few idiots stepped up to the plate for this latest round of regurgitated crap and restrictions. I would never restrict a client to just three revisions. However, it's rare I don't nail a logo design in two rounds. If her need was so important, you'd think she would offer her services until happy, since their immediate response helped her outta a bind. Shesh, what a piece of work is this gal.

    And now her fans are getting upset she was sold a junky truck. For gods sake, it's a 20 + year old truck for two grand. Of course it's gonna have issues! I do a lot of work for a used car seller and trucks hold their value, so 2 grand for something vintage and drivable is a steal. And it's gonna have issues. She bought that truck sight unseen. What an idiot.

    How does her mother sleep at night? How do her friends keep supporting her through all these foolish behaviors and postings? It's just amazing to me.

    1. Upset she was sold a junky truck?

      A running 4x4 costs $.

      They are worth it.

      "If" it needs said repairs it's Jennas fault for not having it inspected before purchase.

      I bet this new horse won't be vetted before purchase either.

    2. Btw...her brother and sister don't jump on the band wagon. Not sure it's the parent at fault.

      She's a

      The comment about the wool thrown outside her house while screwing her CSA members so she can spend the money on other things is an act only some one without a conscience can commit.

    3. That wool is worthless. Scottish blackface sheep wool is good for stuffing chairs and walls, it's coarse and undesirable as yarn wool. She didn't do her homework at all. She just wanted "cool" sheep to complete her highlander personna. I wonder if she's gonna try and get some Icelandic sheep now? For her Viking heathen personna? Hahaha....

    4. She had to know the wool was worthless. All you have to do is look up Scottish blackface and the first thing you find is that the coarse wool is only good for carpet and stuffing. She had to have known. I think she knew and took a chance anyway because she couldn't turn down the money.

    5. Remember how she said she doesn't ask permission because it would take away her power? Even if she didn't know, the people at the wool processing plant would have told her the wool was too coarse. My guess is that she had the wool processed anyway and took a chance that people would just tell her to keep the money as a donation.

    6. Anon 6:47---

      You said it.

      How can she offer FOUR logos to be made in 24 hours and not have the quality suffer? That seems like mighty fast work. What does that look like to other customers that shelled out $300 + and waited who knows how long? What about current customers who also paid in full, in advance and are now bumped to the back of the line while she cranks out these cut rate designs.......?

      NO business sense whatsoever!!

      As for her mother, judging from FB comments anyway, I think she's worried sick about her.

  9. So what is on her wishlist today? It seems her blog and Facebook page are nothing but ads for workshops and logos or pictures of what she wants her fans to buy her. A truck, a horse, an Outlander shawl...what's next?

    She will never, never be satisfied. Once she has her new puppy, truck, horse, whatever, she's on to the next thing. Then she acts shocked when the 'unexpected' happens, like vet bills and vehicle repair. Like it never happens to anyone but her.

    The only thing I learn from her writings is what a narcissistic sociopath she is. There is no homesteading going on. Just a crazy woman spiraling out of control and her codependent fans who support her.

  10. Any bets on what the Great and Powerful WOZ will ask for next?

  11. It doesn't matter that she only sold one or two logos. The whole point was not to sell logos but solicit donations. Jenna isn't stupid. Her followers are.

  12. Welcome, Alice! This site is like an Antlers Anonymous club. Former followers who have seen the light. Some here have donated, were scammed or just followed until they were disillusioned.

  13. Her fans remind me of those old ladies with lonely hearts who correspond via email to men who they think are in love with them, but are really Nigerian scam artists. The scam artists grooms them with tender words, but always has an urgent need for money. It's only after the ladies' bank accounts are drained that they realize they've been had.

  14. I got my first herding dog three years ago and have been taking herding lessons and attending seminars ever since. So I can tell you that what she is doing can in no way be considered sheep herding. Letting your dog chase your sheep around is not herding. Herding is a fine art that is developed over years of training. It is precise and carefully controlled movements performed by the dog and directed by the handler.

    A person does not become an expert overnight. A dog may have herding instinct, but there is a lot of training involved to harness that instinct into the controlled movements as seen by top herding teams.

    Even after all the lessons and seminars, I still consider myself an amateur.

    If she is taking lessons with an experienced trainer, then I haven't seen any posts written about it. I think a remember Gibson getting a little training years ago, but that's about it.

    If there are any experienced shepherds out there, I'd love to hear your opinion.

    1. I have raised sheep for 30 years, but never had a herding dog. Didn't need one.

      I did have access to one when I was in college, but we had a 50 acre sheep unit and she was a God send in moving sheep around.

      Every sheep person or Border Collie owner I know, who uses their dogs, treats them like working dogs not like pets or symbols of their cool farm life. As much as the owners care about their dogs they are first and foremost on that farm to work livestock not accompany them to the feed store, book store, town or where ever.

      Unless they are being used as trial dogs they never leave the farm. But, most of my friends are not into dog trials...they are too busy raising and showing sheep.

      And, my sheep friends would never, ever sleep with their dog.

      I do have friends who have BCs as family dogs and I feel sorry for the dog because the owners, my mom included, have never been able to manage the high energy and instincts of their BCs. So the dogs run around trying to herd anything that moves...birds, leaves, the wind. I think it's kind of sad to see a dog so eager to work run around like a pyscho maniac chasing anything that moves.

      Jenna has a pet that just happens to be a working dog breed. She does not have a working dog. She will ruin the new one as much as she has ruined Gibson.

      My two cents.

    2. The new puppy will just be another truck riding buddy. If she had any real interest in herding she would have taken Gibson further. Gibson's not a dud, she is.

  15. She just posted her shotgun logo sale again. She's extended it to 6 pm Saturday.

    1. Which means she's behind the gun and can't pay for either the truck repairs or the new toy she wanted...pun intended:)

    2. ...and she didn't get the amount of donations she expected.

  16. Well some kind-hearted person just took care of Gibson's vet bill today. At least they got a thank-you card! Ugh.

  17. The train never wrecks! How does she do it?

  18. I have no idea. Maybe it's because people still think of her as a young kid trying to make their dreams come true? They forgot she's no longer a 20-something just starting out. She's in her thirties and should have a better handle her life. It's one thing to help out someone just getting started, but she's been "farming" for ten years now (wasn't that what she said on blog/facebook post recently?).

  19. "But I do know that many times when people sent a kind note, email, or donation through the paypal link I usually was too overwhelmed and scared to stop treading water to sent back a note of thanks. Not because I wasn't thankful, but because adding even that simple task was too much on top of holding things together in my heart and homestead."

    So obnoxious. Too overwhelmed and scared to thank people? WTF? She wasn't living in a refugee camp. Wasn't too overwhelmed and scared to play WoW all day or go to TKD or ride her horse or shoot arrows or.........

    1. Or visit breweries or dink hard cider and beer.

    2. Or shoot vlogs riding Merlin or spend a day getting a sandwich

  20. This reminds me of when Johnny depp took his yorkies to Australia on his private jet. They were ordered to be removed or would be confiscated and euthanized. (Disease control) people were rallying to raise funds to save them. Wtf? Fly them out on the private jet. Problem solved.


    People have more money than sense.

  21. Wonder when the last time she paid for something out of pocket was...I'd venture it's been years.

    Girls probably inching her way to millionaire status. How many people send monthly auto PayPal donations?'s possible. She likely makes full time pay via PayPal alone.

    The made up emergencies are icing on the cake.

    1. Came across her profile on Match not long ago. Claims to make $50-75K. Don't know if it's current info but the account has been active in the last month.

    2. I don't doubt it.

      Pan handler extraordinaire.

      Oh she would follow my lead with the care of her animals as well!

      I actually know a guy that would be perfect for her. I'd suggest it but the combined begging and poor animal husbandry just can't occur. They are 2 peas in a pod.

  22. She can't even genuinely and sincerely thank someone without ending the post with a request for donations.

    So tacky.

  23. I'm disgusted that someone paid her vet bill. Why would she EVER stop begging, when it works so well? Maybe it was a family member - I hope that no one else is that gullible.

    1. Has she even posted a photo of the stiches or just his wrapped paw at home?

      I'd partial to thinking she just wrapped his paw and made it all the root canal.

    2. She talks all the time about what a great, small community she lives in. I'd be embarrassed as hell to become the town charity case with people calling up places and paying my tabs. Gross.

  24. This is actually getting entertaining. I am chronicling it ALL in my soon to be published "How to scam for a living, and have fun doing it book". Jenna Woginrich is the main character, and I don't even have to write a thing, I can just paste everything she writes together. Oh, and Jenna, I have *everything* you have written on your blog and FB printed, lest you think you can hide any of it. THE BEST PART, is I don't have to write anything!!! THANK YOU!!! I knew if I read you long enough some of your um, business acumen would rub off on me!

    1. I've thought about doing something similar but "how to get away with animal abuse" concerning Ayrshire Farm

  25. Great act of humanity??? This not alms for the poor, she's not a fucking leper. Is Donna a troll account she's using to manipulate her readers?

    Donna Boyce Awesome gesture and great act of humanity

  26. I was gobsmacked that she copied one person's logo to give to another. Logos are supposed to be unique and one's own, to differentiate one's brand from the rest. If I were the person who described and paid for the goat logo, I'd be pretty steamed that she copied it and merely inserted a possum in the same design for another client. And then to admit, nay, brag about it? Granted, her logos all look about the same, but this takes the cake. Wow.

  27. At this point she probably figures why not ask for $$ --it's like shooting fish in a barrel.

    But even if I knew people would pay my bills if all I had to do was ask, there's this thing called PRIDE that is so hard-wired in me that it not only isn't an option but it is something I don't wish for. Happy to provide for myself. I realize Jenna is not wired like this. Never will be.

  28. What doz Woz want?

    All yer money!

    When does she want it?

    Sri Rama Hare Jenna San, me sorry
