Sunday, August 2, 2015

Disgusting and reckless?

What is done to those pigs is disgusting and reckless.


  1. Meredith,

    Public support for a person’s First Amendment right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances is generally a mile wide and an inch deep. Unfortunately the United States is full of goose-steppers for The Powers That Be (TPTB). Your fight will be a lonely one, and you will be vilified, no matter how just and righteous your cause, until and unless you hit the sweet spot of public opinion, either on social media or in the main stream press. Until then, you might find solace in Maya Aneglou’s reading of Rachel Corrie's email.

    Advocates for justice better have a capacity for solitude - they will need it.

    All the best! Neil

  2. It's funny (not haha) that Sandy Lerner hasn't denied trying to pay you off to not speak about Ayrshire Farm. Neither has she showed evidence of a veterinarian examining any pigs. She admitted pigs died and that your photos are of Ayrshire pigs. She and Crystal admitted the pig program was neglected. Mark Stack of Loudoun Animal Control admitted that pigs were euthanized when the agency inspected. Ayrshire Farm's Certified Humane rating was suspended following their inspection. The facts speak for themselves, but not if people don't want the truth. Sandy Lerner's farm is sadly not the only certified organic or humane farm to flaunt those standards. You needed to be sensitive enough to the pigs' suffering to take on this challenge and outraged over the stupidity and callousness of those unwilling to fix something FIXABLE!!! and you are strong enough to see it through. You have helpers that are working behind the scenes. You are Meredith, much more tthan a label like INFJ can describe. You can enjoy your present blessings because you don't take anything for granted. (Like thinking a multi-millionaire farmer would actually welcome solutions to her farming problems!) To that woman deploring your "horrendous tactics"--what would she have you do when faced with day-to-day neglect and abuse --with pigs literally dying in front of you? You tried to work within the "system" and they ALL let you and the citizens of VA down as well as every consumer who wants to trust that the Certified Humane products she buys at a premium don't come from a farm like Ayrshire with NO written training instructions for the employees and interns they hire and willful denial of care. Oh, and Tom Koenig, director of Loudoun County Animal Care and Control FLED his job and the state rather than take on Sandy Lerner. The DA's office backed down after committing to prosecute Crystal Ritenour and she declined to defend herself because what she did on a daily basis for years was indefensible. If she and Ayrshire Farm were innocent, there would be no reason to do so. How anybody can look at just these surface facts which overwhelmingly point to culpability and WANT to live in a world where money and influence rule, just boggles the mind. Oh and you are not the only one who sees the truth for what it is regarding Ayrshire Farm and regarding Jenna Woginrich when it comes to poor animal care tactics and scamming their customers. Their own actions and neglect have turned the spotlight that falls on them.

    1. Oops- the sentence beginning, "If she and Ayrshire Farm were innocent..." is supposed to follpw the sentence about Tom Koenig. That should make more sense! (He was either weak, lazy, scared or indifferent, or some combination thereof.)

  3. Thank you so much for your comments.

    You have no idea what your support means.

  4. “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” -- the Dalai Lama

  5. So what do you want to have happen? What is your purpose? To rid the farm of all their animals? Just the pigs? What? I'm curious.

    1. I meant what is your goal, not purpose.

    2. Have those responsible for criminal animal cruelty held accountable. Evevtually complete transparency of the timeline and communication with Loudoun County agencies.


      Ayrshire Farm is for sale.

      Sandy Lerners pet project has been a complete financial and ethical failure and she is trying to wash her hands clean of it.

      The Truth.

      Crystal Ritenour will forever be followed by the horrors she puts those animals through.

  6. Meredith's goal is to try to ruin peoples lives that she continues to harass, her goal is to attempt to cause a downfall of a farm and business, her goal is to continue to throw a tantrum and spew as much misinformation as she can in the most manipulative way to try and cause as much damage as she can. She is doing this because she is a narcissistic individual that is angry that she was fired from a job that she was not doing well. Her behavior since being fired makes it very obvious she is not a team player and has horrible communication and anger issues. This most likely was seen at her job. She is angry because she wants her way. The community has backed Ayrshire, the owner, and the employees not because they don't care but because there are many people that know the truth and not Meredith's manipulative version of the truth. Every farm can have sick animals and any person can make whatever claims they want about whatever they want on the internet and there is freedom to lie, manipulate, and harass so much easier now. People that don't know all the information will chose to believe Meredith or chose to find out more. It is unfortunate that this entire event has happened and Meredith continues it after multiple inspections were completed and a court date happened. It is absurd to believe that one farm is paying off every agency they have certifications with, the county, the state and so on because they are so determined to continue abusing animals. It is ridiculous. Meredith is a manipulator, she knew what pictures to take, she made threats, she becomes angry if anyone disagrees with her or questions her and comes at them with nastiness. When people disagreed or questioned things in the community she began threatening them and even making comments about knowing where they lived and threats about their animals. I don't think anyone in this blog really knows who Meredith Amonson is nor do you know Sandy Lerner, the employees of her, Ayrshire Farm, or the community. I know Meredith will attack, and people that back her will attack but there is so much more to what she is claiming. The case against the livestock manager was dismissed because there was no evidence to suggest abuse or even a reason for the defense to plead a case the judge ruled before that. Not because of a lawyer issue from what is understood in the community every piece of evidence Meredith entered to the judge was accepted. She just did not get the answer she wanted and has continued her anger and harassment. Enough is enough.

    1. Threats about people's animals? Do tell.

      You all try to claim I publicized a home address and phone number. When and where?

    2. THIS is the misinformation and lies spread by Sandy Lerners blindly loyal friends.


    3. We're the pictures of the skinny pigs from Ayrshire farm? We're they being treated appropriately? If they were, how did they get in such terrible shape? We are not ignorant here. I've managed livestock for over 25 years withough the benefit of millions of dollars and a staff of workers. I never had one single animal die of starvation or worms. It doesn't happen overnight. It happens from willful neglect.

    4. Here's something funny, Anon. 4:59: You just posted this on Meredith's blog -- of which she is the author, editor and if she wished, censor, yet she has left your accusations standing. To me that is a testament that she respects others' opinions and ideas. You call her a liar and manipulator, but if she really had something to hide, the easiest thing for her to do would have been to make sure this comment never saw the light of day on HER blog. Just something to think about.

    5. Just because Meredith does not "censor" comments does not mean she is being honest or that she respects the comments of others. It is a way to appear as the person she wants people to believe she is. I have followed this story and researched a lot. I have seen her attack others over and over. I know Ayrshire Farm and the owner and the people that work there and I know what she is saying and ahowing is not the "truth". The animals are well taken care of and they have large areas to live and have normal lives. The animals are not starved on that farm but yes they have had diease outbreaks at times just like any other farm can. Other than a small amount of cases the animals are extremly healthy and happy on that farm. The owner is dedicated to animal welfare and has been repeatedly proven. The farm maintains numerous certifications and animal control went to the farm on several unannounced times. I even asked for the FOIA reports from these to know there were no violations found any of the times they went there. I also looked at all of Meredith's photos and by looking at the pigs markings could see there were maybe 15 differnt animals but the pictures were taken at differnt angles or reposted several times. Ayrshire raises over 500 pigs each year. So the percentage of pigs that are shown ill or in poor condition is very low. I dont believe any farm is perfect and I also dont think a farm, owner, and staff that do numerous things including volunteer certifications deserves to be continually attacked nor do the people that stand up for them. People in the community that stand up for thw farm are not ignorant, cruel people that enjoy abusing animals. Many of the people know the farm, the owner, the employees. They have been to the farm and they know the good things the owner has done for numerous animal groups. Everyone will believe what they want and people love drama and also seem to enjoy scandals. I know people on this blog will not believe me but I have watched all of this for a year and I just felt the need to stand up and say something. I don't think these people deserve to be called names and harrased.

    6. Anon 9:57-- if the pigs were treated for coccidia as AF claims on their FB page there would be a paper trail especially considering they have organic and humane certifications. AF claims they were medicated for the parasite, antibiotics given for secondary infection, and anti-inflammatories for discomfort. Maybe AF could rustle up a vet bill or a receipt from the feed store for any of the above items. Farms are businesses-- those items are all tax deductible so a receipt shouldn't be hard to produce. Also-- no treatment book? On a certified organic, certified humane farm-- with several hundred animals and numerous employees? That's surprising.

    7. Meredith is the only person that has said they dont have that information. It is a requirement to have all of that to continue to have their certifications, which they do have. They even have statements on their facebook from veterinarians that have all been to the farm. Veterinarians can consult over the phone especially for larger farms that have an inventory of medication. There were people from the community that went to court and after court told that proof was said in court that the animals were recieving medication. That information was from messages between Meredith and her manager during her time working there. Do you believe they need to post their financial records on facebook? The reason for external third party certifications is to prove that certain rules are met including health care. Meredith has made note of noncompliances but whatever ones they had were corrected in order to remain certified. Having a noncompliance also does not mean abuse or neglect it can be a number of things. If noncmpliances were corrected within a month they were not because of serious abuse and neglect. Farms would not be able to correct the kind of things Meredith has accused in 30 days if it really was as bad as she is claiming.

    8. Anon 11:54-- I'm curious to know why you think a certified organic farm with such a reputation for healthy animals would have an "inventory of medication" just laying around to treat this supposedly rare occurrence of coccidia. How fortuitous.

    9. Most farms organic or not keep medications on hand to treat illness. Ayrshire farm has around 1500 livestock. They will have convential medications that do not respond to organic approved products. Also farms do not call a veterinarian out everytime an illness ocurs, that is why they have trained staff that treat illness and correspond with veterinarians and have them come when needed. If an illness is already identified then staff normally treats on their own appropriatly. Your have a right to whatever opinion you want but I am just giving the information I know from farming experience and what I took the time to research and find out.

  7. That's supposed to be were, darn tablet autocorrects me.

    1. That poster basically is the ideal example of the response from the more vocal of the Upperville/Middleburg community.

      Its nauseating.

  8. To the person supporting that farm: I still don't understand how even one pig looked so sick and starved? Its not normal for ribs to be showing like that even if its one animal, 15 or 450. How do these humane people let it get that bad?? Healthy to ribs sticking out doesn't happen in 24 hrs. Please explain that

  9. I don't believe anyone ever said that the illnesses happened in 24hours. Ayrshire farm has a couple different statements on their facebook, in which they do not deny animals being ill. There are many diseases out there. Sometimes animals do not always respond to treatment no matter how hard people try. Some farms will immediatly euthanize animals with difficult illnesses. Organic farms have more difficulties when it comes to disease outbreaks due to not being allowed to blanket treat groups. Illness has to be present to treat and some diseases unfortunatly show themselves once damage has already occured. Yes improving management practices or changing management practices can help with this but it can still happen with good management. Illness ocurs due to weather, stress, and various other reasons. The statements have said they were confirmed with coccidia infections. If you research coccidia you will see that this parasite causes damage to the intestinal tract and cause nutrient absorbtion problems. Some animals that continue eating and drinking can overcome it but it is a slow process and in a lot of cases they look worse before better. Some are unable to overcome and continue to loose weight even when they are eating. Any illness is difficult and sad. Having a problem occur on a farm does not make the farmers evil. Maybe some of the pigs should have been euthaized sooner but maybe they were trying to give them time and oppurtunity to try to improve. Some of the animals did recover and Meredith has shown pictures of some that did improve which proved they were being treated. Maybe people here should contact the farm manager and see if they will answer your questions about illnesses and treatment plans. Maybe people should try that before making an opinion from one persons information. Any of the people I know have had great experiences with the staff at Ayrshire and have found them very knowledgeable. I can only speak of my own knowledge and experiences with the people of Ayrshire. Also Meredith had a completly different story and attitude while working on that farm which is evident in numerous good posts during her time working on the farm. If people really want to know information just try emailing the people at the farm. People should think about all the good Sandy Lerner has done in the animal communities. I know she would not tollerate abuse or mistreatment or starvation. Meredith even has an article on her facebook with the owner talking about parasite issues in cattle with previous management. Meredith has stated it is from the current management time there but was actually written several years before that but was reposted on the Ayrshire website on the date she quotes. Many other organic farms have used her information to deworm since there is very few organic deworming options. Like I said contact them, email them and ask questions. People may learn more than they realize.

    1. I specifically address all your information. I don't have the time to,address your misconceptions and there's no way in hell I'm being baited to provide the id numbers or litter numbers or descriptors of the hundreds of dead pigs.

      They are abusers and wilfully withhold treatment. It is obvious.

      Good luck. These audience is not as remotely as ignorant as you may think. They see through the lies to the facts.

    2. Anon 11:39-- since you're putting in overtime as AF's unofficial apologist direct yourself to Meredith's youtube channel, you have more work to do. I'm particularly interested in your thoughts on the boar with enlarged testicles.

  10. It makes so much sense. Every farm would purposely starve/mistreat/not care for their animals so that they could lose lots and lots of money and have some delusional, obsessed, disgruntled employee defame anyone associated. Not to mention the fun that will be had by all when the defamation suits start pouring in!

    1. Tell your friends to bring it! Bring a defamation suit...I beg of you! They know they can't prove me wrong.

      The farm has a shit ton of medication laying around. They do not use it or not in a timely manner. That is why the pigs in the photos look the way they do. No treatment.

      Want to comment on the healthy animals that die? That are crushed and suffocated as they pile on for warmth due to no shelter or insufficient shelter?

      Funny you don't comment that EVERY previous employee who has stepped forward publically claims neglect. Remember the 3 or 4 previous horse employees that attest to the haired legs covered maggots under the feathers?

    2. What about the pig lice and mange untreated for the ENTIRETY of crystals role as late he livestock manager?

      The "new" product they claim on fb has been on the OMRI list for over 10 years and the farm didn't even have to purchase it for the was laying around from years ago bought for the cattle for flies. Pigs are completely ignored.

      The products, the medication, the huts, the water, the feed, etc are on the property but they are not used...hence animals dying untreated, dying due to the elements, even dehydrating to death.

      A current employee who will not come forward as he wants to keep,his job detailed crystal Ritenour covering up the death of 2 bulls who were withheld water as lightening strikes and quickly composting them.

      A vet is needed when a farm can't figure out why the hell the animals won't stop dropping like flies. Maybe crystal would listen to prevention strategies and swift and effective treatment from a vet but she didn't and likely never will.

      I pulled all medications to finish a treatment plan for coccidia using CORID and went out of town. All medication was there at my return.

      You can't make people care.

      Owner, manager, and staff are a danger to all animals.

    3. Um, huts not being used and pigs not having shelter in winter? I remember you posting several pictures of huts deeply bedded with straw, and talking about how warm the pigs were. I'm confused by your statement of the pigs having no shelter.

  11. That's one of the things I worked tirelessly on after watching the farm nonchalantly allow animals to die that was. 2 perished due to no or insufficient shelter during my winter there (not counting horrific farrowing practices I corrected but tons of piglets died too) but dozens and dozens died each year before me. They don't give a shit.

  12. Why is this farm backer posting as anonymous? At least Meredith has the courage to put her name and side of the story out there and not hide while making her points

    1. You are also replying anonymously.

    2. Uh, yeah, but I am not in this debate. I am not taking sides one way or another. I'm just sayin', at least she is not slamming someone and trying to hide....

    3. By "not taking sides" you take a side...and it's not the pigs side.

      I absolutely do not respect indifference in the when it comes to neglect abuse and suffering. Pathetic.

    4. I am not taking sides, Meredith, because I do not have enough FIRST HAND knowledge on either side - not because of indifference. I am being what we called a responsible internet consumer. When I don't have all the facts, I don't recklessly support anything. I do not believe everything I read on the internet because everyone on any side can spin things either way on any topic. (Hello, JW) YOU have no idea what I do or do not do for Pigs, people or neglected animals in my life. Your assumptions are pathetic. Also, I am not looking for your respect. Its really sad that you attack someone who was supporting your tactic of speaking your truth while not hiding. You are never going to garner the support you need by acting like this. A better way to handle your unhappiness with my comment would have been to ask me to go to xyz to get more information on these pigs, so that I could get more information and make an informed decision which you know would be in support of the pigs - or something like that. Your steam roller style has/will continue to hold you back from reaching the success you desire.

    5. I apologize I didn't realize you were a very recent reader to the blog. Please see yesterday's post we well as the several before to include links to the Facebook site to include undeniable evidence of neglect.

    6. I apologize I didn't realize you were a very recent reader to the blog. Please see yesterday's post we well as the several before to include links to the Facebook site to include undeniable evidence of neglect.

    7. I apologize I didn't realize you were a very recent reader to the blog. Please see yesterday's post we well as the several before to include links to the Facebook site to include undeniable evidence of neglect.

    8. I apologize I didn't realize you were a very recent reader to the blog. Please see yesterday's post we well as the several before to include links to the Facebook site to include undeniable evidence of neglect.

  13. It's interesting not ONE current or last pig employee has come forward publically to defend the farm.

  14. According to you all the pig employees were terrible illegal immigrants taking all the jobs. Why would they be bothered to comment here?

    1. They are illegal immigrant. Key word illegal. They routinely physically abuse the pigs and deny medical care. Criminal.

      The amount of people that have spoke about their experiences with the inhumane treatment of animals at Ayrshire Farm with not a single past or present employee denying this occurs.

  15. I don't think anyone that is professional and working for a farm or company would get on social media to respond when the business already made a statement. It would be very unprofessional to get in public arguments with people that have made it obvious it does not matter what they would say. Meredith you have argued with anyone that supports the farm, so what good would the employees do to comment just to have you call them liars? That is kind of a silly statement to make and it does not show guilt if that is what you intend to imply. If I worked for Ayrshire I would stay away from commenting or letting you bait them into a public argument.
