Sunday, August 30, 2015

Emotionally involved much?

Crying at the thought of Jenna selling Merlin? These are the very people that fund and donate and pay for Jennas every whim.

Think of all the people paying so Jenna can spend her life sitting in a brewery.

It brings tears to their eyes she might not be able to drink and drive.


  1. I know from hearing about it that a lot of people paid to be a part of that clan blog but she never updated the site. Or at least not as much as promised. There have been people both past and present that have paid for many things-webinars, logos and never received them.

    Then there are the people subscribing to her blog must find that wanting, they must. There hasn't been in my opinion enough substance on it to pay $5.00 a month. Nevermind $15.00 or $20.00 worth of useful information.

    So, it must be asked what are her supporters paying for? I understand feeling sorry for someone and then giving a little when that person is in distress. Sometimes all one can give is $. But it's painfully obvious those giving must ask themselves at times, why?

    So someone else can live my dream? Someone else can go have fun at my expense while I work away in an office, hospital, or however they make their living.

    I agree it was a manipulative ploy to have the for sale sign under Merlin. I imagine some would be heart broken for him to not be part of the "living like fantasy" story anymore. That said were these same people crying last winter when he stood outside in winter's cold? How much were these same people crying when he wasn't being ridden this past spring because she couldn't get to him. I can't remember the exact details but wasn't his fence frozen with muck etc. so much so he wasn't accessible?

    I think what most of the supporters need to admit to themselves is that they know their support is just a bandage on a bleeding artery.

    I think most people are still around watching JW's antics because they can't take they eyes away from the impending train wreck. JMO

    1. I watch because the next animal that she brags about neglecting will be forwarded directly to all authorities necessary to start the ball rolling on an investigation of her animals care...or lack of.

      People think they (themselves) are incapable. Being lied to about action is enough to tickle their fancy and start funding the machine. Its like compulsive gambling. People waste money all the time.

    2. If she was being busted for animal cruelty or neglect there'd be a big fundraiser for a lawyer that would surpass any legal fees and she'd have her mortgage paid off and be rolling in a new F-350 4X4.

    3. I was thinking the same thing.

    4. Now that I've read your post in its entirety I have to answer. I paid her every month thinking I was giving a writer her due. But I was really disturbed seeing Merlin without winter shelter. Then I started reading back through hers and this blog. So I was paying for nothing of substance and finally stopped.

    5. And I predict this winter will see Merlin on his hillside with snow on his back and a frozen gate because she just doesn't seem to learn how to do anything.

  2. I posted this on a previous thread, but it bears repeating:

    Who says you can't learn anything from JFW's blog anymore? I've learned a lot of things.

    For instance, I learned how to beg without it looking like I'm begging. Here are the many ways:

    Write about an injury to yourself with the associated cost.
    Write about an injury to your animal(s) with cost and name of vet.
    Sell worthless items to evoke sympathy
    Sell beloved musical instruments for same reason
    Create a post entitled, "For Sale" with a picture of your beloved horse
    Sprinkle your blog posts liberally with words like "foreclosure", "root canal", "wolves at the door", or "late mortgage".

    If some of your blockhead fans still don't get it, repost the video, "The art of asking", which illustrates begging at its finest.

    See...she still inspires.

  3. Seriously? She was asking how much hair extensions cost for a "friend"? Hoo boy, this is a new one. What's next? A new horse for her (cough, cough) 'friend"? Help her 'friend' with her late mortgage payments?

    It gets more bizarre everyday.

  4. What she wrote:

    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 1h1 hour ago

    20 bales loaded in the barn at 8:40PM by lantern light. They brought me a watermelon they grew. I love this life.
    1 retweet 4 favorites
    Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm 6h6 hours ago

    Pigs moved to new ground! Goat pen half mucked out! Horse in new pasture! Firewood stacked! Now for a river swim, booze, feasting, and D&D!
    0 retweets 1 favorite

    What it sounded like:

    A bunch of people came over and did all my work!!! They brought me food!!! Now for a river swim, booze, feasting and D&D. I love this life!!!

  5. Well that proves the pigs were indeed inside the barn all this time... Poor things. Imagine their first shock at seeing daylight. I know people who keep horses in indoor stalls muck them out daily. Don't you do that with goats too?

  6. Her place is a giant manure heap. It stinks and I don't mean like a farm. I mean like a sewer.

    1. Have you been there? (I'm not doubting you at all, I'm just curious).

    2. I've been there. Don't recall any serious odor problems. I'm sure everything was cleaned up before the event. Hence the big cleanup now before the fiddle camp coming up.

  7. Her relationship with her fans/benefactors/"friends" is one of the most interesting elements of the Jenna Show. Watching her manipulate these people is fascinating, you're always wondering how far she will go and what the response will be.

    Merlin's pic had no purpose except to instill worry in people. A photo of fiddle campers circled up underneath the maple tree would have been more appropriate. By doing this, Jenna has planted a seed, one that has already begun to germinate-- one lady having palpitations, the other in tears. The concerned comments also gave her the perfect opportunity to relay to to her audience that Merlin being sold off is not out of the realm of possibility.

    1. You nailed it.

    2. Yep, she was testing the waters. And she got the reaction she was hoping for.

      It's not out of the realm of possibilities that she will offer Friday up for sale. Something about not being able to justify the ongoing costs, blah, blah, blah.

      Of course Merlin would be the cash cow.

  8. I think it's interesting. Adding up her expenditures for all those animals, kilts, hair, glasses, makeup, plus the mortgage, insurance, property tax and utilities. etc., it seems to me something near to $50k a year income would be needed to maintain everything and to be constantly buying luxuries like she does.

  9. The thing I find interesting is that none of her "marks" have ever commented on how much she is putting out in continual later fees, and the eventual cost of the items.

    If she's constantly late making payments, as she says, she's spending hundreds of dollars unnecessarily because she has more going on than she can afford or she can't get her shit together. Either way her "marks" are helping her pay way more than the original price tag.

    Late fees for my cc's are now at $35. Oh, and they add that cc late fee to the balance so now you get to pay interest on it.

    Late fees for mortgages vary, but mine is over $100 each time. Then of course there are late fees utilities and such.

    When you think about things that way you discover real quick most of us can't afford her life style. She is wasting thousands a year.

    1. Yes, I thought about the money wasted on late fees. But heck, when someone else is paying the bills, why worry?

      And I wondered the same thing about her 'marks'. Why are they so complacent about their own money being wasted? If I had donated to one of her 'save the farm' fiascoes, I would have been furious at, let's say, her acquiring a $1,000 puppy. Either her fans are silent, or their comments get deleted.

    2. This is part of what I have found weird since she bought the place. She makes no attempt to reduce her expenses by, for example, insulating her basement and pipes so that she could avoid the yearly pipes bursting or threatening to burst nonsense.

      In addition, what is the state of her insulation? My bet is she could upgrade the insulation throughout the house (esp basement and attic) and thus heat more efficiently. Most places like hers were last insulated in the 70s (oil crisis) and insulation has improved since then.

      Just replacing your old fridge with a new energy efficient one can save you a ton on your energy bills. My husband and I have been doing things like this slowly in our 1890s house and the difference financially is small at first but snowballs.

      This year we are finally putting solar panels on the roof and since we have worked to make the house more energy efficient, it turns out we will be able to cover 100% of our energy needs.

      Slow but steady wins the race, an adage J never learned.

    3. I don't believe any of the problems she claims are real. I don't believe the root canal story, the truck issues, the broken pipes or any of the other multitudes of problems. They are just money grabs from a bunch of trusting people.

    4. Don't you get it, anytime JFW needs something the dwarfs come in singing and smiling carrying in the fire wood, the beer, the money, whatever. She makes a lot of money, and her accountant isn't getting the full dope, I think this is a RICO case myself, maybe DHS should sweep in, grab Merlin and auction him off to Katz. And as far as the enabling masses doing direct deposit into her Swiss cheese account, YOLO!

    5. I could understand splurging on something in the first year or two. She could have mistakenly thought she had enough coming in for essential expenses. But after all this time it's just ridiculous money mismanagement. She needs a business plan and a cash flow projection to see if a frivolous purchase is going to create a problem in a few months. Or in her case a few weeks.

  10. She has an absolute dearth of comments.. she used to have hundreds, and now is lucky to have 10. That says a lot.

    1. But she's still getting funded by her fans. I think they follow her more on Facebook.

  11. It's disgusting that Jenna takes advantage of her readers like this. But crying over Merlin is a joke. I used to read a blog written by a young Swedish girl whose family worked with poor farmers in Africa, helping them plant native trees and crops to survive droughts and famine. She was killed in early August, returning to Africa from a visit to Sweden. I still read her blog and FB page once in a while, and look at all the sad farewells. That makes me cry. Nothing Jenna writes could make me cry.

    1. Please link that blog. Sounds fascinating. Sorry to hear of her passing.

    2. That is sad. I hope her passing wasn't caused by unrest in Africa. I hate when people die trying to help others live:(


    It is fascinating. I heard she died in a car accident, I don't know if it was connected to any of the unrest over there. She was very close to it. I would like to know how her animals are. She had quite a few goats and horses and dogs.

  13. Does she *ever* do any work herself? I mean, the only time stuff gets done over there is when people come do it for her. I mean, she calls it a "work party", but honestly, that's just some ploy to get kind fools to do all her work for her! Why is a young, able-bodied person not doing the work herself? I have a 70 year old friend with sheep, and SHE does all the work herself. There's no excuse!

    1. If she did this work like pulling weeds, raking pens, etc every week instead of living like fiction it wouldn't be a big job that required a work party. But, I agree after 10 years she still has not acquired the skills, know how or common sense of living on a farm.

  14. Just read on Twitter she is going to trap another utterly sad

  15. You know, if I was getting foreclosure warnings the first thing I'd do is get busy trapping a hawk.

  16. We heard so little about the last hawk. The most I think I saw was photos of it in her living room. I don't know if she was ever successful hunting with it. There was very little fuss when she let him free. I'm actually surprised that she's interested in going for round #2. It seemed to add so little to her "farm" and her life in general.

    1. She's never come away from any hunting trip with a catch whether she used a hawk or a rifle.

    2. Not true Ginger like naysayer against the Great Woz!
      She shot a wabbit once and immediately posed it on some blood soaked snow for a photo, so there, she's an expert, pay up

    3. I asked her, yesterday?, if she had gotten anything and she said "yes".
      I then ask her what and she didn't respond.
      I sure don't remember anything substantial.

  17. I believe the reason she stopped talking about it was because of the person who was training her..I guess they are a private group and didn't want any additional attention from her writing and snapping photos..It was something like that anyway..

    I don't think she ever successfully caught anything with him though..I don't recall her ever saying so anyway. I hope she is unable to trap one.

    1. That's what she said on her blog. But now I'm having doubts. Maybe she really did want to make a book of it. That wouldn't sell much if it was all there online for free already.

  18. Seriously, the hawk seems like a major time suck. Trapping it, and then handling it and weighing/feeding etc. Three outings today? When she could be making money to fend off the threat of foreclosure? Right.

    Jenna Woginrich
    9 mins

    Spent the morning trapping with my sponsor. Caught one adult male (released him, of course) and will go out again later today and this evening.

  19. Glad I didn't buy a logo from her, lord knows if she has any clients, they are going even further on the back burner! And doesn't she have a book to finish? And winter preparations? A hawk is probably a welcome distraction from her doing any actual work. AGAIN.

  20. Weird that I remember she posted pics of some actors from some show she liked posing with hawks and she tweeted them that they had falconer followers (her) and that she was going to be trapping a new one soon. Now can't find that post and I'm not on Facebook so wonder where it went. Does anyone else remember those pics/post? (she is often tweeting her celebrity crushes and sometimes acts like she's friends with them). She is developing a new angle: mixing agriculture/farm culture and pop culture. That is an excuse to immerse herself in all the frivolities of the mediaverse: hair extensions, makeup, etc etc--she needs the uniform!! Also it will demand she spend a good portion of her life on the internet which she already does but now she has a justification. I don't know why she has to be like other people, especially celebrities. So much for individuality.

    1. Whatever happened to her pledge that she would not be on social media between 9am and 9pm so she could concentrate on work and the farm. Like everything else if fell by pretty quickly.

    2. I didn't see that but it is probably a Game of Thrones cast. I haven't seen those due to no HBO and don't know how to steal TV shows on the Internet.

  21. Italics never caught anything (or rather brought it back). We would have heard about it. But her identity as "huntress" and the many opportunities to pose with it are the point.
    I remember her last portrait before she let him go. She was holding the bird and staring into the camera. I remember thinking if she had looked down at Italics, he would have been the subject of the photo, and it would have been more about the bond (ideally--not saying there really was one) between her and the bird. Instead, it was all about Jenna--look at me---self-centered. That's how all her animals function-as props to prop up whatever facet of her persona she is promoting at the moment. And, as we have seen with Gibson and Merlin, as tools of manipulation.

  22. Anon 1:24 - She did come away with a kill at least once. It was a rabbit and she posted the gory bloody picture. But what really turned my stomach was that she said she smiled when she killed it. I have nothing against hunting for food, but something in the way she enjoys killing creeps me out.

  23. Last year she wrote that she spent 40 hours one week trying to trap a hawk with no luck. Think of all the productive things she could have been doing with those 40 hours. Seeing as she is still getting foreclosure notices, wouldn't one think she would want to, um, work?

  24. I don't know anything about falconry, but I was surprised that Italics left so willingly when she released him. Since he was dependent on her for food, I thought he might have wanted to hang around or follow her home. After all, he was used to coming back to her. So why leave? Maybe he really wanted his freedom all along.

    1. He's a bird, they need to fly. I got the impression she didn't take him out and let him fly every day.

  25. Why isn't anyone upset about her Kickstarter? Nothing. Not done. Just another thing laid to the wayside because she has more important things to do like trapping hawks and getting another truck or hair extensions or whatever. That just upsets me. Makes me hate kick starters.

  26. What is the deal with Birchthorn Jenna? You got how much money to write this book and it is past August and not done. Nice, another scam.

  27. Over 15 grand for a fan fiction piece at best. How many other people could have been helped with that sort of cash. Instead it's obviously all blown and now no compensation, nothing to show for it. It was supposed to be this wonderful interactive thing with all her fans helping and researching and blah blah, but it's just another scam. How insulting.

    1. At this point, is anyone even slightly surprised? She knows and her fans know that any project, product or kickstarter is a donation and not a purchase. No one is even pretending anymore that it’s anything else.

      And here’s another idea that I’m sure she’s going to exploit: “adopting” one of her animals, like the programs that they have at some zoos. You pay a regular amount to support an animal and get, well, basically nothing, which I’m sure would suit her perfectly. She’s already mentioned selling a “share” in Merlin.

      Since I own horses, I’m familiar with leasing and half-leasing horses, but I’m guessing anyone getting a share of Merlin might get a shout out, maybe a photo op where they get to stand next to him. I can’t imagine it would be anything else.

    2. Yup, no one funded that kickstarter because they wanted to read the book. She didn't do the kickstarter because she wanted to write it, either. Just a money making scheme.

      Isn't it kind of a bad sign when a published author can't get anyone to publish their book? The quality of some fiction out there is beyond terrible so the fact that she had to crowdfund Birchthorn would seem to be a kick in the pants for her.

  28. How do we know she hasn't finished Birchthorn? Not surprised to hear that - just curious.

    1. She said it would be ready by Christmas. Here's the thing - it only has to be finished. It doesn't have to be good. I have no doubt she will finish it, but it may just be a slapped together mess. Or it could be good. Who knows. But I'm sure it will be finished.

    2. I figure she'll finish it but it will be terrible. The chapters she put on the blog were weak and that's being generous. If she were putting in a good effort you'd think she'd be mentioning all the time she spends writing and researching. Historical fiction is probably a tall order for someone that unmotivated.

    3. Her donors are doing the research. She divided them into teams, one being to research the Spanish Flu.

    4. I agree Anon 12:01. It'll be finished one way or another. How she gets it printed and what she does next will be interesting. She's got to produce over 100 paperbacks and a handful of hardcovers to fulfill the pledge rewards. With even the junkiest quality from an on-demand print shop this is going to cost a few dollars per copy to do. I can't believe that she'd have been responsible enough to set aside all the printing costs back when she was funded. And even if she'd intended to be responsible about that, she'd have been crazy not to dip into it with all these other desperate emergencies that have transpired since. So the printing money must be gone.

      So she's going to have to sell a few extra logos ASAP to cover the print costs -- but she's already way over-leveraged on that side of the business, and she's sold future workshop spots way out into the future too. And she has to hustle that money to pay the mortgage and other fixed expenses, so her capacity to just make a few extra hundred really quickly seems limited at the moment.

      But wait, there's more! Once she's got a finished product, it'll be too tempting not to try to squeeze extra money out if it, so I bet she then posts it up as an e-book or offers extra copies of the paperback for sale. But the backers paid $45 (or more!) per copy, and selling it for anything less than that will be a real kick in the face to the kind souls who were willing to finance it in the first place. They put up real money in good faith that they were getting exclusive access, and I bet they are going to watch copies of this book go on sale for deep deep discounts as soon as the next crisis hits. She'd be crazy not to try to make more money off the product if she can, but it will likely be done in a deeply irresponsible and inconsiderate way. Not unlike selling "extra" pork shares off the back of supporters, come to think of it.

    5. I don't think the backers will complain if she sells books for less than what they paid. Part of the deal was that they got the inside scoop and got to be unpaid research assistants.

      Heck, her Clan doesn't even complain, even when she goes a long time without posting to the Clan blog.

    6. Yes, I wonder if she set money aside for printing the books. It would have been the sensible thing to do. But as we all have seen......

    7. I remember in Saskatoon when my sister had the Spanish flu. And my mother. But I didn't catch it. Should I send her the details? It was really gross! I believe it was 1965ish.

    8. That was the Hong Kong flu. Sorry. No help to the research.

  29. Earlier in August she said she was working on the final edit to get it to the publisher for the 15th "as promised"...

  30. I think this post of hers over on the Heathen reddit is pretty funny. For an overgrown toddler who's daily life is focused on playing dress up and blabbing on the internet about her latest crisis she's doing a good job of looking down her nose at other people. "Has shit together" is not a phrase that comes to mind when you think of someone perpetually on the brink of foreclosure.

    Jenna posting as Shieldmare:
    "I have no problem with other pagans or other religions in general, what rubs me the wrong way is people who don't have much command of their life and are using religion (or rather the idea of religion) as a costume to feel special. Wicca is the first Pagan religion a lot of people find and not all the people looking are sincere. Some just want to wear pentacles and feel part of a club that pisses off their parents. Sadly, some Pagans never outgrow this.
    I guess what I'm saying is I like people who care about their religion, community, and have their shit together and I don't see as much of that in the larger eclectic community as I do in Heathenry."

    1. What's the difference between Heathenry and Pagenry?

      And her post is just another example of how she thinks she is so much better than everyone else.

    2. You will find all types of people in all spiritual beliefs. There are the good, the bad, the hypocrites, the devout, the lapsed - I don't believe for one minute that Heathenry is any more special than the others.

    3. Jenna only ever talks about herself - Let's translate: So when Jenna came to paganism, she only wanted to wear the costume, the kilt, no wait, the pentacle, because she wanted to piss off her mom, to cover deep unhappiness, and to feel special.

      Now she has found Heathenry, she feels special again and gets to wear the hammer and torc and purchase other jewelry people can ask her about, so she can put them down for not knowing - the poodles.

      Once that wears off, she will have to find a really obscure religion, with symbols you can purchase, to feel special again. Cause the emptiness inside just doesn't go away.

      Now that she has done zen, paganism, heathenry, maybe Santeria? As long as she can keep making judgments about whole other groups, smirking, it kinda draws the eye away from her animal abuse/hoarding, and ripping people off.

    4. She sure does harbor a lot of distain for her mother and family.... It just ooooozes from her writing and her Facebook comments. Sad.

    5. Doesn't she have the pendant and the costume? Like St. Brigid's cross or something. And what about the kilt?

    6. I think only the mjolnir pendant is related to Heathenry. She gets to wear it when she's been "good" ie did something to earn it like run or pay her bills. For some reason, just being a responsible human being isn't enough to motivate her to pay her bills, she needs to answer to the Viking Gods.

      It's just an exclusive club for her to join. That's what's hilarious about her jabs at the Pagans. Jenna is the queen of putting on costumes to feel special.

    7. But she isn't a Viking in any sense! They don't ask for hand outs. She has no Viking heritage. It really makes my blood boil. Look at what Icelanders endured. She would have crumbled.

    8. I'm Scandinavian! Norwegian in fact. The broad shoulders and blonde hair gives it away....and my brothers all inches over 6 ft.

    9. From the Vikings show theme song, from which JW probably decided to become a "heathen.:"

      This will never end 'Cause I want more More, give me more Give me more This will never end.

      Perfect fit.

    10. Nice Mere! I'm half Icelandic and half Finnish. We might have a bit of English blood on the Icelandic side. I'm doing research. My sons are all over 6 feet. Although the Icelanders tended to be shorter. Hope you don't mind my short form for your name! I call my real sister Mer!

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. She ticks me off all the way around with her "pretend" cultures. I'm of Swedish and Scot ancestry. She plays at being Celtic/Scot with her fashion kilts, but I proudly wear my Clan Wallace Plaid, which is my heritage, not hers. Don't get me going on the Viking thing.... Olson was my maiden name.

    13. Here! Rognvaldson! And proud of it! I think the Vikings mixed with the Scotts some time ago..

    14. Yeah, she definitely went after Heathenry full tilt after binge watching the Vikings. She's desperate to belong to ANYTHING.

    15. Yeah, the Vikings invaded Scotland in the 5th century, I think? Eventually, they intermarried with some of the Scot clans. My heritage comes from separate lines, though. My father's side is Swedish, and my mom's Scottish. From what I read, the Wallace clan didn't intermarry too much with the Vikings, but who knows!

    16. Isn't she polish or something? That's a long way from any Viking lands.

      I'm Irish and English, but I can't be French just because I say I am. Maybe she's ashamed of her heritage for some strange reason. Maybe they were cool enough for her fiction. So odd.

    17. I'm going to have to go with Jenna on this one. The Vikings conquered and settled a huge area of Europe, and Great Britain and left their DNA all over the map, some say as far as North America. There are claims that some Native American tribes share their DNA. We are all Vikings.

    18. Anon 2:06, if you are English and Irish you definitely have some Viking and French DNA. The Vikings raided all over Ireland and the British Isles, at one time England had a Danish king. Vikings conquered and settled a huge area of France which became known as Normandy because they were called Norse men or "north" men. Then, of course William the Conquerer, who traced his lineage to Vikings, conquered England.

    19. I Don't disagree Red, but my point was that you can't be another nationality or race or culture just because you feel like it. I may admire respect even think a particular group is interesting and cool but that doesn't make me one of them just because I put on their clothes, wear their symbols and play with their tools.

      I probably didn't explain it very well at midnight:)

    20. I just read that all people on earth can trace their dna back to one African woman who lived 150,000 years ago. So if you want to get philosophical, I guess that means we are all related.

      That being said, I am of European descent, and could not be Asian if I tried, although I could identify with the culture.

      I have no problem with her playing at being Celtic or Norse, it's just the put downs of others that bother me. She acts like she has just found the One True Religion in heathenry, and all others are false.

      I don't care what religion she practices or doesn't, just show some respect for other's beliefs.

    21. Yeah, I know what you mean, she's always wanted to be a Scott . But if you're going to choose another group to identify with, I think you're safest going with Viking, Roman or Mongol. Those three groups have conquered every square inch from Ireland to China.

    22. Sorry Redhorse. I don't think the Vikings made their way into Poland. But even if they did. After all these generations that would be about 2% of her ethnicity? But that's besides the point. Don't we all identify with what we've grown up with? I had a proud Icelandic Grandma and a supper stoic Finnish Mumma and I incorporated their values as I grew up. That’s what makes me little put off by someone appropriating the heritage. I grew up hearing histories of real hardships. Be a Heathen sure. But that doesn't make you a Viking.

    23. My earlier point stands. A true Viking or even Heathen for that matter wouldn't be asking for help or hand outs.

  31. Talking about Anna Kendrick: "She's the Oscar nominated, Tony nominated, Platinum record holding actress nobody knows about that I have been a fan of since Rocket Science was on DVD."

    Yeah, no one knows about Anna Kendrick except Jenna....and the 4.7 million people follwing her on Twitter. If an actress has appeared on the cover of Glamour you can be sure even your grandma has taken notice.

    1. You made me think of the Hipster Disney Princess song. Had to share. Come to think of it, is Jenna trying to be that girl from Brave? LOL.


  32. Who's Anna Kendrick? Seriously, I'm a Ludite as far as pop, TV, celebrities, etc. Too busy reading non-fiction and working to support myself, I guess...

    1. Ha ha. Me too. I couldn't care less about celebrities. Sure I've heard of her but I wouldn't idolize her.

    2. Me too, I don't think I know who that is. I have suspected for a long time that Jenna really wants to be some kind of celebrity.

  33. The girl has money...there are no emergencies or mortgage crisis.

    There are "emergencies" and "foreclosures".

  34. Why is she pretending she's only been dieting for three months? She's been on a diet since January. She'll lie about anything which is inconvenient when you blog, tweet and facebook every detail of your life.

    Jenna Woginrich it has taken 12 weeks to lose 20 pounds, and if you knew how little I eat and how far I run that would astound you

    1. Is she kidding...she's been dieting for years. I can't even remember them all, but wasn't she all paleo last year because it fit her body type and her carnivorous ways?

      She can't even keep her lies straight anymore there's so many of them.

    2. I've been reading her blog for around 6 years and she has always been on some sort of diet.

  35. Seriously, how do those forking over the moolah not see the disparity between what she says is happening and what is really going on. No one receiving foreclosure threats is going to spend the whole day gallivanting in search of a bird. This pattern plays out again and again.

    And yet another passive aggressive jab at the gainfully employed. She spent an entire weekday hawking while employed people, who spend their weekdays WORKING, send her money so she can play.

    Graduated from a 4-year University with honors.
    Spent all day, 10 years later, trying to catch a hawk on a weekday.

    1. I wish some of Jenna's fans would come here and explain why they are ok with slaving under hot florescent lights all day in order to send her money so she can spend a day trying to trap a hawk.

      What do they get out of it? She rubs their faces in the fact that while they are working, she is out playing. Is it some kind of masochistic tendency?

      Why is it that some people are so turned off and end up here, while others think she is some sort of superhero, too special to have to work a mundane job, so they are willing to part with their hard earned dollars.

      Jenna fans - please explain!!!

  36. "Buy more chickens over penning the flock"

    This is from her latest "things you don't know about me" post. Spoiler alert: there's no surprises on the list. WTF, is that like her chicken keeping pro-tip, she must mention it once a week. Is she getting professional massages now, too? That would be so hilarious. Money flowing in from internet softies thinking Gibson's near death or her house is going on the auction block and she's off to the masseuse with it.

    1. Jenna, you bring megalomania to a new level. You seem to bring up not showering, not washing your face a lot. Do you honestly think men will be attracted to your B.O.? How about if you are not going to wash, you please not all remind us. And, no, you did not turn out okay, you turned out a user, and a manipulator. Where are all your books? Where are your book deals?

    2. Big surprise. This was the first time she ever mentioned vodka! Until now it has always been whiskey over vodka. I have never seen a mention of vodka in the last 10 years.

    3. As much as she talks about drinking whiskey all the time like some hipster bad ass, if she prefers vodka instead, she must drink a whole heck of a lot more of that then. Probably why she is so whacky...

  37. These lists are so banal that it makes me wonder why I bother with her anymore. I hit my saturation point and will unfollow her so i can make room for an author more deserving of my time. It took me long enough.

    1. Might I suggest:

    2. great stories, animals, she farms for real, but writes great too, been reading her for years-and I met her at her farm, really genuine lady.

    3. Wonderful, thanks so much anon 10:58 & 11:02!
      I will definitely check them both out!

    4. Walden Effect. Can't do the address on my phone. But google it. An amazing couple. Loads of information. She also writes. And they sell a chicken waterer they created as well as ebooks. Best of all is the information from all the crop and animal data they've compiled.

  38. ^^^^ Yes, Anon 7:07 me too. I followed her on Facebook and I've noticed she keeps adding new 'friends' but her # stays around the same. I guess others are jumping the Jenna ship fast.
    On another note, I follow a travel blogger and her friend numbers on Facebook increase about 30+ per month. And those people stay to hear what she has to say and follow her tips. It's really interesting to see how this professional compares to the Jenna show.

  39. Yes, to her wanting to be a celebrity and yes to her trying to be the girl from Brave.

  40. She's actually pretty typical of her generation (she's an older Millennial) - obsessed with fame and their own self-importance. Interesting paper here:

    1. I don't think being a Millenial is at the root of Jenna's dysfunction. The malignant narcissism she displays could be seen in a person of any age.

  41. I wish she'd stop flaunting that Arts degree like it's a Nobel Peace Prize. I have one too, it's not that hard or original.

  42. Hey, at least it is something she actually finished (one of her fellow students is on this site and confirmed it while expressing disdain at JWs non professionalism) - unlike her post school projects

  43. Ha - maybe that's why she never shuts up about it! It's the one thing she's actually completed!!!!!

  44. I'm with you Anon 9:31 --- she's from a middle class family, you'd expect her to have a college degree. She carries on about it like she's the child of immigrants from some war torn country and she's the first person in her family to make it past the sixth grade.

  45. I'm from a middle class family and have both a bachelor's and master's degree. Most of my middle class friends have degrees as well. I don't think having the two degrees makes me more special than anyone else.

    That being said, if JFW had a PhD in astrophysics, I would probably be impressed.

  46. My friend has a PhD in astrophysics, and works in laser physics. Now HE'S impressive! LOL!!!!

  47. I just read her list of 'things you may not know...'. She goes for massages? Someone who is always facing foreclosure, can't pay her vet and medical bills, is always in some kind of financial crisis goes for massages? What do her donors think about that?

    1. I think she's getting too comfortable in the lie of her life being a big crisis needing help from donors and she's getting really careless and not thinking about how this looks to people who believe the sham! Glimpses like this (massages are expensive) will be a red flag to anyone with half a brain.

    2. Oh, and I failed to mention, apparently she puts nothing aside for property taxes, either.

    3. A search reveals that she had a warrant from NY Taxation last year which appears to be for property taxes.

    4. Most places, you pay your property taxes in your mortgage payment. If she is so far behind that she's eaten through her escrow acct and they actually put out a warrant for back taxes, she's is a world of hurt.

    5. Well, now we know where a chunk of the Kickstarter money went.

  48. She makes way more money than she lets on. Let's review:

    Alcohol/Brewery visits/Brewing equipment
    Lattes in town
    Second truck
    Kilts (which pisses me off because I'm of Scottish descent! The only people you see around here wearing kilts, men too, are us. If she were a true Scot, she'd be a penny-pincher, which it's painfully obvious she's not! ;-)
    The list goes on..........

    What she SHOULD be spending money on:

    Fence repair/replacement
    Barn shore-up
    Outdoor watering system
    Insulation under house
    Adequate shelter for Merlin, pigs
    Predator-proof chicken coop/tractors
    As well as, she should have an emergency/savings built up for veterinary costs, root canals, medical care, car maintenance, house maintenance, etc.

    "It's OK to live a life other people don't understand."

    But it's NOT okay to ask others to pay for it.

    1. First should be properly taxes. Then mortgage. If she is trying to prevent forclosure as she claims.

  49. She's selling pork shares for NEXT fall? This is not the point of a CSA. Why would you let her have your money for a full year, she's not buying the pigs and feed now. She's probably hoping some of the people will pay and then forget all about it--- ca-ching!

    FB: "Still have one half share (or 2 1/4 shares) left for March/April pigs (meaning pork is ready in march/april) and will take future shares of next falls pigs if people are interested."

  50. So in one day, she advertised on CAF that season passes are $250 and on FB they cost $225. Is she confused?

    1. It was 150 last time I saw. Pretty sure. But I wonder how anyone who bought at full price feels?

    2. It was 150 last time I saw. Pretty sure. But I wonder how anyone who bought at full price feels?

    3. She's not confused, just grasping because responses seem to be down, therefore sales are down.

    4. Anyone interested in any of her workshops or wares should wait a day or two before buying. She always fire sales everything quickly. You are a fool to buy anything at first post. If you have read her blog for more than a week you will see at least two or three paniced cheap offers. She is her own worse enemy.

  51. I clicked on the link but couldn't find the warrant. How do I find it?

    1. I think if you look above where you put the name in, there is a dropdown menu. Go to judgements.

  52. She's tweeting at Anna Kendrick to let her know she named her hawk after her. It's probably the only reason she got a hawk this year, so she had something that would get her attention on Twitter.

  53. Jenna Effing Woginrich has a crush on Anna Kendrick (as if the real Anna Kendrick gives two shits about BO sniffin Woginrich)

    blog post Sunday, September 6, 2015

    Anna Kendrick is Here

    I spent the whole of the day yesterday with Anna Kendrick. She isn’t a farm girl but is taking Cold Antler in stride. She’s only been here a short while, but seems to appreciate the food and doesn’t mind staying in the guest house. I’m not used to having gals around here like her. Especially ones so small, feisty, and loud – but we’re growing on each other. Well... she’s growing on me and I’m being tolerated by her. I remain optimistic though. I’m hoping this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship and she sticks around to teach me some stuff about performance, grace, and kicking ass. I also hope she likes killing rabbits because the last guy who stayed in her room was so much more into field mice…

    Anna Kendrick is what I named the new hawk. Another falconry season begins now!

  54. Maybe she thinks her blog will come up if someone google Anna Kendrick.

  55. it just so....weird....what happened to this woman. Did she seem more normal years ago or was I delusional and she was this odd then too?

    1. It's hard to believe but she just gets weirder all the time. She would probably take that as a compliment but it's not the good kind of weird at all.

      Is it normal for falconers to take their hawks out for a Sunday drive? She's had it two minutes and she takes it to her friends house for a photo op.

      It's just wrong that a wild animal is being used as her plaything and prop for more attention.

    2. I think she couldn't go back to a normal job even if she wanted to. All this time alone has definitely altered her grip on reality. She has really slipped in the past year. Will be interesting to see what happens.

    3. I think she needs a good dose of humility, real, honest humility where she admits to herself and her heathen gods that she owes her existence to kind, generous (though misguided) people. She has nothing right now that she can be proud of, not even her attitude.

    4. I'm super weirded out by this teeny bopper-esque obsession with Anna Kendrick. Chances are, it may be unique enough that Anna Kendrick *could* see the tweet that Jenna named the hawk after her and then maybe be freaked out by the fact that a 30-something woman with a blog loosely hinged on farming is mentioning her over and over and over in her posts. I understand having a beloved favorite actor or actress but this is just super, super odd. Coupled with the fact that she keeps talking about needing firewood and money and work, but then she spends time acquiring none of those things, claims that she has foreclosure warnings but ignores them for expensive new hobbies & beer... it just feels like mental illness. Not being jokey here, I'm serious, requiring treatment from a mental health professional, and I say that as someone who has received mental health treatment. Lies and narcissism and omitted truth and essentially theft, definitely fraud, animal mistreatment and mismanagement... I wonder if she got through all that, got mentally healthy, made ammends and paid back her debts, if she could actually be the farmer she wanted to be, one who, you know, produces for the community? The one I think so many folks were rooting for a few years ago. I don't quite understand why we're all so fascinated with watching the slow-mo trainwreck but I think it's just so upsetting seeing what could have been, what is, and who and what got hurt or scammed along the way.

  56. See, the problem is, she doesn't see it as handouts and donations. She sees it as compensation for her writing, her knowledge, her teaching, etc. she and Katz both think so highly of themselves and their skill at turning a word, that they feel anything they receive is just adulation for their greatness. No matter that there are many many other talented writers that don't take donations and gifts and such or have workshops on stuff they are barely fluent in. They do. So until that changes, any dose of humility will be lost on them.

    They are such special creatures, far above us all, those that work for a living and all. After all, they have all their Facebook fans to constantly stroke their big fat egos.

  57. Well it's hard to justify paying a writer who is hardly ever writing. She hasn't done any real writing on the blog in years. So I finally stopped my monthly 'subscription '. And the Clan was down to barely monthly posts with virtually no content.
    Katz posts so frequently on Facebook I stopped looking at his website entirely. I had just recently subscribed to his blog. The FB posts really devalued the whole 'paying a writer ' argument.
    And neither of them believe in editing their blogs. Or even spell checking. It would diminish the spontaneity of the medium.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I only deleted a post that posted twice. Sorry!

  60. Her transformation has been a scratching of the head for sure. She started out with all things homesteading..but then her posts slowly started becoming about the same things over and over again. She hasn't moved forward at all when it comes to growing her own food,preserving it,learning various techniques that she could in turn, teach others at her Antlerstock.

    Instead it's this weird world in which she thinks she totally functions in at rocks at but can only hang onto by a thread because people are covering her bills.

    She should be busting out that goats milk soap for money,planting food,working part time to cover her bills she is struggling in, and I don't know..join the real world instead of shunning it and the people in it. She needs them to pay her bills. She can't survive without the working people..if they didn't work to cover her bills then where would that leave her?

    She vlogs are about Anna Kendrick,dancing around to Pitbull,talking about the same things over and over..I don't know. I can't see her continuing on like this much longer..

    Winter is coming on real fast and with that will bring more drama,more pleas, more's just pitiful. She's pitiful.

    1. Many many years ago, I worked at a psychiatric hospital. I can assure you, Jenna would fit in. She's losing touch with reality. Very often, people like that can be entertaining and charismatic.

    2. I agree Redhorse. She's losing it, and fast.

  61. I think she has used most people with her truck, root canal that never happened, Gibson paw surgery, logo sales, etc---I think once people pay $$ they aren't as likely to pay again at least for a while. She doesn't have enough new people/donors to keep her mortgage paid. I think her latest blog where she is practically whimpering at the end tells the whole story. I wonder how many people are signed up for Antlerstock this year and how it compares to last year?

    1. Yup. The root canal was my 'tipping point '. The curtain was lifted. And now I know she hasn't even had it. Have to wonder if she ever needed it in the first place.

  62. Why do others donate their time helping her at her events. What does Brett get out of it? Associating with her removes any credibility he might have had. As in his book is likely a joke and the school he teaches at isn't worth attending. Guilty by association. Its professional suicide.

  63. Did she take down the post about naming the bird Anna Kendrick? I don't see it anymore on her blog

    1. I still see it. She's re-posting that "Firewood, Hay, and Home" post everyday to keep it at the top.

  64. Bc Brett is in love with her.

  65. I don't think that he's in love with her by any stretch- I seem to recent her referring to him not wanting the same thing she wanted back when she had a crush on him.
    I think he probably feels some of the things expressed here but he strikes me as maybe feeling sorry for her and not wishing her I'll- so he's probably just donating a day's time to helping her out.
    First time poster in this space- I too have twice given Jenna money and never got a thank you and then when I expressed a little surprise over that I was rebuked.
    I have to admit that I worry that she will hurt herself if she loses the property-half of me feels compassion for her but the other half is just baffled and a bit angry at what I see as very narcissistic behavior.

  66. I meant to type that I seem to recall, and that he does not seem to wish her ill.
