Saturday, August 1, 2015

Uncensored idiots

There's a Facebook group called Middleburg Uncensored.

Its full of people of questionable intelligence.

1. In light of evidence documents pictures and video of neglect and abuse they stand beside and defend Ayrshire Farm owner Sandy Lerner with blind loyalty. How anyone can look at the pictures knowing there was no treatment, vet care, or concern for these pigs well being is dumbfounding.

2. Through some googling members found this blog...and now I'm a big meanie who picks on successful female farmers.  They without even knowing Jennas bag of unethical tricks defend her as well.

What is wrong with people?

Between The Truth Behind Ayrshire Farm Facebook page and the Cold Antler Sham blog how in the world is defending these women possible?!

Ugh...and these people are allowed to vote and hold public office. It's a fright.


  1. Successful women farmers? Jenna? (wait a minute while I give myself the heimlich to recover from choking.

  2. Hi Middleburg Uncensored trolls, I hope you read Coldantler Farm blog before you call Jenna successful. If you actually have read it and you believe that a grown woman can quit her job to become an internet beggar, and still be considered a successful farmer....then I think you need to repeat high school.

    1. I just went to the Middleburg Uncensored FB site, entered "Meredith Amonson" in the search box, and did a little speed reading.

      Do the same search for "Jenna" or "Cold Antler". The only hit you will get is one comment entered by Meredith trying to compare JW to Sandy Lerner. No one else there cares, or even seems to be aware of JW, , so lets not bring that into this.

      You can type those phrases yourself into the search box in the upper right hand corner of your FB feed. Zero search results.

      No one bashed successful women farmers as a general group. The only mention of female farmers consisted of discussion centered around Sandy Lerner & Crystal Ritenour of Ayrshire Farm. There's a painful amount of bickering between Meredith and other forum members, but that has nothing to do with farmers in general, of any gender.

      Frankly, no one seemed to care at all. Meredith, as usual, posted endless screenshots of texts, photos, and emails without putting anything into context, so no one has a clue what she's ranting on about.

      Context, Meredith. That's your downfall. Target your audience, sharpen your message, and bring the white noise down to a dull roar and maybe someone will see your point.

      After Meredith's 50th post, 500th FB reply on a site that looks to me like it's just a social outlet for a wealthy community that doesn't care about much more than the latest hot vintage at the wine store, or getting their amateur photo shots of the full moon played on the local TV weather forecast, it strikes me most people would have realized they'd picked the wrong audience to harass, and stop wasting precious energy that she claims is already sapped by CFS.

      Seems a lot of you here have been burned by JW/Cold Antler in the past, and if wise, have now learned to do some research before playing blind follower to anyone. And I mean anyone.

      I am not bashing nor defending Jenna, or Meredith, or anyone at Ayrshire Farm. I am just saying: Go do your research before you form an opinion.


    2. Wrong audience?

      You have no idea how valuable that group has been.

      You're talking about it aren't you?

      I'm not in the group and it's the talk of the group.

      My question for you...
      Does presentation negates neglect?

    3. "My question for you...
      Does presentation negates neglect?"

      I'll answer your question as soon as you tell me what on earth that means.

      No, I do not know what value that group has been to you. I did not claim to know it's value to you. I don't care what value it has been to you.

      I do know that I like to see truth be told.

      You claimed that "now I'm a big meanie who picks on successful female farmers. They without even knowing Jennas bag of unethical tricks defend her as well."

      A simple search entry on FB turns up exactly one reference anywhere on that site to JW: you dropped her name. One person engaged you by asking if you'd worked at CAF. I would not call that "defending a bag of unethical tricks" by any stretch of the imagination. That's the sum total of any discussion of CAF, JW, or "successful female farmers."

      My comment was directed at Redhorse, who immediately jumped on the Jenna-slamming bandwagon, without first checking the facts.


    4. They insinuated many times without using her name or farm name. Things do exist even when not spelled out.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. They insinuated many times without using her name or farm name. Things do exist even when not spelled out.

    7. Why would they ask me if I worked there If it had not been brought up previously and discussed. Look through every comment of every post and you will get the full picture. A keyword search isn't going to be very helpful. They reference her not name her.

    8. My comment had nothing to do with bashing Jenna. It was aimed at trolls, of which we've had many. If they don't come here, it doesn't matter.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, because if you happen to have a less-than-favorable opinion of a manipulative scam artist posing as hardscrabble farmer and actually voice that opinion, that makes you a horrible person. If Jenna stopped milking the internet for donations for her fake crisis of the week and dispersed all of her animals I would never utter her name again. For every lamb she's let wilt and die on her hillside and every pig forced to endure a NY winter outdoors she deserves a 100 blows to her ginormous ego.

    And no, I don't know how anybody could look at all of the info you've collected about the pigs and still side with Ayrshire Farm. If that info was brought forth except it had happened on a CAFO there would be outrage. I cannot comprehend why there are people raising animals that have no regard for their health and welfare.

  4. She plans on trapping another hawk to torture, err I mean "train to fly by my side" per one of her twitter posts. I say BS on her running ANY miles! She just wants attention and on the internet you can write anything you want and be anyone you want, even a fake farmer!

  5. JW is such a liar! Claiming she is broke, but yet she has a (new to her) horse cart in the photo of her new running shoes. She went to some house party for a band (which charges admission) and she purchased their new CD. She tweeted that she is switching over to farm plates (don't you have to actually have a REAL farm to qualify for a farm plate?) and getting a new travel truck soon. She has repeatedly stated that she is looking for another horse. She just bought an expensive puppy AND paid to fly it to her. She claims to eat no carbs, sugar, grains or fruits, yet today tweeted "I already had 2 drinks."

    1. Unless those two drinks were water, then she consumed carbs, sugar, grain or fruit. Why does she say one thing, and then do another? Does she think no one is paying attention?

  6. When asked if she lost any animals to the (alleged) plot hounds, she replied "I didn't lose any animals, but that is because I physically took them by the collars and tied them to posts with my dogs' leashes while they were biting into the tarps and jumping and barking at the chickens. If I wasn't home it would have been a bloodbath"'s cute when your dogs and goats terrorize your chickens, but not so cute when someone else's animals do it?! Seriously, if the dogs were biting and jumping, does anyone really believe that she just grabbed them and tied them up? Something smells fishy and I don't think that it's just that JW doesn't shower often.

    1. Yeah, I sensed she was enhancing that story for dramatic effect.

      Here's a thought, why doesn't she: a. build predator proof chicken tractors or b. get electronet fencing or c. stop raising poultry.

    2. You can't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

  7. Jenna Woginrich ‏@coldantlerfarm Jul 30
    @QueenKika a lot of issues here, but switching over to farm plates and getting a new travel truck soon. Somehow.

    And how does she qualify for farm plates? You can get in a lot of trouble for misusing farm plates. They're also restrictive so why would she think it was an advantage? A new "travel truck"? I thought she was having trouble keeping her current truck in good condition-- like it needed repairs? She was driving it illegally for a while because she couldn't get a sticker on it. Why would she need two trucks? How can she afford to maintain/register/insure two trucks?

    I'm sorry but this is getting more unbelievable by the day. She posts on her blog how times are tough, winter is coming, root canal, keep the electricity on blah blah blah and now she's getting a SECOND truck.

    1. She does NOT need a root canal. This from a dentist:

      "William M. Litaker, Dentist, answered
      There are several risks of not getting a root canal in a tooth in which it is needed. First, is the loss of that tooth. Second, is the spread of the infection and abscess to another tooth. Third, is a possible infection in the face and neck. Left untreated the infection could spread to the brain resulting in death. If you are unable to have a root canal, you should consider having the tooth extracted."

    2. In light of her long list of toys, I'm still awaiting the fence repair, the expansion of the pig area (complete with adequate shelter), an adequate winter shelter for Merlin, larger area for her goats, hay feeders for everyone, and most importantly, the barn is long past due to either be torn down or (expensively) shored-up.

    3. How 'bout it? A badass lady viking like her should just pull that sumbitch herself, spit out the blood and keep on trucking.

    4. I was disappointed the Border Collie pup wasn't named 'Root-Canal.

  8. She's also pitching to Modern Farmer magazine.

    Don't let this animal abusing, fake farmer, internet beggar get published by this magazine. Write to Modern Farmer at and let them know what you think.

  9. This is how she describes herself on the Heathen reddit. She's so in love with herself. She's forgotten about her stint as a Zen Buddhist again.

    Hey all, I'm Jenna. Most of you know me as /u/Shieldmare. I'm 33, live in upstate NY, and work as a farmer/writer. I'm a fairly new Heathen (convert from CR Paganism) and feeling right at home at this sub which I never lurked at, just posted a picture of my damned living room. I stuck around. Who saw that coming?!
    I'm the organizer for Tyr's Good Hand, a Heathen Study Group I host monthly (ish).
    I'm into riding my horse too fast without a helmet, shooting traditional archery (no training wheels here), hunting, falconry, farming, running slowly, movies, good TV, and fiddling. One of the guys, but, you know, straight. I can drink you long beards under the table and have the entire finale dance to Pitch Perfect memorized. Potty Mouth. Confirmed Bachelorette.

    1. Interesting. I thought she wanted to get married. As a writer, doesn't she realize "Confirmed Bachelorette" implies she is set in her ways and content to remain single? Also, "potty mouth" does not conjure up attractive connotations! I believe it's easy to swear ('lazy mouth") and takes discipline and consideration of other people's' sensibilities to refrain from it. It's just a weird thing to be proud of. I try not to swear because I don't like to hear it. Another term, "cursing" implies a negative attitude toward something or somebody, so if someone swears alot, it's like he/she is wearing their bad attitude and thoughts on their sleeve for all to partake of. Just my opinion; maybe others feel differently.

    2. Yes, she has written about wanting to get married.Many times.Just another contradiction.

    3. She keeps talking about men like she's interested but when a friend mentioned a new co-worker that she thought Jenna would like she claimed she's not looking.......? Working from home in Washington Co.---- if she isn't actively trying to meet people she will stay single.

    4. Swearing doesn't bother me at all but I do find it strange how she finds it a noteworthy or interesting facet of her personality. She's been encouraging people to follow her on twitter because she's "better" there-- more erratic, more swearing and then says it's because her family isn't on she 12?

      Also, hearkening back to school days--- the constant jokes about drinking. Who. Cares. It's like she's unaware that she's in her 30's now.

  10. Just had to post this again from Psych Central.

    Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder:

    In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

    Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

    Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

    Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

    Requires excessive admiration

    Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations'

    Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

    Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

    Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

    Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

    Nail on the head, I say.

    1. At least she gets 100% in one thing.

  11. She let the meat birds out and used Gibson to "herd" them? I've seen how that dog acts around poultry. What a horrible way for those chickens to leave the farm on the way to slaughter no less. She disgusts me.

    And Gibson had to stay home because he was dirty? How many times has she made jabs at people for not wanting dogs in their cars? I'm the thinking chicken shit wasn't the problem so much as three's a crowd.

  12. I'm still wondering what kind of sleight of hand she played on that cart? Was it ever sold? Or was that just one of her sob stories to bring in the donations? Or did she find a cart she liked better? Any way you look at it, how can anyone believe anything she writes?

    1. I just looked at the recent pics of the cart, and one from her archives, I'm pretty sure it's the same one. How can she do that to her fans?

    2. She's so full of shit, you have to wonder how she has any fans left to fool.

      A few weeks ago it was another boo-hoo blog post -- just trying to keep the electricity on this month, folks!

      Since then she's bought at least two albums, make-up, running shoes, this new t-shirt (on Amazon Prime, nice for her) and spent plenty of time doing leisure activities and, judging from FB, taking pictures of herself. Oh, and drinking. She makes sure to report on that --- I mean, what's the point of drinking if you don't tell everyone about it? Also, has announced her intention to get a second truck -- soon.

      Does this sound like someone just trying to scratch up enough money for the electricity bill?

      She's the biggest internet fake going.

  13. Oh. My. God.

    Comment on Jenna's latest pic-- her wearing a new t-shirt:

    Christine Anna I love your self-deprecating humor. If you'd publish a wish list, maybe someone would send it to you. Amazon Wish List = gifts!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
