Monday, August 3, 2015

INFJ v. Farm, Ayrshire


  1. Meredith - I am writing this post from a medical intuitive standpoint and as another INFJ. I do not know what the outcome of the Ayrshire trial will be, but I urge you to consider a few things if the outcome is not what you desire.

    Know that you have made victories in spite of the outcome. You have shone a spotlight on Ayrshire and changes have been made. You have shaken them to the core. When we take action, we create ripples that remain long after we are gone. You have created waves that will reverberate for years, especially for the owner and livestock manager.

    As you pointed out in your personality profile, at some point you need to turn your focus on taking care of yourself. You wrote that you have Chronic Fatigue. Your righteous anger and indignation come across loud and clear in your posts. But please know that we produce cortisol in response to anger, anxiety and fear. It is good in small amounts, but when it is poured into our system constantly, it can turn into dis-ease like Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. You can google the effects of too much cortisol in our systems for more information.

    Or try this experiment. Think of something that makes you very angry. Then, think of something wonderful, like being with a special person, visiting a beautiful place, or winning the mega-million dollar lottery. See the difference? Our bodies are a veritable pharmacy and respond with chemical changes to our thoughts. Or think about your response to a movie that is sad, funny or frightening. Even though we know that what we are seeing isn’t real, our bodies respond as if it were.

    As for JW, I’m not surprised she suffers from panic attacks and insomnia. She is a procrastinator, irresponsible, and not entirely honest. She can suppress those feelings during the day, but they bubble up to the surface at night. It is her wise adult/inner knowing/conscience or whatever you want to call it trying to talk some sense into her.

    You are in a place now that is ripe for new beginnings. Your new friend seems to be a very special man. The past is heavy, and if we try to drag it into present time, it will only weigh us down. Think of the past as a rearview mirror – something to glance at occasionally, but not to navigate forward with. Try to stay in present time.

    I understand your feelings of taking on the world. I’ve been there both with animal and human causes. I’m twice your age and it has taken me a long time to understand the mind/body connection to the Fibromyalgia I’ve been battling. But there is a point where you have to acknowledge that you have done everything you could and it’s now time to pass the baton. Otherwise it will destroy you.

    You are, of course, free to take or discard this advice. But I want you to know that it comes from a place of personal experience and caring. I’ve been following your blog for some time and I really do care.

    1. Thank you for the thoughts experience and advice.

      Honestly I have no idea how I'm going to find a balance. I don't have high hopes for the trial of Sandy Lerner as it is quite likely I will be prosecuting as the complainant without the Commonwealth's support.

      Either way the same owner, management, and staff will be interacting with the pigs. It is heart breaking.

      The grief from this is so different than anything else I have experienced. Eddies passing was tragic and traumatic.

      With Ayrshire Farm I wake up to the daily knowledge of abuse and neglect and recognize it will continue until those responsible hold themselves accountable and that will never happen.

      I cry for the pigs everyday.

      I know it is taxing on my body but I don't want to get past it. I want it fixed.

  2. Don't tell Meredith to get past it. She will fall on her sword for those pigs. The health welfare of animals is more important than the health and welfare of people, as animals cannot speak for themselves.
