Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Jennas lambs

You all need a place to vent so here it is

I.have so much.on my plate but this portion of a comment resonated with me. How does someone prioritize neglect?

 "Many of us are farmers and livestock owners ourselves, and would NEVER dream of neglecting our animals that way, even if they aren't prize-winners. 

She is lazy and neglectful and making excuses. Anyone who supports this behavior is totally and utterly clueless. "

She needs to get rid of all those animals.

Does she not know horses can be ridden, groomed, and exercised in the winter? When it's cold? Snowy?

I can't imagine being ok with not having access to an.animal.  how does she do.water? Lift buckets over fencing?  That woven wire she has is not taunt and wouldn't hold weight.


  1. I keep up with JWs blog via this site, Meredith, but sadly I cannot say I'm surprised to hear this. I think as long as people continue to support her financially with no accountability, it's going to continue. But that is just my opinion. I have heard such intelligent farming discussion on this blog however, and I'm very happy that so many old posters from CAF have ended up here, it is nice to read about proper animal husbandry and hear success stories from seasoned farmers. I used to enjoy that on the CAF blog until most of these folks got run off for expressing contrary opinions to JW's.

  2. Her lack of activity this time of year is pathetic. Pretty sure in the winter she cares more about her coffee than her supposed dream horse. I drive 40 minutes to be able to ride the horse I train - even when it's snowing and wind chills below zero. Suit up in some insulated coveralls, hop on bareback and go for a ride. Done. Oh wait - that doesn't fit her hokey image. What pisses me off is she doesn't even have to travel to see her damn horse. He's right in her freakin' backyard! Ugh.

  3. I just researched in JW's blog and she has lost either a lamb or a ewe every season since she started breeding - at least one year, she lost one of each. Is that normal? I wonder how many animals total have died there versus how many she has had total.....

    1. For a large flock, it can be normal. You can't save them all, and sometimes you don't even get the chance. For a flock as small as hers...no, it's not normal. Despite what she would like her followers to believe.

    2. Agreed anon 12:38, and that's one reason we don't have ewes anymore. Admittedly, we were raising them for 4H, so they had to be born in the worst part of winter, and the ewes were selected for show qualities, not good mothering. We also have a neighbor who is a very experienced shepherd and helped out round the clock, but you would still have losses.

    3. Yes..annual losses are part of the livestock gig. You may have stillborn lambs, deformed lambs, lambs that are aborted due to illness or something or lambs that die while being born because they are not presented correctly and the time it takes to pull them causes a death or if you have twins or trips someones embilical cord gets distrubed and they start breathing inside the womb. Any number of things can happen that you can't prevent or foresee.

      But, when a lamb is born healthy, like these seem to have been, losing it after three days is more of a management problem then an unpreventable act.

  4. It is NOT NORMAL in any way, shape, or form to lose as many animals as she does. NOT NORMAL. Large flocks lose animals slimply because of sheer numbers. When you only have a handful of animals, losing that many animals is absolutely a failure.

    She tries to say it's not a failure, it's a learning experience. Nope. It would be a learning experience if she actually LEARNED from it, but she doesn't learn from it.

    And WHY did that lamb die? She is home ALL DAY LONG and couldn't take the time to properly care for it?


  5. If I were her, I would sell my remaining sheep. I would then apprentice myself at a sheep farm so I could learn how to take care of them correctly. Obviously, she's a failure at raising sheep. All the comments on Meredith's post of March 4th show that there were many things she could have done to take care of the situation without calling a vet. If those measures didn't work then yes: you have to call a vet. To do otherwise is animal abuse. Since she says she wants to be a shepherd, she should recognize her ignorance and go learn from someone who actually knows what they're doing. The defiant tone of her March 10th post is extremely revealing: she puts her own ego ahead of the welfare of her animals. If she's really interested in raising livestock, maybe she should sell the farm and get a degree in agriculture from a state university.

    1. She is most definitely putting her ego ahead of the welfare of her animals. I would not recommend she get a degree in agriculture, though. She doesn't seem to have the head for agriculture. She should go back to her graphic design work and be done with her version of farming. At least for a few years. If she would actually educate herself about raising livestock, and learn the record keeping and good husbandry practices, I would have less of a problem. But, if I'm not mistaken, she only got 4 lambs out of two ewes and lost 1/4 of those lambs. At any size flock, 1/4 loss is gigantic. She needs to get it together. But she won't. It's too lucrative to bemoan her losses on a blog than it is to prevent them.

  6. Everyone on here is assuming JW WANTS to be good at farming. Though that may have been the case in the beginning, I have my doubts now. In my opinion, her animals are simply props for this Braveheart fantasy she sees herself living in. Quite some time ago, someone on here mentioned the possibility of 'narcissistic personality disorder'. One symptom of NPD is a lack of empathy for others, which is consistent with the ever escalating death toll, keeping animals in brutally inhumane winter conditions without adequate shelter, and her general "oh well, that's farming" attitude. She seems oblivious to the loss and suffering.

    1. I think you may be right.

    2. I sometimes wonder if she hasn't tired of the whole thing, but doesn't know how to get out of it.

      Her writing lately seems to be more about convincing everyone this is her dream life. But, maybe what she's doing is just trying to convince herself.

      The whole thing is so strange. People who want a certain life fight for that life. They don't throw their hands up with an "I don't know what to do" attitude then walk away, which she seems to do quite often when things get tough.

      Raising livestock is hard and there is a kind of heart in your throat element during lambing, calving, farrowing, kidding season. It's a combination of excitement, anticipation and fear that even decades later I still felt. You want/hope everything will go along smoothly, but deep down inside you know there will be something that goes amiss. Maybe JW can't handle that and in times of crisis she just walks away. Like if she doesn't think about it it will be ok.

      If she only has 2 breedable ewes and this one can't be bred again then the decision is pretty much made for her.

  7. How real farmers do it: http://news10.com/ap/indiana-farmer-saves-freezing-baby-cow-with-hot-tub-swim/

  8. I agree with anon 9:09. It appears she has a total lack of empathy for her animals. What is even worse, I fear she actually enjoys the attention she gets from her followers when she loses an animal. I wish she could get shut down.

    1. Maybe that's why she doesn't keep records. So whenever, if ever, the authorities come around they don't have concrete proof of how many animals have died under her watch. I dunno. Her motives are definitely shady.

    2. Becca, Ayrshire Farm does/did the same thing. Looking back through pictures of neglect it is very hard for me to determine who is who.based on descriptions that might not be in each picture.

  9. I can't read her blog anymore because it sickens me.

    So can someone tell me, is the lamb that died the one she sold for $150? If so, I wonder if the person who bought it will get a refund. Or would that be considered "risk"?

    1. No, the $150 lam was a ram lamb born to the other ewe before these 2 poor lambs came into her dead stock world.

  10. Please tell me she didn't criticize people who buy bacon at the grocery store. Really? She who spent five hours trying to get into town to buy a ham sandwich? She who couldn't last one day of her staycation and had to run into town for "supplies"? Give me a break!

    1. Oh yeah. She went there.

    2. ...snort...may the Ham Sandwich live on forever in infamy! long live the Ham Sandwich, epitomy of everything screwy in JW-land!!

  11. Omg, she's boasting about her dream horse being paid in full. Yes, with donations from people for the down payment and more donations to pay him off. Yes, Jenna, there are people who have been reading your blog long enough to remember that.

  12. And if she has been lambing for so long and an expert and makes a living teaching others how on earth did she not know that the determination of sex comes from the male? she made some comment that she thought the ewes had been throwing males because she was graining them? What? If Hentry the 8th only knew it was his fault!

  13. Can someone explain why people continue to pay for her educational classes when all she does is post "cute" pictures, ramble on vlogs and beg for help out of "rock bottom" on a regular basis? Pioneer Woman, the Dirty Life chick and others who are truly educators never beg and scream for help. If you want to be a respected educator, then you have to be able to solve your problems without an SOS all the time. Who would want sailing lessons from a captain who calls in with a May Day/SOS on a regular basis? WHY DOES ANYONE STILL WANT TO LEARM FROM HER? When was the last time she posted one of those fun how-to's of homesteading like we all used to like at the beginning of her journey? I don't get these people.

  14. She took the lamb to karate class?! If that's not a grab for attention, I don't know what is!

  15. Out of curiosity, I started reading from the beginning of her blog. Back on September 19 of 2007, at the end of a post about her friends helping to fence in her chickens after the neighbors complained, she said there were still adjustments to be made (as the chickens still got out). And then she wrote: "Or, if anyone out there wants to get me one of these, that would be great too." The word "these" was a link to a chicken supply retail site and a chicken coop costing $550. Now, one could say, oh, she's just kidding about someone buying her a coop, but why did she have a link to a specific item for sale?
    It seems she was putting out items on her wishlist back then, and that's when she was working full-time and renting (no mortgage) in Idaho.

  16. Wow - 8 years of begging? I don't understand the psychology of the donors. Maybe they just don't look at the blog objectively and therefore don't notice the pattern? And why did she decide to bottle feed the remaining lamb? The ewe still has one functional teat. Will bottle feeding compromise his immune system?

    1. Bottle feeding = attention for Jenna.

    2. He may need to be bottle fed if she's not producing milk. Maybe neither teat is working. Baby animals are bottled all the time with no ill effects. Virtually all dairy calves are bottle fed. If it'll keep him from starving to death, it's a good idea.

      It is not a good idea to keep any offspring from that ewe for breeding animals. I hope she realizes this.

  17. Wonder if she ever gave a thought of how she will dry up that ewe if she took the baby off?

  18. I've noticed that she will admit to making mistakes, but will never say what those mistakes were. I've also noticed that when she does make a mistake, she will write a defiant blog post, defending her actions.

  19. Just watched the new vlog about adult diapers. And I had to shake my head. She mentions how every year she has to buy them to line dog crates for livestock and how no one believes her at the store. Ah... Could It be because it's not normal? I've ben homesteading for five years with sheep, hogs, goats and such and I've never had to go and buy adult diapers to keep livestock in the house. We keep them in the barn, where they belong. Even bottle babies. Just a thought, eh?

  20. Sigh. Just watched the adult diapers vlog. Can this woman do NOTHING the sensible way?? It is insane to waste your money on adult diapers for livestock purposes and it's also pretty insane to have a lamb living in your house past the first couple of days of its life. We've had plenty of bottle lambs over the years, and beyond the initial toweling off and warming up none of them has ever stayed in our house for any length of time--they go in a little pen down in the barn, with ratty old towels and a heat lamp to keep them warm at night. Sheep are not indoor pets; they are outdoor creatures, and their bodies are acclimated to the outdoors, not to all this fussy "I keep a lamb in my living room and take it on walks" silliness. If anyone is a poodle (i.e. completely out of touch with the way the natural world works), it's JW.

    1. Agree. I think JW is aiming to try to be like Esther the Wonder Pig fame to make money. Its her new building of her new gimmick, since she knows she won't get any more homesteading books [let's hope anyway]. Taking a lamb off a mother should only be done in dire situations [I raise sheep and pigs], no matter how cold it is outside. She is doing a diservice tot he animal. Really irresponsible.

  21. Why not use straw or shavings? Meh..2000 thread count adult diapers or bust!

  22. And why take it away from the mom? Mom can tend and care, watch over it better, and perhaps a stronger lamb could get that teat to work better and help her out, at least nurse the good side. You can supplement a lamb with a bottle while still on a mom. She's a way better and cheaper babysitter than a dog crate with diapers. That's how most farmers would do it. I know it's how we do it. If we have a weak milker for some reason. Usually they just need a day or two of supplemental bottles to get strong on their mothers milk in addition and it's so much healthier and cheaper!!! Oh wait, we are talking about crazy illogical JW. Broke but not poor person behind on her mortgage and saving for a root canal and a new horse toy and all that other begging crap. I forgot.

  23. Wait. She's keeping a house lamb and keeping it on adult diaper bedding? Because, ya know, those absorbance beads that are in there are totally healthy if the lamb were to eat them. Just leave it with mama and supplement with a bottle. Damn. And I'm not even a livestock person.

  24. Wait. She bought adult diapers at a store? She didn't make them from scratch? What a poodle!

  25. She had a commenter ask a very intelligent question about why she took the lamb off the mother, but her answer was dismissive and makes me think we won't be hearing from that commenter again. Apparently, Jenna has never heard of rams killing people, or other sheep. The commenter was right, she could be creating a dangerous situation. Almost every shepherd I've known has a story of a ram attacking during breeding season.

    1. We had to put down a lovely beautiful pedigreed and registered Shetland bottle ram after he attacked several people, included a full grown man during breeding season. They are very dangerous because they do not have any fear of humans. It's common practice to not bottle feed rams... unless you have to and then it's whether time or freezer time. She's just a fool and a poser. And her "fans" are starting to realize this. Of course, she'll just get a new crop of them and weed out those that have seen the light.

    2. Oh, and we did not choose to bottle feed the ram... he came to us this way, and if I ever have the choice again? We will refuse all bottle fed rams for breeding or to have on our homestead. Just too dangerous.

    3. Isn't it confusing for a border collie to snuggle on the couch with a lamb, then work the sheep in the pasture? Or are they smart enough to get it?

  26. Why not use straw?! Adult diapers have to be the most expensive and unsustainable option..aside from weaving tampons. Straw is biodegradable and will compost...Jennas lamb diapers will be in a landfill for years to come. Does she do this stuff on purpose? She can not possibly think these are wise decisions.

    1. I'm starting to think she is doing these things on purpose. I have no idea what her motives could possibly be, unless she's trying to bait people into pointing out her poor logic in the comments section so her supporters jump on them while sending her money. I have no idea.

    2. Exactly. That straw could become compost which could become amendments for her (absolutely pathetic to this point) garden which could become food for the table which could become money saved down the road. But no, she has to buy the adult diapers and bleed money now, bleed money on buying amendments for the garden (if she even bothers), and bleed money on buying produce that she could easily be growing herself with a minimum of effort. YES, LET'S ALL LEARN HOW TO HOMESTEAD FROM JENNA!

    3. I didn't think she even bothers with a garden anymore. Just a mono-cropped patch of kale - the "kale yard" if memory serves. I never saw Braveheart; was kale a big menu item for Mel or something?

    4. Actually (and even more obnoxiously, in my opinion), she styles it the "kailyard." Which is a legit Scottish word for a garden plot, but considering she's of Polish extraction...just makes it way, way sillier for her to use. But yes, she calls it that because it's more fuel for her Braveheart delusion.

    5. She lets a rooster run all over her house, going wherever it pleased all winter, (a wonder it never got killed by a dog) but a baby lamb needs diapers? I know which animal I'd rather clean up after. Yes for the love of all that's holy, just use straw. Better yet, don't lock up a lamb in a dog crate and leave it in the house. Send it back with its mother. Argh.

      I can't stand those v-logs of hers, but after reading some of these comments, I had to. She also mentions tractors in her breathless little list of tasks coming up. Tractors? She doesn't have a tractor. She doesn't own enough acreage to justify a tractor.

      And has she not ridden Merlin ALL WINTER? The gate stays buried in snow & ice ALL WINTER?? I suppose she can throw hay, feed, and water over the fence...how does she clean out his stall (er, shelter, whatever that ramshackle thing is), groom, check hooves, etc?

    6. I think she's talking about a chicken tractor, they're a move able hutch/pen. Salatin uses them.

    7. She regularly loses chickens to predators because she can't be bothered to close the barn door at night. She is not going to move a chicken tractor on a daily basis.

    8. I would not use straw as bedding in the house. It's great outdoors, but it is not absorbent and if you had an animal in a box or a crate, it would not do much to soak up urine.

      I prefer to use towels, because they can be washed and reused. However, I have used potty pads to line boxes or crates before. They work well, but they do cost money and we don't normally keep them on hand. We're not close enough to any stores to just "run out and get some".

  27. Hey everyone guess what her fencing is in adequate that's why the lamb is inside! Shocker! Is she getting more ridiculous every day or is it just me? I feel like sending the blog to the writers of Portlandia it would make an awesome skit. Feral Homesteader in a kilt shooting a bow bringing a lamb with her everywhere for attention. It could be a blockbuster!

  28. Yes, she is all about calling attention to herself.

    BTW, how can she afford martial arts classes when she can't pay her mortgage on time? Where are her priorities? Pleasure before business, I guess.

    1. It seems this latest ploy for attention is making at least a few of her readers see that the emperor may, in fact, not have any clothes--she got two comments (that she allowed through) on the vlog post asking diplomatic questions about her questionable approach to this bottle lamb. Which she promptly shot down, presumably to make herself seem like she knows exactly what she's doing. But I think people who have even a tiny glimmer of animal or farm knowledge will see that she's making really poor management decisions.

  29. Isn't it a little hypocritical of her to criticize people for closing their browsers and buying bacon at the store? Especially from someone who closed her browser and bought wood from Stewarts when she has a 6 acre wooded lot.

  30. Her last comment on the lamb thread is very telling to her IQ- she can't seem to cobble together sentences. And is she using her bottle ram lamb as the breeding ram? I can just see it now, come see my flock, they come from a long line of bottle lambs....

  31. I don't know anything about raising sheep, but I just did a quick Google search on bottle feeding lamb rams. They all warned against the practice as the rams can become very aggressive.

  32. You can do it, but you should plan to wether (castrate) the animal if you haven't already. Also, the animal should be headed to the freezer. I am curious how Jenna knows what is normal in a ram, vs not normal, in terms of aggression. She is clueless about all other sheep issues. And, unless she ripped out her page wire fence , which would be hard with all the foliage growing in it, that bit about the 3 wire electric fence is um, let's just say, BS. Come on, Jenna, pulling fence out and replacing and not either a) having a workshop to have others do it, or b) whining about it on a mile long blog post. No, don't think so.

  33. PETA gonna come a callin again with all this castration and chop talk, why da hexk all these animals in da house? Lonely existence, video of self, too much

  34. Anyone else see the further comments on the lamb vlog? She got super dismissive with someone that has significantly more experience with sheep dogs than she does. Of course, that was after she got paranoid as all get out. This chick has no idea what she's doing anymore. It's going to end in tragedy if she doesn't wise up.

    1. I saw that. That woman is a pro, at training sheep dogs and raising sheep. She was very polite about what she said, but quite emphatic about what a bad idea the whole thing is. Look her up, she has a very nice farm, not scrappy at all.

    2. funny how fast she backed down when she found out who it was. Can someone remind me why she even has sheep in the first place? As far as I can tell GIbson has never really been trained and she cant make any money selling a few lambs a year. OH wait thats right its all part of her fantasy life pretending to live in another era cant wait to see her walk down the main street in Cambridge dressed like a freaking viking. Please lord let me be driving by!

    3. I had to look; it was absolutely hilarious. Kind of, "Oh, I am so relieved it is you, Heather," which really means, "Oh, now I just can't delete your comment or be rude to you like I do most posters who disagree or think they know more than me. Darn."


    4. Had to laugh at that exchange. Embarrassing.

  35. The comment by the real border collie trainer and shepherd was very enlightening. It should have illuminated the depths of JWs ignorance for her fans. As Meredith said, she really should get rid of those animals.

  36. Does Gibson work sheep? If I recall, she posted a column sharing her frustration at her lack of success at sheep herding with him. Maybe she updated it later and I missed it. Anyone know?

    1. G works sheep like she works the land. He runs around and enjoys the sheep and through his breeding, knows to herd the sheep. But she never trained him extensively. So he operates at the basic level of a border collie. Which is fine because it doesn't take much work to herd dead sheep.
      I was relieved to see a photo of him looking well. I couldn't recall a clear photo of him in some time and was very worried about him. Poor guy. Wish I could adopt him from her. except I would imagine he is happiest at her side as she's trained him to be a human. I do also worry about her remaining Siberian. She has disappeared from the blog for years now and I wonder if it's well past her time to have been put to sleep. I genuinely hope not.

    2. So when it's convenient to her post that day he is a strong working border collie and when she is writing a dreamy post about how things are GOING TO BE, she says that he is far below his potential and she's really going to work with him. You know. Just depends on the day and the story she's trying to tell:

  37. I just read a comment on the Cold Antler Sham website from Anonymous March 14, 2015 at 11:08 AM. It's lengthy, so I won't reprint it here. But basically, someone paid JW upfront to design a logo for her farm. She had a deadline as she needed it for her opening day. JW took the money, but never produced the logo, saying she was too busy.

    Here's the ultimate chutzpah - she said she would return the money as it became available because she needed this client's money to pay her mortgage!

    After quite a bit of badgering, the client eventually got a few partial payments, but has not been refunded in full. Read the whole story. It'll raise your eyebrows. http://coldantlersham.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-sham-that-is-cold-antler.html

    This pattern repeats over and over. How can she live with herself?

    1. I saw that comment. I went to school for graphic design with Jenna at Kutztown University. I commented on that person's story. I'm so ashamed of her behavior. If our professors knew, they would have a fit. Unfortunately, she has them pretty fooled. They sing her praises on Facebook. I wish they knew the whole story. But she puts on such a fake facade, she fools everyone we know.

  38. Maybe she should be reported to blogspot. She is after all using their product to defraud people. They may not take to kindly to that.

    People should also contact the small claims court even if it's just to inquir about what can be done. If enough people do they will see a pattern and maybe check into her business practice. If people stay quiet then it will continue.

    BTW - check out Fiverr for design work. They are fast good and inexpensive.

  39. This is the web site of the New York State Police where you can file a criminal complaint either by mail or online: https://www.troopers.ny.gov/Contact_Us/Compliments_or_Complaints/

    1. Was this recently or a long time ago? If she is STILL doing this to people, then I am really pissed. The reason she keeps having crisis after crisis is because of karma. Even if this woman gets a steady paying job, bad things will continue to happen. Straighten up and live right, Jenna.

  40. Unless people speak up, it's hard to know how long this has been going on or to how many people. For all I know, for every one complaint, there may be ten others who have never spoken up. But there is definitely a pattern here.

  41. I am the client who posted on the other website a few days ago. That was a few years back... what prompted me to let people know is the fact that, again, she is solliciting clients. She put up a Facebook post on March 12, solliciting clients who need logos "that won't be designed until April". And they need to realize that logos "take weeks to design"... To pay for her root canal.

    I have learned in the few years since my "incident" with Jenna that many, many design customers were cheated. In addition to all the CSA and webinars she never provided.

    I have a "virtual friend", also a small scale farmer at the time - who Jenna does not know that I know. She also hired her for a logo design that never came. She eventually gave up on the idea on a logo and never spent too much time on trying to get her money back as she had to deal with a serious health problem soon after that time and retired from farming.

    At first, I thought that Jenna was an exemple of "bad things happen to good people". I now firmly believe that Jenna is a con artist.

    (I was not able to report her as I am from Canada. Not the same legal system).

    1. So she's using her root canal to solicit clients? Gotta love her marketing techniques!

      My prediction. Money comes in. Root canal gets done. Logos do not get produced.

    2. I seriously doubt a root canal was necessary or that she even went to the dentist. Liars gonna lie and conners are gonna con!

    3. In her "living like fantasy fiction" Q & A, she said she didn't have health insurance and plans on crowdfunding any medical expenses. So it's no surprise that she's taking this approach to paying for a root canal.

    4. Crowdfunding medical expenses ? Really ? Wow !

    5. I haven't been ripped off by her, but was wondering if you could use FB more actively to let the public know what she has done if you'v ebeen ripped off? I know you have to be careful, and I'd ask a lawyer first [most states have a free 1 hour consultation available]. You'd need to make sure you don't defame her, especially online. But it seems like while this blog plays a role for those who have been victimized, it might not get the word out as broadly as maybe a FB group would? Just wondering. If I were slighted by her, I'd also write her publishers and agent just so they start to hear this stuff [although I've heard through one legitimate publisher grapevine the publishers are on to her-let's hope.]

    6. I've considered offering her $5 for every claim she adjusts on a blog post. It'd be a big sum, but she's shameless enough to do it and any sensible person would see that tremendously long list and see the common denominator is JW. And if they still donate, well, they are too dumb to be in charge of their own finances anyway. Oh I mean "purchase" "work" from her "business". She'd add up all the comments on Sham and be like "wow! $500! TODAY! That's 50000 new chickens! I'll DO IT the clan will never abandon me!"
      There is an exceptionally adoring fan of J's who posts love letters to her often on her own blog which has zero comments. This woman works hard and I feel bad for her that she's buying into J's dream rather than her own. I'm also struck by the fact that Jenna never leaves this woman a comment and just says thanks for your support and for mentioning my books. Seems so rude.

    7. Claim she addresses* as in line by line addressing each complaint and explaining how "this person is crazy! I sent it" "that person is nuts and happy with none of my work!"

  42. Thank you, Anon 8:55. As I suspected, we are only seeing the tip of the iceburg. I had a feeling that many more people have been cheated.

    It seems that once she gets the money, she loses any interest she might have once had for producing the product.

    I hope that more people come forward like you have.

  43. The only people who can call her to account are those who feel they have been defrauded. They can deal with her as they choose, including using the NY state police web site listed above, sending registered mail to her home (it's very easy to find her address online), or just writing her off as an expensive mistake. JW knows that people will just write her off - it's too much trouble and time to pursue her for relatively small sums. Any one who can afford Taekwando lessons obviously pays her mortgage, electric bill, and dentist bill. She probably is just sitting back and laughing at the "whiny poodles".

  44. Here's some news! Remember the blacksmith that was at Antlerstock last October? Turns out he is in jail on child sexual assault charges. http://www.thevermontstandard.com/2015/03/barnard-blacksmith-faces-child-molestation-charges/ Of course, that's not JW's fault. But still creepy.

  45. It might be more serious than she realizes. By ripping people off who are out-of-state (living outside of NY), that brings in the feds - i.e. the FBI. Then you can get charges of mail and wire fraud, as you are communicating over interstate lines.

  46. Here is what I'd like to write:

    Hey Jenna, I would like to buy one of your logos. Money is kinda tight right now, as I have to pay the mortgage, my dentist and, oh yeah, my car needs repairs.

    How about if you design a logo and I'll pay you as money comes my way. If I forget to send payment, just keep reminding me, as I am very busy with my hobbies. Sometimes my computer crashes and I lose all my email address, so you may have to remind me a lot.

    If you don't receive your money after a few years, it's probably because I haven't heard from you and believe you meant it as a donation.


  47. She has a long, LONG history of stiffing people. Apparently, she used to be into and draw "anthro" art (furry). Strange, strange. Anyway, check out these unsatisfied customers from way back when. Her name on that site is "Oakpaw". Maybe I should post this over on coldantlersham, too.


    1. Yes, I think you should post it on coldantlersham. Even though it was many years ago, it shows the pattern started back then and continues to this day.

  48. It's a beg-a-thon at Cold Antler Farm.

    You can pre-pay for a logo that won't be scheduled until April...right behind the one's left from January, farm chores, play time and any other damn thing JW can think of to not work for her pay. (a piece that will likely never be finished) or you can buy a fiddle workshop and learn bowing and fingering from an bona fide amature.

    Or, you can subscribe to a blog that gives no useful information but will allow you can follow the disfunctional life of a non-farmer/homesteader on her way through life one scam at a time.

    Wasn't her truck at a friends shop for like a week being repaired last fall? Or, was that all BS too.

  49. This is ridiculous, I gotta pay for her mortgage, root canal, hay, firewood, truck, broken pipes, logo's, pig shares, chicken shares, fiddles, tin whistles, dulcimers, tuba's, falcon food, toilet paper, cider lessons, soap lessons, goat watching, dog hugging, tae kwon do, taxidermy, taxi fares, gas, oil, bourbon. I cannot afford this girl!

  50. Don't buy those logos!! I contacted her a few years ago, needing a logo for my farm. This was right around the time she'd quit her day job. Thought it would be nice to toss some business to a beginning farmer with a graphic design background. All I wanted was a logo, but she insisted on selling me a "package" that included business cards, a banner, letterhead, & more for a ridiculous sum of money. She wanted 100% of the payment up front, before letting me preview any proofs, and no guarantee of when the work would be completed.

    This is not how normal professionals work. Something definitely smelled fishy in Veryork, and I did not hire her for the design work. After finding this blog, I am ever so happy that I did not hire her. Fairly certain I never would have seen a finished logo, or all that money back.

  51. Definitely not how professionals work. I am a graphic artist, been so for many years. And a homesteader, sheep farmer, woman, etc etc. Heck, even used to run a D&D game. And it appalls me how she is begging for logo work with all this upfront and you have to wait and I'm still working on designs from January... through in all the dissatisfied past customers... makes me want to puke. Her whole scheme of money up front and MAYBE product later is just one big shell game. Maybe you will get something, but chances are, not. This annoys me so much. And her outta whack pricing is a sin. All she does mostly is throw a bit of type around and a piece of clip art. Very basic stuff. Like $50 stuff. Barely.


    1. She is charging $300 a logo due up front! I was interested but got turned off number one took her a million emails just to answer me then she got aggressive saying how qualified she was just turned me off. Wouldn't taking a deposit first and then full payment upon completed job be more reasonable? She just keeps robbing Peter to pay Paul and I know from experience it all comes to a head at some point.

    2. Legit designers will also have a website with a portfolio of work completed for other clients. And there's nothing wrong with asking for references.

  52. One satisfied logo customer has posted a comment on her blog, saying that she is very talented. However, the issue is her business practices, not her talent.

    1. Problem is : anyone questioning her business practices or any dissatisfied customer's comment would be erased in a minute... The only comments that will be left there are those that will sing her praises...

    2. That's why it's important for people to relate their experiences on the other sites that have popped up, so the truth gets out.

      On here, cold antler sham, the art site posted a few days ago and on gomi.com/coldatlerfarm

      If people do their due diligence they should get enough info to make an informed decision. Then if they choose to hire her they are doing it with their eyes open.

  53. My satirical version of her "Logos" blog post:

    For those of you who have been reading the blog for years, you may remember the (abscessed tooth, broken truck, late mortgage, broken pipes) I had? I don’t have health insurance or a regular income because I gave up my secure job so I need to raise cash for ________ (fill in the blank).

    So to get cash to start flowing in, I am offering a sale on my logos for folks willing to wait forever.

    How does it work? Well, you send me payment in full up front. After weeks of not hearing from me, you email me and I delete your emails. After months of this, you give up and go away.

    A logo isn’t cheap but neither was my college degree. I worked for a large, reputable company which I chose to leave, and if you are reading my blog, well darn it, you owe me.

    Of course you can bypass this step completely, save yourself the hassle and just send me money via Paypal. Either way, I win.

  54. Doesn't she get tired of being the "damsel in distress"? I thought she was supposed to be "badass" and "scrappy".

  55. Wow, kinda like a weird feeling in her post today. On one hand, I think it's true that non farming people can see farms as rough places for animals, and call in unfounded reports of abuse based on their limited and skewed understanding of what a farm is like. But then you have JW herself with deplorable conditions and many animal deaths... And then she lumps herself in with farmers and such, just having some weird feelings about this post of hers. Yikes. Anyone else???

  56. I don't know what to think. Why would someone well known and reputable have their animals seized? I guess I would have to know all the facts and hear both sides of the story before I could form an opinion.

    However, it does sound defensive. Perhaps this is a thinly disguised post about her own farm and the inadequate shelter for her animals.

    1. I got the same feeling. It's almost got a paranoid voice to it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I agree with you Anon 12:14 & Becca. JW 'farm' is a hobby at best. Her post describes a real working farm, CSA, large operation. It's a shame that farmer is dealing with some misguided people but JW is not in the same ballpark as him. Or Polyface. Or any real farm! She's using his situation to smack down people who (rightly) worry about her neglected animals and the incredibly high death rate at her house. She's getting her 'Amen Charlie's' riled up so when someone comments on her neglected group she can complain 'they're treating me just like him!'

    4. You got that right.

  57. I would also like more information. But I have to say, in this case I could be on that farmer's side. I live in an area where new housing is being built, and our neighbors believe this should be a super sized suburbia. A lot of farmers leave, the rest live in fear because one phone call and one jerk inspecter can mean they remove ALL your animals. The expense of getting them back can mean losing your farm. Don't even get started on the EPA and their power grab in rural areas. And she's right, you never hear of them seizing animals from a factory farm, or hear that the EPA has stopped the massive pollution that surrounds them. Nor do you hear of places like Ayrshire being investigated. Stuff like this makes it tough.

  58. Ok, I read Josh's blog and I have to wonder why they weren't given a chance to make improvements before their animals were all taken? What are the laws concerning access to feed and water? Athough I may believe their animals should have better access to shelter, I don't want to see this kind of enforcement practiced. I don't want laws passed that allow one neighbor to destroy another with a phone call. We have a neighbor who bought the farm next door when the owner died, he divided it, built a million dollar home next to our pasture and has done nothing but complain about the animals. If he thought he could have all our animals removed, he would do it.

  59. Since I no longer read the CAF blog, was she referring to the farm in Boonsboro (Washington Co. NY)? They had 95 animals seized in December. If that's the case, it doesn't sound too good, as the farm was apparently littered with carcasses in various states of decomposition.

    1. From what I read on the Westwind blog, this happened the first week of March.

  60. I would be leary to make assumptions either way without seeing the evidence. Ayrshire Farm looks good on paper, they have veterinary support (from vets that never saw the animals), a fancy public statement (load of lies) etc and they run an extremely abusive and neglectful operation. I would be very curious why these animals were confiscated. If this is the same place where 95 animals were seized I'm very interested to learn more. Who wants to confiscate 95 animals unless required to do so? I think there's more to.this story.

    Btw...cattle drinking out of streams drives me crazy. Preserve your riparian buffers farmers! Fence the cattle out of your streams. Yes that means you have to water them yourself.

    1. It is not the same case. The Boonsboro, Washington County case is in Maryland, not New York or Vermont.

      While I agree with your idea about streams, I don't believe it's grounds for charges of animal cruelty.

  61. I agree with you Meredith regarding the drinking out of streams....That was the only real thing that irritated me about the description of that farm.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This place is very near to Jenna's place, and I believe many know who reported this. When I first read this, knowing how close they are to Jenna, I scratched my head wondering how Jenna has gotten away with all she has done, the animals neglected and abused.... she should be upset, it could just as easily have been (and should have been), her.

  64. That entire post.. please Jenna, you are the very reason the laws regarding care for animals exist. You who lets all your livestock water freeze, because ??? You who provide no shelter for your pigs? You who have a frame and a roof for your pony? You who every single year lose sheep/lambs to preventable illness? Come on Jenna, you need to be arrested yourself.

  65. This West Wind Farm story is covered on an Albany news station, but it doesn't appear that I can link directly to it. Go to http://www.cbs6albany.com/ and under the slide show of "Top Videos" look for "Glenville man accused of neglecting animals". At one point they showed a starving horse that he turned over to authorities back in 2012 so this has been going on for some time There are cows, horses with overgrown hooves, pigs with frost-bitten ears, etc. this time.

  66. Seemed to me her whole post was just her trying to look important and like a real farmer.

  67. Regarding the West Wind Acres allegations, I'll wait to see what the investigators come up with. While the motivations of the person who made the call can be called into question, and farming is dirty and messy and sometimes not pretty, this feels like another person who got in over their head trying to farm. But, we'll see.

    1. I don't think so. There is a neighbor who has been accusing him of crack pot stuff a long time-you're right,w e don't have all the facts yet, but he runs a good operation from what I've heard through channels. Now, I want to say something to JW-how dare you use the dilemma of a real, hardworking farmer like Josh, how dare you, under the guise of caring. It's just another little sad way you want to make it look like you are a farmer [laughable] and that you have a farm [cough] that is in good working condition. People in my world and realm , including myself, were posting about this days before Katz did it, then JW has to copy anything Katz does [not a fan of Katz for many reason, number one, I don't tolerate bullies online or off]. To compare your visit from the sheriff to what is happening to this man and his family-it's pathetic. The only good from her post is perhaps some of her readers will go to his site and see what real farming is all about.I suppose JW will read this comment and roll her eyes, "Man, they just won't give me a break". No JW, I won't give you a break. You are a sham, exploitive spoiled brat. Whay don't you go help Josh with chores, and learn something? Maybe you could suggest to your blind followers that they set up a GoFund in his name to help with legal expenses? Because that would take the limelight off of your drams. Well, this is a real drama that is happening to a real family, and you clearly used it to talk about yourself in between the lines.

    2. To clarify: I meant in over his head in that he may have over extended himself a bit, which might explain the overthrown hooves and other things. Not saying he doesn't have a good operation; I simply don't have enough information to form an opinion about his farm yet.

      I do agree, though, that JW managed to use a legitimate misfortune happening to a non-hobbyist farmer to draw attention to herself.

      She still totally reads these comments.

  68. I would warn everyone to pause and review all evidence available. Generally speaking those charged with animal abuse are guilty and many not charged are guilty as well. I wouldn't stand behind anyone's farm as humane or ethical unless I shadowed the operation for sometime. I would want to see all employees under various circumstances and weather conditions...the whole operation inside out. It is easy to fool even the trained eye. Another very telling factor is how the animals respond to and interact with staff. Animal behaviors and body language are quite telling. Even a healthy animal can be a victim of abuse. Example, the breeding stock of pigs at Ayrshire Farm were terrified of staff and avoided them at all costs. Years of harsh, impatient, abusive treatment taught created scared stressed animals who absolutely did not trust their caregivers.

  69. I would not generalize at all regarding guilty or not. I have been in livestock my entire life, and different animals have different personalities. I have sheep who are calm, and interested in me, and I have sheep who are well, crazy, and prefer not to be in a small room with me. I have NEVER abused my animals. Being that I know sheep, I know that they can be different in terms of attitude toward humans. Someone who did not know sheep, would not know this. You need to look at the condition of the animal, the area it lives, and the over all tenor of the place. Abuse is NOT rampant, but it does exist.

    1. I agree. Different animals have different personalities and you can't assume because one is flighty that they're abused or neglected. The animal's condition (good weight, healthy coat, clear eyes/nose, good feet) and the conditions of the pen/shelter. Safe fence? Area to get away from mud if conditions are wet? Dry bedding in the shelter? Clean water? Feed available appropriate (type and amount) for species? Those are the things that matter.

      My sheep tolerate me. They don't care to be touched at all, except for one ewe who sometimes lets me scratch her back. The idea that I must abuse them because they don't want me to touch them is ludicrous.

  70. Jenna, how dare you even remotely compare yourself to a REAL farmer or your yard to a REAL farm! You have nothing in common with real farmers! I laughed hysterically when you wrote " WE are the ones making sure that there isn't a sign of discomfort or pain in the animals we care for. " REALLY? What did you do for Maude while she was dying a painful death? How is that momma sheep's teat that you refused to treat doing? How about all your other neglected animals or your wild hawk that you have tried to turn into a pet? I was horrified when you wrote "A neighbor who knew absolutely nothing about livestock watched my animals while I visited my family for Thanksgiving." Seriously??? SHAME ON YOU JENNA for knowingly leaving your charges in the care of such an untrained and unknowledgeable person! That was extremely irresponsible of you, but, then again, I should have expected that of you. Irresponsible is your MO! You also wrote, "Here is what is going to happen to Joshua and his family. His court date on the 24th will be full of supporters and friends. The charges will be dropped. His business will grow in support and appreciation." So...now you're a psychic?! There is NO excuse for that pony's hooves being in that condition! I further laughed, and honestly cringed at the same time, at the thought of you reaching out to him. YOU would be the LAST person I would ever want on my "side" defending me! You are the poster child for shameless, irresponsible, and self-serving behavior!

  71. ^^^ SO true!!! Who knows what the truth is at that guys farm but having JW on your side is a death knell!!!

    She wrote that post to be self serving - us old readers can see right through it but new readers will be entranced. I also chuckled with her descriptions of 'we real farmers' hahaha - what a joke! She's puffing out her tail feathers for show.

  72. Could the "I'm releasing my hawk" post be because she had a 'camp' at her place this weekend and someone would notice that the mews was empty? If she really did release a healthy hawk, how come there was no photo or video by which she could get her fix of ooohs and ahhhs. I checked both the blog and twitter and saw no further mention of when or if he was released. This just doesn't pass the 'smell' test.
    If you want to live a make believe life, then why not use make believe animals. Only someone void of conscience could repeatedly allow animals to suffer and die to fill their need for a fantasy. Sad....

    1. Good point. Damage control before having guests on the property. Makes sense. I do hope he was actually released and not dead. You would think release confirmation would be publicly available in the "most regulated sport in the US"

    2. Good point. Damage control before having guests on the property. Makes sense. I do hope he was actually released and not dead. You would think release confirmation would be publicly available in the "most regulated sport in the US"

    3. Good point. Damage control before having guests on the property. Makes sense. I do hope he was actually released and not dead. You would think release confirmation would be publicly available in the "most regulated sport in the US"

  73. Well, it looks like I was wrong................she released him today. Hmmm.................
