Thursday, March 19, 2015

A lesson in roosters

Cali learned a good lesson today...and it was taught by that black rooster.

Don't mess with roosters.

The best kind of lesson is self taught and the rooster did just that. He quickly let cali know not to mess with him!

I don't trust her with the hens but only the boys are free ranging today and cali hasn't shown interest at all since their encounter. She tucked tail and ran to the door.

Thank you rooster!

Never thought my dogs would coexist with cats let alone 3 or cali could not lunge wildly at roosters.

All it takes is the cat that won't run and a proactive rooster.

This obviously wouldn't be the case with all dogs but it is with mine.

1 comment:

  1. I've found my HENS successfully intimidate both my cats and dog. We had one very aggressive and angry hen, and she seems to have imprinted on all the animals that you do NOT mess with chickens. Can't trust anyone else's dogs or cats, of course, but it's nice everyone who lives here can coexist, even if it's through intimidation.
