Sunday, March 1, 2015


For more information and how you can help the abused, neglected, and inhumanely treated pigs at Certified Organic and Certified Humane Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA please follow, like, and share the link below. Ayrshire Farm is owned and operated by nationally recognized animal rights advocate Sandy Lerner and Large Livestock Manager/Licensed Vet Tech is Crystal Ritenour.

If the link does not work please Facebook search "The Truth Behind Ayrshire Farm"

If you would like to donate to help the aid in the court case see here

Here we go!

Taking matters in my own hands.

Should have done this in July of 2014.


  1. That photo makes me cry. I will rework my budget to see how I can help. Is there a way that I can send a check to you directly, or do I have to set up an account somewhere to donate on the gofundme page?


  2. Meredith Amonson
    PO Box 466
    Upperville, VA 20184

    Thank you Valerie. I'll be going up against hot shot lawyers and need to.consult with a lawyer immediately and hopefully find someone to pro bono but because of the statute of limitations I need to get the ball rolling.
