Monday, March 9, 2015

Hearing Date!

I have a hearing date for my criminal animal cruelty complaint against Crystal Ritenour.

Better late than never but wish in had initiated this in July.

Due to the statute of limitations there is so much that will not be addressed.


  1. Good luck, Meredith, I hope things go in your favor.

  2. Stay calm and know you have evidence, and ultimately truth on your side.

  3. Ditto what the others have said. Remember, you just do your part. The ultimate outcome is as much determined by others as it is you. This isn't the focus of your life. Your life is bigger than this, and I hope your even greater impact is by having your own operation that you grow and show others how well it can be done.

  4. Posted this lady night.

    Ayrshire Farm is currently in a frenzy frantically trying to patch their injured reputation. I truly do not think they realize this is the beginning of the end of whatever reputation remains. Their level of outreach requesting support through friends and acquaintances (many who have admittedly not reviewed evidence) is quite telling.

    Ayrshire Farms actions are not those of a business professionally dealing with a "disgruntled employee" through the proper legal channels with their team of lawyers (and believe me Sandy Lerner has them). Their actions are that of a sinking ship....a farm that is scrambling to discredit the individual that is bringing facts, evidence, records, witness accounts, photographic evidence, video evidence, voice recorded conversations, emails, text messages, 3rd party inspectors, 3rd party veterinarian review, 3rd party nonprofit support, roughly 4,000 signatures (within a week) through an online petition, and her convictions to the table.

    Reading the comments on Ayrshire Farms recent "disgruntled employee" Facebook page I wasn't sure if I was reading Sandy Lerners eulogy or personal references taken off Crystal Ritenour's resume. What I wasn't reading were responses after the lengthy review of my evidence of the condition of pigs at Ayrshire Farm. I have only requested review from 3rd party organizations and veterinarians. They do not know or care who I am or who Ayrshire Farm is. What they do care about is the current status of the farm that is responsible for these inexcusable heinous acts of animal cruelty.

    Large Livestock Manager Crystal Ritenour will be held accountable for the willfull neglect and inhumane treatment of the pigs at Ayrshire Farm and Sandy Lerner will be forced to recognize that despite unannounced inspection after unannounced inspection by organizations and authorities stunned and shocked at the evidence depicting horrific neglect (Humane Farm Animal Care, Loudoun Animal Services, Oregon Tilth to name a few) she kept all these neglectful and abusive individuals in management and staff positions. In doing so Sandy Lerner is indirectly maintaining and funding this cycle of abuse and neglect.

    Please keep sharing this page.

    As the advocate for the pigs at Ayrshire Farm I truly appreciate your support.

    1. When is the hearing date and is this technically a lawsuit or is a criminal complaint the correct term?

  5. Dev - you are so right.
