Friday, November 20, 2015

Oh the irony


  1. Everybody is bugging out right now but yes, we exploited the natives, dragged over slaves and all the white people came as refugees in one way shape or another. The result, one of the most racist, bizarre and competitive nations filled with guilt, periodic generosity and infrequent heroics.

  2. Many Native tribes didn't welcome us, and many of our first settlements were killed off. I'm sure the tribes who welcomed us have learned to regret it.

    There are good people and good arguments on both sides. We certainly shouldn't be demonizing each other, and we should be sure that the refugees are really refugees.

  3. It's bad to get sucked up into this divisive onslaught in the media, As for the native americans and what happened, it is part of our history, and you can't change that. You can however be more aware. I won't comment further as we are all being pawns if we do (regards to current events).

  4. Some white refugees were treated like crap as well. Irish and Acadiens, for example.
