Tuesday, November 10, 2015


All of Eddies clothes are in my trailer.

The comfort and smiles they bring are immeasurable.

I'm so glad I didn't listen to the advice of others and let it all go.

Grieve at your own pace!

Follow your instincts.

For those who are newer to this blog, Eddie Todd was my best friend boyfriend who died in a car accident April 19 2014.


  1. OH! I didn't know this. Grieving at your own pace, and being non-judgemental of yourself is the best salve you can have. I personally find clothing to be very soothing, I know some don't, and that's okay, too. The smile that Eddie's bring to you says it all.

  2. Agreed Abrah. You can also turn them into a quilt someday if you wanted. Follow your instinct, so true.

  3. Glad that keeping his things around is providing you some comfort. Hope your heart continues to heal.

  4. A quilt sounds like a wonderful idea.

  5. Yes, grieve at your own pace. It hasn't been all that long.

    Maybe someday we can make a quilt "together" Meredith. My beloved, gentle father died five years ago and I still have some of his flannel shirts.


  6. I don't think I could cut anything up. I wear so much of it!
