Tuesday, November 24, 2015

From Scratch Magazine

I sent this via a Facebook message back in February to From Scratch magazine.

I sent another message today.

What a shame to compromise the integrity and credibility of their magazine.

It's now a trashed publication.

Meredith Amonson

Please reconsider Jenna woginrich from cold antler farm as an.award winner who you will highlight in a magazine. Jenna Woginrich has a long history of defrauding individuals of their money through her CSA programs, her Cold Antler Clan subscription, and her Webinar subscriptions. She takes money and does not follow through with products. Many have contacted the Attorney General and pursuing justice and compensation in small claims court. As a farmer I would also like to comment on her poor animal husbandry practices leading to ethic consequences for the animals on her farm. The mortality rate on her farm due to accidents and untreated illnesses are quite high and there are also.incidencesof not providing urgent humane urbanization when necessary.

Here is a blog dedicated to the individuals Jenna has defrauded and their quest for justice.


The integrity and credibility of your publication is at risk by supporting Jenna Woginrich and Cold Antler Farm.

Thank you,


Feb 2


  1. I also absolutely do not support a business that disseminates personal information.

    Their silence when it was inquired is suspect.

    I don't know if it can be proven or if the individual wants to address it further but it's so inappropriate and borderline dangerous. That type of personal information should never shared.

    ...the list of shady businesses continues to grow.

  2. I just commented on the post where they introduce Jenna (the first post on fb I believe). I encourage you all to do the same.

    1. I do not see any comments on the FB JW article.

      I do find it ironic, however, that right below the JW article is this:

      Submit a Comment
      Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *

      Your email address won't be published, but they'll freely give it out to whoever they want.

    2. It's a comment on the first post on their fb page.

    3. I don't know. When I look at From Scratch I see a column of posts, but no comments on any of them. I even turned on "all comments." Shrug...

  3. Meredith, I'll screen shot you pictures of the convo if you send me your email if you promise to shade my name and profile. I truly do not trust her followers to not harass me.

  4. Actually, knowing from scratch respect of others, they'd probably post it publically. I run a small business and can't get into online drama. I'm so frustrated by this

    1. It's maddening. They will likely try to discredit you to save face.

  5. Where the hell do you get off calling or writing someones "employer" and telling them they have a horrible employee and they should not associate with someone? Who does business with Jenna is a private business transaction and NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

    This is just as bad as someone contacting your employer, Meredith, and saying to them did you see her blog. OMG she is such a witch. All she does is file false allegations against farms that she worked and whoever else she has a bug up her butt about that particular day. The court already has called her a disgruntled ex-intern. She is no good for your organization and I am going to launch an online blog to discredit your company if you don't disassociate with Meredith immediately.

    Then you get fired. And what do you do? You do know that Jenna now has a legal basis to come after you and I hope she does. This statement alone is libel and slanderous as you are not present on her farm have absolutely no proof beyond what you have read or seen on video and furthermore have nothing more than an agenda to run this girl out of her farm and life.


    Oh and learn how to spell please.

    You have learned NOTHING from your post Sometimes there is no tomorrow. I believe everyone has something about themselves that could use some positive attention. You on the other hand have a lot to work on. Being kind to others should be at the top of your list.

    Someone really needs to knock you down a few pegs.

    1. False allegations? Please provide any statements that my allegations were proven false.

      Please provide evidence the court called me a disgruntled intern.

      You can't do either of those things. Feel free to try.

    2. Contact my employer. Start your own blog.

    3. Wow do you even own a pair of big girl panties Anon. 11:09?
      I worked with the public for over 30 years. People have a right to complain and they do it all the time. If you are directly asking the public, on the internet, to fund your lifestyle, you better be very transparent and have a thick skin. You also better behave in a very polite way even to people who offend you.

    4. Someone shouldn't comment on another person's spelling when his/her own comment contains numerous punctuation errors.

  6. It's not libel or slanderous if it's true (by her own published online admissions).

  7. Meredith, what is your middle initial????

    1. Would you like my social security number too?!

      Track me down. Google it.

    2. Looks like you should be on a first name basis with the traffic courts.

      GT07048139-00 AMONSON, MERDITH 12/14/2007 10:00 AM FAIL TO OBEY HIGHWAY SIGN
      GT07021961-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH J 06/22/2007 01:00 PM NO REG. CARD/LIC IN POSSESSION
      GT07022113-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH JOY 06/22/2007 01:00 PM FAIL TO OBEY HIGHWAY SIGN
      GT07045353-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH JOY 02/01/2008 01:30 PM 39/25 SP
      GT08044474-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH JOY 10/23/2008 01:30 PM EXPIRED REGISTRATION
      GT11053681-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH JOY 02/08/2012 01:30 PM NO COUNTY OR CITY TAG
      GT13033457-00 AMONSON, MEREDITH JOY 12/19/2013 01:30 PM EXPIRED REGISTRATION

    3. LOL thanks for the laugh! Oooh traffic records from a span of SIX YEARS. Such a scandal!!! hahahaha Oh brother.

    4. Far less has been used against people.

    5. And 5 of them she didn't show up for court. She sounds responsible.

    6. Not one speeding ticket in the last 8 years!

      I'm such a danger to myself and others...expired registration and all!

    7. Shows irresponsibility. Bad record keeping. And by not having your car inspected for safety reasons alone is a danger to yourself and others on the road. How do people know your brakes are safe if you don't get them checked periodically?

    8. oh my god. STAHHHP

    9. What's the matter. Just pointing out some facts. Albeit not as exciting as someone begging for money or abusing animals.

      Just some good humored ribbing. And showing that anything can be turned around on someone. Even someone who makes mistakes in their past. hmmmmm.......

    10. The same way I know my animals are healthy without having a wellness check done yearly. I maintain them and have them treated when sick.

      Just like my brakes. I don't wait to fail inspection to have my brakes replaced. As they wear I have them replaced. Sane with tires, windshield wipers, lights etc.

      It's irresponsible to wait until you fail inspection to have things replaced.

    11. Then you are better than most people. I should have know that by your wonderful blog. But you need to visit a shop in order to know they are bad. Besides the list of what they check is extensive. Unless you are and ASE certified mechanic with an inspection license I doubt you know what you should be checking.

      Most car owners only visit on inspection due. If they own a newer car there really isn't a reason to visit a shop unless something breaks. You never know year to year the wear and tear damage on a vehicle.

    12. Out here in the West, I've never even heard of "inspections" for vehicles. Here, that apparently is the owner's responsibility (as it should be). We only have (in some counties, not all) emissions inspections. The state right next to us who has commuters from that state to ours have NO emissions inspections at all.

    13. Hmmm wonder why there's only 1 ticket for an unsuspected vehicle? That's because during my other stops over those 8 years my vehicle was inspected!

      A car isn't going to self destruct the day the inspection expires.

    14. It is stupid that states have different regulations for autos. Here in maryland there is no inspection for cars unless they are sold and transferred to new owners. So you can own a car with bad brakes, muffler hanging on by a thread and bald tires and it's ok. Our county doesn't require emissions but the next one over does. Has to do with population and car emissions. However, newer cars are to have zero emissions so basically the sticker is for older cars.

    15. What do you mean by "used against? " 11:44?

    16. You are right it may not self destruct the day after expiration BUT there are many times where limits are close and people choose not to fix or replace parts. It's not mandatory that they fix things just on the safe side of tolerances and that could cause a failure or accident two months into current inspection. But it was ok when checked.

      I don't want to get into a pissing into the wind battle over car inspections. My point was that everyone has faults. But no one likes to have them pointed out all the time, over and over and over.....get it?

    17. So having an expired registration is akin to neglecting animals and stealing?

      You can call out my faults all day. Start a blog about my expired inspection.

    18. Emissions requirements vary within VA depending on county...PA is the same way.

  8. From LAW.COM:


    1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander, which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity open to a lawsuit for damages by the person WHO CAN PROVE THE STATEMENT ABOUT HIM/HER WAS A LIE.

    Good luck JW proving that the things you published yourself about your animal neglect/abuse was a lie. Most information here we've gotten straight from the horse's mouth (yours).

    (Emphasis mine)

  9. And the comment about a disgruntled ex-intern was right on the Aryshire farm facebook page. Quoted directly from the court documents.

  10. Maybe you should go look it up. I figured out your middle initial all on my own......or are you blocked on their facebook page too? :(

  11. She means this...May 22, 2015, UPDATE: In March, a former intern at Ayrshire Farm, Meredith Amonson, filed a citizen’s criminal complaint against Crystal Ritenour (Ayrshire Farm’s Livestock Manager and Ms. Amonson’s former supervisor) in Loudoun County, accusing her of animal cruelty. The case was tried in the General District Court on May 20. Several employees of Ayrshire were called to testify, as was a Loudoun County Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer told the Court that he’d investigated multiple complaints that Ms. Amonson had made to his office and his investigation found no evidence of animal cruelty. At the end of Ms. Amonson’s presentation, the Court ruled that she had presented no evidence of animal cruelty and dismissed the case.

    Now we can get back to caring for the many animals on the farm including a lot of new piglets…

    March 4, 2015

    To our many friends and supporters:

    As many of you know, Ayrshire Farm has been under attack on-line. These misrepresentations have all been posted by one disgruntled former intern who has posted photos purportedly showing a lack of care and concern for the animals on the Farm. As a mid-sized farm, we have more than a thousand animals. It is unrealistic to expect that there won't be small numbers of animals that become sick and require special care. We adhere to strict Certified Humane guidelines that require that we care for and treat any and all animals that become ill or injured and require treatment of whatever nature necessary. When these illnesses or injuries occur, the animal is immediately provided with appropriate medical care and staff attention; if the injury or illness requires that the animal be moved out of the herd and placed in confined care, where closer supervision is required, this is provided immediately, as are any necessary treatments.

    1. So you can't confirm anything you said. Of course Ayrshire Farm is going to deny abuse and neglect.

      I lost because I need expert testimony and did not bring a vet with me. Simple as that and the minutes will reflect that's what the judge said.

    2. If they adhere to strict certified humane guidelines why did they fail the inspection by humane farm animal care to see if they were in compliance with certified humane standards?

    3. You said it was quoted directly from court documents? By court documents do you mean Ayrshire Farms Facebook page?

      Saying that is from a court document is libel (see above).

    4. Thank you for being a voice of reason, Anonymous @ November 24, 2015 at 11:46 AM.

  12. And where is that report my dear?

    1. Just posted a portion of it for you. Written by Humane Farm Animal Cares Lawyer. Other correspondences are written by Adele Douglas the founder and director of HFAC.

    2. Do you have a better copy? It is blurry when blown up.

    3. Well too bad for me. I don't do facebook.

    4. I don't think you have to do Facebook to look at the page.

  13. Well, this latest news about JW getting paid work at From Scratch is in a way a good thing because hopefully the begging will stop (wishful thinking I know). The bad news is that I’m so disappointed that she’s basically being rewarded for bad behavior.
    Alas, there are so many people, not just JW, who don’t play by the rules and still manage to not only keep their heads above water, but thrive. It’s maddening to those of us who live an honest life.
    I just might be at the point now where I’m going to avoid everything JW instead of keeping up with her and getting upset.
    Time to find some new inspiration.

    1. That is the best advice I've heard from this blog.

  14. What's hilarious about this, if memory serves, is that Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm and From Scratch Magazine has discussed her vehicles not being "legal," and hit the internet up to pay for her new, "cool," vehicle that she needed because her other truck was not only broken down, but in danger of being repossessed.
    So she was actively endeavoring to avoid the repercussions of not paying her first lien by taking a second one.
    FWIW, Meredith doesn't give workshops on non-moving violations.... or does she? AHA!
    Once again, if you feel that Woginrich represents a valuable example of farming or homesteading, stick with it!
    Personally, I could never attend a social activity while pretending not to notice one of my tiny flock in my backyard lying in a lump while the shearer was shearing. But maybe you could?

    1. Well, one of two things may come out of this. Because of the focus on farm, Youtube videos and such more people will complain of the fraud that isn't real homesteading or to make $ legitimately some steps will be taken to clean up the 6.5 acres and take better care of her pets-(build actual buildings, barns etc.) with $ given vs. using the funds to fund a fictional life and sit around all day watching television. Like the above rabbit workshop review, more people should really investigate what JW says, and the life she is really portraying/living whatever before they call her an expert at anything and tout her as a contributor to a homesteading magazine or site .

  15. I imagine that in order to get paid, she's going to need to provide actual informative, farm/homestead content. I can't remember the last time I saw a vlog or read a blog post that wasn't product sales, save the farm begging, her oft repeated "the animals escaped then I did morning chores and had coffee because I'm a badass" back patting, going out to play with her living toys, or some completely off the wall star struck celebrity fluff. Perhaps the need to create real content will help her animals get some real care.... like what happened to that pasture management that was supposed to be going on? How about fixing, not just putting bandaids on, the fences? Maybe some pictures and follow up on these workshops she apparently sells but never promotes with customer feedback. Evidence of homesteading beyond keeping expensive pets and watching an ungodly amount of TV would be nice.

  16. From Reddit

    [–]ddeck 4 points 4 months ago
    Been to Coldantler and met Jenna, the blog is not the reality. In fact, I would suggest everyone go to these places and see what the truth is.
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    [–]hoserman 3 points 4 months ago
    Can you elaborate?
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    [–]ddeck 3 points 4 months ago
    Went there for an extremely overpriced rabbit workshop (my wife bought it, not me). House and outbuildings were a disaster, lot of haphazard stuff that showed things were not getting done. I could believe this if it was a 30 acre farm in full production, but it was about 1 acre of actual land in use. Random stuff was just everywhere. The rabbit workshop was terrible. No real plan or useful information. We then had to drive to another person's place to see an animal harvested. (A retired couple owned the place and had larger gardens, more chickens and more horses than Jenna). Even my wife stopped following the blog after going there. She now knew what was really going on. Jenna also mentioned that she had done a lot of swimming that summer and looked forward to spending the majority of the next day at the river. With the amount of work that needed to be done, there should have been no swimming that summer.
    In the end, she uses the blog so other people can support her dream of not working in an office. She had a blog post about her truck being repossessed and I'm pretty sure her house was near foreclosure.

    What's weird is that thus far this is one of the negative reviews I've found but of all the resources available to leave positive there are none. I know from a friend's experience from attending a workshop no photos are allowed. Guests sign a waiver. I'm not sure if the waiver also contains language about not talking about the workshop or? I find it so weird-no photos, no close-ups and no reviews except this one.

    1. Perhaps "From Scratch" should be made aware of this?

    2. I attended a workshop, I was told to never speak of it to any living soul or I'd be sorry, very, very sorry. but hey I got a free CAF T shirt for only $200

  17. It is their responsibility to do the "due diligence" before associating with JW and they have been given a link. If they did not and it comes back to bite them, so be it. If they did and chose to associate with her, it speaks to the quality of their product. But either way, a continued campaign against JW will just put them in the position to defend or protect her, if for no other reason that to cover their own asses. (my opinion)

    Plus, when has JW ever managed her "successes" well - delivering what she promises, following through, or even leveraging and building on the success? She may experience a brief "boost", but she hasn't demonstrated any capacity to sustain or build on that.

  18. I'm the one who wrote them originally and I agree with Karen. I wrote them before I knew she was an "employee" of them or else I probably wouldn't have written them. I thought they were just promoting her. I agree that there's no point to beat a dead horse. There is so much truth to the saying kharma is a b****. Your actions have a way of catching up to you. I agree with Karen that she hasn't succeeded in anything and it will continue on until it all collapses. It just takes longer than any of us would like. Until then, supporting great farms and hard workers and focusing on supporting them seems like a great use of time. I was rooting for Jenna a long time ago and she broke the trust. It's a character issue that she's evidently had since college and character issues are much harder to fix. It will come crumbling. We can't control people, only are responses to them. I'm not out to control Jenna or her choices, but I can voice when her choices have impacted poorly myself and others. I hope that people wise up and stop giving hard earned money, but I can't control that either. I am grateful that this blog gave me a place to voice concern.

  19. Our responses* typing from my phone and evidently I'm very bad at it.

  20. Karen, I agree 100% with what you've stated. I am part of a large group of women (family and friends) who enjoy getting together to talk about homesteading. Early on JW's books were brought into the discussion but found to contain duplication to what we were already reading. There was nothing unique per se, and it still remains so, in her way of doing things. Except that her friends continue to defend her way of homesteading/farming = not really a homesteader or a farmer by even the lowest set of standards or expectations.

    We perform due diligence on every book, magazine and website we pay $ to receive advice or instruction etc. from. If they tout JW that magazine or website is crossed off our list for any future discussion. It's just that simple. Homesteading is hard and it costs money and it takes day after day of hard work and sacrifice. No time off, no play time before work time and often times no foreseeable reward. We love it don't get me wrong, but it takes work and work and more work.

    It's nothing like is portrayed on any level- in person, through reading her blog or tweets by JW- absolutely no comparison. Even the laziest farmer I know works twice as hard as JW AND he supports himself, however humble that may be. JMO

  21. Anon 4:36 - I think it was legit to tell them of your experience and it is unconscionable that they apparently shared your info - but that is what really convinced me that they are only concerned with CYA (cover your ass). Meredith shared the link for other documented problems, but they could have found (or did find) that link and the Reddit review in 25 seconds themselves. They either chose not to or chose to ignore it.

    Anon 4:56 I'd love to see your list of books and articles that your group discusses. I am in business for myself and happen to also grow and produce a lot of things on my small urban plot, community garden, and through cooperation and trade with other urban farmers, gardeners and homesteaders.

    1. And I understand how hard it is to support yourself - my main work is consulting, writing for and supporting nonprofit clients and I would never promote myself as a farmer that needs to be sustained and supported like JW even though I probably produce as much or more than she does. I work hard! and her laziness and self-promotion really gets under my skin.

  22. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth..out of all the people they could have paired themselves with..they went with her and repeated complaints made to them regarding her have been ignored. I went ahead and took them off my facebook and deleted my account with them. I read their magazine because I enjoyed the articles from the real farmers out there. Every time I see an article of hers it only promotes her bogus life.

    So yeah..what to do? I'll keep reading and watching Starry Hilder,The Elliott Homestead,Appalachia's Homestead, and the rest who are the real deal and will stay away from those who promote her.


  23. I see that From Scratch touts her for the blog including her cooking posts. Really? Flop a chicken on some kale or how to cook a butternut squash? Move over Ina Garten, here comes Jenna! That's modern homesteading Son!

    1. Good God. From Scratch just lost a lot of readership in one move.

  24. Any ideas how much a gig like this pays?
    Since they're using content she is already producing on her own, I can't imagine she's making a lot of $$$? But I really have no idea.
    I've noticed the begging has calmed down quite a bit. It's actually been a while since the last crisis.

  25. Yes, she must have gotten her miracle. Possibly some fans came through with a lot of $$$. That being said, I'm sure it won't be long before the next crisis.

    Does anyone else notice the frequent references to alcohol? She reminds me of my lazy ex-husband. He was well educated, but didn't like the "corporate rat race", so he decided he'd rather work from home. Meaning spending the day on the couch binge watching TV and drinking.

    1. Yes, I think she started mentioning it more about 2 years ago. She does like her whiskey.

  26. I assume that the From Scratch job doesn't pay anything at all--it's a free publication, and I doubt they pay their writers. She's probably just doing it for the glory.

    1. They take donations so I'm sure they'd like a piece of Jenna's reader/viewership, ignorant as it tends to be, they most likely see it as a source of moolah. Why not try to ride her lazy coattails. Who cares if they're dragging
      on the ground, right?

  27. From Scratch will have to find out for themselves whether this was a good move or not.

    It probably doesn't pay well, most likely a per piece rate like other writing gigs, or a flat fee for so many articles. I wrote something for Mother earth News and got $50, of course it took months to arrive.

    I've always liked FS and their articles, even from guest writers have always been interesting and full of info. Not sure what JW brings to the table as far as indeepth experience and knowledge. She doesn't farm, really, and doesn't do much of anything now. She'll have to meet the editorial standards and I'm not convinced she can.

    Oh well...not my problem. I'll read the mag but skip over the JW stuff.

    Speaking of magazines. The Beekman boys just launched theirs and it beautiful. They've been doing this about the same time as JW and look what they've created. I'm not putting them on a pedestal because I think their show is mostly stupid, kinda of like dumb and dumber buy a farm. But, I do have to give them credit for wanting a life, making plans and taking steps towards it. They started out making cheese with a local cheese maker, then soap and so on. One step at a time, building on the next.

    The mag is more lifestyle than farming, but it is very nice. Won't buy it though, too expensive.

    1. I have them on my facebook and love their photos and general postings they do..The Beekman house is gorgeous and really admire their can-do and never give up attitude.


  28. Yeah I doubt they pay much and even I suspect it's a content trade, she gets mentions, links and such in trade for her regurgitated hack crap about being drunk, naked, heathenish, and nerd girl worshipping movie stars. i would imagine some of the begging and crisis de jour stuff will have to be religated to Facebook or Twitter because of this new from scratch appointment. Not on the blog for everyone to see.

    1. The risk to From Scratch is that their existing readers get turned off by the lack of useful info/content from JW. And, I doubt her scrappy tone of voice, dire wolf attitude and swearing will sit well with them either.

      Whatever the arrangement it is a more of a risk for From Scratch than Jenna.

  29. If there was need for proof of how utterly ignorant she is about agriculture this comment she wrote on reddit is choice. From an environmental standpoint, CAF is a CAFO through and through. The animals are in small permanent pastures (feedlots) harvesting just a minute amount of their own feed. She isn't running "diesel machines" because someone else is doing it for her when she buys hay and grain. And how is she using draft power on her farm?

    As a small farmer raising animals sheep on grass, free-ranging pigs, poultry on pasture, and not even using a tractor (I use a draft horse instead) it is always such a bummer when people think all food is raised in factory farms and destroying the rain forests. Not all meat farming is cruel concentration camps. Not all of us are filling the world with methane and running diesel machines. My animal's feed doesn't even come from diesel trucks - it's produced locally.
    And there really is an option for people who want to eat meat that doesn't fit into the documentary life of factory farms. It only costs a fortune if you are buying from wholefoods and not from the farmer's themselves (who will happily deliver to your city) If you don't want to eat animals because of animal rights- that's another story. But if you think every lambchop and pulled pork sandwich is a disaster for the planet, I suggest reading Joel Salatins (or audiobooking it) Folks, This Aint Normal. It's a complicated issue and seeing people just write off meat as "bad" is so frustrating.
    I know this was such a short piece of the episode - but growing animals for food is how this Harmenian is able to subscribe to show and watch it live.

    1. MY GOD it sure has gotten deep... she's so absolutely full of crap. She has a CAFO and has for years. What the heck else is it when you keep pigs in barns for their entire lives?

    2. Can I ask where this was written? Her animals have it WORSE than commercial feedlots. OMG. At least the big lots have lots of food. How many winters has she run short of hay? (and wood)
      You know, chickens are stupid animals, but they still deserve good care. How many of those tractor chickens have expired? (not including human-butchered)

    3. She posts as Shieldmare on reddit:


    4. Thanks, anon 6:23

    5. So Jenna doesn't think that the tractors that farmers have are diesel? What do they cut and bale the hay with, a scythe and a horse drawn wagon? They use diesel and she uses gas to drive the 20 mile round trip to Salem to pick it up. Jeesh!

  30. She's ignorant about guns and hunting also. Someone asked what muzzleloader she uses and her response was "black". She also said something to the effect of if half the shots she heard brought down a deer, venison was going to be on the menu that night. Nobody I know eats the venison the same day, and if you don't know the kind of gun you are using (other than it's color) you probably shouldn't be shooting. I can't imagine she cleans her guns either, or sights them in. SCARY!

    1. Those comments made me cringe.

      Agree, those deer will be hanging overnight. Not being eaten for dinner.

    2. I just read her bio on From Scratch. Did you know that on a June morning, you can find her "plowing a field with Merlin for a pumpkin patch"? HAHAHAHA!

    3. OMG!!!!!! LOL We should all comment on that article and ask for pictures!

    4. Hahahahaha, don't you like need a plow? And a harness? Which she sold or was selling? She's never plowed a single row with her horse. She is so full of bs... Oh wait, was that imaginary Jenna? Sure, she does all that stuff, all the time, in her fantasy world.

    5. I can see her now, in a kilt, 2" heels and make up, harnessing Merlin for the big 10' of field plowing. HA!

    6. She's always been so proud of writing about how she gardens with hand tools, hard work and sweat. So which is the lie?

      FS has a big following and JW is foolish to expose herself and her fraud to a larger audience.

      Hope merediths blog has lots of bandwidth, we're gonna see more people here.

    7. OK, I have been a long time From Scratch subscriber. I attempted to write them today to unsubscribe and used their info at fromscratchmag dot come email for "contact us", and it keeps coming back to me as undeliverable. Does anyone have a better email address for the editors of From Scratch?

    8. A while back when I wrote to them to complain about posting some of JW's stuff, (long before she was made 'part of the team'), I messaged them through facebook. They certainly didn't waste any time replying there.

  31. Is she no longer milking the goats? She mentioned getting half and half at the gas station-- she was using goat's milk. Made a big deal about how great it was. She's asking around on FB for a buck. Goats are generally milked for 10 months with 2 months dry.....her goats will be dry 5+ months.

  32. From Katz's blog today, make of it what you will!

    "I know a woman who goes out hunting, she claims she needs the venison for food, she says she lives off nature, but she is often seen at the Subway in town buying her meals. I don't think she has shot anything."


    1. Hmmm... somehow that doesn't fit. Must be another woman he's talking about? I don't think JW ever claimed to "live off nature" although I could be wrong.

    2. She's claimed her farm feeds her, same concept. That's definitely about Jenna!

    3. That also wouldn't fit in the keto diet.

    4. JW has claimed to live off her farm many times, the most recent when her family came to visit. She wrote about the 'farm' providing for her.

    5. I clearly remember a post she wrote, dissing people who bought their meat from a supermarket. I guess Subway doesn't count.

    6. I saw that and immediately KNEW he was talking about the Cold Antler chick. Immediately. No question about it.

  33. Yes, definitely about Jenna. Hunting for Jenna, has nothing to do with getting food, it's ONLY about being accepted, as she alluded to in her latest vlog.

  34. She has stated many times she lives off the land..if that were true she would be stick thin from only eating kale and the occasional chicken.

    She doesn't plow anything,she has never caught anything with the hawk and has never harvested a deer.

    I am super curious how the town views her..really really curious

    1. I live near her and do business in her town at least once a week. I have only seen her once at a farm stand. I don't think she goes into town much except for coffee and to lift Splenda from Cumberland Farms or Stewarts. I know what would be said if she was seen in a kilt though!

    2. Well I guess that makes sense..I don't imagine she goes to town all that much..plus..I don't think many people give a poo about her in every day life.

    3. I know she's all hot to land deer, but honestly what woukd do if she hot one? Drag it down the hill by herself. String it up, skin and gut it with her own hands? She'd have to leave it dead where it dropped while she tried to find someone to come and help.

      This part has always puzzled me. Her hunting trips don't seem well thought out. Or maybe they are and the allure is looking like a hunter but not actually getting anything. Besides didn't she say she only has a small freezer? Don't know about venison but a whole lamb we raise fills a pretty good portion of our 25-cubic foot upright. With chickens, ducks, pork, soup base and everything else it's stuffed to the gills.

  35. By her own mouth...hunting is more about showing off to the good ole boys in town and chatting them up at the gas station. Interesting reason to hunt.

  36. And the winter beg-a-thon begins.......

    "I am unsettled to announce that things here are getting seriously rough, as far as keeping the farm goes. Things have always been tight and sketchy, but going into winter firewood costs, dental work, and hay bills have gotten me dangerously behind. I have never been this close to the edge and I'm losing sleep, focus, and finding it harder and harder to keep a calm head. So I am coming to you folks, the readers of this blog, to ask for help in the form of a rogue marketing campaign... With hard work, some luck, positive thinking and hard scheduling I feel I can keep this place mine. This place just needs a break, is all, and sometimes you need to ask for help finding it."

    HARD WORK???!!!!!!! WHAT hard work? She is so predictable and delusional I almost can't stand it.

  37. As someone posted before, how many freakin' breaks does this woman need?????

  38. Hard work!!! Bahahahahahahahahahaha. She binge watched tv all day!!!

  39. I'm hoping $$ is tight for everyone this holiday season and no one bails her out again. Girlfriend needs a serious reality check.

  40. Guess she thinks her fans have the attention span of a gnat, not to have noticed her TV addiction, rather than 'hard work.'

  41. I suspect it being the season of "giving". She will get her break. As a former donor (lapse in judgement) I do worry about the animals. If CAF does tank I shudder to think what will happen to them. I have learned my lesson (thanks Meredith) and not another dime will go that way. One thing I find amusing is that if Jenna had not mentioned this blog (not by name she said just google CAF) I would never have found this group and realized I wasn't the only one with questions.

    1. I worry about her animals more being at CAF than where they would go if it did tank. No shelter for aging Merlin, nor the pigs. Goats barely have anywhere to kick up their heels and the chickens... well we all know how 'disposable' they are.

      I think that if she did get rid of her animals they'd be in a much better situation.

  42. I have lost count of how many breaks she has had. I have lost count of how many times her fans have bailed her out.

    Hard work? You call binge watching TV hard work? You call skipping work on logos and Birchthorn to go out with your bird hard work?

    You mean with acres of trees on her land and all year to harvest and split wood, she is still buying wood?

    What don't her knucklehead donors get? And that goes for the troll that has been commenting here.

  43. We always cut our wood in February and March so it has all summer to dry. No buying more expensive cured wood.

  44. Yes, I noticed that the next Cold Antler Farm emergency has begun. Partly a scam and partly, as you say, lack of work and planning by the ultimate grasshopper!

  45. I literally don't even know what to say anymore.

  46. Everyone who has money to spare and itchy fingers should remember all the times she collected money to save the farm and a-still hasn't saved the farm b-didn't use it for what is was intended. I wonder what the person who gave her money to winterize the buildings thinks? Or those who gave to the Kickstarter expecting a book by now yet no book in sight. How many times did she ask for help for money for a tooth then squandered that money. Those that help this time won't be saving a farm but rather funding her winter of heathen meetings,brewery and coffee runs,prime memberships and let's not forget Netflix for binge tv watching and her d&d gaming membership. Truthfully I wouldn't share her voucher links with my worst enemy. There is absolutely no proof via her character and track record that she will ever honor the vouchers or follow through. It's a bait and switch for sure as far as I'm concerned. Smh

  47. Her sister asked her what she needs--looks like family is still helping out?!?

    1. Asking isn't getting though. If my sis was in that situation is ask too, but my help may not include giving money, which is all JW wants.

  48. Whatever JW is she suffers from poor mismanagement of money. I know farmers around here, real farmers, not pretend farmers with props that brought in less money that her this year, still going strong. I haven't seen or heard one farmer around here hold their hand out for a donation for hay, teeth or one.single.thing. She does it because she can. And all she has to do is press the right buttons and people come a running. Little do the people know all of those animals are going to suffer a very cold and bitter winter and no amount of money they send will stop that, in any way, from happening. All of her donors are paying her late fees, not her mortgage. Her donors are paying her smart phone bill (because we all know she has one) are paying her memberships (Amazon Prime, Dungeons and Dragons, Heathen group activities, and coffee from Stewart's with half and half). You're likely paying for kilts- she currently owns six. People offered to help her fix fence, buildings, firewood and some even donated to those causes. She remarked that she had everything under control, not too long ago. Yet while she's been binge watching and advertising about it, is the wood stacked yet? Or will she hire out someone to do that like she did when she needed her lawn mowed? If I had a dime for every day, every hour I heard her brag about what she was doing this summer-fun, what she was drinking -mostly beer or coffee from a store, and let's not talk t-shirts, road trips, coffee mugs, make-up and vinyl, I'd be rolling in dough. She has declared she makes as much now as she did in a full-time job, and on two separate sites she has claimed her income to be greater than $50,000 a year. So, I ask how a person who claims to have an accountant and lawyer that helps her take care of business related things can be begging for the 9th straight month in a row for a miracle, break or handout from fans?

    The only people who would buy a logo or workshop would be any fan who has read a review or seen photos of what goes on at a workshop. I've read one bad review and see nary a photo of what goes on. As far as logos, I could create my own for far less. Those who cannot may pay for one but they would want it now not 6 months from now or never. In the last year I have not seen one person who attended a workshop come back on FB to give a review. I have seen reviews from her neighbors that are her friends who consistently attend. Once again she is offering something everyone in their right mind knows she cannot and will not deliver.

    So, rogue is right. I say pay me for a logo, that you may or may not see sometime next year. I say pay me for a workshop to a farm that may or may not be here next year or just donate money son, save the farm...

    1. If I made $50,000 a year I'd be more than set. I make less than half that. Yet, I seem to pay my bills on time, accomplish more projects/tasks, never ask for handouts, and support a kid. I also work from home. I'd use that phrase loosely in the case of JW. I have not seen much work, just begging and spending. No projects completed, no bills paid on time...

      I don't know. I'd totally lose my self-respect if I operated like her.

  49. She might be going into "save the farm" mode so that she has an excuse for not completing Birchthorn. Her days are numbered before those people who donated are legit pissed.

    Also, her begging for handouts while still having Netflix, etc. and not making any cutbacks on her own is so trashy.

    From Scratch Magazine must be SO proud to have her as part of their team! Lol

  50. I filed a complaint with Kickstarter as did 4 other people that I know -we all donated at the lowest amount. Kickstarter sent me back an email last Wednesday that they are looking into my complaint. If we are sending complaints, I imagine others at the higher donations would be too. If not they really should. You are so right the "yuletide" deadline is almost upon her. I hope others that donated file complaints on the Kickstarter site. Not holding people, including JW, accountable for their projects sets a bad precedent.

    I think she is also beginning to worry that someone, possibly the person who donated funds to winterize her buildings, may drive by this winter and witness her animals out in below zero weather and gale winds.We all know, including her biggest fan, its cruel to any animal to have to stand in a lean-to or a field when its -35 degrees below with 15 mph sustained winds. Any animal would be lucky to be rescued from this kind of treatment. It should be a major concern for her and before those real cruel temperatures get here should be what she is putting her energy into.

    1. I know for a fact that those poor chickens are still packed into those tractors and have not been moved in a long time. Did she forget that the whole point of tractors is to be able to move the chickens around for fresh grass? I can't imagine the amount of dropping in those things. YUCK!

    2. I feel so bad for all of her animals. They deserve so much more. Ugh.

  51. I just sent Kickstarter a complaint.
    Granted, they can't do much more than warn her of future lawsuits from backers and ban her from using kickstarter again...but she is obviously not playing by their rules. The following is from their website...looks like Jenna is going to be in a world of hurt if she doesn't account for where every penny went:

    If a creator is unable to complete their project and fulfill rewards, they’ve failed to live up to the basic obligations of this agreement. To right this, they must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to the best possible conclusion for backers. A creator in this position has only remedied the situation and met their obligations to backers if:

    they post an update that explains what work has been done, how funds were used, and what prevents them from finishing the project as planned;
    they work diligently and in good faith to bring the project to the best possible conclusion in a timeframe that’s communicated to backers;
    they’re able to demonstrate that they’ve used funds appropriately and made every reasonable effort to complete the project as promised;
    they’ve been honest, and have made no material misrepresentations in their communication to backers; and
    they offer to return any remaining funds to backers who have not received their reward (in proportion to the amounts pledged), or else explain how those funds will be used to complete the project in some alternate form.
    The creator is solely responsible for fulfilling the promises made in their project. If they’re unable to satisfy the terms of this agreement, they may be subject to legal action by backers.

    1. There will be no refunds. We already know that. I wonder if she spent all the money that was supposed to go towards binding the books? If past behavior is indicative of future results, I would say she has. That would mean she would have to go back and beg for funds to complete the project. Time will tell.

    2. I would be shocked if she had the Kickstarter $$ in a separate bank account. I think the reason why she's dragging this out is because the $$ is spent and it can't be cheap to bind the books and ship them.
      I agree, no refunds will be made. This is Wool CSA round 2

    3. I'm quite convinced that she used some of the Birchthorn money to refund her CSA subscribers. Ponzi Scheme. Unless she publicly posts her receipts from where that $15,000. went, I will continue to believe this.


  52. I would suggest that the Birchthorn donors also write their complaints on the coldantlersham.com site as well.

  53. I'm giving her until December 25, which is the date her last email said that the ebook would be arriving. If I don't have it by then, I'm going to file a complaint with Twitter and also send tweets to all of her followers about the situation. Harmontown might enjoy hearing about their falconer!

    1. That should have read "complaint with Kickstarter." Twitter really wouldn't care! :-)

  54. Merry Christmas. No Birchthorn, me thinks.

  55. There is no way that woman has the self control to keep fifteen grand set aside when she and the farm needs it.

    It is long gone.

    1. LONG GONE.
      Just wait until the best she can do is a pdf of a novella. No hardcover, no legit length novel...
      For her to raise over 15k, most if not all of her fans must have contributed to the Kickstarter -- she is going to lose them in one fell swoop!
      Even now, most of the comments on her latest crisis blog have been good wishes and suggestions, but not the usual people throwing $$ at her. Could it be? Have they finally learned that Jenna is a lazy con artist?

    2. I love the ones that offer positive thoughts. Yeah, that's going to pay the mortgage.
