Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Scammed Update

Last week Jenna told the client who purchased the logo in March it would be done on Tuesday, as in yesterday.

I asked the customer if it was delivered and this is her response:

"No. The pisser is that I run my own small business and ALWAYS invoice via PayPal, even for my $1 coloring pages. That eats into my profits, but protects the buyer and seller. I sell craft items locally and never take full payment up front, but only a deposit. I also run buys for large lots of charms and beads within my craft groups and have never gotten shafted before on any local or online transaction.  I haven't even had a scammer say they haven't received what was paid for (thanks to always charging for tracking). Of course, PayPal invoices give some level of security to myself and the person parting with their hard earned cash

I should have known better and now I have no recourse since I "donated" it using her PayPal link. Even if I had paid via invoice, it is past the 90 days for PayPal.

Kind of makes me angry because I am attempting to run a legit part time business so that I can continue to bring in income when I go to nursing school next year. Fortunately, I have a second part time job and a husband to cover it, but the extra money would have made it less of a sacrifice."


  1. Just wow. She is her deeds.

  2. And she spent the day running and then hit the river per her FB.

  3. I reported this on the other website. I also paid for a logo that I never received. I waited over the 90 days, I sent money to someone via my PayPal vs. paid for via PayPal. No business transaction started when things are done this way- so no accountability. I learned my lesson. I'm sorry it happened to this person.

    This is what PayPal told me tonight about sending money and donating money vs. a PayPal transaction. Bottom line- money isn't reported to the IRS when people send you money or hit your PayPal donate button.

    PayPal reports your earnings at the $20,000 threshhold or 200 transactions for sales of goods and service. You receive a 1099 in the mail.

    Should someone donate $ to you or send money to ___fill in the blank- no 1099 is created , there are no threshhold limits.

    Are personal payments that I receive counted in the total that will be reported to the IRS?

    No. Personal payments that are not payments for the sale of goods or services will not be counted when determining if the IRS thresholds have been reached and will not be included on your Form 1099-K if you exceed the thresholds. However, all payments received for the sale of goods or services will be used to calculate the gross payment volume to be reported.

    1. She specifically requests clients pay via her donate button. A paid for not delivered logo client sent me the screenshot. I'll post it once blogger starts behaving.

    2. Also, it should be known that when people donate to someone via PayPal they can click the friends and family tab and PayPal will not take fees from the donation.

      When you are donating to a legitimate cause this is acceptable. Be assured that your donation , which combined with other donations over time, could be someone's yearly income- does not create a 1099 via PayPal. Thus- the amount of $ you collected via PayPal donate button or PayPal pay family and friends is NOT TAXED. To make it plainer- the person collecting the $ to save their farm is receiving money that through this loophole will not be taxed.

      The legitimate way to do business, if you are selling something to garner a donation is service and goods via PayPal payment transaction. This way you are protected if the seller does not deliver your good for 180 days.

      Having given over $300.00 to JW some three years ago, I was asked to pay via her email and hit friends and family, as if I was sending $ to Aunt Jane for her birthday. That's 300.00 that no tax will be taken from- no tax and no fees.

      Last year a friend of mine sent her money for her sore tooth. She sent 90.00 and was instructed to pay via a email address and hit the button friends and family. Again- no fees taken out and no taxes paid.

      Now on mine had I hit the goods and services I would have been protected for 6 months. On hers it wouldn't have mattered she was not going to receive a good for her donation.

      Anybody that sends $ to save something with a service attached (workshop, postcard, photo, art, logo) is not covered by PayPal protection and the "seller" (scammer) can keep the $ scot-free, tax free and need not make any accountability to you. No paper trail on your side at all, just a transaction that you sent a friend $.

      So- buyer/donator beware!

  4. I saw it earlier, and wanted to add mine to it. I was told to send money to a email address to pay for mine. Doing things this way, I know now, doesn't cover you as a buyer. Instead it just looks like you sent JW $- for just being JW. No way to charge back and no way PayPal will go after her if she doesn't deliver. In the end if JW chooses, she doesn't have to claim on taxes either because PayPal does not track it nor does it create a 1099 for donations or send money to someone transactions. Win Win if someone wants to run a scam..

  5. I think this is what's up with the multiple emails. She may be avoiding maxing out the paypal accounts, so runs more than one to avoid the 20K/200 transaction threshold.

    She did business using jenna at itsafarwalk and then last year or so (?) added the dogsinourparks email.

    What other legit reasons are there for using more than one email for business purposes? And why is it not something that represents a graphic design business? CAFlogos at gmail or whatever......?

    1. She also did business using celticbonfire and oakpawart. She had a website for itsafarwalk, also a website for oakpawart.

  6. Actually PayPal pulls together ALL of your email accounts to see if you've met the threshold. Some people that I know on eBay created multiple id's to avoid the 200 transaction because they knew they would fall under the $20,000. So yes technically you could have 50 transactions on one id, 130 on another and 50 on a 3rd and circumvent the 200 transaction threshold as long as all 3 don't add up to $20,000. Bottom line eventually the IRS catches you. One of the sellers I know on eBay was turned in by a competitor, and the IRS caught up with them. I've had the same email for my online business and also for when I was selling on eBay for nearly fifteen years. The only reason I can see why people need multiple ids for their business is to run a scam like the one above and also to just plain run..

  7. First line should have said- to see if you've met the $20,000 threshold. They don't however check to see if you have multiple id's that you are trying to avoid the 200 transactions with.

  8. A commenter on Jenna's post admitted that she cheats and votes for Jenna from multiple accounts without their owners knowledge

  9. Yes, I have received my logo July 8.

  10. Meredith, Someone commented on Cold Antler Sham that they contacted Beekmans about the scamming and they ask that whomever has been scammed to contact them ASAP and she will be disqualified. Time is of the essence. Can you start a new post on the cold Antler Sham blog stating this? They might not see the comment scrolling 350+ comments to get to it.
    Thanks, your blog is making a difference!

    1. That's actually not my blog. I believe Julie's contact is found via her profile on the sham blog.

  11. Please please please! If you have been scammed by Jenna it's of the upmost that you email the Beekmans and let them know! She's going to win $2 grand in the popularity contest and keep it from a well deserving farm. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

    Contact us at

    1. I contacted them this past week. I hope it helps!
