Tuesday, May 10, 2016

To tattoo or not to tattoo?

I think white tattoos are gorgeous.

I don't have any tattoos. Do you?

What are they of and what's the story behind it?

I've been toying with getting a white one on my forearm.  It would be of an object my dad found metal detecting in the yard. I have no idea what it is or its purpose but love it.


  1. Wow I've never seen a white one. Those are really awesome. I have a small one I got decades ago. They blur over time. That's OK, I still like it. I have seen the light gray ones and those are pretty cool, but the white is beautiful.

  2. Love them...on other people. I'm tempted occasionally but the moment passes and I move on. Haven't seen a white one before but it's definitely very cool and unique looking. Literary tattoos are really neat, too.

  3. I got a grateful dead bear at 14. I'm 40 now and I hate it. So grateful it can't easily be seen. Wish I didn't have it.

  4. Re "I've been toying with getting a white one on my forearm. It would be of an object my dad found metal detecting in the yard. I have no idea what it is or its purpose but love it."

    Just say NO! Get a temporary decal if you must, so you can wash it off after you change your mind. I also believe a tattoo makes a women less marriageable, unless you are a biker chick or in the circus. No judgment, but tattoos are just to distracting to look at all the time. About the only exception might be a small, tasteful tramp stamp on the small of the back. But why bother? Get a decal you can wash off. Honestly Meredith, do you really need any more regrets in your life? No Tattoos, no tats, live tat-free. Or join a biker gang, or join the circus.

    1. More regrets? That's kind of harsh. What regrets have a shared or what do you consider regretful?

    2. Regrets? Throwing a laundry basket on a range that accidentally turned it on, and started a fire that burnt down your house;

      Regrets? Getting fucked by the legal system while trying to save the pigs, complaints against Sandy Lerner, Ayrshire Farms, and Crystal Ritenour, rejected by a corrupt legal system.

      Regrets? Events surrounding the death of Eddie, your guilt, if only you....

      Regrets? You are a good girl your whole life, but find goodness is mocked and ridiculed. The world rewards the psychopaths instead.

      Regrets? Being a middle-age woman with no children, no husband, no money, and no prospects.

      Saving thought: The darkest hour is just before dawn.

    3. None of those events are regrettable.

    4. What started the chain reaction to the house fire? Pulling 3 dogs from a kill shelter and needing room in my car for the crates necessary for their low cost spay and neuter transport.

      I was blessed to have Eddie in my life.

      I don't regret navigating the legal system in an effort to have Sandy and Crystal held accountable for their willful and calculated abuse and neglect of their livestock.

      Regrets because I'm single, without kids, and poor? Are you serious?

    5. okay, no regrets, you are doing fine then, glad to hear that.

      me, I have regrets.

    6. I never said I didn't have regrets. I said the events you listed aren't regrets.

  5. Sorry for being "harsh".

    If you want a tattoo, that is your decision.

    Let us know how it works out.

    1. You didn't answer my question. What regrets in my life are you referencing?

    2. Your opinions on tattoos aren't harsh...though a classy "tramp stamp" is a unique opinion.

  6. a tramp stamp is just a name for a type of tattoo on the small of a young woman's back. I said tasteful, not classy. A tramp stamp is okay in my opinion because that area of the body is usually covered, so the tat only comes out to play when the woman want's to show off her lower back, usually with low cut jeans and a top that doesn't reach down that far. A person could live a normal life that way.

    But tats on the arms, hands, face, neck and chest are too distracting. Also, check out the cost of removal. White is one of the hardest colors to remove. Look on YouTube and listen to women talk about removing tattoos.

    I just learned bush craft Steffi has tattoos. Usually she is covered with winter clothing. https://youtu.be/dAooStKlo8Q

    I don't know if her friend survival Lilly has any tats. https://youtu.be/ERK6T0hCTfU

    They live in Austria, I think. They are sexy tomboys, geeky girls who hangout in the woods and do stuff. Here is a link to their video "Overnighter At The Bug Out Camp (With Bushcraft Stephi)" https://youtu.be/os8Tf90CLgI

    You might like these young women. They follow their own road. The bug out camp is on land owned by a relative, I think.

    Regrets, I've had a few, too few too mention. You know that song?

  7. check out these images of tramp stamps


  8. White tattoos essentially disappear after about a year, creating only very fine scarring that can be seen at certain angles. I wouldn't suggest getting one, personally. White ink is the least long lasting. I have several tattoos while my husband has none.

    1. Kind of weird but that's appealing to me, having it there but not completely visible...or visible at all over time.

      I don't have $ for it so it's all hypothetical.

  9. try this vlog, Tattoo Removal #vlog
