Monday, May 23, 2016

5 years ago

Littles is just the sweetest little guy I could have ever asked for.

A random pull from a gassing shelter in GA...I thought I was rescuing him. I didn't know I'd end up with my first foster fail in this little chihuahua.

He's the best! (And cali and Sadie)

Maybe it's a male dog thing...or a chihuahua thing..,or just a littles thing but he's genuinely just happy.  His joy in life is me.

Calis joy in life is being outside in full prey drive mode.

Sadies doggy dementia joy in life is mindlessly licking things.

Littles is the biggest blessing.


  1. Nice pic-- thank goodness for dogs, right? Love em!

  2. Sweet baby.

    Meredith, this is pretty random, but wonder if you've ever heard this story. About 20 years or so ago there was a gentleman farmer in I think the midwest who had pigs. I don't remember exactly what happened, but the bank came to own the pigs, but they remained on the farm. The bank took little to no physical responsibility for them and they starved. The farmer fed them and was arrested and actually ended up serving time. It was sad as all get out as this was not a young man. He even shed tears on camera when talking about watching the animals suffer. I still get torn up when I remember him being filmed reporting to jail and changing into jail clothes.

    Anyway, wondered if you'd ever heard that one.

    1. Ugh, hadn't heard of it but I'm not surprised.

      At Ayrshire after I was terminated but still lived there I noticed nobody working July...meaning no water. I had to notify staff (went to the cow barn at noon) to get someone's attention.

      As a result I was told not to go anywhere except the driveway and the apartment. They would have locked me in the tower if they could.
